@CarLaTeX Yes, it is clearer but I would like to argue that the title may not really be 100% appropriate. Try
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline, xscale=#1]
\draw[black, {Round Cap}-{To[angle=90:.3cm 1,length=9mm, flex'=.86]},
line width=4pt]
(.1,.85) to[bend right]
(1.43,1.4) to[bend right] (2.1,2.5);
\node[red, circle, draw, text width=10pt] at (.1,.85) {};
\node[blue, circle, draw, text width=10pt] at (1.43,1.4) {};
This has the precisely same behavior meaning that the arrow heads are attached at the last stretch. Therefore I would say that "does not work" is not an…