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And he has been demonstrating tactical thinking recently too.
@Mahnax Yeah.
"coordinate our attack"
Oh, yes.
He likes "nefarious" too. That's a favorite of mine, which is probably why.
How about Noxious?
Actually, I don't think he knows noxious.
He learned "whoop ass" today, by accident.
shrugs We explained to him that it is not a polite thing to say. While we were laughing.
@Kit not good...
He tells us that his Papa (grandfather) says things like "Damn it" and "stupid."
We explained that Papa is old and forgets to be polite sometimes.
Oh that is so racist.
I was at a friend's house once, and we watched a show in which one character repeatedly says "jackass". So his little brother starts saying it, in the most hilarious voice.
The kid was 3 at the time.
My brother's nephew used to say "Hwat? F-ck no!" when he was really small.
Yeah that happens.
It usually stops once the child realises that some adults don't like it.
@SonicTheHedgehog OK, husband says I'm overreacting.
@KitFox He can see us? Hi Mr. Kit!
@Mahnax Mr. Kit says meow.
@SonicTheHedgehog Use an interrobang: ‽
Except he must have forgotten that I'm actually a fox.
@KitFox What a deep conversation we're having.
He says he makes a fox noise instead.
Also some other things I am not going to repeat to young people.
Oh, come on.
You've ruined the conversation!
@Mahnax Did I? Were we talking about interesting things?
@KitFox Not really.
arms akimbo So exactly how did I ruin it?
Hm, young man?
head down, whispers You didn't, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am.
Is he still here?
Who, my husband?
He's sitting next to me on the couch playing Skyrim, per our usual fashion of late.
Unlike some, I don't need to sneak into chat.
But I feel empathy for those who do.
looks around I have nooo idea what you're talking about.
Heh, heh. Riiight, Sonic?
enables cloaking device
Don't worry, I've got you covered.
Seriously though, I have no idea. What do you mean sneak?
How do you even sneak?
By the way, that's another one of my son's great ideas.
@SonicTheHedgehog Do you mean 'how is it accomplished' or 'what does the word sneak mean'?
I have discover'd that the best thing about IB Biology is learning how the stuff actually impacts us.
@Kit Both.
@SonicTheHedgehog Just tell your mum we are correcting your spelling!
My mom is right next to me, and she does not even know that this chat even exists.
@SonicTheHedgehog How is that possible?
Wow, that is sneaky.
@SonicTheHedgehog Sneaking is to use subterfuge to get from one place to another, in other words, to hide the fact that you are engaging in behavior that are interdicted.
@SonicTheHedgehog But you should really spend more time on your schoolwork.
Science and Math homework is my alibis.
I open chat in the first tab, and then something that looks like an appropriate Google search in the next tab, and flip between them.
@Kit I use Google to type down my replies.
Good strategy.
Also, typing in a Word document, then copy-pasting.
I am doing my homework between minutes.
@KitFox Shh.
Because then it looks like you are writing an essay.
@KitFox Wow, thorough.
I do that with email sometimes too.
@KitFox OMG. Now you will teach your kids these tricks too.
Also, you end up with funny stories that way.
@JasperLoy Well, I won't really need to. And the eldest is certainly clever enough to figure it out on his own.
Oh and I knew what snaek meant, I was just confused and didn't read correctly.
I am contemplating giving him The Prince for children.
@KitFox I did not know there is a children's version. But I know it has been translated into many languages.
@KitFox Est-ce que c'est un livre?
C'est pas Le Petit Prince.
I wonder why that book is so popular. I never read it though.
If I knew enough Italian, I'd tell you about it.
@KitFox Italian?
That hardly seems related, other than the fact that it and French are both romances.
The Italian Job is a nice movie.
@JasperLoy I agree.
> A Child's Machiavelli began as a series of paintings, imaginary pages from what I envisioned as a first-grade primer instructing the uninitiated on how to seize and hold power.
@Mahnax The Prince. Not The Little Prince.
The Prince was written by Machiavelli.
@KitFox Oh, I just now saw the "pas" in that sentence.
> I tried to keep precisely to Machiavelli's original aphorisms for the Prince, which he wrote in the 16th century as words of wisdom for a young king.
It is where we get the term "machiavellan."
Which implies a certain level of unethical behavior in the interest of retaining power.
I learned about Machiavelli in Social Studies 9.
It's good that they are teaching the youth these things.
I don't even know who Mach is.
I agree.
"Only give things away when people are watching."
"Only let people see you doing stuff where you come off really good."
Haha, there are proteins called "globular proteins." How very scientific.
I once memorised the structure of the 20 amino acids.
And all the monosaccharides.
Goodness, why?
Well, I'm off to bed.
Good night!
@KitFox Good night!
@Mahnax For fun.
@JasperLoy I see.
@Kit Have you even heard of the saying, "Do not let the left hand know what your right hand is doing?"
@SonicTheHedgehog No.
Basically, If you are doing something good or nice, do it in secret.
@SonicTheHedgehog I don't agree. You should just do it without caring about whether it is secret or not.
I love this song.
Hey @Sonic, you got any homework tonight?
@Mah Finished Science homework, now working on another algebra, least it is only half amount of stuff I had to to yesterday.
@SonicTheHedgehog Funny, you have half the homework, and I have 2x the studying.
heh. Karma.
No. Karma does not exist.
The entire notion is foolish to me.
Holy, you should see this.
Mind = Blown
@SonicTheHedgehog Oh, you didn't know that? Interesting.
@Mah I actually saw that some time ago in our church, where this guy on the stage introduces 10 more stars, each more bigger then the other.
@SonicTheHedgehog Ah, Louie Giglio, or something?
then he went on to show us this thing I remember called.. melamin? Or something. It is a thing that holds everything in our body together. It was in a shape of the cross.
@Mah Yes!
Yep, that's Louie Giglio.
And yeah, it's laminin.
Shaped like a cross.
My mind was blown.
Must include in bookmarks.
Also, the whirlpool galaxy:
God Bless you Mahnax, I have searching for him in ages.
God Bless your soul.
Haha, thank you, and you're welcome.
A: Why "head for" is in the passive voice in "Mitt Romney was headed for a decisive victory in Arizona”?

MahnaxHead for is another way of saying to go towards. It needs to be preceded by a conjugation of "to be," since it is in the present continuous tense.

Is my answer here good?
@Mah chuckles I am not that great at English if you noticed...
@SonicTheHedgehog Heh, maybe.
But I'll take a look at it.
Gee, thanks.
"as newspapers are wont to do" Do you mean newspaper do it or they do not?
Wont means accustomed to.
It is different from won't.
I just noticed that you can go to the front of your setence by pressing up, and go back to the end of the sentence using down. Useful.
@Mah Damn, that's confusing. One apostrophe makes a complete difference.
@SonicTheHedgehog Hehe, it's a little archaic.
Oh well... I think you wrote well.
I mean, that does sound like newspaper headline.
"Radioactive Bananas!!!!!"
I am so excited.
477 rep away from 5k.
I see it again!
What, the white thing?
Inspect element!
Right click, choose "inspect element".
Tell me what it says.
Right click the white dot, I mean.
And, what does it say?
Click on it.
I am reporting this on meta.
Add it to your current question. Do not refresh this page, though.
@Mah will it come up to front page then?
@SonicTheHedgehog Ping Jarrod in the comments and he'll take a look.
Hold on, switching to chrome in efforts to reproduce.
Okay, it's chrome time.
The spot disappeared, even though I did not refresh.
I took a look at the CSS, JavaScript and source, and I cannot see any reason why that dot would appear.
Well, I gotta go do some dishes, bye!
@Mah I do dishes all the time.
good for you, you are helping your family.
..Whoa, for a moment I sounded like Jasper there. Ah well. He is a good role model.
2 people in here. unbelievable.
I'm back!
@SonicTheHedgehog As do I.
I do them at work, too. Four hours straight of dishes is no fun at all.
4 hours?? For me it takes about 30 minutes.
No, at work.
Yes, I have a job.
I work at KFC.
@Mah You never told me!
The dishes there are incredibly greasy (as one might imagine they would be) and they take a long time to do.
@SonicTheHedgehog I didn't?
So. which chicken is better? KFC or Popeyes?
@Mah No, you did not.
But isn't it against law for a minor to work?
@SonicTheHedgehog Hm, sorry, then.
@SonicTheHedgehog No! Not at all.
There are restrictions, sure, but they can work.
@SonicTheHedgehog KFC.
Q: software development is better or buisness analyst

PranaliWhich career option is better software development or buisness analyst currently i m working as a programmer but i got opportunity to switch as BA I have just 6 months of programming experience but I am not able to decide which one is better as per SALARY aspect and FUTURE GROWTH i did my graduat...

@Mah I am too busy teaching myself Python and C-related languages...
@David you should have included Grammar in your comment.
@SonicTheHedgehog Ooh, Python.
Om nom nom.
@DavidWallace It kills me...
@Mah Yeah... I am a starter, I just only started studying it recently.
OK, not to mention spelling.
Courtesy of Salman Khan.
@SonicTheHedgehog Same here. I made a decent trigonometry program.
I think that this style of writing indicates sloppy thinking. I wouldn't employ either a programmer or a BA who wrote like this.
Nor would I.
@Mah I have no idea what that is, but I am pretty sure it would be awesome.
@SonicTheHedgehog Trigonometry is a type of maths involving angles and sides of triangles.
@Mah Automatically tunes out
Haha, it's okay.
I shudder when I think of them.
Triangles are your friends, Sonic.
@Mah specifically friends to me?
@SonicTheHedgehog It's kind of an idiom.
or to everybody else also?
They are everyone's friends.
@DavidWallace How are you?
Not so good. Took today off work.
I wish you good health.
That's no good, I hope you feel better.
By tomorrow at least...
A good night's sleep will help.
Thank you both.
I shall probably stay up for a few hours and watch a cricket game that NZ is in the middle of losing badly.
One of my friends was sick today too, and it's her birthday.
@Mah Bad...
@SonicTheHedgehog That she's sick?
It must have been ah.. cra**y, I fear?
Especially being her birthday and all..
You needn't asterisk-ify "crappy".
It's not a curse.
curse word.
My mind is too clean. I was wondering why it would have been crazy.
@Mah Oh and I need your help.
@SonicTheHedgehog Ei mitään.
@SonicTheHedgehog Avec quoi? With what?
I am stuck on this particular algebra homework.
Okay, let's see it.
What step do I take first in this problem?
-10 = a+3/3.
I already saves the negative sign for later,
But what should I do next?
Multiply 3 by both sides?
Is a+3 all divided by 3?
x both sides by 3
If so, then multiply both sides by three.
thats what I thought, but...
Welp, must have been a brain malfunction.
@Sonic I have an Honours degree in math and you're asking Mahnax?
I hate this.
@David Sorry bro. I never knew. :)
@DavidWallace Mahnax had a 100 in math at one point.
Next time I'll ask you for help.
feels useless
Aw come on, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
SO, if you thought it was right to multiply both sides by 3, why didn't you just try it and see what happened?
With algebra, you can always just try something, then work backwards.
@David I thought I should do that, then the other hemisphere said that I wouldn't know if x/3 was exactly 1/3.
Massive malfunction, to be exact.
Big confusion.
What's x? I see "a" in the question.
Then I realized that all x by 3 would do is to get rid of the line and the 3.
@David I am using x as in variable example.
OK, so once you've got rid of the vinculum and the 3, you've got -30 on one side, and a+3 on the other. Which seems to me to be a much easier problem.
I'm assuming that the RHS had everything divided by 3, not just the 3 on the end.
@David Ah, almost forgot the poor minus sign. Thank you.

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