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RELOAD! There are 1649 unanswered questions (94.5749% answered)
@CaptainObvious ffs
@CaptainObvious I believe this is a hypothetical question, thoughts?
> Posting this here as someone suggested it was better suited for code review :)
@Quill What could I do in order to improve the question for either website? All I want to know is if removing entries from a dictionary in VBA during a for each loop (like the working code above) can cause undesired side-effects (because of iterators), which I definitely feel like is something that can be answered quite objectively? — Bitious 3 mins ago
Q: 5 dimensional Monte Carlo Integral calculation.

user94680//Recommendations and ideas to improve the code will be much appreciated #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> float ran2(long *); long seed= -12234387132; double f(double[], int); double my_func(double(*)(double[],int), double[], double[], int, int); int main(void){ const int n = 5; //numb...

@ScottHoltzman "Is this safe?" is a question that is on-topic for Stack Overflow, and far from a request for open-ended critique. Please read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow Users and this discussion of proper closure procedures for code review requests. — 200_success 5 secs ago
Thanks @200_success for that ^
@Quill Hint: make your important chat posts more pinnable by doing it like this:
Yeah, I know
**[SO Developer Survey Results](http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2015)**
Feel free to post it yourself then :P
So, do it
I'm tired of pinning my own posts, I like to give credit @Quill ;p
There you go :)
> After millennia of heated debate, mercifully, at long last, we have an answer. Most developers prefer tabs to spaces.
> Upon closer examination of the data, a trend emerges: Developers increasingly prefer spaces as they gain experience. Stack Overflow reputation correlates with a preference for spaces, too: users who have 10,000 rep or more prefer spaces to tabs at a ratio of 3 to 1.
Ew, tabs
I only use spaces for Github so it doesn't screw up the formatting.
Last week I found a legit issue of using tabs
One of our webapps (at work) is set with tabs displaying as 8 spaces, instead of 4 (or somehow tabs are getting rendered twice, not sure which) which makes code that uses tabs look really weird
There are some correlation-causation fallacies in the analysis.
Ah yes, those :)
The real question is how many pennies in the jar?
Wow, why are there so few contributors from China, comparative to their population? Language barrier?
I don't know much about it, but I think China has a very restrictive internet.
Side note: Working here has the strange side effect of quadrupling your gif / meme collection weekly. I blame chat. — Tim Post ♦ 7 hours ago
Also, where is the question about aliens?
@SirPython Yeah, they block facebook, instagram and a few other sites
> This survey under represents developers who don't like to take English surveys. It's biased against devs in countries like China, Brazil, and Japan, who participate on Stack Overflow less than devs in other non-English speaking countries.
Oh my, somehow North Korea made it into "Devs Per Capita" at 0.000. Is Stack Overflow blocked in N.K.??? If so, how do people ever get any coding done there!?
I assume that question is a joke, right?
I meant no sarcasm/joke by it
in north korea the internet is a privilege coming with political power. There are countries in africa where there's more PCs per Capita
@Phrancis IIRC NK has limited access to certain government approved sites, SO may be on it, but there's no Korean SO and I doubt they teach kids English in NK
Oh, wow
Sorry if that sounded overtly political, I was genuinely curious
Internet access is available in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), but only permitted with special authorization and primarily used for government purposes and by foreigners. The country has some broadband infrastructure, including fiber optic links between major institutions producing nationwide speeds of up to 2.5 Gbit/s. However, online services for most individuals and institutions are provided through a free domestic-only network known as Kwangmyong, with access to the global Internet limited to a much smaller group. As of late 2014 there are 1,024 IP addresses in the...
> but only permitted with special authorization and primarily used for government purposes and by foreigners
There was a really good blog post a few months ago from an Australian guy who went to NK and took photos of so many things
1k IP addresses for a whole country. You can probably imagine how the dev coverage is over there :/
So I guess the more interesting question is whether there are (more than a handful of) developers in N.K., and how they get access to documentation and such
They just couldn't control the population if they had free access to information
I'd assume Devs would be in short supply, and given they don't need websites because there's no internet besides who vogel just said
that slims away half the amount of normal devs there
Besides that, they could just import goods from China (which they do) that have already been finished
and then you only get to embedded and hardware-near devs and those are crazy good anyways
I doubt they even have the technological resources to manufacture on the scale of most other countries
lol somebody DDOS'd the whole Korea internet after the Sony incident
Ah, and all these things compound to result in this 0.000 figure eh?
I really hope this changes during my lifetime... a country without Stack Overflow is a country that writes awful code, if any, I feel sure
Well before that happens, North Korea needs to get out of the Industrial Age ...
that's like 2 ages behind the "Western World" ... or however you want to call it
Random code structure question: If a class is named specifically as a sort of data type (like a type of array), should the constructor ideally just call the logic that makes the data type? Or should that be a separate method that would need to be executed by the calling code?
how would you fit that into a separate method?
no wait...
I don't understand what you mean ...
can you share the code?
CustomArrayType foo = new CustomArrayType(); vs. CustomArrayType bar = new CustomArrayType(); bar.generate();
I'll post the code for review tonight, but this structure question came to mind as I was refactoring
The constructor is responsible for setting up the object
you may use private methods, but in general the object is in usable state after newing it up
OK, that makes sense
There's stuff like the Builder Pattern, but you can ignore those for now.
So if you newed a CustomArrayType you would expect for it to return a usable array of the given type, without you having to call other methods, right?
In context, I made a constructor like this
public Random2dIntArray(int numberOfInnerArrays) {
    this.numberOfInnerArrays = numberOfInnerArrays;
    this.random2dIntArray = new int[numberOfInnerArrays][];
Not looking for review now, just for clarification on a concept
The idea being that generateArray() returns the expected, usable object
a constructor doesn't "return" in the way a method returns
well it does, but it's different
That's new information... how so?
@Phrancis if the constructor doesn't construct the object what is it good for? it would be effectively just the same as calling .generate as a static method
because a constructor always returns an instance of it's class
^ you can't return a specific variable, you return an instance, with instanced variables inside that
if you want a special kind of array, without more special handling that would justify a class, then a static method would be better.
public static int[]][] generateArray(numberOfInnerArrays) {
    return new int[numberOfInnerArrays][];
Just asked a question in CodeGolf's chat instead of here by mistake
No wonder everyone ignored me LOL
@Insane Okay... go on
@Insane you got answers there
The answer was: use putchar('/n')
I asked why
because it puts out a char and not a string, I'd assume
Sounds about right
in The Nineteenth Byte, 15 mins ago, by Insane
In C, is puts(""); or printf("\n"); better for just printing a newline?
^ for topic clarity
I'd say puts is because I don't think you need stdio.h for that.
@Phrancis also they still teach Japanese students on Windows pre vista and Office 2003 with VB* code only written by PC clubs.... Only true hobbyists come out of that place
If not, trying to use a function for printing formatted output is overkill for a single character.
char is an int, String is an object... may not be completely accurate for C but that's how it appears to be pretty much overall
Well all I want is to print a newline right, so puts(""); isnt printing a string at all. It's empty and the puts function automatically newlines
@Phrancis there is no such thing as `String in C...
there's only null-terminated char*
And when I say string I mean "string of characters"
In C, char is a byte and "string" is char*
which is basically a char[]
just without the size limit. theoretically
that's why stringlength is expensive and concatenating strings correctly is difficult
@Mat'sMug don't be taking potential jobs from me!
Still wondering if puts(""); is identical to putchar('\n'); or if one is more intensive even very slightly
right now I am painting for $12/hour and the last time I painted I was making $15/hour
@Insane putchar would be more favorable
what language?
If I assume correctly, I'd say that putchar is O(1) and puts is O(n) (but I'm not good with complexities)
whats the difference between puts and putchar?
Puts is for an array of chars, putchar is for a single char
And puts automatically newlines
Which is why it's ("");
@SirPython with n being 1 here...
@Insane Can you do "puts()"?
Right (sorry, I didn't think that through)
You can't.
although there's only one character in the array, you're still initialising an array. there's gotta be that, right?
Good point Quill
But this may be a good SO question anyways
@Malachi That sucks man, I hope you find a really cool programming job soon
A: putchar() vs printf() - Is there a difference?

kirbyfan64sosprintf is a generic printing function that works with 100 different format specifiers and prints the proper result string. putchar, well, puts a character to the screen. That also means that it's probably much faster. Back to the question: use putchar to print a single character. Again, it's pro...

^^ this. You only need to put a single character down; printf is way to complex.
@Quill waiting for a Developer Screening Phone call to be set up for Pilot/Flying J right now...
and that position might not exist, yet.
Yeah for sure, printf is out of the question. I, honestly, didn't know putchar existed
Until someone told me
> printf is a generic printing function that works with 100 different format specifiers and prints the proper result string. putchar, well, puts a character to the screen. That also means that it's probably much faster. Back to the question: use putchar to print a single character. Again, it's probably much faster.
I am worth more than $15/hour, I am so upset that they think they can pay me $12/hour and then ask me to sign a non-discolsure/non-compete agreement, The painting company asked me to do this
Non-disclosure for painting houses?
@Malachi For painting!?
What kind of crazy idiots are they?
yeah, IKR
Better not to veer off-topic though, or we can go to Nth
Night, @Vogel612.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 33 secs ago, by Quill
so it turns out the SO survey CSV has no mention of the joke questions, nor the penny question
Certainly by design
my bad
Have you guys seen this latest Github design?
Hasn't that been out for a while?
@JeroenVannevel syntax highlighting?
no, this:
@Malachi all good man
It shows for every line of code who edited it last and in what commit
That's nifty
it's called blame
it's been around for a while
not built-in github
oh wait
this is a specific url?
yes, built-in github
@Malachi if you want to vent just hit me up on Skype, name is same as LinkedIn
I've never actually used that Blame button. That's awesome
Yeah I like Blame, although, they could've chosen a better name for it
it's been called blame since the ages of svn
An annotation is a metadata (e.g. a comment, explanation, presentational markup) attached to text, image, or other data. Often, annotations make reference to a specific part of the original data. == Literature and education == === Textual scholarship === Textual scholarship is a discipline that often uses the technique of annotation to describe or add additional historical context to texts and physical documents. === Student uses === Students often highlight or underline passages in books in order to refer back to key phrases easily, or add marginalia to aid studying. One educational...
(I think)
Yup, we use it at work....
Git is for every purpose better, but more recent
I am actually going to work on some networking that I need to get done in the next 4 hours
Q: Is puts(""); or printchar('\n'); better for printing just a newline?

InsaneWhich is better (in both performance and best practice) for printing only a newline: putchar('\n'); or puts(""); From what I understand, putchar outputs a single character and puts outputs a string of characters. Forget about printf. I'm inclined to use puts because it's shorter, but doing...

14 mins ago, by Phrancis
A: putchar() vs printf() - Is there a difference?

kirbyfan64sosprintf is a generic printing function that works with 100 different format specifiers and prints the proper result string. putchar, well, puts a character to the screen. That also means that it's probably much faster. Back to the question: use putchar to print a single character. Again, it's pro...

That's printf.
Not puts
same or similar explanation
Not really. printf has output formatting
puts doesn't to my knowledge
@Insane what's printchar, do you mean putchar?
possible answer invalidation by Martin Tuskevicius on question by Martin Tuskevicius: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116683/revisions
@Duga Er, what
It's not invalidating an answer point, but the use of an extraneous library is cause for a possible review point, right?
@Quill Yeah I keep accidentally doing that thanks :P
I have a value of type object in C#.
This value knows what type it is - I can see what it is by calling value.GetType().
How can I cast it to that type without using a mega-switch?
what do you mean?
you want to cast something based on its own value (which is a type)
Like, I have a value like:
var value = symbol.ConstantValue;
ConstantValue returns an object.
Currently, I am switching like this:
case nameof(Int16):
    if (!IsPowerOfTwo((short) value))
        createDiagnostic = true;
case nameof(UInt16):
    if (!IsPowerOfTwo((ushort) value))
        createDiagnostic = true;
And so on over a zillion types.
and (value.GetType()) value isn't valid syntax?
I want to reduce these to a single line.
IsPowerOfTwo() really takes a double, but I can't just cast to a double because that causes an InvalidCastException().
maybe ping mr vannevel
@Hosch250 And that's a bad thing how?
@Quill No, that is not valid. And GetType() returns a Type anyway.
@Phrancis That isn't exactly bad, just saying that the obvious solution doesn't work.
@JeroenVannevel @Mat'sMug Do you know how to fix this?
I'm taking a look
A: How to cast object to type described by Type class?

weiqureObject o = (TargetType) ex; This code is useless. You might have a type on the right but it's still only an object on the left side. You can't use functionality specific to TargetType like this. This is how you can invoke a method of an unknown object of a given type: object myObject = new ...

So am I.
You can replace all of it with this:
if (!IsPowerOfTwo((dynamic) Convert.ChangeType(value, value.GetType())))
but that introduces dynamic
I just found that. The first time I searched, I tied myself in knots.
For that matter, I could probably just cast value to dynamic.
yeah I'm fine with introducing dynamic. If it turns out to be a performance issue we can always uglify it later on
just document the purpose through comments and it's fine
Yeah, just casting the value to dynamic works.
No need to involve Convert.ChangeType().
yeah I figured that seemed like a pointless overation
possible answer invalidation by Ayoola Solomon on question by Ayoola Solomon: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116662/revisions
Can a mod migrate the latest question to meta?
cv it, there is a meta migration cv reason
Oh, thanks.
Q: Where do I ask questions about software structure?

1.21 gigawattsOne of the bullet points for this site is that it is not for asking, "Higher-level architecture and design of software systems". That's exactly what I'm needing answers about. If not here then where? Specifically, I'm asking how to implement a certain feature. Not so much the code but what it'...

Come on, guys, we don't have enough people to close a question without a mod?
@Hosch250 Rectified
Q: Where do I ask questions about software structure?

1.21 gigawattsOne of the bullet points for this site is that it is not for asking, "Higher-level architecture and design of software systems". That's exactly what I'm needing answers about. If not here then where? Specifically, I'm asking how to implement a certain feature. Not so much the code but what it'...

I have a conundrum. I wanted to do fizzbuzz for PowerShell but, after trying, it seems that it is very simple for it to do. Hardly seems worth the question although I could easily be wrong. Perhaps it would be better for someone else to have a crack at it.
FizzBuzz is usually pretty simple
halp guys, I posted a PPCG answer
@Quill I got that impression. Make me want to try one of the odd languages like Chef or something.
CR's main purpose is actually to get a FizzBuzz for every language
@Mat'sMug ^ you know that's the truth ;-)
So like if they got all of them they would be all like "Gentlemen.... it's done." and shut down.
nah, we would just invent our own languages after that
PowerShell is just C# with ugly syntax
Q: Printing multiple different shapes to stdout

InsaneIntro Whilst scanning my C programming textbook, I saw this practice problem from a very early chapter: I got to thinking, if I was asked to draw just one of those shapes by them self, it would be a couple of for loops, pretty easy. But to do literally what the question asks, I couldn't see ...

@JeroenVannevel I'm working on learning C# but that will take time. Personally coming from the other side I have the complete opposite opinion.
I hope you guys don't mind, er, less experienced code review questions
Nah don't worry, we've got that with @DanPantry all the time as well
Q: Printing multiple different shapes to stdout

InsaneIntro Whilst scanning my C programming textbook, I saw this practice problem from a very early chapter: I got to thinking, if I was asked to draw just one of those shapes by them self, it would be a couple of for loops, pretty easy. But to do literally what the question asks, I couldn't see ...

@JeroenVannevel wat
I have to take jabs at him while he's asleep
oh right
Q: FizzBuzz: A PowerShell Story

MattAfter reading way too much into what fizzbuzz was I though PowerShell could easily have its way with this. Function Get-FizzBuzz{ param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int]$Number ) process{ $result = switch($Number){ {$_ % 3 -eq ...

Q: Determine cheating in reverse "Guess My Number" game

BrainFRZI'm just starting to learn C++ (not my first language), and started with working on a program to simulate the classic "Guess My Number" game, and am mostly looking for feedback on optimization and/or general tips. I wanted to write it to allow the player to either guess like normal, but also allo...

@CaptainObvious Try generating them individually and putting them in an array. Generate them with the leading/trailing spaces so each line has the same number of characters.
Then, do a loop like:
for (int i = 0; i < rect.Count; i++) {
    puts(rect[i] + "\t" + oval[i] + "\t" + arrow[i] + "\t" + diamond[i])
Or something along that line...
and for code review this is the right place codereview.stackexchange.comgurvinder372 57 secs ago
You'll have better results over at CodeReview.SERob just now
Q: Sh-t vs. New: Python Temperature Converter

ZakI made this temperature converter when I first started getting into python. After a year of regular programming on my own I decide it was time to revisit my old program. During my first semester of computer science I took my old sh-t and turned it into some beautiful sh-t. By all means both progr...

@CaptainObvious That's still off topic.
Code added to question.
@Martha That's kind of biased, don't you think? I'm sure, given enough effort we could find a selection of puns that would make you chuckle. If we had less than eleven, but definitely more than nine, and even one made you laugh, you couldn't say no pun in ten did. — T.J.L. 8 hours ago
@Zak I was just reading that thread.
@Quill good answer on programmers.se
Oh lovely. My mega-delete is stuck on the last file.
I just threw away a bunch of backups.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be a better fit for codereview.stackexchange — lc. 1 min ago
@Heslacher thanks :-)
Q: Revisiting the Builder patterns

VoiceOfUnreasonI've been experimenting with the builder pattern over the last few weeks. Builders, fluent builders especially, have a nice legibility/complexity trade off. Where I've had trouble of late is integrating with legacy code that throws checked exceptions -- not only is it clumsy to work with those ...

That shirt would look better in black ! — Heslacher 13 secs ago
I just needed to say that.
Q: Reversing order of words in a string

Quantum Sphinximport java.io.*; public class reverse { public static String rev(String toRev) { int len=toRev.length(); String rev=""; for(int i=len-1;i>=0;i--) { rev=rev+toRev.charAt(i); } return rev; } public static void main(String []args)throws IOExceptio...

@5gon12eder I thought of posting it there but I wasn't sure whether what I wanted was a code review. Can you please suggest the changes here? — ubuntugod 42 secs ago
Q: RFC: Better chat @mentions – A prototype

balphaStatus: 75% - We have a prototype to play with the UI Previous RFC: RFC: Better chat @mentions Problem Statement & Background Please see the previous RFC. Proposed solution The feedback to the solution I proposed in the original RFC was overwhelmingly positive. We now have a prototype of the...

@CaptainObvious Can anyone make sense of that question?
It seems too abstract to be a Code Review question, yet too broad for Programmers.
Q: What is the best way to log start time and end time of an API call to the log file?

Naresh ChennuriBelow is code sample that I am planning to log for every API call, can you make it more useful, cleaner and easier. // for logging the start time with some other API information $apiTransactionId = md5(microtime()); LogAPICalls::getInstance()->addLog($parameters = array( 'logMessage' => 'Conn...

@CaptainObvious Every code block has commented out code
They're asking for a discussion on the builder pattern, not a review
in The Whiteboard, 40 secs ago, by Heslacher
Hi, could you take a look at this Code Review question http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/116749/revisiting-the-builder-patt‌​erns if this would be a good fit for Programmers.SE ?
I have the feeling that it could be a good fit for programmers @200_success. For Code Review I agree with you.
a little late :
A: Best of Code Review 2015 — Now Accepting Nominations!

chillworldA little late as the voting is already started. Best welcoming comment: New users can be overwhelmed by our community, but sometimes a good welcome to the community can also grab their attention to come back in later stages, as they can see our mentality is not the same as SO.

but maybe for next year :)
btw, monking @all
monking @chillworld
I'm thinking of what I can do today ;)
maybe looking into some Java questions
@JeroenVannevel :(
Damned, I do love enums but in this question it's like he raped the enum
Q: Dots game in Android

Pedro DavidI'm trying to clone a Dots game with some little differences (power ups and objectives) as a school project. I have almost every objective done so now, I'm not trying to get my work done for free. I am however asking for code structure advice and to learn if you find any horrible mistake. I'm sor...

I'm thinking of how I can do it better
@chillworld woah dude, that's a little harsh wording
it's a factory pattern in an enum
It could be genius also, that I'm to stupid to see, but first look on the code is like what the hell?
even the valueOf is overridden (with only new feature is returning null in stead of an error)
@Quill can you find on his github the Piece classes?
oke found it
I want it in an IDE with no faults ;)
ah bah, he refactored it to much. Can't find the Piece class back on github.
Don't want to search all history just to find that class.
PSA: Only one day left to vote on our tagline
Q: Badge oneboxer for chat

QuillThis script makes it possible for badges to onebox in Chat. Things that I'm working on: Tag badges Custom badges, currently working, but displays a black colour Making them actual buttons Install: Requires Tamper/GreaseMonkey. Click here to install. GitHub: It's on GitHub too!

code review: you can put the repeated number 20 (or 100) in a variable — Amani Kilumanga just now
@Quill [badge:stack-apps-and-code-review-combo]
Q: Badge Oneboxer for Chat.SE

QuillThis script makes it possible for badges to onebox in Chat. The install requires Tamper/GreaseMonkey. Click here to install, and it's on GitHub and StackApps! // ==UserScript== // @name Badge Oneboxer // @description Converts tag-like badge comments to badges // @version 0.1 // @match *://c...

So.. Amazon have a division about me now.
The JavaScript is coming... you cannot escape it...
> Javascript
It will be better to ask this question at codereview.stackexchange.com. — R Sahu 42 secs ago
Just edited an answer on programmers.SE with the sole intention of changing the (incorrect) "your" to "you're". Left the edit note ಠ_ಠ.
Yes, it is perfectly fine to use initializer list for copy constructor and is preferred. Otherwise, however, your code is full of antipatterns. Code review would do it good. — Jan Hudec 8 secs ago
@Quill There's a stray console.log left in your question
oh shit thanks
in the function ReplaceText
@Quill well, I thank you for all your help, but I do not know what I can do now...DanielSank refuses to help...
Maybe try posting on SO, other than that, no clue. Good Luck
Already did...closed question...
A: Dots game in Android

chillworldI saw your comment about the question wasn't relevant anymore, but still wanted to answer this one. I have a deep love for Java enums and this I couldn't resist to answer. Your trying to create a factory pattern inside an enum. I do think this isn't the way to go, but I want to point out some is...

mine opinion :)
Q: Runtime Limit exceeded while computing coordinates using recursion

Mayukh SarkarAs a solution to the B. Wet Boxes problem : B. Wet Boxes Bob works in a warehouse which contains a large pile of boxes. The position of a box can be described with a pair of integers (x, y). Each box either stands on the ground (y = 0) or stands on top of two boxes with positions (...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Php Login Class - Security and Logic check
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Pagination object oriented
@RoboSanta can a bot vote also?
Q: UItableview indexing and sectioning algorithm

EdipI was following the guide in here http://www.edumobile.org/ios/indexed-table-views-in-swift/ but author made a minor mistake in the tutorial. Sectioning algorithm doesn't work properly, it should have an indexed section called 'Z' for 'Zhytomyr' also it doesn't appear in the images as well. I'm ...

@CaptainObvious broken
@Quill any other advice?
no, sorry
I don't really know what to do!
This is almost me ->:'(
There is a Stack Exchange site dedicated to code review which may be a better place to ask: codereview.stackexchange.comNeil Slater 54 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Interesting situation of Too Much Information. Whether it should stay open is iffy.
> These components are building blocks. Do you like Lego? Good. You will like Brick.
They missed an opportunity to quote Father Ted, "I LOVE MY BRICK!"
We can review your code, but Code Review explicitly allows for answers about any and all aspects of the code. So don't be mad if the answer review everything except the algorithm. We now know what you're looking for, but answerers are free to ignore that. — Mast 34 secs ago
@TanMath Why was it closed? Have you tried repairing the question?

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