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Any @Russian speakers about today?
@z7sgѪ You!
@JasperLoy Ew. That question is basically "please explain this baroque and self-satisfied sentence to me."
@z7sgѪ One has been suspended, one has tuberculosis, and one is busy catching mice. No luck.
Tuberculosis? What did I miss?
@JasperLoy Voles.
@Rhŵdri Supposedly the crotchety, sexist, racist drunk one has tuberculosis.
@Rhŵdri vgv8 suspended, reg owl and mice and supposedly trg787 TB but maybe they meant it as a joke, I dunno.
@JasperLoy No. No joke.
He's drunk as a skunk most of the time he's in chat, and looking for a fight.
He's in a bad way, that one.
@KitΘδς In this incomprehensible room you never can tell easily what is real and what is not.
@JasperLoy a truer statement has never been said of elu chat
@KitΘδς Ah. I could easily believe that given his drinking.
But everything that I say that is not funny is the truth.
@KitΘδς the guy who was arguing w/ simchona over 3K was someone else, no? i can't remember his handle right now. but not one of the regulars
@JSBᾶngs That's trg787.
@Marthaª ah, so you know as much as I do! :)
@JSBᾶngs I'm pretty sure you are right.
@MattEllenД Ayup. :)
And let's not start the 3K argument again.
Well, I do know that we got out of beta sometime this past winter (I forget exactly when, but clearly not in August), so it makes sense for August 5 to be the date the beta started.
@KitΘδς I'm just having lunch. I'll join you!
@KitΘδς I don't think he was trying to pick a fight with that misogynistic rubbish, he probably just believes it I'm sorry to say. It's not unusual in that part of the world. It's a pity cos a couple days before I had some interesting chat on here with him and Cerberus.
@JasperLoy What was the 3K argument?
@MattEllenД lunch
@z7sgѪ I think he's pretty angry with the world.
Kinder, Küche, Kirche (), or the 3 K’s, is a slogan translated as “children, kitchen, church”. Although the phrase is in the German language and is attributed to the German Emperor Wilhelm II, it has been in use mostly in the English-speaking world, and may even have originated there. At the present time it has a derogative connotation describing an antiquated female role model. The phrase is vaguely equivalent to the English Barefoot and pregnant. The origins The first mention of the phrase appears in a speech given in December 1898 by the then New York Senator Chauncey Depew to the co...
@KitΘδς Sth about women being in church, kitchen and for children in some language.
@JSBᾶngs Oh, OK. Yeah, that was trg787.
Careful, we don't want anyone to get upset.
@JasperLoy nah, i'm used to upsetting people.
@JasperLoy gah! these wrist spiders ah always making mistakes
@JSBᾶngs Well, I don't see what's objectionable about that.
But you guys can say whatever you want to me. I am never offended.
we have a whole pile of questions on the multicollider right now
mostly decent questions
@JasperLoy That's no fun at all.
@JSBᾶngs That's no fun at all either.
I love this chat formatting. I only learnt how to use italics here yesterday so I am trying to use it more.
@JSBᾶngs That's funny, I don't remember any boobs or poop questions lately.
@JasperLoy the same formatting is used across all SE sites for answers, questions, and comments. i get very annoyed when i'm typing anywhere at it doesn't support markdown, now.
drinks water after dinner
@Cerberus Hello!
@Cerberus helloooooooooooooo
@Cerberus Hey, you're awake!
@JSBᾶngs I resemble this remark.
@Cerberus I've been up for five hours longer than you, lazy!
@cerb I have changed my avatar again. This one should stay for a while I think. I hope it is more palatable to your eyes.
@KitΘδς How do you do that!?
@Cerberus What?
In particular, this is still human and sim's is still a kitten so you won't confuse us.
@JSBᾶngs Markdown, restricted markdown, reStructured text, my own homebrew markup, bbcode... I'm just annoyed when I type these days :-)
@JasperLoy It looks orange! Quite distinguisable.
@Cerberus r u lookin @ kit?
@KitΘδς Being up 5 hours earlier? I thought we went to bed around the same time. I may have been reading in bed for a while...
@Cerberus Orange? Oh dear, isn't it greyish with some purple?
I think you lack sleep!
@Cerberus Ah. Necessity.
@JasperLoy I see a greyish one on the left, an orange one at the top right. I am not refreshing, remember.
@KitΘδς Brave.
@Cerberus Not refreshing is silly. Refresh your browser and yourself too!
@JasperLoy The latter I will do presently.
hands out refreshments
@Cerberus you won't refresh the room, but you expect Jasper to refresh his memory?
Ooh, there's a star next to the room name that you can use to mark this as a favorite room! Has that always been there?
@Marthaª Yes.
@Cerberus Not so much brave as necessary.
@KitΘδς I'm so observant.
@Marthaª Not sure, never noticed!
@MattEllenД Nah I don't expect him to do anything...
everyone is refreshed
For nostalgia's sake:
Chart controls hate me!
@KitΘδς chart controls hate everyone. they are evil, malicious things, misanthropes to the last
The sexual inadequacy question got 5 answers in 10 min under the disguise of double negation.
@JSBᾶngs This might be a good argument to my boss about why I should be allowed to write python scripts.
@KitΘδς I hate chart controls!
@KitΘδς yers! use cherrypy!
@JasperLoy it's actually a really good question. the sexy part is entirely irrelevant
also - highchart is a good chart control
@MattEllenД Is it python?
Unfortunately I don't have time to re-do the charts.
@KitΘδς javascript/svg
Anyone happen to know how to make just the grid display if there is no series?
@KitΘδς what chart control are you using?
Asp.Net Chart.
I should say, I'm assuming that the gridlines aren't displayed because there is no data, but I can't be certain. These controls are stupid.
you can d/l the control's help:
@KitΘδς never trust any programming tool named after a snake
@JSBᾶngs Not even python?
@KitΘδς especially not python
@KitΘδς named after a comedy troupe :)
so it's OK!
:p @JSBngs
@MattEllenД How have I not seen this?
@KitΘδς microsoft are shifty. they shift things
@MattEllenД i find it interesting that when you ping me as JSBngs it still highlights my name. evidently it also ignores the non-ASCII characters when calc'ing pings
@JSBᾶngs pinging works based on the first 3 characters
I think @JSBasdlkfhasjkldh should ping you
@MattEllenД it does not. you can ping with as little as the first 3 chars, but if you give more than that, they must match exactly
@MatNotYou should not ping you
@JSBᾶngs ah
then I guess if there are non-us keyboard characters in a name then the system can ignore them when pinging
@MattEllenД or smth. i'm not sure what would happen if my name had the non-ascii in the first 3 chars. i might be unpingable
@JSBᾶngs !!
@JSBᾶngs That's the only part relevant to me!
Why do they say F'x is unpingaple?
I don't know. i think he gets pung as @Fx, but i don't know if that by itself will summon him. i think not. too few chars
@JasperLoy It's a technical thing because of the way they implemented pings. It goes like this:
I concur
Rather than having an absolute reference to the user (say a link or user id) they are just parsing the text and guessing.
To do this, they look for at signs and the following text, and then try to match that text against user names that are participating in a given post (or chat).
But people abreviate, they don't type special characters, etc, so it does some tricks to help wire it all up.
I thought you cannot omit the apostrophe, so you should ping him like this @f'x.
Q: Does the phrase "breed with someone" have the meaning of good feeling develop

yozloyI found this sentence in a dating book: women breed with seducers who understand how to trigger, through words and touch, the fantasy parts of the female brain so the the phrase "breed with " actually means mate with? or good feeling about the seducers develop? Thanks

Specifically it only looks at alpha-numeric characters using their plain asci values (ü as u for example).
That is, following the same rules as the main site comments.
^ gen ref. the question boils down to the meaning of "breed", which can be found in any dictionary
So @bob will ping @böb.
But people abreviate. They might try to ping BobTheBuilder as @bob.
@Caleb but i believe that @JSBangs no longer pings me. it doesn't map Greek -> Latin
@JSBᾶngs "pungged"
ping pang pung pinged
So they actually only look at the first few characters ... 3 I think. (@JSB does this get you?)
I like to play ping pong but hate to eat pong pong.
Additionally, they STOP parsing when they hit a non alphanumeric character (such as :) so that @bob: matches 'bob', not 'bob:'.
@Caleb yes, that gets me. but as established above, all of the characters that you type have to actually match
i dropped a paperclip in my tea this morning, and just now got to the bottom to fish it out, finally.
A single quote is not alpha-numeric, hence F'x only matches F which isn't enough minimum characters to qualify to be a ping.
@Caleb But he can be pinged on the main site comments with f'x, no?
i'm going to hit the repcap today on the basis of just two answers, after having gotten ~100 rep for the entire rest of the week.
@JSBᾶngs They do match some UTF8 character to ASCI renderings, but apparently not all of them :)
@Caleb presumably they're using a library for that mapping, as i can't imagine that they wrote their own. does .net provide such a function? i know that iconv does, but i doubt that they've incorporated the iconv library
@JasperLoy Mods can secret super-ping him. But I think otherwise he's unpinggable.
@KitΘδς He's not very sociable then.
@JSBᾶngs You also poached one of mine. I answered first but then upvoted you so it floated to the top and it looks like that was enough that everybody piled on your answer. (which was actually better than mine, so I'm not actually whining, just giving you a hard time)
@Caleb :D
@JSBᾶngs My knowledge of .NET is dead zero plus a few minus points for prejudice.
@Caleb I was in the middle of writing an answer when I saw that 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 had been loaded. Then I gave up even though I might write a completely different one.
@JSBᾶngs I think it's less obvious than that, although I voted to close and provided a comment.
"Breed" can mean to produce progeny, but it can also mean to engender.
@Caleb it does. the System.Text.ASCIIEncoding class has an implementation of System.Text.DecoderFallback, which implements best-fit fallback. i'm quite sure that's what they're using
As in "Teaching the world to sing breeds goodwill toward all."
@JSBᾶngs I... I don't even know where to begin.
Basically I have nothing to add to your answer.
But seriously, Gügle? Bohk?
Who talks like that?
@RegDwightѬſ道 no english-speakers, obviously. my request for input was mostly to make sure that my idea of german pronunciation was correct. in particular, i wasn't sure if german actually does include [ʊ] as an allophone of /u/ somewhere
Good question. Dunno.
@JSBᾶngs I'll take your word for it, it sounds plausible even if I think they would have implemented real rather than pseudo user matching in the first place.
{| | Hinweis: Alle mit der formatierten Ausspracheangaben sind auf diese Seite verlinkt; hier wird die ungefähre Aussprache einzelner Zeichen möglichst einfach erklärt.Technische Informationen zur Darstellung von Lautschrift sowie weiterführende Links finden sich auf der Seite . |} Diese Liste der Zeichen des Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabets dient all jenen als Hilfe, die bei der Aussprache eines Lautschriftzeichens unsicher sind. Alle Zeichen sind mit einer Beschreibung und Beispielen versehen. Als Beispielsprachen bevorzugt werden neben Deutsch die gängigen „Schulsprachen“, da...
Hm. Why the heck did they sort ʌ under v?
@RegDwightѬſ道 so there's und given there as an example of [ʊ]. is this a normal allophone of /u/ in closed syllables?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Gugle (or Gügle) is a Swiss German term for cowl or point.
@JSBᾶngs I dunno, I'm a bit confused myself, so right now I'm just looking up random stuff such as bunt, gesund, etc.
Is Boot the only Dszchömmen wort with 'oo' in't?
I suppose there is Moor isn't there?
and Moos
And Looping.
Moose is the plural of Moos, doesn't count.
I thought moos is the plural of moo.
@RegDwightѬſ道 does this mean "moose"? please tell me this means "moose"
The cow gave one moo, two moos, three moos...
moose = Elch
@z7sgѪ and i suppose elch = deer
i should ask a question about the phenomenal taxonomic confusion that gave us the words elk, moose, and (red) deer
"I am an elk. I have antlers"
@JasperLoy Eine Kuh macht Muh. Viele Kühe machen Mühe.
I can actually surmise what that actually means.
Damn. I'm not incomprehensible enough. Gonna work that in part.
Mühe is such a nice sounding word.
Especially if you leave a shadow of [h] in.
One cow makes a moo. Many cows make trouble. (translated from Reg)
@JSBᾶngs I know that in Dutch, they have no separate word for "elk" and "moose." They're both "eland."
You mean "ananas".
Ah yes, the only word in Dutch
For those who missed out yesterday, my masterpiece: The banana in the papaya in the iguana in the zenana is in Panama.
Not enough jacana
Elend is German for "misery, hardship, distress".
@FallenAngelEyes in Romanian they seem to have only one word for moose/elk/caribou/reindeer. at least, i've never been able to get native speakers to agree on what the words for those different species are
@JSBᾶngs Yes, it is interesting. We pinched so many of those words from native languages and mixed them up.
@RegDwightѬſ道 everything in German is misery, hardship, and distress
Santana is playing the iguana's papaya for a jacana banana in the zenana in Panama with Bananorama.
@JSBᾶngs Philosophy.SE is elsewhere.
I like the word Schwermut. Why does it mean melancholy? (I should ask on GLU)
@RegDwightѬſ道 edited my original. it shouldn't have been a question
@z7sgѪ Well, it's got like some kind of sword in it.
@JSBᾶngs In German, reindeer is actually Rentier. Quite funny since Tier actually means animal. In Russian, there are just deers and Northern deers.
and capitalists
@GraceNote sword = Schwert.
@z7sgѪ I know. Hence "some kind of"
The first thing I do whenever learning any new language is learn how to say various weapons and dangerous elements.
Ninjasterne! Obacht!
@RegDwightѬſ道 i just checked myself. romanian wikipedia has elan for "moose", but there is no Romanian wikipedia article for **elk**
@JSBᾶngs It's a wiki. You can write one.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Just "deer," I believe, for plural.
however, when presented with a picture of a moose, i've never had a romanian say elan to me. mostly they just say ren
@FallenAngelEyes I did say "in Russian".
@GraceNote Yes of course that is a priority but in this case I think schwer = heavy so it means 'heavy courage'.
@z7sgѪ I doubt it has anything to do with courage. Compare mood.
Heavy mood.
Or you just skewered a mu on your blade
@RegDwightѬſ道 D'oh!
@RegDwightѬſ道 how am i supposed to translate a 4,000-word wiki page about elk if there is no word for "elk" ?
Like a shish-kebob (kabob? Oi, I never remember that one...)
@GraceNote Heh ok :D
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ah ok, that is so obvious now you say it. Mut is a slippery customer.
Btw @RegDwight, what does this mean: Все сердце в решето
@z7sgѪ I would have to ask my wife.
the dictionary says that elk = wapiti, but i sure as hell have never heard a romanian say wapiti. they fall back on ren again
@GraceNote kebap, kebab, kebob, kebop, kabop, kabob, etc,
they're all fine since arabic doesn't directly transliterate to english
@MattEllenД Ke-Bap-A-Lula, she's my baby!
@RegDwightѬſ道 OK. I'll just go with "hearts in a sieve" for now then.
@z7sgѪ Obviously the literal meaning is not cutting it.
Also, "the whole heart" rather than "hearts".
@JSBᾶngs It's very technical. Get an expert to help. And pliers.
@RegDwightѬſ道 that's a strange name for a baby. But I won't tell you how to parent!
Yes the literal meaning isn't very useful... "the whole heart" as opposed to only parts of the heart.. hmmm
Oh, it's an Arabic word?
@MattEllenД I took a pee and a poo and then a peep at my poop.
@RegDwightѬſ道 ...Now that's stuck in my head.
@z7sgѪ The key word here is в, really.
@GraceNote Yeah, at least that's what I've been told
@RegDwightѬſ道 bah. that's not even a whole word.
@JSBᾶngs yeah, unlike I.
@JasperLoy well, you need to know the colour, to know if you're ill!
@RegDwightѬſ道 in English our one letter words at least have the decency to consist of vowels
@JSBᾶngs You can say во if you insist. Also, if you want to sound like an idiot.
@GraceNote it probably means "meat"
Here are ten Russian words for you: а, б, в, ж, и, к, о, с, у, я.
i don't know what а, б, ж, о are. keep in mind that i have exactly one semester of russian
Kebab (Persian:كباب, also kebap, kabab, kebob, kabob, kibob, kebhav, kephav, kebabie, Cevap) is a wide variety of meat dishes originating in Persia and later on adopted by the Middle East and Turkey, and now found worldwide. In English, kebab with no qualification generally refers more specifically to shish kebab served on the skewer or döner kebab served wrapped in bread with a salad and a dressing. In the Middle East, however, kebab includes grilled, roasted, and stewed dishes of large or small cuts of meat, or even ground meat; it may be served on plates, in sandwiches, or in bowls. ...
ok, it is derived from "to burn"
hmmm, б and ж aren't proper words
That's cause 6 is a number ♪
@JSBᾶngs а is a conjunction or an introductory particle, a rather intriguing mix of an "and" and a "but". О is a preposition, "about". Also, the vocative particle, obviously. Б is a shortening of бы, subjunctive mood of быть. Ж is an amplifying particle, a shortening of же.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ж looks like it would make a good weapon.
@FallenAngelEyes How about Ѭ, then? It even has a handy handle!
Oooh, that one looks painful.
You can use it as a warhammer or as a pitchfork.
The possibilities are endless two!
My weapon is so powerful: it is invisible.
the best weapons are in glagolitic
Can you see it?
Okay, I seem to have hit the exhaustion wall, sleeptime for me. Have a good day everyone!
@FallenAngelEyes Gnite!
Glagolitic is clearly too dangerous to be admitted to unicode.
glagolitic is already in unicode.
but font support = fail
alanwood.net/unicode/glagolitic.html <-- none of my browsers renders this properly
Glagolitic so powerfull it kills browsar lol
@RegDwightѬſ道 Interesting. Latin has at, which is also a mix of and and but. And Greek has an intensifying particle ge, which becomes g' before a vowel.
@FallenAngelEyes Night!
nite @FallenAngelEyes
@Cerberus it's very similar to Ro iar
@FallenAngelEyes Have you really been awake all the time since I went to bed?
Stop pinging him already, you're cruel!
I see a whole lot of boxes. It's just as well tbh. Think of the havoc that would break out if everybody switched to glagolitic user names.
@JSBᾶngs Ah, which is? A?
@Cerberus yes
sweet dreams @FallenAngelEyes
@RegDwightѬſ道 Who is "he"?
@JSBᾶngs Funny... any idea where this iar came from? Probably not the same root as at?
@Cerberus no idea
@Cerberus Ze angel.
@z7sgѪ I used to see lots of boxes, until I installed the font Code2000 and set it as my default font. Everything is still Arial on this page, but the odd characters are displayed without error.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You are making it gender confused.
Mar 15 at 21:53, by Robusto
Grammatical gender, she is stupid.
dex sez:
> Pare să provină dintr-un lat. *era (Schuchardt, ZRPh., XV, 240; G. Paris, Rom., XX, 333; Meyer-Lübke, Rom. Gramm., III, 495; Pușcariu 756; REW 2886; DAR; Pascu, I, 102), cf. engad. eir, prov. er(a), v. gal. ar, cu același sens; cf. și ngr. ἄρα, ἔρα. – Der. iarăși, adv. (altă dată), cu -și, ca cineși, totuși.
@JSBᾶngs Looks fine to me (is smug Ubuntu user)
looks fine to me. is smugger windows 7 user
@JSBᾶngs Ah, Greek ara. But I didn't know there was a hypothetical *era in Latin.
the Latin era is over
If I understand the Romanian correctly.
it's a dead language!
@MattEllenД At vivit!
... maybe?
@MattEllenД Vivat at?
Ne dixeris huiusmodi stultissima!
@Cerberus i didn't know either. in any case, it's merely presumed, but appears to have reflexes in other romance langs
@Rhŵdri could do?
@JSBᾶngs It must have survived in Vulgar Latin, then. No trace in high Latin, as far as I know.
@Cerberus or it was an innovation of vulgar latin. i'd almost suggest that *era < erat, given that we know that -t disappears early
Could be; but then there is no connection with Greek ara.
i hope that @Kosmo comes back when linguistics.se opens
not to mod. just to hang around.
@reg Sudo make me a pixel. You are not in the sudoers list. This incident will be reported.
@JSBᾶngs well, not to be disheartening but, that wouldn't seem likely given that Jeff's just as much involved in any given SE site
@JSBᾶngs I hope so too. But I don't believe in ling.se's viability in any case. Too small.
Mar 3 at 10:44, by Feeds
RegDwight has been automatically appointed as owner of this room.
Not only am I in the sudoer list, I am there automatically.
@Cerberus oh? i think it's very viable. i have no doubts about its success
But how many people would be interested in linguistics?
It's not a huge science.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Exactly.
Oh, okay. Six.
What now?
Philosophy is struggling already.
@Cerberus um, all of the linguists? plus everyone working on NLP, which was combined with the linguistics proposal and so will be on-topic from the start
How many linguists are there on SE?
natural language programming processing?
Natural language processing.
@RegDwightѬſ道 that's what I meant
I knew you would say that.
But now I gotta commute.
good luck!
So I will continue knowing what you will say on the bus.
Over and out.
@RegDwightѬſ道 commute away.
reg commutes
does that mean we have to be quiet until he's home?
otherwise who will watch us?
@MattEllenД Your wrist spiders are getting quite bad!
Whenever I type "Bye!", I get an error.
This time it worked.
Just one more thing: look at the gravatars in this room:

 The Comms Room

ServerFault's lobby
I've had that weird error before.
@JasperLoy yeah. I might have a drink to calm them down
@RegDwightѬſ道 And they think we're weird?
I must go.
see ya @Cerberus
come back in your party gear
@Cerberus Bye dear!
I don't have party gear, but I'll do my best. Bye!
here's a hat!
@MattEllenД Where's cerb going?
I don't know
to bed maybe?
Dinner party.
then you'll deffo need the hat
I need to have a shower and dress first. Ciao!
@MattEllenД Did you draw that with gimp
@RegDwightѬſ道 Invasion!
@MikeyB look out. we'll threaten you with our glagolitic weapons
@JasperLoy that I did
@MikeyB Why are all the pictures taken in the same place?
Q: Paddington Bear Choppertar

Kyle BrandtMany of our top users seem to have avatars with a picture of themselves in a car with what appears to me to be Paddington Bear: So what is the story behind this?

@MikeyB Cute!
Happy Birthday, EL&U!
@aediaλ /me toots a party noisemaker
Let's turn this mother out!
@z7sgѪ Poor dear, what's she ever done to you?
It's um, something Americans say I think.
Just trying to sound fresh dude.
I know :-)
Ok then let's "put some heat under the sucker" :o)
Actually, I have to go home. Then the party will really begin!!
Farewell good people of ELU!
see you soon @z7sg
hi @simchona
part yaht?
*party hat?
yes :d
I am part yaht, how can you tell?
yes I can
Quiet this morning
I think people are commuting, dining or working. Or, and I know this will seem unlikely, maybe they have something better to do. I doubt that though.
better to do than EL&U???
I know, call me crazy, but some people think there are better things this
wow, that's just unheard of
as if there is some sort of world away from EL&U
wow, only one row of users today

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