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2 hours later…
@JohnRennie Was AMD a poor choice?
@BernardoMeurer How goes it?
@0celoñe7 What up
@BernardoMeurer finding a good ENB for Skyrim
@0celoñe7 Will you give me a thousand bucks?
I need a motorcycle
Start with a bicycle :P
@BernardoMeurer your parents won't give you anything?
Not enough
They'll give me a couple hundred bucks at best
@BernardoMeurer idk man
that's a lot of money
I'm joking
It'd take me years to manage to pay you back lol
I just saw that on CL and was tempted
I'd need to drive it from NY though
Which is a PITA
that would take...a while
I'm trying to get the right balance of shaders and light mods
@0celoñe7 It's 3 or 4 days
I want interiors to be dark and gloomy, daytime to be bright and vibrant, and nighttime to be spooky
this is too trump-colored
still dank
@TheRaidersofLasVegas I think I have the final settings :D
I just have to clean up the files a bit
left over things from my experimentation must be purged
nice and gloomy
@0celoñe7 The Ryzen you bought is amazing value. You can get faster Intel CPUs but you'd be paying much more for them. I hadn't realised just how good the current AMD CPUs are.
@JohnRennie My single core speed is bottlenecking me
Older games rely on single core performance
Strangely, I'm having troubles running older games
I think you'd struggle to get a much faster single core speed. The single core speed has been pushed as far as it can with the current technologies - all the fast chips get their speed from multiple cores.
@JohnRennie i7s get 5.1
The PassMark site gives your Ryzen a single core speed of about 2,000. The fastest i7 there is (the i9) has a single core speed of 2,500.
That's a 25% increase in return for paying thousands of dollars - yes, thousands!!!
@JohnRennie i9 is a bit ridiculous
Saner chips like the i7-6900K give about a 10-15% increase over your Ryzen.
@JohnRennie Well. I'm out of ideas for why my PC sucks then.
I've overclocked the hell out of it, and am still underperforming.
I'm not sure your perception that your PC sucks is justified.
You can always find some chap on the Internet whose PC is faster, but ask yourself how much of their life they had to dedicate to making their PC that fast.
@JohnRennie But why is the PC faster?
Because instead of having fun playing games they spent their while time doing endless little tweaks
My GPU is definitely the bottleneck in benchmarks...but the clock is really high already.
Any higher and I get hard crashes.
@JohnRennie It's hard to enjoy games at 50fps at times.
@0celoñe7 50fps? Really? That frame rate is so low it spoils the game for you?
@JohnRennie No, it's going from 60 to 50 and back that spoils it.
Turn off the frame rate indicator
@JohnRennie It is very noticeable.
Or I get lag spikes down to 30. I don't know if it's the GPU, CPU, or just the game.
Quite distressing.
@JohnRennie It's not even the fps drop that's bad, it's knowing that I spent the money on the GPU and shouldn't be getting frame drops in an ideal world.
Bearing in mind that the frame rate is an average, I wonder if you're actually getting a momentary pause, i.e. frame rate zero, for a few fractions of a second.
@JohnRennie Nah. Let me find an example, if I have one.
Then the frame rate indicator is averaging this out to make it look like a 25% or so dip in frame rate.
@JohnRennie There are some games where I can stand in a certain area that gives a low fps for an extended period of time.
Ah, OK.
@JohnRennie I don't have any examples on hand. In Skyrim I had a mod that removed loading screens for large cities. It rendered the city and countryside at once. I was getting consistently bad fps drops.
Well a drop from 60-50 fps is a 17% fall, and that's bigger than the difference in single core speed between your Ryzen and the fastest (affordable) Intel i7.
According to the internet, that kind of rendering relies heavily on single core power. I disabled the mod and the fps issues went away.
Sounds like a problem with the mod to me ...
That's what my FPS tends to look like.
Those drops look to me like a single data point
@JohnRennie Yeah. It's also hard to determine what exactly my card should get, because people report average fps.
My card might get an average fps of 50 in GTA5 on Ultra settings, but in some spots it gets 20 or 30. I can't tell if that's normal.
Idk, it's hard not to obsess.
I'd probably be doing much the same as you. It's hard not to get bogged down in fine details of performance analysing because, well, it's fun :-)
But at the end of the day you bought the system to play games with not run performance tests.
Hi, everyone :-)
So did the subtitles work on the TV?
Oh, I mentioned this last night, didn't I?
You did?
@Kaumudi.H hello
Oh, I recall having meant to but I actually didn't. Anyhoo, they didn't work on the T.V, no.
@DawoodibnKareem Hi :-)
@Kaumudi.H Oh well. Did you watch it on the TV or your laptop? Or not at all?
I watched the first half of it on the T.V along with my sisters; we were interrupted by mum asking them to shuffle off and shower/study etc. The second half I'll watch on my laptop.
Mothers are like that :-)
Not universally.
@JohnRennie :-) Not at college though; I have a friend who didn't shower/brush for days one time!
@Kaumudi.H how delightful
Gosh, I simply cannot imagine doing anything properly productive until I've brushed my teeth in the morning.
Not a close friend I trust, or at least I hope they didn't get too close :-)
@JohnRennie Haha, no, I was nowhere near him at the time.
Last night dream is something I am not sure whether it is fantasy or reality or surreal:

(S***!, it is longer than I expected even if it is just a summary, I am gonna figure how to type it)
@JohnR: BTW, I've had to postpone the driving test till next month because it's actually only next week, by which time I'll be at M.E.C.
Next month? Will you be back in Chennai after a month?
I'll be back sometime in the middle of September, yes; we have holidays for Onam, the most important festival in Kerala.
Besides, I do need to come back soon enough to take my bicycle with me; I'm going to have to leave it here till then :'-(
@Kaumudi.H sometimes I am so productive that I forget to eat or brush my teeth!
That must be something else entirely, I imagine.
Did you know, BTW, that there is a restaurant here which serves an unlimited number of pizzas for the price of Rs. 350 per person?
@Kaumudi.H hmm?
There was a Pizza Hut in Chester that used to do that, but only on a Monday.
@0celoñe7 No, well, I really don't know what that must be like; during the 3rd year of my prep. for JEE, I used to try to maintain a morning routine and everything.
I used to go occasionally, but there is a limit to how much pizza even I can eat.
Haha, I see :-)
All you can eat buffets are common.
@JohnRennie I think Pizza Hut do that all over the world. But not for rupees.
I'm not going to eat very much for lunch or breakfast so that I can really squeeze the most of that deal (I'm going there for dinner with some friends tonight).
Or at least, they used to. Not sure if they still do.
The way to get the most out of that deal is to eat LOTS for a day or two beforehand, so that your stomach gets used to being full.
A few years ago there were a lot of restaurants in Chester doing all you can eat deals, but it seems to have gone out of fashion now.
@DawoodibnKareem Ah, well, standard rules for how the stomach works doesn't apply to my body; I have chronic acid reflux.
@Kaumudi.H the all you can eat meals are most fun when there is a big crowd of you. You can egg each other on :-)
If you go on your own I find you get a bit bored after the first couple of platefuls.
@Kaumudi.H If you get up and have to put something on paper, then breakfast must wait
you're likely to forget the idea otherwise
@JohnRennie Right, of course :-) In any case, it's a pretty good deal; for the quality of pizzas they serve over there, to buy one at Domino's would cost almost double the amount for a single pizza.
after about 3 hours one tends to get hungry though
@Kaumudi.H have fun :-)
Thanks :-) I'm still only hopeful about going; I've gotta call the mum of a friend involved and ask for permission!
@JohnRennie Do you have a spare motorcycle?
You had a computer and an amplifier
So I guess my odds are high
Domino's charge 700 rupees for one pizza? That seems a little extortionate.
@DawoodibnKareem For the good one, yes, Rs. 700 would be quite close to how much they charge.
@BernardoMeurer :-) I sold my last motorcycle in 1986
I didn't know Domino's made a good one.
@JohnRennie Dangit
@DawoodibnKareem Lol. I'm excited for tonight for one more reason; my whole entire life, I have only ever eaten Pizza at Domino's.
It's true.
@BernardoMeurer I'd have guessed that one you're in the US you'll be able to buy a scooter pretty cheaply.
@Kaumudi.H Then you have never eaten a decent pizza.
@BernardoMeurer get a vespa
@DawoodibnKareem This is what I've gotten so yes, I'm excited.
What is the name of the restaurant you're going to?
I think it's called Pizza, Pizza, Pizza.
@0celoñe7 I don't like vespas
@JohnRennie I rather save a bit and get a used proper motorcycle
I found some damn good deals today
@JohnRennie Thoughts?
@BernardoMeurer I think this one looks best of all.
@Kaumudi.H Yes, but the Triumph is 1000cc, although it needs some repair
Hmm, you need to think carefully about the cost of running and maintaining bikes like those
@Kaumudi.H There's a Pizza pizza in my country. Looks like yours will be 50% better.
@JohnRennie Whatcha mean?
Yes, they're nice bikes, but are they really suitable for a tight budget?
Why wouldn't they be if they are (relatively) cheap?
Petrol, insurance, parts, ...
insurance can't be that expensive on a bike like that
they were not super expensive back when they were original
In your place I'd be looking for a small trail bike. In my day the Honda XL185 was a favourite though I'm sure there are better options now.
In the UK an 18-20 year old trying to insure bikes like those would pay a fortune
Good point
Trail bikes are huge fun because you can get drunk and ride them up and down staircases. Not that I ever did such a thing you understand.
Probably Not Nice, actually
damn chat
@JohnRennie I gotta pay like $70-$100 a month in insurance
No way
@JohnRennie Are you telling me to drink and drive a motorcycle on stairs?
That's a pretty dope idea
You'd be amazed where you can ride a trail bike like the XL 185. They are extraordinarily capable bikes.
Not so good on freeways, but for messing around and having a good time they are fantastic.
@BernardoMeurer Well, it's hardly something you'd do sober, now is it?
Assuming you don't need to cover hundreds of miles on the bike a trail bike would be ideal.
@DawoodibnKareem You clearly do not know me
@JohnRennie I was kind of planning on taking some long road trips
I really liked road tripping on a motorcycle when I did it
Hmm, OK, a trail bike is useless for long trips because the riding position is very upright with wide handlebars. It's very tiring fighting the wind at high speed for any length of time.
@JohnRennie Employ me
I will use Windows for money
I have sunk this low
I can send you my CV
I used to work in the computing department at Cambridge as a programming advisor. Are there any jobs like that going at at Santa Barbara?
My visa doesn't let me
Ah ...
I already got offered a job
and my visa is like "lol, no"
Not even part time university jobs?
It's complicated
AFAIK I cannot do anything at all my first year
After that it's a maze of laws and you're supposed to "talk to your adviser"
which is easier
I have to say that in your place I'd choose to live on bread and water and live in a hovel, at least for a year. Spend as little money as possible.
That's pretty much what I did for my whole degree.
What's a hovel?
That's my plan
I just Googled it and the OED describes it as: rat-infested
Yes, some of the places I lived did have rats :-)
I thought Cambridge had housing?
@BernardoMeurer yes, but if you're short of money you have to take what you can get.
It's only for a few years, and it's worth it in the long run.
Maybe I become a male prostitute
I doubt that pays as well as you think. We don't see too many millionaire prostitutes.
Yes I do
The Kardashians
That was a joke
Before someone sets me on fire
I was going to make a joke too but thought it in poor taste.
Hmm, I can just hear the SE legal department rushing in :-)
@JohnRennie Don't you think they'd stop before becoming millionaires?
I mean, if you had £999,999, would you really think "OK, just one last trick"?
@BernardoMeurer just have Michelle invest your money
@0celoñe7 I thought that was Ron's thing
@BernardoMeurer if you want to make money, yeah
Michelle would do crazy, but fun, stuff
Organic plum farms
Stuff like that
I gotta hit the hay
@JohnRennie @0celoñe7 Goodnight folks
@DawoodibnKareem You too
2 hours later…
@JohnR: Say, have you read anything by Patrick Ness?
The only book of his I have is The Crane Wife and that hasn't made it onto my reading list yet, though I plan to read it one day.
Ohh, OK :-)
I hear he's pretty good.
The reviews of The Crane Wife have been a bit lukewarm, which is why I haven't made reading it a priority.
Now, BTW, having a read 0.5% of one Young Adult book, I can attest to the fact that teen angst is certainly not what I was referring to when I said "It lasts all your life" all those months ago.
@JohnRennie Hmm, OK.
Right now I'm at a bit of a loss for the next book to read.
I have a number of books queued up but none of them are giving me that I'm desperate to read this feeling ...
@JohnRennie I was a bit surprised, actually, to learn that that you are planning on reading one of his books; I happened to come across a YA book he's written and figured that he's a YA author.
He writes a mixture of YA and adult books.
The Crane Wife is one of his adult books. If you're curious the Guardian has a review of it here.
Ah, I see. I'll check it out! Currently, I am trying to schedule that dinner. Gosh, it's quite difficult even to get 3 people together! >.< I'm having to call one of my friends' mum and ask her for permission and everything!
@Kaumudi.H Didn't John describe himself as young, only yesterday?
@DawoodibnKareem Oh, did he? In any case, I'm fairly certain that he positively loathes teenage angst. Don't you, @JohnR? :-)
Oh, my mistake, "young" wasn't the word he used.
@DawoodibnKareem Ah, that joke about cannibalism, eh?
17 hours ago, by John Rennie
It's not an old dirty mind. It's an immature dirty mind :-)
Sorry, I'm trying to concentrate on too many things at once.
Take a chill pill, man.
I've run out.
Oh :-( I'd lend you one from my stash but it's running out pretty quickly; college starts in a week, you see.
@JohnRennie, how many books do you own that you've never read?
Paper books - none.
eBooks - about twenty thousand :-)
3 hours ago, by John Rennie
Trail bikes are huge fun because you can get drunk and ride them up and down staircases. Not that I ever did such a thing you understand.
@JohnR: Hmm, I'm starting to question everything...
That's amazing. I can't imagine having read all of my paper books.
@Kaumudi.H even I was young and irresponsible once
Hey, what do I do when someone posts the same answer twice, on a question, because nobody upvoted it the first time?
(as opposed to being middle-aged and irresponsible :-)
@DawoodibnKareem flag it for moderator attention
@JohnRennie Wait, wait, so allegedly, a "friend" of yours actually did that?!
@DawoodibnKareem Have you got a link to the question?
@Kaumudi.H no comment :-)
Q: Split multi lined string based on Delimiter

PatanI am trying to split the below multiline string by scanner. I want to split the lines starting with "A|" Input A|14|23|656 B|15|ga|a A|11|424|6262 Output Group A|14|23|656 B|15|ga|a Group A|11|424|6262 I have tried scanner as below. public static void main(String[] args) { ...

@Kaumudi.H It wasn't stairs inside a house. It was a flight of steps outside a public building in Cambridge.
Young, irresponsible and immature? Or did "immature" come later?
And honestly, I was imagining it on the Spanish Steps in Rome.
@JohnRennie Wow, you have lived one heck of a life! Certainly makes for excellent stories!
@DawoodibnKareem I suspect they don't realise they can edit answers. I'd just flag for the moderators.
Nah, he edited it already.
@Kaumudi.H I don't think so. Young men in the late 70s in the UK were basically pretty irresponsible. It was a more carefree era.
Ah, hmm.
Kaumudi, I'm sure that when you reach John's age, you'll have just as many excellent stories.
Yeah, no, I highly doubt that, lol. I'm not even s'posed to drink ever.
@Kaumudi.H it was a much safer time as well. You remember you were talking about cycling along the coast? Well my brother and I used to cycle twenty miles to the seaside when were aged about eleven.
But if my niece had attempted that these days I'd be horrified.
Right, of course. Wow.
I do wonder if youngsters miss out a bit these days. But maybe this is just a misperception on my part.
Speaking of safety, I've just learned that the father of that friend won't allow her to go to the pizza place because it's allegedly not safe. ::Cries inside::
@JohnRennie Young men in the late 70s in the UK were people are basically pretty irresponsible. FTFY ;)
@JohnRennie We do, John, we do; heck, we can't even go to the stupid pizza place now!
@JohnRennie I feel the same. But I also think that every generation thinks that about the generation that follows.
@ACuriousMind As long as there are music festivals with loud music and recreational drugs I have hope for the future :-)
@JohnRennie I don't think the past was "safer". What has changed is the general risk assessment and what we consider "safe".
@JohnRennie Us Asians are pretty much screwed anyway. Speak for the rest of the world.
Conversely, my son wonders how my generation managed without cellphones, internet access and so on; while I wonder how my father's generation managed without portable music players, microwave ovens and colour television.
@DawoodibnKareem Wait, you have a son?! Whoa, I don't quite know why, but I figured that you were in your 20s or s'thing.
My son is 16. So I guess I'm not in my 20s.
@JohnRennie Ah, I have no fear these will die out soon. Incidentally, this year's Wacken is in two weeks (I'm going again).
@ACuriousMind Excellent :-)
Reluctantly I've decided festivals aren't for me any more - sad really.
@JohnRennie Heh, my father just rediscovered them (he went to Wacken two years ago and is going again next year, with some smaller ones in the meantime), and a friend's father is going with us this year.
Alice Cooper?
People's fathers go to music festivals?
Status Quo???? The Status Quo? They still alive?
@JohnRennie yup
@JohnRennie yup again
@JohnRennie No, not all of them.
Rick Parfitt and Jess Jaworski have both passed away.
That's a hell of a line up. I guess it's a bit like Glastonbury - you can only see a small fraction of the bands so you have to pick and choose.
God, I should probably just mail it in and pledge against ever eating out with friends.
@Kaumudi.H arranging this sort of thing is always a pain.
When it's just a couple of you it's easy - fancy a beer? Yes? OK!!. As soon as more than two people are involved it's a pain.
Rick Parfitt was in Status Quo for 49 years. 49 years! That's more than 13.
@JohnRennie Yeah, there are usually several bands playing simultaneously, and although the "large" acts don't play concurrently, you never get to see everything you wanted to see
And Francis Rossi for 55!
@Kaumudi.H to be fair if I were the parent of a teenage girl living in Chennai I'd be a bit paranoid as well.
@JohnRennie I'm not going! :'-( Not only is that girl not allowed to go the pizza place, but also I'm going to be the third effing wheel.
If somebody told me I was the parent of a teenage girl living in Chennai, I'd be extremely worried.
@DawoodibnKareem :-)
@DawoodibnKareem x'D
But seriously, what can go wrong in a pizza place? It's not like it's some shady nightclub or something.
Don't ask me :'-(
@DawoodibnKareem A popular (in certain circles) German stoner movie has the protagonists operate their weed selling business out of a pizza parlor :P
One day, those girls are going to rebel big time, and do something really dangerous.
Just one. One girl.
@ACuriousMind So the daughter might accidentally buy weed?
How good is McDonalds, exactly?
@Kaumudi.H Most people outside India aren't going to be able to answer that in any way that's useful to you, since they're best known (outside of India) for their beef products.
Oh :-( OK.
@DawoodibnKareem A horrifying fate, I know.
@Kaumudi.H I like their fries
and their scary red-haired clowns.
On top of everything else, they're calling me kiddo :'-( I'm their same age and everything! OK, I should probably quit venting here.
@JohnRennie Never! :o ;)
@Kaumudi.H Did you, uh, ask them not to? :P
@Kaumudi.H Who's calling you kiddo?
@ACuriousMind :-P No. It really will be to no avail. Besides, it would sound weird to say "Hey, I don't like it when you call me that. Can you please call me literally anything else?"
@DawoodibnKareem Two people with whom I am frantically attempting to find a place to have dinner and to whom I will inevitably serve as the third wheel.
@Kaumudi.H Well, maybe you don't need to be that direct, but if you don't somehow make it clear you don't like it, they'll probably think you find it as funny as they do.
Right. Yeah, OK, I'll try :-( Thanks.
@Kaumudi.H Yeah, I wouldn't want to end up at dinner with a couple and nobody else to talk to.
Depending on how couply they are, of course.
And now I have to go out and cycle around to shop for stuff for college for like, 2 hours :'-( Sorry about all the venting.
@Kaumudi.H Don't apologise. Chat rooms are great for venting.
Unless you are convinced they are calling you that because you don't like it, in which case you should reevaluate whether you want to be friends with them. (Not that friends can't tease each other like that, but I obviously can't tell whether it's good-natured teasing or meanness from the description)
Haha :-) Yes, of course. I bet it's just coming from a place of feeling like a proper adult because they're in love and everything. I dunno. Thanks for the detailed analysis :-P I appreciate it.
If it were me, I'd just ignore it and wait for them to grow up.
> feeling like a proper adult because they're in love
I didn't know that love was a requirement for proper adulting :P
:-P Yeah, neither did I till like, 90% of my friends from school started dating and became patronising; telling me "You don't understand it" etc.
Think of it like this. You are a whole person, all by yourself, and you don't need another person to make you feel complete. The fact that 90% of your friends do need another person in order to feel complete is a reflection on them, not on you.
Being able to be single and happy is a truer sign of adulthood than being able to find somebody to have sex with.
I want to find my other half, but I am too lazy to bother when considering all the factors, the probability of success is probably the reciprocal of the time til heat death
and unlike most people, I am a lot more interested in the emotional and spiritual level connection than sex. However, this makes finding a partner even harder because it will mean what I want to look for is a soulmate
and how many out of the human population is lucky enough to met their soulmate
much beter

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