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Ok I'll walk to uni, and maybe then I can see chat flags
Apparently i've got nein nein nein 3
Hi @Elizer!
Hello @Edlothiad !
No i'm Ed, or Edlo according to @Shado
Oh ninja'd
Alright. Hello @Ed
@Edlothiad well, @Ed won't ping, so @Edlo is better ;)
@Edl is too weird, sounds like @Adel
How do you do half pings?
@Edlothiad what do you mean?
Like ping with half the name
Anything over three characters of your name will ping you
Maybe they should be called short pings?
@Art pings me
Just write it manually @Edlo
but @Sha is lots of people
@Edlothiad only two, my sock and me ;)
but yeah, all get the pings
What do you people think about the theme of the film night?
@ShadowW is the shortest that will ping only Shadow and not Shadow of the Shadow
but how does it know if I want you or your socks
@Sha will just ping both?
@Edlothiad yup
@Gallifreyan Yes
@Edlothiad the socks are always better. Always.
@Art actually also pings @ArthurDent so hope he won't mind.... ;)
@LocutusofBorg you fool...
@Mithrandir you're the one who has 'fool' in your profile, not me!
@LocutusofBorg it's not about me! It's a quote!
@Mithrandir that's irrelevant
What do you mean?
Hello @fed
It's automatically assumed to be about you
aww that only pings one person
@LocutusofBorg now you're just babbling
@Mithrandir nah, that's @Babelfish
Ok be back in a while
You stubborn sock.
@Edlothiad in a whale?
Q: A girl, told that it's wonderful to live in Wales, goes off to live in a whale

Sean DugganThis story came to me earlier today and now it's nagging at the edge of my brain. It was a short, somewhat silly, story, part of a collection that I read somewhere in the early 90s. I read it in the United States, in English, but the book very well might be quite a bit older. A young girl hears s...

@ShadowWizard yes I'm climbing into a San Diego
@Mithrandir lol!
@Edlothiad is he a cute whale?
Well male whales don't have San Diego's, so...
not Sci-Fi enough.
@Derpy both of them in dresses, naturally
@Mithrandir cape, not dress. (for the boy ;))
@ShadowWizard nah, under the cape
@Mithrandir that's a tunic, not a dress ;)
Boys don't wear dresses. Though my own son now wants one. :/
I say give it to him and let him decide if he still likes it when he gets mocked for it
reasons I should not be a parent, number two hundred and seventy-nine.
Think we'll let him wear it at home, but that's about it. :)
Tunics are cool.
@ArtOfCode what's reason #42?
@ShadowWizard shrug
#42: Spends too much time on Smokey
A: What to name our new main chat room (or keep it as it is)

GallifreyanHouse on the Rock It's a real location, a slightly fictional version of which was featured in Neil Gaiman's American Gods. It's a roadside tourist attraction where the Old Gods meet for their war council. Feed names could be Media - for Movies & TV Mr. Ibis - for our meta Mad Sweeney - ...

^ How is that for the name of the chat room?
@Mithrandir not THGTTG enough! ;)
@Gallifreyan don't fix what's not broken
@ShadowWizard I don't think @Art pings me, but I got your ping ;) And no I don't mind - I'm easy-going and am really only offended by planet-destroying
@Edlothiad agreed
@ArthurDent @Art should ping you
@Art hmm, well did it
@Art you got ping?
Ooops nvm it did ping me
@Gallifreyan You should consider the name "Sugarcube branch 01"
Q: What story has a man forget a very significant question?

user37078I recall reading about a man who has solved some very significant question--The meaning of life, perhaps. But nobody ever gets to hear this profound discovery because he becomes distracted and the entire revelation is lost to him. I thought this story might have been part of Hitchhiker's Guide ...

@Derpy Don't know what that is ;)
@Derpy maybe "Deep Space Sugarcube"
@Babelfish Me, every time before I go to sleep.
@Gallifreyan Oh, the only thing you need to know is that you get free cupcakes & muffins.
I was wondering, perhaps we should make all the cross-stack feeds come from Babelfish (to keep a bit with the theme) and make the ones from our own stack come from Ford Prefect, Arthur Dent, or something. Heart of Gold, maybe.
Or Fenchurch.
@Babelfish thanks for that question, I answered it.
Wait is babelfish a bot
lol yes, that's the question feed
Yes, it is our feed.
oooooh I don't really understand this chat
It's a weird format
weird how? (this is standard SE chat stuff, the M&TV question feed bot also has a custom name and the site logo as its avatar for instance)
(hint: if a user has a negative ID, they're a bot)
I can't even see the ID
I know some feeds post messages not in chat but in dropdown notifications.
I know it's custom SE, I have never been on SE chat though
yeah you'd have to go to its user page and look at the url to see that
@ArthurDent click profile image, hover over user profile link
Thanks Art
I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of how SE treats new users.
No new Tolkien for Ed :(
@ArthurDent well, you reached this room... :)
Q: Could we please be a bit nicer to new users?

Chris UpchurchThere is a distinct decline in the level of civility on all the sites here. Some of this is due to new users coming in and posting spam and other nonsense, but the off-topic and downvote buttons are doing a pretty good job of keeping this under control. Unfortunately, a lot of this is coming ...

@Mithrandir Damn, that's a lot of ridiculously upvoted comments
please do elaborate, I think a lot of us simply have no idea what the new user experience feels like these days
Raises flags
all I know for sure is that the new user experience is very different depending on which SE site you're trying
I just don't like all the restrictions on reputation for doing stuff like comments. If the main purpose is to prevent spamming, why not allow reputation from one SE work for unlocking abilities on other SEs.
@Gallifreyan *declines*
@ArthurDent It does
Yeah, I pretty much came and started with 100 rep. I don't think anyone even reviewed my first post.
@ArthurDent that's already the case, if you have 100 rep anywhere you have 100 rep everywhere
That's what the association bonus is
Q: Can Ego read minds?

TheLethalCoderIn Guardians of the Galaxy 2 when Peter has decided to fight Ego and he keeps destroying Ego's body, Ego eventually changes to David Hasselhoff saying something along the lines of: I simply picked the form that would be most pleasing to you, would you prefer this instead? As far as I recall...

@Ixrec That's 200.
@Ixrec I have over 100 on this SE but can't do anything on the scifi SE
yeah I misremembered the number
@ArthurDent You just have to earn 45 rep on Space to be able to comment anywhere
@ArthurDent right, once you get 200 rep somewhere you'll automatically get 101 rep on every SE site
@Ixrec 200 not 100
oh god I'm gonna get replies about this all day now
@Mithrandir that makes more sense
@Ixrec did you know that it was 200 rep?
I misremembered
@Arthur the comment rep requirement is less for spam and more to prevent useless comments from clueless users. This will create tons of noise and waste everyone's time.
And get everyone Marshal badges.
or an excess of comments from people treating comments as...actual comments
We have millions of useless comments as it stands, so if anyone will be able to comment, it will be much worse.
when they're sort of intended to be "requests for clarification"
Yeah I guess. There's just been a few times where I know I can clarify something but can't because of reputation.
I can give everyone some flag badges if they want
@ArthurDent so that's a reason to participate on the site and gain some rep. :)
fortunately the barrier to chat entry is really low so if it really matters you can work around it by asking higher-rep people in chat to help
@Ixrec yup, like here ;)
it's the users who haven't even cleared the chat entry barrier that I'm not sure what to do about
Actually to chat here one only needs to create 20 accounts. Without a single action in any of them.
who wants some free flags
(The total chat reputation is a simple sum.)
Well I've managed to make decent reputation on Space SE, but the barrier still exists for others. I understand the point of making it tough on new users, it just doesn't feel very welcoming.
+1, very comprehensive! — Praxis Nov 8 '15 at 4:06
What are flags
Or just ask a room owner to invite.
@ArthurDent in this context, we can "flag" the comment Mithrandir linked as "too chatty" since it's not contributing to the conversation
and flags which get accepted/deemed correct by the moderators earn you progress toward certain badges
which is why people sometimes post links to such things in chat
chat users like shiny internet badges for some reason
+1 to you! Good answer! — djm Jun 6 '13 at 2:35
(I already have all the flagging badges.)
Oh ok cool
is this your standard "comments with +1 in them" search?
+1 good search
@DaaaahWhoosh [flags]
+1, it was a good answer. — Mark Rogers Jan 13 '14 at 19:33
@ArthurDent there are many other kinds of flags for things like unanswerable questions or offensive chat messages so the exact meaning depends on context
@Mithrandir WOOOOOW
but in general "flag" usually means "add something to a moderator's to-do list"
@Edlothiad ?
@Mithrandir I'm being a new user in awe of your humble brag
and unfeature the May movie night.
@Edlothiad I was just disputing the claim that it was all for the badges o_o
@SQB I asked Null.
+1 - brilliant as always. — Wad Cheber May 23 '15 at 23:26
Thank you for replying- great answer! +1 — Wad Cheber May 25 '15 at 1:08
Ok I gotta get to work but thanks y'all for explaining stuff.
I'll be back
@ArthurDent you better be! cya!
@Mithrandir roe?
@SQB If you like the Ego tag that much, why don't you add it to all the relevant questions? :P
@Edlothiad fixed
+1 Well supported answer! — Andres F. Nov 6 '13 at 16:34
Is there a Movie Night List Of Movies We've Already Seen So Don't Suggest Them?
@Mithrandir It's gone?
@doppelgreener not that I'm aware of, and I don't think we're anywhere near being in danger of having that problem
@Edlothiad no it's not
@Gallifreyan I just did.
WOW - the Nausicaa manga just arrived to my university library!
+1 for a good reference. — Voronwë 23 mins ago
@Edlothiad Actually I think this one is more sarcastic
Room name changed to "Free Comment Flags at the End of the Universe"
@ShadowWizard ........
getting Dots Shield
@Gallifreyan Voronwë is not sarcastic
Wait what?
What did I miss?
side effect
lol, didn't even notice :D
Woohoo, I just used my RO powers :)
2 hours ago, by SQB
(It's a dDots attack)
@ShadowWizard Nah, don't worry - this room will never become read-only <nod nod>
+1, this is quite perfect — user8719 Jul 18 '14 at 23:21
@Edlothiad • • 🍒 • •ᗤ ᗣ ᗣ ᗣ ᗣ
+1 this book sounds awesome — user20155 Dec 18 '15 at 4:33
@ArthurDent, guess you've got the rep to comment anywhere now :)
+1 this book sounds awesome — user20155 Dec 18 '15 at 4:33
Everyone's coming in and flagging them so quick, they're being deleted
the local mods are gonna be wondering what happened
@Ixrec Haha yeah, wait... What local mods? (vote Ed)
:37408126 the official "hotness formula" is available on MSE if you want to do the math yourself, I don't understand it well enough to guess
@Ixrec It is, my script just frcked up
+1 Just for the last line :) — Salmononius2 Feb 10 '15 at 17:11
Ok it's bothering me. @Adamant, do you really think this answer is the best on your question?
@Ixrec Thanks! I have made my first entry ever. ᕦ( ⸟ ͜ʖ ⸟ )ᕥ
Am I allowed to use all my flags in one day?
@Edlothiad yes
Although I probably am in no danger of that :P
@Mithrandir It's not like "ugh, this guy"..?
+1 and accept -- thanks! :) — Slytherincess Apr 25 '12 at 22:21
@Mithrandir Sorry @Sly
@Edlothiad if we flag them fast enough the mods won't even see them :)
Bim Bam Boom, Accepted — Edlothiad 1 hour ago
Get flagging boys
and any girls and what not
apache helicopters
etc. etc.
I can flag 72 71 more comments today, started with around 90
How come you have so many flags? I only have 26 left
Why are you flagging so many comments?
Wait can I see ripped rooms?
@JackBNimble Because they've been naughty
@Edlothiad I'm an avid flagger. You get more available flags the more flags you get marked helpful
@JackBNimble why not?
@Edlothiad ponies. You forgot ponies
"I don't always floof, but when I do, I'm really floofy"
@Edlothiad the more rep and helpful flags you have, the more flags you get to cast
@Mithrandir rep too
+1 for that first sentence. — ApproachingDarknessFish Mar 23 '14 at 8:47
@Riker Is that an advertisement for the "Join NASA Space Program" campaign?
@Mithrandir yup in theory one with 5 sockpuppets 15 rep each can nuke any comment from orbit without anyone really noticing.
A perfect answer! Thanks you! :] — trejder Mar 24 '14 at 6:58
@ShadowWizard socks? With rep? Aghhhh!
I got only 1 :/
@Mithrandir You're not fast enough.
I can't tell if we're nuking them ourseves or bugging the mods...
...well there we go :P
I don't know what my record number of flags handled in one day is, but today might set a new one.
I have never had a sock puppet account. Probably because I am not a cheater or a fraud.
@JackBNimble socks can be perfectly acceptable.
Like when they aren't used for nefarious purposes.
@JackBNimble so how you test things that happen only to 1 rep user?
@Mithrandir Both munched
@Null I could go all out if you want, I was trying not to...
What is the purpose other than artificially boosting your own posts?
@JackBNimble experimenting
I have never had a sock puppet account. Probably because I don't have any socks.
@SQB I don't have any feet, all this talk about socks leaves me feeling woefully inadequate.
@SQB you.. walk... barefoot?? ;)
really tempted to hijack the discussion
@Mithrandir Time to get data.se out
@Edlothiad I have been
I wear shoes. But no socks.
@Edlothiad put that thing where it belongs! :D
+1 for the excellent warning — Nacht Sep 17 '14 at 3:32
ok, blame @ShadowWizard for referencing the other meaning of "sock"
@Edlothiad yep just got it!
That was quick! @Arthur
+1 just for the third one :) — K-H-W Jan 30 '13 at 16:17
@Mithrandir +
@ArthurDent I know ;)
Why not delete?
SFF upvotes
+1 for sheet music reference — Chris Cirefice Jul 15 '14 at 5:03
+1 Great in-universe answer. — dodgethesteamroller Jul 8 '13 at 14:40
+1. Brilliant deconstruction of my assumptions :D — AncientSwordRage ♦ Apr 13 '12 at 15:53
+1 for having a separate outfit for snowqueening. — Luna Apr 17 '15 at 10:45
How to get back up to 95% helpful
+1 for the edit. I think that is the explanation. — Andrei Vajna II Feb 4 '11 at 16:04
"You may only flag a comment every 5 seconds" Sorry mods
+1 informative answer, and you're +10 so a badge! — JMFB Aug 14 '15 at 16:21
This is a highly upvoted one
+1 for embiggen — Kevin Milner May 4 at 19:30
+1 for skippy the jedi droid — JMFB Aug 14 '15 at 16:23
+1 just for being within a month or so of my age. — JoeTaxpayer Nov 11 '15 at 15:40
@Mithrandir JB doesn't care about badges
+1|Good points made: you're right, as per normal! — Often Right Apr 8 '14 at 9:01
+1 brilliant. Accepting an answer will be tricky. — AncientSwordRage ♦ Oct 21 '12 at 18:41
Ok we got it...
@Mithrandir Ded
@Mithrandir I'm out of flags :P
Poor you
Ye, hopefully i'll have a few more after this
+1 It's an interesting point I hadn't thought of. — ike Dec 26 '13 at 17:47
I've got 58 flags left
That's muy flags
נח flags. Nice!
And 700 more comment to look through
+1 Wow, you made me laugh sir - but it's so true. — Secko Jul 10 '13 at 2:19
alright, I can't look through these comments any more
I need a break
breaking @Mith
Woo 3 more uplikeys to 200 rep!
huh, make that two
I was just reading one of your answers
1, cmon peeps!
Q: Why did Jonas decide to leave and go to Elsewhere? What would be the impact on the community and the Giver?

Amanda LawWhy did Jonas decide to leave and go to Elsewhere? What would be the impact on the community and the Giver?

(evil blues, look away) @ArthurDent, after my little fiasco on Space.SE help me out a little here ;) eh? *nudge nudge*
@Babelfish i agree that's 2 wholly separate questions
@Edlothiad ...
@Edlothiad …
@Edlothiad ...
That's not an elipsis, moderators just have three eyes.
that's what they look like in the dark
@Edlothiad <Confused>
@Slytherincess we nuked a comment of yours
@Slytherincess he flagged one of your comments
From last night?
31 mins ago, by Mithrandir
+1 and accept -- thanks! :) — Slytherincess Apr 25 '12 at 22:21
Why would that be a problematic comment? :?
It's too chatty
It's too chatty ... for chat?
IMO it's proper to post them, but we better delete them after a while, when the target user saw them.
No, it was on the main site
A: Are all the "+1" comments really necessary?

Jeff AtwoodI agree, I don't like them either. I'm actually ok with flagging meaningless comments like this, since there's no actual penalty to the user when a flagged comment is removed the flagging comment process is basically 100% automated and doesn't require any mod intervention Incidentally, this ...

Oh, I don't care if you nuke it off the main site. I thought you meant chat, and was thinking Wow, that's very nitpicky :))
@Slytherincess Oh no, far too nice for that :)
Is the site being billed for every comment left? If not, I don't see the point.
. ㄥ
I have to warn that I've left hundreds of chatty comments, I hate to admit.
This face isn't working
@Slytherincess I'll get'em
@Slytherincess ooh, more free flags! :P
I have left hundreds of hilarious comments that should persist forever.

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