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Does l3regex support more than 9 capturing groups? The \g command seems to also support numbers larger than 9
Seems like it does
7 hours later…
@egreg I'll remove \c_term_ior today
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda why does your editor have a GUI?
@JosephWright why? Is there any alternative interface to terminal input?
@Skillmon Yes. We changed stuff ages ago to use a pool of streams for writing. But that means allocating unopen read streams to the terminal. Unlike writing, we need an EOF test for reading. Things get confused, so we need a dedicated \ior_get_term:nN function: it's in l3experimental.
@Skillmon Conceptually, reading from the terminal probably should be different from reading from a file anyway
@Skillmon I think we will likely move those functions to stable soon (@egreg, @PhelypeOleinik, @UlrikeFischer?)
I'm feeling left out :(
@JosephWright ok, had no idea. Maybe I should try to get more involved in l3experimental and try to read it once in a while :)
@DavidCarlisle please don't cry!
@JosephWright Yes, there should be a stable way to read from the terminal. Not so used nowadays, perhaps, but surely necessary.
@egreg Quite
@DavidCarlisle Sorry ;)
@egreg I guess another PR ...
@egreg Really just a question of deciding if the interface I've suggested (using one possibly-empty tl) is OK
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle Quack
Jul 23 at 12:12, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda dinner
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
@PauloCereda I know:-)
@DavidCarlisle I... I...
I wasn't expecting that...
/quacks in despair
@PauloCereda nobody expects the Spanish inquisition
@DavidCarlisle ooh fear and surprise
@DavidCarlisle nobody expects @JosephWright reading your code and writing stern comments. :)
@Skillmon it's the terminal, not my fault. :)
@DavidCarlisle Historically speaking, some people probably did expect the Spanish inquisition. Though probably only Spanish people.
(And yes, I know it's a MP reference.)
Meanwhile, Biggles dictates a letter.
@JosephWright LEMON CURRY?
@PauloCereda !!!
@JosephWright Theory of the brontos. :)
1 hour later…
@EnthusiasticEngineer I try to put mine in an ordered hierarchy of folders/directories. And I make heavy use of (distributed) version control (Mercurial). You can't commit everything, but small PDF files are not a problems. And even B&W scans are quite small, relatively speaking.
Distributed version control makes searching for stuff a bit easier (look at the logs for keywords). And pushing remotely is an efficient and reliable form of backup.
Of course, distributed version control also has other benefits.
do any TeX engines have readline support?
@texdr.aft huh?
@JosephWright I mean support for GNU readline-like functionality in the terminal, like using the arrow keys without them getting transformed into escape sequences or using up and down for history
@texdr.aft Works for me in pdfTeX (TL'19 on Win32)
@JosephWright backspace works but do arrow keys, if I left arrow I get
$ pdftex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded format=pdftex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
**\read -1 to \zz
entering extended mode

> \zz=macro:
->aaa^^[[D^^[[Dbbb^^[[D^^[[Dccc .
<*> \show\zz

@DavidCarlisle Works for me, like I said: going to be dependent on the build I guess (also might depend on the terminal: I suspect e.g. passing from TeXworks, the editing is all done in Qt, then the final result is passed back to TeX)
@JosephWright yes would work for me if I ran it inside emacs, I suspect few tex users know tex has an interactive input so probably not a very requested feature
@DavidCarlisle To be clear, I tested both from Command Prompt and TeXworks, to be on the safe side :)
@JosephWright I suspect it has something to do with the platform, since unix terminals usually follow posix standards but Windows Command Prompt is entirely different
@texdr.aft Possibly: like I said, I think if you try in an editor, the results could be different anyway
@texdr.aft I have to wonder what prompts the question!
@JosephWright I've been messing with plain TeX and doing a lot interactively, so the inability to move the cursor is pretty noticeable (not a huge problem though of course)
there's something called rlwrap that seems to work quite well
@DavidCarlisle bah emacs
@PauloCereda that is not how you spell bless
@DavidCarlisle hmm
emacs is just intimidating
@texdr.aft better use VIM :)
@Skillmon ed is clearly the superior text editor
@PauloCereda ^^^
@Skillmon :)
@PauloCereda and that is all the window has (screenshot done with import)
@Skillmon ooh
@texdr.aft those are more than 80 chars in width
@texdr.aft and more than 24 lines in height
@Skillmon that's fair, but it's fullscreen and that would require an awkward text size
@JosephWright Looks good to me :-)
@PauloCereda Huh?
4 hours ago, by David Carlisle
I'm feeling left out :(
@Skillmon is that better?
@texdr.aft the size looks right, but now it got some ugly GUI
@PauloCereda Joseph can ping up to three team members. He made his choice ;-)
@PhelypeOleinik bah
You guys are mean
@PhelypeOleinik I will write a stern commit message.
@PhelypeOleinik are you an official team member now?
@Skillmon he's the blame bloke. :)
@PhelypeOleinik ^^
@PauloCereda I should probably arrange myself a "you are not mean" message...
@Skillmon Depending on what you need me for ;-)
@PhelypeOleinik hold on
@PhelypeOleinik you are mean
@PhelypeOleinik You are not mean. :)
@PauloCereda That was easy :-)
@PauloCereda no, you will not :-)
@yo' <3
@PhelypeOleinik were you always there? Last time I checked I cannot remember you being in that list...
@Skillmon No, one or two weeks ago
@PhelypeOleinik congratulations!
@Skillmon Thanks :-)
PLease somebody re-open the question "How to read a picture with name # in it?" (tex.stackexchange.com/questions/502392/… ) . I was about to submit an answer. The question was closed while I was clicking the submit-button.
@UlrichDiez is your answer different to the various answers in the duplicate?
Yes it is.
Meanwhile I posted my answer to the duplicate.
@UlrichDiez wow. I understand that you didn't want to loose that.
I didn't want to loose that - What do you mean? :-) After all, I've stored that code on my machine... ;-)
@UlrichDiez Done
@UlrichDiez I meant I understand that you wanted to post it. It sometimes happens that a post gets closed when I have written a few lines and then I don't care and throw them away.
@JosephWright Thank you. Meanwhile my request turned obsolete as I decided to submit my answer to the duplicate. The experience of the message about the question being closed popping up right at the moment when I clicked the `Post your answer"-button did confuse me for some moments. Sorry for the noise.
@UlrikeFischer This happens to me rather often. Reason: A bad habit of mine is that often I do not search for possible duplicates before starting writing an answer.
@PhelypeOleinik So, how does one become a LaTeX team member? Do you have to ask nicely?
@barbarabeeton any idea what an author could want \ita to be if \eg is e.g. and \ie is i.e.?
@UlrikeFischer -- I can't think of any latin abbreviation. What's the context?
@barbarabeeton good that you asked ;-) I just realized that it has also \fra (for french) and \deu (for german), so \ita is obvious ;-)
@UlrikeFischer -- Hah! That makes sense. My immediate reaction was "italic", but there are several other well established commands for that.
@FaheemMitha My job title (if you call it that) in the LaTeX Team is "expl3 promotion", and I was invited in for doing that. Of course I end up doing other stuff, like writing some code (bug fixes, mostly) and messing up the repo so that @JosephWright can fix it ;-)
@PhelypeOleinik ooh job title. :)
@PhelypeOleinik That's nice.
@PhelypeOleinik And working on me to be your first success story. :)
@AlanMunn ooh
@AlanMunn Success story?
@FaheemMitha @PhelypeOleinik has been working on convincing me that I should be using expl3 instead of good old fashioned 2e. If he succeeds in this, he will be a success at his expl3 promotion job. :)
@AlanMunn Oh, I see. I tried expl3 recently. It was a little intimidating.
@FaheemMitha @PhelypeOleinik The basic strategy is saying "See how much easier that is with expl3."
@AlanMunn Saying it to who?
@FaheemMitha Anyone who will listen. :) But me in particular lately.
Hmm. Nobody has tried saying that to me.
They should. I'm very suggestible.
@FaheemMitha "See how much easier that is with expl3."
@texdr.aft You need to sound more convincing.
@FaheemMitha \emph{See how much easier that is with expl3?}
Or would that be something like \doc_emphasize:n { ``See how much easier that is with expl3?'' }
I don't really know anything about expl3 to be honest
Except that things are much easier with it
Yes, that's how religions work. It's all on faith.
@FaheemMitha It all started with @AlanMunn kicking and screaming:
Jun 5 at 17:27, by Alan Munn
@PhelypeOleinik You're trying to drag me kicking and screaming into latex3. :)
Right now LaTeX3 is essentially just the "programming layer" right?
@FaheemMitha It takes you a little while to get your eyes used to all the _ and :. But once you get used to that, various programming tasks become much easier.
@texdr.aft The programming layer is expl3. LaTeX3 is more of a conceptualization of the entire process of making a document. It's supposed to take LaTeX's goal of "let the author focus on the content" to a further abstraction level and make the document designer's life easier. See this answer by someone who actually knows what he's talking about :-) tex.stackexchange.com/a/46427/134574
Oct 31 '17 at 17:48, by Harald Hanche-Olsen
@bertieb ed, you say? ed is the editor!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ed is the original text editor; all others are just rip-offs
vim took vi took ex took ed
@PhelypeOleinik Alan in English, so only his monocle fell while he politely said curses!
@texdr.aft Of course. Why do you think I'm quoting the original ed man page?
It clearly said, “ed is the editor, not “ed is an editor”.
@FaheemMitha Showing an interesting, doing stuff: for me, it was writing l3keys, for @UlrikeFischer taking up luaotfload (broadly), for @egreg and @PhelypeOleinik doing promotion work here
@texdr.aft -- And emacs has always been emacs. (By the way, emacs has an excellent tutorial built in. I won't get involved in editor wars, since users have their own good reasons to prefer particular editors. But I wouldn't have ever learned TeX if I hadn't learned to use emacs first, since that was the editor being used by the TeX project at Stanford, and that's where I learned TeX.)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen the GNU ed man page is so watered-down and weak compared to the original
@JosephWright and tagging ...
@PhelypeOleinik Oooh, ex cathedra answer ;)
@UlrikeFischer That too, true
@JosephWright ooh das pope
@UlrikeFischer I was generalising: I was asking a lot of questions when I wrote keys3 (before the big refactor, so we still had \def_protected:Npn or \exp_after:NN or the things with d, capital O, C, no V-type, ...)
@UlrikeFischer I also did the 'make things releasable' work: cons :(
@PauloCereda der Papst …
@barbarabeeton I do respect emacs greatly, all jokes aside.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I was thinking the gender felt ... wrong
@JosephWright hmmm
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Except Pope Joan of course ;)
@PauloCereda Something like "bloody bastard, ye'r trying to bloody yank me booting and screeching into latex3" (plus the monocle)?
@JosephWright die Papstin?
@PhelypeOleinik I must refrain from making comments now... :)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Ah, right: I was thinking about the ending of the word
@JosephWright: Loop Space just sent me the best book in Math history:
user image
@CarLaTeX @UlrikeFischer ^^
@PauloCereda OH MY
Cannot wait for @DavidCarlisle remarks that this might be a recipes book...
@PauloCereda /quacks in delight
@JosephWright LOL
@PauloCereda Not that ducks in this chat are particularly discrete …
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oi
@PauloCereda Added to my wish list
@AlanMunn, @PhelypeOleinik ^^ o que eu faço... O QUE EU FAÇO?!?!!?!
@JosephWright I wanted to... but the price...
@JosephWright CRC Press; not cheap.
@PauloCereda How many kidneys do you have?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen True
@PhelypeOleinik that really mean!
4 hours ago, by Paulo Cereda
@PhelypeOleinik You are not mean. :)
@PauloCereda I knew that would come in handy :-)
@PhelypeOleinik /quacks in despair
@PauloCereda I'll look at end-of-financial year: I bought several books this year (use up my money before accounts get zeroed)
Jul 29 at 12:34, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle oh
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oh
I actually teach some maths courses
@JosephWright Added to my wishlist, let's hope for the best...
Jul 3 at 9:43, by CarLaTeX
yesterday, by David Carlisle
Dec 12 '17 at 20:26, by Alan Munn
20 mins ago, by CarLaTeX
Dec 26 '14 at 0:17, by Faheem Mitha
I've got a feeling we had this discussion in this channel before. I'm getting a sense of deja vu.
Jul 3 at 9:48, by David Carlisle
yesterday, by Alan Munn
@DavidCarlisle We're fast approaching the day in which all chat messages will be recycled.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh
@PhelypeOleinik Maybe I'm just not yet used to stack exchange chat, but that is one of the most confusing things I've ever seen
@texdr.aft It's just @PhelypeOleinik quoting @CarLaTeX quoting @DavidCarlisle quoting @AlanMunn quoting @CarLaTeX quoting @FaheemMitha. What's confusing about that?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen hmmmmm
It's a common sport in these parts.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen @texdr.aft That and ooh counting. Welcome :-)
The nested quoting is clear but every quote is from a different time
@PhelypeOleinik thank you
@PhelypeOleinik And palindrome hunting.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Oh, more ed fanatics. We have them in U&L too, notably Jeff. Do you know him.
@texdr.aft At least they are in the right order. “yesterday” and “20 mins ago” are relative to the time of the quoting.
@FaheemMitha I may know some Jeff but perhaps not that Jeff.
@PhelypeOleinik I see it's catching.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Well, this Jeff likes ed.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I should charge royalties.
ed being the only editor available at the time explains some of the brevity/terseness of old unix code and commands, I believe
@texdr.aft Mm. I think one of the originators of unix once said, in response to a question about what he would do different today, said something like “I would probably add a final ‘e’ to the name of the creat() system call.”
@texdr.aft naturally, like:
Jul 12 at 9:43, by texdr.aft
@DavidCarlisle that's what I thought was going on, but with no context I didn't want to accidentally disrupt something significant
@HaraldHanche-Olsen consider too that pre ansi c only considered the first eight characters of an identifier to be significant. but that does not explain creat of course
@PauloCereda you should pay more attention to what @egreg tells you:
Jan 8 '13 at 13:35, by egreg
@PauloCereda Here's a book for you! http://www.amazon.com/Discrete-Mathematics-Ducks-sarah-marie-belcastro/dp/1466504994/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357652050&sr=8-1&keywords=discrete+mathematics+with+ducks
@DavidCarlisle ooh first edition! <3
@PauloCereda different duck (the first one got eaten)
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
8 hours ago, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda I know:-)
@DavidCarlisle oh
22 mins ago, by Harald Hanche-Olsen
Jul 3 at 9:48, by David Carlisle
yesterday, by Alan Munn
@DavidCarlisle We're fast approaching the day in which all chat messages will be recycled.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I can see this as meaning "22 mins ago, Harald Hanche-Olsen quoted a message from Jul 3 at 9:48 by David Carlisle, which quoted Alan Munn's post from yesterday" (which makes no sense) or "22 mins ago, Harald Hanche-Olsen quoted a post by Alan Munn from yesterday, which quoted a post from Jul 3 by David Carlisle". If it's one of those it's surely the latter? Or have I got it all wrong
@texdr.aft the post by Alan was on 2nd July so it shows as Yesterday when I first quoted it on the 3rd and stays that way in quotes of quotes
@DavidCarlisle OH. Thank you.
That explains everything
@texdr.aft ooh, a universal explanation!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Brexit solved
@DavidCarlisle Well, that was easy. What's next? Peace in the Middle East?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Yes. It explains literally everything about everything. It's amazing that people hadn't figured this out until now
@DavidCarlisle The moral of that story? Always use full dates. You never know when someone will recycle.
@FaheemMitha Maybe show the absolute date after the relative date
Recycled electrons. The ultimate in Green.
@texdr.aft Sounds cluttery.
@FaheemMitha It wouldn't look very good. That's true
@texdr.aft It's not that easy to guess.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I feel silly now
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Oh, right.
Odd, my response to @texdr.aft shows up before the message I responded to! Do others see that too?
@FaheemMitha mouseover the relative date shows the actual date. :)
Odd, I see a circular loop in the references.
Hmm, something is a bit screwy here.
@PauloCereda This message points to itself.
@FaheemMitha ^^ see :)
@PauloCereda Can you use it to implement the Y combinator?
@PauloCereda If I reply to this message
then... well that's interesting
@HaraldHanche-Olsen There's potential for a lot here
"StackExchange chat is turing complete"
So much linguistics implicit in this discussion. Multiple embeddings, recursion and deixis.
We can implement linked lists trivially so i suppose with a lot of coordination we could create a tree of some kind
@AlanMunn Linguistic recursion is cool
@PauloCereda Yay!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Hmm … this message is a reply to the message below.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen This message is a reply to my previous message.
@texdr.aft ^^^
@PauloCereda I took your idea and ran with it. ↑↑↑
@AlanMunn Syntax diagrams are always interesting. Thank you for that
@HaraldHanche-Olsen If only a message could actually "do" anything
@AlanMunn Is there a known "recursion limit" for English?
I know that some say that Piraha (sorry I can't type diacritics) doesn't have recursion at all
@texdr.aft It depends what you mean by that. There's certainly no upper limit on sentences of the sort in the tree I posted. Of course our ability to process them is likely constrained by memory constraints. And we are really bad with so-called centre embedding structures: The cat the dog chased bit the rat is easy to process, but The rat the cat the dog chased bit died is pretty much impossible.
@texdr.aft The claim about Pirahã is most likely false. (I can point you to a reference, but the discussion gets very technical though.)
@AlanMunn I am actually interested in that reference, if you don't mind.
I haven't looked into syntax in much depth honestly. I've been too focused on philology, though there are some interesting shifts in syntax that have happened in the Western Romance languages (e.g. how the position of clitics when used with verbs in the future tense in Spanish and Portuguese changed)
Author = {Nevins, Andrew and Pesetsky, David and Rodrigues, Cilene},
Journal = {Language},
Number = {3},
Pages = {671--681},
Title = {Evidence and argumentation: A reply to Everett (2009)},
Volume = {85},
Year = {2009}}

Author = {Nevins, Andrew and Pesetsky, David and Rodrigues, Cilene},
Journal = {Language},
Number = {2},
Pages = {355--404},
Title = {Pirahã exceptionality: A reassessment},
Volume = {85},
@AlanMunn Thank you very much
I accidentally came across this record of 2017 TUG elections, which makes interesting reading. Are these the most recent elections?
@FaheemMitha We had one last year
@JosephWright Oh. Yes, I see the record.
An old and basic question, but not one with many answers -> tex.stackexchange.com/q/40775/3406
Anyone going to be in Palo Alto for Tug2019?
Personally, I hit tab in my AUCTeX a lot, and hope for the best.
@PeterGrill From the LaTeX team, I know of only Frank and Chris
@JosephWright Is Chris on TeX.SE?
@PeterGrill ER ... o
@PeterGrill No
@PeterGrill Chris does concepts, not coding
@JosephWright: Thanks. Will try to locate them and say hi.
@PeterGrill -- I'm packing my bags.
@barbarabeeton Awesome. But, I think you still have some time to pack! Looking forward to meeting you.
@FaheemMitha I find the PGF/TikZ manual to be a good example of nice LaTeX code
@texdr.aft You mean the bits that are typeset as part of the code?
BTW, how are your VCS efforts coming along?
@FaheemMitha Both that and the behind-the-scenes macros
@texdr.aft You mean the source code?
@FaheemMitha I have started a repository in git (since I have it already installed)
@FaheemMitha yes
I've always felt too daunted to look at it.
@texdr.aft Mercurial is also easy to install. Unless you hare a Windows user. In which case I don't know.
@FaheemMitha I'm going to try them both. And I use Linux (hence git's already being installed...)
@texdr.aft Which distribution?
Debian is a bit out of date, and therefore so is Ubuntu.
@FaheemMitha Easy
Unstable currently has 4.9, but 5.1 was released today.
Buster has 4.8.2, which is quite old.
You generally want the most recent version. Ditto for Evolve.
I actually am quite behind in terms of updating, but that's mostly because I'm running Linux on a chromebook and updating is tricky
@texdr.aft Distribution?
@FaheemMitha Ubuntu
@texdr.aft Ok.
Also for a good example of Plain TeX source, the source of the TeXbook is provided by Knuth as an example of well-formed TeX code (ctan.org/pkg/texbook?lang=en)
1 hour later…
@texdr.aft switch to a rolling release distro. No version updates -> no big reinstalls.
@Skillmon I honestly don't know if that's possible with this setup.
@texdr.aft I honestly don't know either, because I don't know your setup :)
And I'm not just trying to get out of updating; it's a matter of whether it can be done at all
@texdr.aft do you have problems with installing stuff in general?
@Skillmon It's Ubuntu running on a chromebook via "crouton". It and chrome os run simultaneously (there's no dual-booting or anything).
@Skillmon No real problems with installing applications (except out-of-datedness)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh
@texdr.aft should be possible to install Arch Linux with crouton, you'll almost always be up to date, but Arch is way harder to setup than Ubuntu.
@Skillmon I ran Arch for a while some time ago, so I can handle it, but I'd want to wait until I don't have anything to do before getting that set up
Although I appreciate the suggestion. I actually wasn't aware that Arch was installable with crouton.
@texdr.aft then it's manual compiling the software you need to be up to date.
@texdr.aft the Wiki has some information (but I'm not sure how stable/well tested that is), but that one doesn't use Arch
@texdr.aft a crouton fork that seems to be more experimental and incorporates Arch: github.com/drinkcat/chroagh
@texdr.aft there is a pull request in crouton's github for Arch support: github.com/dnschneid/crouton/pull/1201
@texdr.aft do you use the chrome os for much? I just acquired a chromebook for the first time the other day, I'm minded to leave it as chrome os just to see whether it's useful..
@DavidCarlisle I don't use it at all
It's very locked-down without developer mode enabled, and even then it doesn't allow for much
@texdr.aft it does seem mostly geared to checking gmail:-) I'll see how I get on, it's only got 16gb storage so not really a lot of space for multiple os I guess
@texdr.aft why not wiping it and install ordinary Linux?
@Skillmon Croutons? Are you making duck soup?
@Skillmon Because of the (admittedly unlikely) possibility of damage mainly. I'd just rather play it safe
@AlanMunn no, my brother made pizza soup today (does this scare our fellow Italians?)
@Skillmon That scares even me. :)
@AlanMunn don't worry, it was without any pineapple.
@AlanMunn stir in a bit of nutella and it'll be lovely, even @CarLaTeX would approve
@Skillmon Pizza soup?
@egreg It seems to me that these two words should never reside in the same phrase.
@AlanMunn Indeed!
@egreg it's just a soup with cheese, tomato sauce, mushrooms, minced meat, sweet pepper, corn, etc.
@egreg tastes good, unfortunately the name is evil
@Skillmon Not really attractive.
@egreg it's pineapple free.
@AlanMunn Thanks
@JosephWright No problem. I've been flagging but I suspect that's not helpful any longer.
@AlanMunn -- This seems to get some of its inspiration from French onion soup, with the crouton and cheese on top.
@barbarabeeton I guess we would call that Flammkuchen soup. :)
@AlanMunn -- I suppose you've seen this: Our Language Is Evolving, 'Because Internet'. I fear I'm in the "older" crowd; I still insist on punctuation, and tend to interpret messages literally.
@barbarabeeton Yes, I know Gretchen as well. I think it's a good book (although I haven't read it yet). I'm also a punctuator.

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