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Wow, this one takes the prize.
A: "half an hour" or "half hour"

NaClWhy use "an" instead of "a" ???

This is an answer.
@Reg do you remember if we have a question about words like barely, nearly, almost, etc. tending to mean less than unless otherwise specified?
Hm. Don't think so.
A: When should I use "do I" versus "am I" when asking a question?

Anthony ServanteThe verb "need" cannot be used as a gerund (needing) in a progressive/continuous tense sentence although many non-native speakers of English use it because they were never taught the rule (Judge Milan from the People's Court often says, I am knowing or I am liking, which are both incorrect): othe...

This is just awful.
I was writing a comment refuting his claim, but then I thought I misunderstood what he was saying, so I didn't
He has a point. But he brings it across in the worst way imaginable.
He doesn't even know what a gerund is.
Wevs. Not an answer.
And the question is a prime candidate for ELL.
@JasperLoy Because.
@Vitaly: What do you suggest?
And why on-line?
@Gigili because online isn't a word in their spell checker? My spell checker gives me a red squigley for it. I'm happy to ignore it, knowing one day usage will prevail
I think your title needs some use–mention distinction, @Matt. I had trouble deciphering it.)))
Ah. So much better grammar for to increase.
@MattЭллен Gee, for online or on-line? On line?
@Gigili for online. my spell checker does not think online is a word, but I think it is
On line is just a misspelling of en lion. Also, an anagram thereof.
@MattЭллен I hate to say it but your spell checker is stupid.
@Gigili I prefer inaccurate ;)
Are there spell checkers that are not?
Spell checker, n.: (techn.) inaccurate stupid thing. (Marryam-Webstar).
Q: Look Out Over Garden

CourageI have a question. The room looks out over the garden. The room looks over the garden. Are look out over and look over different? What does out add?

I've been living in a déjà vu for days on end.
courage. Nortonn S could be said to have courage.
if by courage I mean bloodymindedness
Yeah. I was just going to say that courage is when you go fight pirates in Somalia. Posting on the Internet courage is not.
:D indeed
well, unless you're in an oppressive regime that arrests people who post online
That's not what happens at EL&U. Right?
Wait and see. It's seeing that is believing, after all.
The proof of the believing is in the seeing
not that my eyes have ever played tricks on me
This is the entire idea behind the Internet: siteseeing.
1 hour later…
Q: When should I use "do I" versus "am I" when asking a question?

AnonymousI'm confused about when to use "do I" and "am I." For example, if a student wants to ask my teacher if it is necessary to read this book to get an A, what should be asked between "do I need to read this book to get an A" or "am I need to read this book to get an A"?

Why is this question off topic?
It is not off topic, it's awful.
2 hours ago, by RegDwight ΒВB
This is just awful.
Awfully off topic, maybe.
I guess I'm not even sure what our topic is anymore.
Why do my posts cause such controversy? Suddenly 30.001 isn't almost 30?
@MattЭллен suddenly? Like, it was almost 30, until BANG! it wasn't
I guess when your limit of 30.00099999999999999999999999999999999999... was finally reached at 30.001, that was when it happened.
31 down to 30 in thousandths. 30.001 is almost 30
@MattЭллен I'm not disagreeing.
30.001 is still greater than 30
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh ok. Roaring Fish has me all confushed
and roaring fish disagrees with me that almost can mean greater than. I'm saying some synonyms are greater than by default and some are less than by default
I don't know anymore
Anyway. I'm not going to look at it again until I'm home.
I just posted an answer for you
Haha, he's going to look at it again.
I wonder how many US users will be here today
@MrShinyandNew安宇 thanks! I will have a look later.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh yeah! It's the day they celebrate their betrayal of their King.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 because it's too basic. No native speaker would ever ask it.
@RegDwightΒВB That's our new criteria?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 no.
That's our old criteria.
> This is a free, community driven Q&A for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.
We expect you to have a certain basic grasp of English. Always have.
@RegDwightΒВB I dunno. Some aspects of English are really complicated and worth discussing even if native users never think about these things and would never ask the question.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh absolutely.
Note how this very question could have been turned into something way more interesting (even though still very basic) by asking "why" instead of "what".
@RegDwightΒВB and do-support is one of those topics, and that's what that question was about.
I ask the questions other native speakers don't bother with!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I beg to differ.
@RegDwightΒВB well, whatever. It just seems to me that by having "writers", "ELL", "Linguistics", etc, there is not much else left for us to discuss here.
The question was simply, do I have to use do-support or am-support for this particular verb in this particular situation.
I guess part of my problem is that I fundamentally disagree with the notion that a slightly different topic requires a wholly separate site.
Even if that site doesn't exist yet
Well that's the other direction that we could go. Allow any and all questions about English.
Oh well. Stackexchange is just this chat room for me now.
I think there are like 60 sites in beta right now. It sure is frightening.
@RegDwightΒВB That's what most people expect when they come here, and then they are surprised when their question about poetry interpretation is off-topic, or their ELL grammar question is off-topic, or their linguistics question which uses English as an example is off-topic, or their "I have two synonyms, what's the difference" question is off-topic, or their "what are some/all the examples of X" is off-topic.
@RegDwightΒВB It is brand fragmentation
And a PITA to have to create different accounts, even if the creation is mostly automatic.
I honestly have no idea what TPTB want.
they want to pretend that all other subjects can be treated like programming in c#
That's a tad over the top. I think they are well aware that there are subjects for which the SE format just does not work. We have all seen those sites fail.
Jeff criticised Arqade née Gaming several times, despite it being a success, because he didn't like the types of questions that the site attracts. Luckily the user base was stronger than him.
I mean, I can agree with the notion of separating, say, the religion sites from the programming sites. But why separate the language sites so much? Part of the problem is that the "community" defines the sites and the "community" just parrots back whatever Joel and Jeff blogged about or talked about in the podcast.
@MattЭллен What about how in the early days the sites like cooking, gaming, etc, had their own domains? And it was decided that that was dumb, so they all went to *.stackexchange.com
Part of the problem is that there is no community.
People will answer anything and everything. Random passersby coming via the MC will upvote the worst shit.
We have what, 12k users now? How many of them do you think even know who Joel or Jeff even are?
@RegDwightΒВB Yes, but I was referring to the a51 community, who define the sites, and make little silos because that's what J&J wanted
Hah. Well, on that site there is even less of a community.
@RegDwightΒВB I want to do a poll now.
But anyway. I don't think little silos are a problem per se. When they are, stuff just gets merged.
I believe it valid sounds awkward to me. Shouldn't it be "I believe it's valid" or "I believe it to be valid"?
If you ask me, I think the language sites, or at least the "english" sites, should all be one site, just like StackOverflow is one big site with lots of sub-topics. That's what tags are for. And SO even has that feature where you can have a subdomain that shows tag-specific reputation.
@Gigili Yes. Well... maybe.
Guitars got merged into Musical Performance, Poker got merged into Board Games...
@Gigili it's kinda archaic
like "I believe him honest" or something
@MrShinyandNew安宇 well there is one rather obvious problem with languages. They are different languages. You'd have a front page 90% of which you just plain can't read. And the remaining 10% would be a vs. an questions.
I wouldn't frequent that site.
@RegDwightΒВB I don't think it needs to be that way
I suppose human language differ from the programming ones
even I can read ruby
For one thing, your browser advertises a language you probably can read
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah I suppose there can be a technical solution. But that's not the direction we've been taking.
I'm not so sure about perl...
@MattЭллен Isn't it different from "I found it nice"?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 my browser advertises French and Japanese. I don't know shit about either. And I am someone who knows what that even is. Most people can't tell a browser from a hole in the ground. They just want to know why "an chair" is correct but everyone says "a chair" instead.
@RegDwightΒВB Most people's browser advertises the language of their OS which they can read.
It would also be a hell of a task to moderate that site.
@Gigili it's similar. the problem comes from the simple use of believe e.g "I believe him"
You'd need several mods per language allowed.
Anyway, fine, I agree that it might be cumbersome to mix the various languages together, though we could just easily restrict them to subdomains by default unless you opt-in.
@RegDwightΒВB Sure, fine. That's how it is already
@MattЭллен I see, thanks.
or does it?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 just look at it this way: we still can't have umlauts in tags. It's ASCII. And you are talking about some shit that's way more advanced than Unicode support.
@Gigili actually I'm talking nonsense.
@RegDwightΒВB What does umlauts in tags have to do with it? And why do tags have to be ascii?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I am just saying that you are talking about a technical solution to a non-trivial problem. So far we can't have technical solutions even to laughably trivial problems.
@Gigili I think you can say something like "I believe it true"... so why not "believe it valid". But I wouldn't call it common.
@RegDwightΒВB I don't see how it differs materially from what they are already doing on facebook.stackexchange.com
I believe
I think
I know
I believe him
*I think him
I know him
I believe him nice
I think him nice
*I know him nice
@MrShinyandNew安宇 well, yes and no. In order to mirror the current situation on a single site, you'd expressly have to say, "French, Russian, English, German, Japanese are on-topic; Ukrainian, Tamil, Portuguese are not."
@RegDwightΒВB True. If we require a mod who can speak a certain language before we can support that language, that could be a problem. But that isn't a new problem.
I believe him to be nice
I think him to be nice
I know him to be nice
@MattЭллен I think we have a question for that.
I think it's dumb that if I am a language student, I have to visit a bunch of separate sites to get my questions answered. Not just separate pages on one site, separate sites.
Q: I think him to be about 50 or I think he is about 50?

ElvinaI have two options. Which one is correct? a) I think him to be about 50. b) I think he is about 50 If both are correct, should I avoid one or the other?

@MrShinyandNew安宇 that is true, but the idea is that you don't have to worry because the nice people will handle the migration for you.
I would probably spend more time asking and answering on French and Chinese if their questions could be mixed in with English.
@RegDwightΒВB Well, the migration isn't all that automatic. Most migration paths require mods or are impossible.
Plus they are working hard on turning StackExchange into a central hub where you have all your stuff in one place.
@Cerberus What software is that? I use Digital Performer with its QuickScribe music notation feature.
People have been asking for that for years.
This is not a new problem.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Poor you.
I think once they have 800 sites rather than 8 it will become apparent to everyone.
@RegDwightΒВB I just can't wait till we can "Like" corporations and products on StackExchange. That's what is chiefly needed around here.
@RegDwightΒВB Interesting. I think I've read it before. I disagree with Peter Shor, and agree with FumbleFingers.
There should be a Dislike Facebook button. No wait, that's ambiguous. There should be a "Dislike Facebook" button. On every page on the Internet.
How about a "Fuck Facebook" button?
The design could be cool, with that double F.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Umm, I find it true sounds fine but I believe it true does not."believe". Perhaps I should go to see a doctor.
how about a "book a face fuck" button?
May 7 at 18:48, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
There they had the chance of a lifetime to go with Fecebook, and they went with Fuckbook instead. Morons, what should I say.
Hey, there will always be a market for poontang.
Yeah, in Bang Kok.
In Djerbouti, no less.
Greece is always helpful, too.
So that's where sodomy got started. Or at least popularized.
I hear some enjoy Spain
@MattЭллен You mean European Football Champion Spain?
May 11 at 16:24, by Robusto
@MattЭллен Nothing could be Worcester.
Sauce for the goose.
Srauce for the grouse.
May 11 at 16:09, by Robusto
I was Woking down in Surrey the other day ... damn me if I didn't feel like doing a couple of Somersets. But then I would have had to take a Bath.
Why does the porridge bird lay its eggs in the air?
I don't know. Why does the porridge bird lay its eggs in the air?
To get to the other slide.
I thought that's what Powerpoint was for.
That's what a lot of people think. Powerpoint is actually a powerful sleep-inducing agent.
Agent dormeur, huh.
In fact, if I'm ever having difficulty sleeping, I open my laptop and open up any of the marketing department's Powerpoint attachments and set it on auto. My record for staying awake after that is four slides.
@RegDwightΒВB Farce majeure.
You know, I try to abstract away the work I do from its marketing origins. I try to think of it as a simple building process, finding the best way to accomplish a result. But then marketing keeps rubbing my nose in its useless purpose. It's almost like they're trying to ruin my fun.
@Robusto I like playing in Farce major… but I like singing in Farce sharp.
I didn't think you spoke Farcee — oh wait, now I remember. That's all you speak, no matter the language.
Would you describe George W. Bush as being the Heir Farce? He flew a fighter jet from time to time in the Heir National Guard, IIRC.
Farcee is for protégés. Farcer is for mentors.
@RegDwightΒВB Thanks for reminding me. I had almost forgotten about the downvotes I received for pairing those two.
Dubya's hair sure is a farce.
@Robusto +44 -5. You will survive.
Wanna play spellcheckers? It's easier than spellchess, I hear.
I am not familiar with French titles of nobility.
@RegDwightΒВB Still, no check mark.
@RegDwightΒВB It's a British title, actually. Haven't you ever heard of the Chancellor of the Ex-Spellchecker?
@RegDwightΒВB how do you spell chess in French you're welcome
@MattЭллен that's not chess in French. That's ass in Turkish.
@MattЭллен It's pronounced "lazy chicks."
I'll be sure to say that next time I'm in France
In France, "lazy chick" is an idiom meaning "virgin."
There are virgins in France? Now you're just making stuff up.
I am.
Therefore you think?
There are, in fact, no virgins in all of Europe, IIRC.
Well, maybe in Greece.
What about the Virgin Mary? Isn't she in the Vatican?
Was Vati kann, kann Mutti auch.
She's just a concept, a figment of a fevered clerical imagination.
@RegDwightΒВB Also, Mutti kann Vati im Arsch ficken?
Wait, is our premise that Europe actually exists? I'm still catching up.
@Robusto hahaha. The dative makes it so much funnier.
@RegDwightΒВB Europe is just a concept, a figment of a fevered clerical imagination.
clerics are just concepts, figments of a fevered clerical imagination
@RegDwightΒВB Ah, you're right. Should be in den Arsch. Well, like I say, I've forgotten nearly all my German.
Kelly Clerk's Son is just a concept, a figment of a fevered clerical imagination.
Q: I think him to be about 50 or I think he is about 50?

ElvinaI have two options. Which one is correct? a) I think him to be about 50. b) I think he is about 50 If both are correct, should I avoid one or the other?

Let's not bring American Idle into this.
Billy or Eric?
33 mins ago, by RegDwight ΒВB
Q: I think him to be about 50 or I think he is about 50?

ElvinaI have two options. Which one is correct? a) I think him to be about 50. b) I think he is about 50 If both are correct, should I avoid one or the other?

What is this grammar?
@RegDwightΒВB Tennyson. Idles of the King.
@Robusto I think you mean Idle of Man.
@MattЭллен What? 33 mins? my screen said 9... wtf?
Your screen talks?
@RegDwightΒВB I mean Circe's Aisle.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't make the times
Whoops wrong tab
Q: To Look Out Over Garden

Blue Sky "The room looks out over the garden." "The room looks over the garden." Are look out over and look over different? What does "out" add?

@Robusto It's the Circe of life.
Is this a user we've been banning or something?
I'm sure it's Nortonn S
"Circe's Aisle" by me

It's hard to tell why feminine hygiene
hides on the other side of a pegged divide,
turned away from all the mouthwash, floss,
balms and oil of clove; or why so many
faces on so many boxes and cans so full
of so much promise of beauty and sex so much
avoid your eye as if they understand one day
you'll walk in here and buy a tube of toothpaste
that will last you the rest of your life.
Beautiful. A flying circe's.
Q: ..can stop the equipement work/working/from working?

PietroJust returned from the English exam and there was one sentence, not exatly sure about the wording the point was: The overheating can stop the equipement FUNCTION/TO FUNCTION/FROM FUNCTIONING/FUNCTIONING What is the correct one and why? Thank you

I can't stop dance/to dance/dancing/from dancing
Someone post an ELL promo comment. I'm tired.
I did.
So did I
damn it
We already have three questions at 11. Someone's not getting it.
I keep revoking my upvotes from highest-voted questions and putting them on lower ones.
We need more example questions, too.
> In a 478 to 39 vote, the Parliament decided to reject ACTA once and for all. This means that the deceptive treaty is now dead globally.
Fuck you, Van der Gucht!
we should throw a street party
Haha very nice!
The European system is just too big and complex to destroy by lobbying and bribing.
at the moment
Nah. It's just that all those people download music, too.
When it comes to cucumbers, they suddenly are much less reasonable.
me too
cucumbers don't grow on trees, you know?
You can bribe the European system into coercing them into.
@MattЭллен I think this is the tipping point.
@Cerberus wait till Ipred comes along.
Oh wait, it already is coming along.
We already have Ipred.
iPred 2. hmmmm
The new iPred.
@Cerberus where we start our slide into a new era of small, decentralised, communal states?
@MattЭллен Errr no.
Communist states.
@Cerberus oh, then it's not important
I'm only interested if it involves unisex showering
Where the music labels die, and consensus emerges about internet freedom.
Dream on, dreamer.
@MattЭллен You are free to view unisex showering on the internet, without having to opt in, as your government proposes.
it would be interesting if the US kept the old model for entertainment production, while Europe embraces the internet's scattershot approach
If the past 20 years have proven anything, it's that they have all the money in the world and they are not in a hurry. It might take them another 20 years to come up with the next ACTA, but come up with the next ACTA they will.
@RegDwightΒВB I don't know. There already is consensus in Holland, and so far we have never gone back on our course.
@Cerberus yeah, right. Like with Moslems or drugs or anything.
@MattЭллен The US cannot do that, unless they completely destroy the Internets.
@RegDwightΒВB Why pessimistic?
How is that pessimistic?
It is their damn job to do that.
@Cerberus they can make it illegal in their country and try and prosecute anyone caught in their country.

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