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@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's OK, I don't blame you any more than myself. But we have had other discussions that were more fun, that's all I meant.
@Cerberus It's pretty common. I wouldn't call it silly ignorance either... more like willful obstinacy.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Okay, okay, explaining your perspective...I am convinced!
@Cerberus No! You were supposed to remain unconvinced!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Do you know anyone like that? I don't, at least not anyone I have ever had a serious discussion with.
Dammit, this is just like that time I time-traveled and stepped on a minotaur.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You'd like that, wouldn't you?
@Cerberus Well, I've read lots of prescriptivist advice that's like that. And lots of school-teachers are like that.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Again? Are you in a time loop?
@Cerberus Didn't you just ask me that?
Actually this conversation is a lot like one we've had before. Where twelve exhausting hours later we realized that your definition of prescriptivism was different than mine.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 School teachers, maybe. But I don't know any. But could it be that you're interpreting this advice as stupid-prescriptivism while in fact it is not? How do you interpret my prescriptivism? Or, if you don't call it that, then why are you so jumpy when I give advice on Greek words?
man, doctors are such prescriptivists
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Could be...but rest assured that most intelligent people who say "x is wrong" are not of the stupid kind.
bloody woman ignored my online dating message. bitch.
@MattЭллен I bet Mr S would whoop their behinds if he could!
@Cerberus I interpret your prescriptivism as playful and well-meaning holding-back-the-tide-with-your-bare-hands. Because I know you are like a curmudgeonly descriptivist. But that's because I know you a bit.
@MattЭллен thwack
@Cerberus kinky
Anyone read Bill Bryson?
Not intentionally, no.
@KitFox :D I'm not a doctor!
grandma's reading it to me. it's terminally boring
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Okay, so you know I consider any and all linguistic advice stylistic. When I say "x is wrong" I mean that I and a significant group of people won't like it. But you still seem to disapprove?
@MattЭллен Hmm is it still kinky if they don't like it?
@Cerberus It depends on if they like not liking it
Jez's chat-up lines are always the best.
@Cerberus Well, specifically, I disapprove of stylistic advice that is only applicable to Classics scholars, or which requires learning Greek or Latin to apply. Because we're not speaking those languages, and they've been gone long enough that it shouldn't matter how it works in those languages.
@Cerberus Or if MrS likes it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 lol
@MattЭллен Hmm so masochism is multi-dimensional?
@KitFox oh, yes, that too!
@Cerberus Duh.
wait what? I like what now?
spanking prescriptivists or doctors
Proscriptivist doctors.
@KitFox is that a doctor that forbids you from something?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 claps hands You got it!
it's a doctor that identifies you as an enemy of the state
Cuz my pharmacist wife would scold me if I didn't point out that that piece of paper the doc gives you with your meds on it is called a prescription. Not a proscription. not a subscription. Not a perspection.
Nor any of the other words patients use.
makes notes
@Jez Yes, of course. Why?
Perspiration. Perspicacity.
Or just a scrip.
Not to be confused with scrip.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Okay, fine, but you don't need to speak Greek to be able to copy the way a phrase is traditionally used. And I'm assuming you wouldn't want to form new words from Greek/Latin if you don't know either language. The fact is just that there is a tradition and a significant group of people (including people who don't know any Greek at all) who dislike it when they realize that "the hoi" is a pleonasm. It's fine if you disagree, but why forbid me from advising people this way?
My advice would make sure that absolutely noöne would object to this person's use of language. Isn't that what most people want? They can just ignore it if they like.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Perspectivist!
oh, you love it when people say the hoi polloi
And the hoity toity say le the hoi polloi.
hocus pocus
@KitFox :D yeah
hanky panky
hewlett packard
@MattЭллен Ahhhh! double thwack
hand phone
@Cerberus I'm pretty sure that most people who might know what "hoi polloi" means would consider it wrong if you leave out the "the" because "hoi" is not an article in English.
Bill Bryson is not terminally boring. He is quite funny and an excellent prose stylist. So put that in your grandma's pipe and smoke it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't think so: most people who don't know would not like it if they knew. Besides, does it matter what "most people" think? The ideal is to use language in a way that the people who matter to you all approve, isn't it?
@Cerberus no sense only spanking one cheek, eh!
At least it is to me.
@MattЭллен That would be like stepping on the seam between two tiles!
Or not on it, depending on how you're wired.
I think I understand
@Cerberus It matters what "most people" think if "most people" would consider the "right" way to be wrong.
@Jez Let's be nice.
like using nugget only when you mean something valuable
can we get a coca search on the use of hoi polloi with and without the "the"? let's settle this debate once and for me.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Huh, you think many people would dislike leaving out the article? Well I never...
@Cerberus I think most people in English speaking places would include the article
like how people say "a myriad of"
I'm not sure why you would.
I don't even know what hoi polloi is.
@MattЭллен D'oh. I think I said that earlier.
heh :D it's fine by me!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 And make sure they spell it οἱ πολλοί — none of your modern, Romanized transliterations!
Hoi polloi (, hoi polloi, “the many”), an expression meaning "the many", or in the strictest sense, "the majority" in Greek, is used in English to denote "the masses" or "the people", usually in a derogatory sense. Synonyms for "hoi polloi" include "... commoners, great unwashed, minions, multitude, plebeians, the plebs, rank and file, riff-raff, the common people, the herd, the many, the proletariat, the proles, the peons, the working class". The phrase became known to English scholars probably from Pericles' Funeral Oration, as mentioned in Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian Wa...
3 hours ago, by KitFox
I had a myriad of people ask me if I was disappointed that my eldest was not born on Leap Day, to which I responded "hell, no. Who would want to be born on such a day?"
Ack, no! I did!
oh noe! @Cerberus will spank you.
In fact, a closer reading of prescriptivist rules would probably have us all speaking Greek anyway.
@MattЭллен But would they consider no article wrong?
So @cerb, do a coca search on hoi polloi. You'll be annoyed, I think, at the abysmal (by your theory) use of this phrase.
@Cerberus probably, depending on the context
The Bridge is full of stupid flags.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Most people use most phrases in abysmal ways. But that is not relevant for me or other people like me, of which there are plenty.
@MattЭллен That's very silly. I'm surprised so many people would even use the phrase.
In fact I'm not even sure how the phrase could ever be used in English, except in almost zero circumstances, if it has a built-in article.
@Cerberus well, I'm probably over generalising - it's mainly people of my parent's generation and older who would use it
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's quite simple: you just leave out the article wherever you see it.
but of those people I'm guessing most of them would use it with an article
> they were considered eligible by the Hollywood hoi polloi
So that would be
> they were considered eligible by Hollywood hoi polloi
> hoi Hollywood polloi
> they were considered eligible by hoi Hollywood polloi
You can't use any word before the phrase like that.
at least in normal English
well, fine. Take your Greek phrase and keep it. it simply doesn't fit in English.
@Cerberus Yes. You. Can. This is English, not Greek.
I'm going to coin my own phrase.
It means "the people"
I call it "hoi polloi"
It fits perfectly.
@KitFox Carl Sagan did in Cosmos too I'm pretty sure
It is an English word
@MrShinyandNew安宇 If it means "the people", you want me to say "the the people"?
The first part is simply farther away from the second part
It's obvious @Cerberus doesn't care to mingle linguistically with the hoi polloi.
I'm going to coin a phrase - it means snooty types - I call it "hoi polloi"
@aediaλ You are so sweet.
No, you can't just sub a definition in for a word
@Robusto smack
@KitFox No wait, not Sagan, Asimov. But my point still stands
Feb 1 at 16:06, by aedia λ
I used to, in my shamefully prescriptivist younger days, be upset about myriad of things, and I still notice it sometimes. I noticed Asmiov using myriad differently than I would when we were listening to Foundation or Foundation and Empire, and grinned to myself.
I couldn't remember but this is from when I was actually listening to it so it must be true.
We're on Second Foundation now.
Who cares what hoi polloi think?
@aediaλ I liked them at the beginning, but I felt like they petered out in the middle, and I lost interest.
Just when things were getting good, actually.
All I'm trying to say, Cerb, is that Greek grammar has no bearing on English grammar. And getting upset about that is pointless. It's like getting upset about the fact that the American national anthem was a rip-off of a british song, which nowadays would be prevented by copyright. Who cares?
Well, this discussion is a bit open ended. I and many people with me strongly dislike "the hoi polloi", while perhaps a larger group is fine with it. That is not really an argument for me. But let's agree to disagree.
Anyway, I have to go. Later!
@Cerberus People with you, who also study greek and latin?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wait, what?
cya @KitFox
@KitFox yeah, the tune is from an older british song, according to wikipedia
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm not upset; I simply disagree.
the British National Anthem, no?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, right. The lyrics were a poem originally. I forgot.
@KitFox I like those three but not really the prequel or the other one or two. And Foundation and Empire I don't even like that much, it's just a bridge to Second Foundation.
OK Bai!
Bai (hugs)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 People who care about consistency in that way. I'm not saying other people don't care about consistency in their own ways, but they don't care about it my way.
@Cerberus OK, so we disagree. But it's not just "hoi polloi". It's ANY piece of advice about English that says "this is wrong because in Greek it's like this..."
@Cerberus The point is, if I were speaking to a bunch of fustian-stuffed pedants, I would be careful to say things like "I do not care to mingle with οἱ πολλοί, do you? Pass the caviar, please." But if I were writing or speaking to the general public — in English — the use of the article would not bother me at all.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I find that a perfectly good argument stylistically. Why shouldn't it be?
@Cerberus because we're not speaking greek!
it doesn't matter what people were doing 2000 years ago in a different language!
@Robusto In that case, wouldn't you rather know what those pedants like and dislike, instead of not having the choice?
Purists would only ever speak Proto-Indo-European.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It does to many people.
Like Robusto said: by extension of your strategy, the whole language should be ancient greek, perfect and unchanged lo these many years
@Cerberus It depends. Do I want to watch them get their knickers in a twist or not?
A balance has to be struck, and such inconsistency should be an argument. It may not always win, but in this case I feel it should.
@Cerberus did you take a look at all the uses of hoi polloi in the COCA search I linked? Are you telling me that almost every single one is wrong?
no balance! all conversations should be figured out by guess work
@Robusto Exactly. You want to be able to control this knicker-twisting power rather use it inadvertently to your disadvantage.
@Cerberus hoi polloi 1837, from Gk. hoi polloi (pl.) "the people," lit. "the many" (pl. of polys; see poly-). Used in Greek by Dryden (1668) and Byron (1822), in both cases preceded by the, even though Gk. hoi means "the," a mistake repeated often by subsequent writers, who at least have the excuse of ignorance of Greek. From Etymonline. Hahahahaha!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes. Easy question. Again: I don't care what hoi polloi write. If they all wear torn jeans, I still have every right to dislike it and advise my friend against them.
@Robusto What of it?
*the hoi polloi
@Cerberus You know, you get all bent out of shape about "misuse" of Greek and yet you don't care enough about English to write syntactically complete sentences in chat.
@Cerberus Look, you know how language works. So for you to advise people to use a non-existent rule for an English word that originated in some other language, because in that language it was a phrase, is misguided.
@Robusto So?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Let's close the subject. We're not going to agree here.
@Cerberus You're like those people who get all bent out of shape when an animal is harmed, yet look with unconcern on the slaughter of human beings.
@Robusto And? Does that mean the animal should be harmed?
not much like them
Look, I don't know why all of you keep harping on this. I have explained why I dislike this phrase and that I feel I should be allowed to tell people why. I don't know what else there is to say.
@Cerberus Fine. I don't know HOW you sleep at night with all that cognitive dissonance clanging around in your brains. ;)
@Cerberus If it will save a human life, I say yes.
@Cerberus mainly because this particular instance is just a good example of how you treat the entire subject of latin/greek origins.
When I'm telling people I don't like torn jeans, noöne gets upset...
@Cerberus You're not going around trying to stop people from wearing them because "that's not how they did it in Athens"
they were naked in Athens
@MattЭллен almost like their jeans were so torn, they were all tear and no jean!
@Cerberus Maybe you should harp on the evils of Apple instead. You haven't done that for a few hours now.
I'll try not to comment on Greek words.
If it so upsets you.
@Cerberus No, don't stop being wrong because it upsets us! Stop being wrong because it's wrong :p
I'll also try not to harp on Apple or religion.
it does not upset me! I like to hear your opinions
wait... there won't be anything to talk about!
What if you stopped harping on my harping?
Also it doesn't upset me to hear why the English usage would be wrong in Greek. What upsets me is when that's presented as a rule that English speakers are expected to know.
@Robusto who do the onions respect?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm not biting any more.
@MattЭллен Well, I do sort of agree that I should cut back a little on sharing them like that...
@Robusto I am! Art thou still not happy?
so, it's that time of day again. I must venture forth into the storm to recover my children from whence they were left this morning.
good luck
bites tongue
thanks. The storm I refer to is a literal one.
Good luck!
Is it cold?
Snow and ice?
@Cerberus aw, don't hurt yourself!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Always.
@Cerberus snow and wind, anyway.
looks like it's not that cold. rain forecast for the next few days so perhaps the snow will melt and I won't have to shovel.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 As long as it keeps you out of church, we may thank God.
Throw some hoi polloi in the wind to sap its strength.
@MattЭллен syn/ack
don't talk back
@MattЭллен That was about the snow and the wind.
@Cerberus How can I do that? isn't that sentence grammatically incorrect?
oh, that's yakity yak
@MattЭллен fin
@MrShinyandNew安宇 All the better to distract the wind!
Shouldn't it be "Throw some polloi in the wind..."?
@Robusto If it took bad weather to keep me from church, I'd have no excuse this winter.
anyway: bye everyone!
Actually, it should be "some pollous". If you follow the Attic dialect in any case.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What? I thought we cured polloi in the '50s.
@Cerberus which I do, religiously
@MattЭллен Great! Athens rules!
we have travelled back in time?
because Athens is bankrupt where I come from. but I suppose they could still rule...
I r off to bed.
@MattЭллен Oh, well, new doesn't travel fast here: to me, she still rules the Mediterranean! Good night!
I think I will just ignore all the chat flags from now.
I usually just mark them invalid. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
Hear, hear!
Most flags seem a bit prudish.
I think if A has a problem with B in chat, A should just talk to B about it instead of flagging B.
Flagging does not solve the root cause of the problem.
@Cerberus Nah, that can't be true. They're waving their goods around in the wind for everyone to see.
Flagging just keeps the transcript clean, but who cares?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Safe travels!
I don't really understand what happened here so I'm going to just shove these onions and dead harp seals over to the side and sit down.
@aediaλ Eww now I can never look at a normal flag again!
Flagging in chat is the coward's way of calling someone out. It is the snitch's justice.
Jesus Christ, I'm gone for twenty minutes and you've filled an entire page with nonsense.
@aediaλ But aren't "goods" ipso facto good? What is this world coming to?
And the stuff that @aedia had to say.
@Robusto A conclusion, if we don't do something about it?
But I flag comments that are really off and bad on the main site because it is supposed to be about ELU, not people's quarrels.
Do people still use quarrels?
Yeah, flagging on the main site is often necessary. But in chat, anything goes except really malicious vituperation or spam. Not necessarily in that order.
I don't know. Sometimes we can't tell if A and B are having fun or the opposite.
I thought those were made illegal, along with hollowpoints.
Mmm, vituperation.
Gosh I love that soundtrack.
Now I'm jonesing for another Fallout playthrough.
I should maybe try Fallout, since y'all seem to like it.
I noticed "y'all" is very popular with females.
Haha. I tried that recently only to find that my Fallout 3 disc is unreadable by the XBox.
@JasperLoy That's a pretty random conclusion. Where did it come from?
@Robusto Oh no!
@Robusto Well, it seems that the female chatters in this room use it liberally but not the males.
But no official statistics.
I think it is the first time I have ever used it in this chat.
I'm sure aedia has used it a few times.
@aediaλ Oh yes. It totally sucks, because I got hold of the xpacs and was in the middle of beating "Broken Steel" when the XBox decided enough was enough.
How is playing games like that on XBox, anyway? @Kit, you have one too, on which you play Skyrim?
I've never had a game system other than Wii - been a PC gamer nearly exclusively.
@JasperLoy Correlation = living in the South. Not gender related.
@aediaλ I like to get away from the computer. I work at a computer all day, and when I relax with video games I like to lean back and look at things in the middle distance. Easier on the eyes.
@aediaλ I have a PS3, actually, not an XBox.
@Robusto This.
Also I have a huge TV, so it's pretty awesome.
Yeah, that too.
@Robusto You should do away with games altogether then!
I have about a 32" tv to which my gaming computer is connected, and I have mouse and keyboard set up on the coffee table, and right now I usually sit on an exercise ball to play.
@JasperLoy Stop trying to prove to me that you're crazy.
Nothing quite like the feeling of your balls jumping into your throat when you base jump off of the tallest mountain in Skyrim
I used to try to play on the couch but my new couch is also a futon now that we've been in the studio and it's totally not a good height.
@aediaλ Hmm do exercise balls really work against back pain?
@aediaλ Hmm. I have a cat and two small children.
Gotta go. Later!
One can just admire the stars to relax the eyes at night.
But there are stars on TV too.
And there are also stars in this room.
@Cerberus It's comfy to sit on while I play and a good height. I can't really say, except that it's way better than anything else I've tried other than standing (which only works for Wii games, not keyboard) or sitting crosslegged on the floor (which after a while bothers my neck with the gaming setup).
Hmm OK, so you're not doing it specifically against back pain?
@Robusto Oh man I would be so frustrated! I haven't played most of the expansions.
That's it. My old 46" TV is behind it because I had to wait for my son to help me take it down and put the new 60" up on the wall mount. The game being played right there is Just Cause 2, which is a fun sandbox shooter.
Bad camera on my old phone, but you get the idea.
@KitFox I love love love jumping off things in Skyrim. I have repeatedly jumped off towers just because it actually nauseates me to watch the animation, like I'm really my character. My husband found Become Ethereal and so he showed me a bunch of jumps that he survived but I haven't got it on my character... yet :)
Q: The best language to learn?

Ammar HadzicWhich language do you suggest for learning? I know english very good, and know some of german. I want to start learning fourth language but can't decide which to choose. My native language is Bosnian. :)

@Robusto Ahhh sweet!!
@Robusto Wow!! That's huge.
@Cerberus That's what she said.
@Cerberus Well a little bit against back pain. It definitely bugs me to sit in the same position too long, or sit in general, but I didn't want to totally change my computer use style and I thought it might help.
Your mother?
@aediaλ So I guess forcing you change position is exactly what it's supposed to do, right?
@aediaλ Skyrim is amazing on my new TV. Way better than Oblivion was.
drools a little
I want a giant tv but can't mount it to a wall right now and don't want to buy another giant expensive thing that I have to worry about moving next time we move...
Stupid apartments.
Yeah. Nice to have a house.
Someday I'll have a big display.
They're coming way down in price.
@Cerberus Yeah you end up using your legs and stomach muscles to balance yourself, so you wiggle a tiny bit, and you have to shift around if you get uncomfortable; I think I notice it much sooner than if I'm just in a chair because my legs get tired or stiff.
I've tried those exercise balls and those "kneeling" chairs and all that. I last about a day before I give up and go back to slouching in my chair because I just need to get some work done.
Because of how my coffee table is it's not perfect and I do sometimes rest my leg against the table or the ball against the couch behind me a little but it's still comfortable.
Oh I don't use it for work.
I have a real chair at work. I wish I had a nicer one.
I bought an Aeron chair for my home office but I don't like it. It's not really what I imagined it would be.
They make them sound so perfect.
They're really not like, adjustable in a zillion directions and even fetch you coffee?
@aediaλ Hmm that does sound quite uncomfortable.
@Cerberus I only use it max a couple hours at a time, gaming on evenings or weekends.
@Robusto Ah, the kneeling chairs are still uncomfortable? People talk about them as if they were magical sex machines.
@aediaλ Hm OK. I believe some offices have them?
@Cerberus Exercise balls?
My office got me an adjustable keyboard tray (if you recall, I'm short) but we just have junky chairs.
@aediaλ BTW, if you liked Fallout 3, you'll LOVE Skyrim.
I do love Skyrim.
I just want to see it even bigger :)
Especially smashing the dragons with my big axe.
@Cerberus Well, I have done both and I have to say this: kneeling chairs have a ways to go before they can claim to be as good as sex.
@aediaλ That is teh awesome.
OK I'll tell those delusional people.
I can kill a dragon in about four strokes of Wulfrath.
I take it that's not the name of your favourite kneeling chair.
@Cerberus Nope. I don't have a favorite kneeling chair. I despise them all equally.
I suppose if everyone is despised equally, that's better than being liked less than one's friend.
@Robusto I thought I was going to be a bit of an archer, because in Fallout 3 and NV I ended up sniping a lot because stuff would overwhelm me if I got too close too fast especially early on. But then I was just terrible at shooting the bow (as I later discovered, partly because my wireless mouse was on the fritz). I started wearing heavy armor, bashing everything around me with a two-handed axe, which was totally different than how I'd ever played, and didn't look back. I love that game.
Except I feel bad for how many horses I've killed, but whoops.
@aediaλ Funny, I took a different route. I started off as a tank and then built up my archery skill. There are archery perks that make it really easy to snipe.
@Robusto I did get a few and got a little better at archery. I have the Nightingale bow too, now that I don't really need it.
I like the way the game has flexibility in the path you take, so that you don't have to shape your character too much with initial choices.
Next time I play through I'm going to be a thief. You do 6x damage with backstab and you can carry more loot.
@aediaλ Yeah, it's really well thought-out.
Mahlzeit. Laters.
@Cerb, so you've never got into any of these role-playing/shooting games?
I was never into first-person/3rd person shooters, really; watched friends and my brother play things like Rainbow Six. But then Mass Effect and Fallout got me.

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