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7:16 AM
@MikeMiller puts earplugs
Hi @Pedro. Done with your mod job?
@beginner Well, I'd rather say I am not interested in logic, or set theory.
Many things interest me.
@BalarkaSen Never.
You'd get a headache if you go on like this @Pedro
Modding 24/7. Handling conflicts.
@Pedro What was the comalg problem you sent me, and said it was open?
Can you repost?
@Pedro I was thinking along something of the lines of : the morphisms $f_i$ induces injective morphisms $Spec(R) \to Spec(\Bbb C[x_1, ..., x_i])$ and perhaps we can deduce non-neotherianity of $Spec(R)$ somehow.
It's not a good idea, though.
7:32 AM
It's an open problem.
Yeah, I shouldn't dare approach it till I get to know more comalg.
Heya @Kaj
Hey there @BalarkaSen
7:59 AM
@KajHansen Hey there.
8:13 AM
Love the hat, @k170
Night folks
@MikeMiller, Thanks. I watch way too much National Geographic.
8:28 AM
Hahaha cool hat @k170
8:38 AM
@BalarkaSen, Thanks. It matches me perfectly because I tend to watch tigers while I study math...with a little lamp on the side
1 hour later…
10:03 AM
@PedroTamaroff (how) Is this question improvable?
@vincenzoOliva: What are $d_i$?
@VincenzoOliva I cannot understand why you think that will suffice.
Mmmmh, I meant to say "What are the conditions for this to be sufficient" @PedroTamaroff

@Huy Just in general
Well, I meant to learn about those conditions
@PedroTamaroff That said, I guess the question is OK?
10:22 AM
Anybody have any recommendations for the integral $\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\arcsinh{\sqrt{\sin{x}}}\,dx$?
The questions on MSE seem to get worse every day I look.
All of the form "find ...", "solve ...", "show ..." and often clear homework problems. :(
@Huy Everything declines, sadly.
But I find the site as exciting as the first time I saw it. :D
I'll go and make myself some noodles, then.
I really don't. :-(
You seemed to like (as everyone) prime numbers, how about a question on that?
That is, if you wish, ahah @Huy
10:40 AM
Does anyone if it is true that if $x$ is in the weak closure of some set $S$ then there exists a sequence in $S$ such that $x_{n} \rightharpoonup x$ in $S$? Does that only hold for closures in first countable spaces?
10:51 AM
Did you solve the Riemann hypothesis @vinc
@beginner What I began requires a bit more of effort, I took a break from it, but I am indeed positive towards it. Let's keep calm anyway.
My endorser is too, so that gives confidence. @beginner
What does the endorser do?
He endorses = approves a work. In my case, for an online archive.
Oh that's cool, is he your boss?
Not really, he's just a big mathematician that I contacted and became friends with me.
11:07 AM
@Moses: How is weak closure defined?
11:22 AM
I have $B(\gamma)=I+\gamma ee^{T}$ where $e=(1,1,\cdots,1)^{T}$ and $\gamma\in \Bbb{R}$, does $e$ is an eigenvector for $B(\gamma)$?
@Huy For that products question, do we only need $$\ \ \ \frac{\prod_{i=\lfloor n/2\rfloor}^nd_i}{\prod_{i=1}^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor-1}d_i}>1 \ \ \ ?$$ It would mean that the last $\lceil n/2\rceil$ "subfactors" outweigh the first $\lfloor n/2\rfloor$ ones, so I guess that's not bad.
@VincenzoOliva: I don't know, I'm not really interested in those kind of questions.
@Huy Mh-mh, I understand. Does this one?
@Gato: Yes. Do you know why?
@VincenzoOliva: Not in the slightest.
LOL Fair enough.
11:29 AM
@Huy Nope, I have to 'write' $e$ as $B(\gamma)e=\lambda e$ with $\lambda\Bbb{C}$ or $\Bbb{R}$ but I don't see where is my $\lambda$ here..
@Gato: Just use your definition of $B(\gamma)$ and try to simplify.
@Gato: You will be able to find $\lambda$ in this way.
@Huy ok :-), it seems that $ee^{T}=e$ no?
@Gato: I don't think so.
@Gato: What did you do so far? I think you're trying to simplify the wrong term, making it unnecessarily harder.
@Huy I just have $B(\gamma)e=(Ie+\gamma ee^{T}e)$ I don't see anything which simplifies.
@Gato: Can you simplify $Ie$?
11:40 AM
@Huy Ah okay sorry it's $e^{T}e\in M_1(\Bbb{R})$, it's $e$?
@Gato: I don't understand your question.
@Gato: Just tell me: Can you simplify $Ie$?
@Huy forget it ^^, for your question : $Ie$ is the identity with $e$ as coefficient.
@Gato: That is a rather weird way of simplifying. $e$ is by definition a vector. You have given the explicit form of $e$. Can you compute $Ie$?
@Huy Sorry, In my mind $e$ was $e=(e,e,\cdots,e)$... yes it's only $I$.
@Gato: That's incorrect, I'm afraid.
@Gato: Can you tell me exactly what $I$ and $e$ are?
11:47 AM
@Huy $I$ is the identity matrix where we have $1$ is the diagonal and $e$ is a column matrix with only $1$ as coefficient.
@Gato: What are the sizes of those two matrices?
$M_n$ and $M_{n,1}$
@Gato: So what size does $Ie$ have?
@Huy $M_n,1$?
@Gato: Yes. So what is $Ie$?
11:51 AM
@Huy Ok so it's $e$?
@Gato: Exactly. So now you've simplifies $B(\gamma) e = e + \gamma e e^T e$.
@Gato: The remaining task is to simplify $\gamma e e^T e$ somehow. It is simpler to look at $\gamma e (e^T e)$ than at $\gamma (e e^T) e$, as a hint.
@Huy we have $e^{T}e$ a scalar i think ?
@Gato: Yes. Which scalar?
@Gato: $e$ is a vector, not a scalar.
@Huy scalar $1$, yes sorry
@Gato: It can be $1$, but only in a very particular case. Can you write out $e^T e$?
11:58 AM
$e^{T}e=(1,1,\cdots,1)*(1,1,\cdots,1)^{T}$, so it's the sum of all $1$ i.e. $\sum_{k=0}^n 1$ ?
@Gato: Yes, except the sum starts at $k=1$, usually.
@Huy yep sorry, thanks so I have $B(\gamma)e=(1+\gamma\sum 1 )e$?
@Gato: Almost.
@Gato: Yes. Usually one would specify e.g. that $e \in \mathbb{R}^n$, and then $\sum_{k=1}^n 1 = n$.
@Huy sure. Thank you. I have trouble with the matrix products, I think It's okay now :-).
@Gato: You just need some practice. Glad to help.
12:05 PM
@Huy an orthogonal vector $y\in \Bbb{R}^n-\{0\}$ to $e$ is a vector such that the scalar product is $0$?
Bye guys.
@Gato: Yes.
@Huy so here is $y^{T}e=0$ ?
Does anyone know if you can simply define a convex set C as a collection of all line segments between points in C?
@Gato: It depends on which scalar product you are using. If you use the standard scalar product, then yes, if $y$ and $e$ are orthogonal.
@Alex: You're using $C$ itself to define $C$, that doesn't work.
12:10 PM
@Huy Okay, thanks
Why shouldn't that work, @Huy?
C, a subset of R^n, is convex if C is union of all line segments between points in C. That looks like a perfectly OK definition to me.
Note that you're not "defining C" but defining convexity of C.
It's fine, @Alex.
@BalarkaSen: That is not clear in his phrasing. He says "can you define a convex set $C$", that can mean either, really.
Well his phrasing is a bit weird, I agree.
I understood it the other way, hence my remark.
Ah, OK, so you took that as definition of a convex set instead of definition of convexity of a set.
12:16 PM
@Alex you need to be careful with your wording. it makes sense only if you are defining the latter.
Yeah I did mean definition of convexity but I agree the wording is not clear. Thanks.
man, i really sound like a crabb(pp)y professor.
Time for me to continue with GR.
G-R takes up a lot of DiffGeo I heard, @Huy. Must be dense stuff.
What's the actual theory, in a nutshell? Can I understand it?
12:19 PM
@BalarkaSen: Just definitions, really.
@BalarkaSen: Do you know SR?
You studying Cosmology? @huy
Bits, yeah, @Huy.
@Alex: No, GR.
@BalarkaSen: Do you know spacetime?
Hm. Let me think for a second how to explain it in few sentences but not too shallow.
12:21 PM
It's part of cosmology.
General relativity is part of cosmology, @Alex?
First time I heard someone say that.
@BalarkaSen: Do you know what the theory describes?
I thought it was classical Einsteinian physics?
@Huy You mean G-R?
Not sure about what you mean by "describes" but I know that it deals with a mathematico-physical(?) explanation of gravitation.
[Hey, if you can make algebraic geometry into an adjective by "algebro-geometric", mathematical-physics should be no problem... :P]
12:25 PM
@BalarkaSen: Putting it very simple (and I'm by no means an expert in GR yet, so I have a harder time explaining it than if I was): Special relativity deals with reference frames moving at constant speed, whereas GR extends this to accelerated reference frames. Also, all acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity.
@BalarkaSen: The reason we need DiffGeo in GR (and not necessarily in SR) is that we usually put the components of time and locations into a four-dimensional vector that lives in "spacetime" and in SR, the shape of the 4-dimensional spacetime-space is flat, whereas in GR (under the effect of gravitation) it becomes curved.
That makes sense.
@BalarkaSen: The stronger the gravity/acceleration, the stronger the spacetime is curved and thus results obtained from SR will become worse, which is why we needed GR.
interpreting spacetime as a 3-manifold and gravitation at curvatures of the manifold at particular points is actually a good idea
I'm actually rather surprised a physicist would have that idea. Einstein was really not just some average physicist. :P
12:29 PM
DiffGeo wasn't that big at that time yet, I think.
yes, i think riemannian manifolds weren't particularly quite of people's interest at that time
@BalarkaSen: OT: I read a friend's Master's thesis (or paper, I don't remember) the other day and thought the "algebro-..." was a typo. :D
well, alge-bro's gotta be alge-bro's and analy-sis's gotta be analy-sis's, dude
@BalarkaSen: Right. Unfortunately, he's a bit of an algebraic guy and I don't know much about algebra, so I didn't understand much in his paper. :-(
what was it about?
12:35 PM
@BalarkaSen: A new proof of the Mordell-Lang conjecture and some prograss towards the full conjecture, as far as the abstract describes the paper.
(I've never heard of that conjecture before)
oh that's cool
must be an arithmetic geometer then
Just stopping by for saying $$\bbox[7pt,border:3px #FF69B4 solid]{\color{red}{\large \mathbb{HAPPY}\;\mathbb{NEW}\;\mathbb{YEAR}\;2015}}$$
Happy new year to you too, dear @Venus.
@Huy OK, I gotta go. $\large\stackrel{\odot\odot}{\smile}$
here i am always in 2014 ;p
1:02 PM
@Gato: I commented on your question on main.
@Huy I answered your question but you might be right after all ;p
@Gato: I answered.
@Huy how can we see by definition ? To prove this I had to construct the matrix..
@Gato: The matrix is constructed already, you don't have to construct it.
@Huy I mean to write it
1:12 PM
@Gato: It is already written.
@Gato: When is a matrix $A$ symmetric, by definition?
@Huy not explicitly, I mean I wrote the matrix in 'tabular'
@Gato: When is a matrix $A$ symmetric, by definition?
@Huy $A^{T}=A$
@Gato: Can you compute $B(\gamma)^T$?
@Huy Only if I wrote it as a 'one' block not as a sum
1:15 PM
@Gato: Why not as a sum?
@Gato: What is $(A+B)^T$?
@Huy Does $(A+B)^{T}=A^{T}+B^{T}$?
@Gato: Yes. You can prove it, if you like.
@Gato: And what is $(AB)^T$?
@Huy Right of course it's not difficult to prove!
@Gato: Exactly. So what is $B(\gamma)^T$?
@Huy As $I^{T}=I$ is $B(\gamma)$ itself.
1:18 PM
@Gato: Exactly. So $B(\gamma)^T = B(\gamma)$, i.e. $B(\gamma)$ is symmetric, correct?
@Huy yep :-). Also to diagonalise $B(\gamma)$ is a bit long right ?
@Huy I have to go eat, sorry, thanks a lot for your time!
@Gato: I'm not sure. Try finding an orthogonal vector to $e$ and then see if it's an eigenvector to the eigenvalue $1$.
@Huy I will do it :-)
@Gato Salut compatriote
1:36 PM
@LeGrandDODOM Ah un français de plus! Salut!
Tu fais quoi comme études ?
Un peu compliqué j'étais en licence de physique mais finalement je me suis orienté vers licence de maths mais j'ai quelques lacunes par rapport à ceux qui étaient matheux à la base.. Et toi?
ah... je suis en 2 eme année de prépa
prépa comme Hippa il me semble, MP?
Salut @LeGrandDODOM
@Huy Hallo
1:44 PM
@Huy Was hast du heute so vor? Gehst du aus?
@LeGrandDODOM Par hasard aurais-tu un bon livre d'algèbre linéaire à recommander?
@evinda: Abendessen bei den Eltern, danach noch nichts geplant. Freundin ist seit 2 Wochen bei den Grosseltern in den Ferien, darum bin ich etwas allein. ._.'
@Huy Aha, wohnt ihr sonst zusammen?
@evinda: Nein, das nicht. Aber sonst hätten wir sicher was zsm. geplant.
1:47 PM
@Huy Studiert ihr das gleiche? :)
@evinda: Die meisten meiner Freunde sind halt in den Bergen mit ihrer Familie oder so, oder gehen nach Mitternacht in irgendwelche Clubs, und darauf habe ich persönlich gerade an Silvester überhaupt keine Lust, da dann alles überfüllt und überteuert ist.
@evinda: Nein, sie macht Psychologie.
@Huy Achso... Habt ihr euch in der Uni kennengelernt?
@evinda: Jep.
@Huy Wie denn? Wenn ich fragen darf.
@evinda: Sie brauchte Hilfe in Statistik. :D
1:50 PM
@Huy Aha :D Und wie wusste sie dass du gut darin bist? Hast du ihr gefallen und deshalb hat sie dich angesprochen? :D
@evinda: Sie hat online auf nem Studentenportal unserer Unis paar Fragen gestellt und ich war rein zufällig sehr gelangweilt und hab darum da bisschen rumgebrowst und ihr geholfen.
@evinda: Da es noch Unklarheiten gab, haben wir dann Skype-Adressen ausgetauscht und paar Wochen später uns dann mal getroffen.
@evinda: Alles im mathematischen Interesse, natürlich.
@Huy Und dann hat es gefunkt? :D
@evinda: Bald mal, ja.
@Huy Wie lange seid ihr schon zusammen?
@evinda: Seit Mitte Februar.
1:53 PM
@Huy Bald habt ihr ja dann Jubiläum :D Ist sie jünger als du?
@evinda: Nein, etwas mehr als ein Jahr älter.
Ja, bald. :P
@Huy Unternehmt ihr viel zusammen?
@evinda: Soviel wie es die Zeit erlaubt. Es ist etwas doof, etwas grösseres zu unternehmen, weil 1. sie an der UZH studiert und ich an der ETH, und an der ETH sind Klausuren am Ende der Semesterferien, an der UZH direkt zu Beginn, also wenn sie wirklich Ferien hat, sollte ich noch für Prüfungen lernen, und wenn ich fertig bin, fängt das Semester schon wieder an - und 2. weil ich nebenbei noch am Gymnasium arbeite, was wiederum andere Ferienzeiten hat, als die Universitäten.
@evinda: wir waren aber Ende Juni für eine Woche in Paris, unmittelbar nach ihren Klausuren.
@evinda: Sorry wenn ich völlig falsch liege aber bist du auch weiblich? :D
@Huy Hat es euch dort gefallen? Ja, bin ich...
@evinda: Ja, sehr. Es war halt nicht direkt in den Sommerferien, also waren verhältnismässig wenige Leute da. Eine meiner Freundinnen hat in Paris ein Austauschjahr gemacht und war im ganzen Juni wieder in der Schweiz, darum durften wir ihre Wohnung kostenlos benutzen und hatten so natürlich mehr Geld für Essen, Shopping etc. =)
@evinda: die letzte Nacht haben wir dann in einem Hotel verbracht, weil die Freundin, der die Wohnung gehörte, wieder zurück war, und statt dem gebuchten Zimmer bekamen wir die teuerste Suite im Hotel. Schweizer-Touristen Bonus wohl. :D
@evinda: Warst du schonmal in Paris?
2:07 PM
A gut!!! :D Nein, ich war noch nie dort.. Und könnt ihr französisch?
@evinda: Ja, in der Schweiz ist Französisch ein Pflichtfach in der Primarschule schon! :)
@Huy Achso.. Ich habe auch Französisch gelernt..
@Huy Seid ihr von der selben Stadt?
@evinda: Wie meinst du das? Ich lebe an der Stadtgrenze von Zürich, sie ist derzeit in einem anderen Kanton (nicht Zürich) wohnhaft.
@Huy Also habt ihr in der Unizeit nur am Wochenende Zeit euch zu treffen, oder nicht?
@evinda: Nein, weil die beiden Unis sind unmittelbar nebenbeinander. :)
2:11 PM
@Huy Achso :)
@evinda: hast du nen Freund?
Nein @Huy
@evinda: Was machst du dann zu Silvester?
@Huy Ich bleibe zuHause :P Ich trinke was mit meinen Eltern und meine Schwester, wir spielen was und danach machen wir Karaoke...
Cool. Wie alt ist deine Schwester, @evinda?
2:15 PM
@Huy Sie ist 22..
@Huy Wir spielen Mensch ärger dich nicht :P
@evinda: Das hab ich seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gespielt. :D
und wie alt bist du?
@Huy 20 und du?
@Huy Achso
@evinda: wie weit bist du nochmal im Studium? schon im MSc?
2:18 PM
Nein, noch nicht... Ich habe noch 2-3 Semestern vor mir und dann mache ich den Master.. @Huy
@evinda: Ok, cool. Dachte das wäre schon etwas früh mit 20 schon im Master, aber demfalls hatte ich das falsch in Erinnerung
@Huy Hast du dieses Jahr mit den Master angefangen?
@evinda: Genau. =)
@Huy Hattest schon Prüfungen?
@evinda: Nein, aber bald. Ende Januar.
2:21 PM
@Huy Wie viele Fächer hattest du diesen Semester?
@evinda: Ich habe nur DiffGeo und GR gewählt, da ich etwas viel Arbeit nebenbei gemacht habe
@Huy GR?
@evinda: General Relativity
@Huy Achso.. Unterrichtest du im Gymnasium?
@evinda: Genau, Mathematik. :)
2:24 PM
@Huy Und musst du dich dafür lange vorbereiten?
@evinda: Am Anfang war es sehr aufwändig, inzwischen geht's besser. Nächste Woche geht's weiter, d.h. am Wochenende werde ich 1-2 Tage dafür arbeiten müssen.
Wie viele Stunden die Woche arbeitest du, @Huy ?
@evinda: Am Gymnasium unterrichte ich 6 Lektionen pro Woche, und an der Uni habe ich letztes Semester noch 2 Lektionen pro Woche tutoriert.
@Huy Aha
arbeitest du auch, @evinda?
2:26 PM
@Huy Ich gebe bald eine Vorlesung...
@Huy Nein, ich habe keine Zeit..
wie kommst du dazu, eine VL zu geben?
@Huy Bin von morgens bis Abends in der Uni..
@Huy Es zählt 20% zu der Endnote und der Lehrer wollte dass ich eine Vorlesung gebe...
@evinda: In welchem Fach denn?
@Huy Das Fach heißt Themen in Algebra-Algebraische Geometrie..
@evinda: Also ist es ein Seminar, oder eine Vorlesung?
2:30 PM
@Huy Eine Vorlesung.. Wir sind 8 Studenten beim Fach und alle geben eine Vorlesung...
@evinda: Genau das nennen wir ein Seminar. :D
@Huy Achso...
freust du dich, @evinda? :3
@Huy Schon aber ich weiß noch nicht wie es sein wird.. Ich habe noch nie zuvor eine Vorlesung gegeben... :/
@evinda: Hast aber bestimmt schon Vorträge gehalten, oder?
2:33 PM
@Huy Nein, auch nicht
@evinda: Nicht mal in der Schule?
@Huy Nicht richtig...
was heisst das?
@Huy Ich sollte mal was über Deutschland sagen und stande vor der Klasse aber das war kein Vortag..
wir mussten mega oft Vorträge halten, an der Schule :s
irgendwie habe ich mich mit der Zeit daran gewöhnt. ist nix schlimmes. :)
2:37 PM
Aha :) @Huy
@evinda: Die Zeit unmittelbar vorm Vortrag ist das schlimmste. Wenn man nervös ist und Angst hat, Sachen zu vergessen etc. Aber sobald man angefangen hat, ist alle Nervosität weg und es läuft wie von allein
Hoffentlich vergesse ich dann nichts.. @Huy
schreibs dir auf :D
Mache ich!!! @Huy
@evinda und was machste sonst so heut?
2:48 PM
bonne année, @leGrandDodo
@Huy Sonst nichts... und du?
@evinda: vermutlich jetzt bisschen Gitarre spielen. in etwa 1h muss ich mich dann bereit machen. :P
@Huy Zum Essen? :D
@Huy: Haßt Du die 5 Seite heute studiert?
@TedShifrin: Welche 5 Seite? :D
2:50 PM
Das weiß ich ja nicht ... die 5 Seite
@TedShifrin: wat :D
5 Seite jeden Tag? :)
@TedShifrin: I made some minor progress, looked at what happens for weak gravitational fields, yielding the Newtonian potential, and then saw that SR is incompatible with GR because there would be no redshift in SR, and finally I tried looking at the chapter about Geodesic deviation but I'm a bit confused on what I should learn from that
well, I suppose GR can be specialized to SR if you take a constant curvature case or something
@TedShifrin: Yea, if we look at the tangent spaces locally, spacetime is flat so SR applies
@evinda: ich lebe nicht zuhause, darum muss ich mich zum Essen umziehen etc. :D
2:55 PM
@Huy Aha!!! Viel Spaß beim Essen mit den Eltern!!!!
@evinda: danke, dir dann auch =))
@tedshifrin: on a different note: do you or did you ever play an instrument? :D
@Huy Vielen Dank!!!
piano, yes
@tedshifrin: still?
something else to ponder when I retire ... don't know how it'll go with no biceps muscles in my left arm
3:01 PM
@Tedshifrin: Surely you'll manage, if my mom does.
well, almost lost my left arm to cancer ... we'll see how it goes
Consider sets $\phi$,$\{\phi\}$,$\{\{\phi\}\}$ etc; their pairs such as $\{\phi,\{\phi\}\}$, formed by any two of them; the pairs formed by any two of such pairs or else the mixed pairs formed by any singleton and any pair; and proceed so on ad infinitum. Are all the sets obtained in this way distinct from one another?
I think they are distinct but please someone let me know am I correct and how.
Hi @TedShifrin!!! How are you? :)
@evinda, please verify if I am correct!
3:06 PM
good, thanks, @evinda. Happy new year.
@TedShifrin I wish you too a happy new year!!!! :)
@Sush Ok, I will take a look at it...
@evinda thanks.
Serious question guys: is this a good answer math.stackexchange.com/a/1086711/66223
I think it's a question of "I haven't seen the method yet" so that's a great answer, it's what I'd want. BUT when I was... not knowledgeable, I might want a more in depth answer.
Well, since I'm more of a hint sort of person than many around here, I think it's fine. You're trying to change the initial thought process, which is appropriate.
3:22 PM
You don't really need deMoivre if you realize that $(e^{i\theta})^n = e^{in\theta}$. :)
I hope I get the tick!
@Sush So, is the union of $\{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing\} , \{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing\} \} \}$ and $\{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing\} \}$ allowed?
Yeah, I put that in there @TedShifrin to "remind" the OP that you can write $a+bj$ in the form by $a=r\cos(\theta)$ and so forth.
@evinda, I don't think because the sets are at most unordered pairs and so it can contain at most 2 elements - though i may be wrong. This exercise is from Naive Set Theory by Halmos, Ch 3
@Silent Unfortunately, I haven't got taught Naive Set Theory , just Axiomatic Set Theory.. I hope that someone else can help you!!!
@Silent And I wish you a happy new year!!!
3:32 PM
@evinda: That's just the name of a book. You know enough. :)
Ok @TedShifrin Then, I will think about it!!!
hi, bananas
@Silent So we could take for example these two sets:

$\{ \varnothing, \{ \{ \{ \varnothing \} \}\} \}$, $\{ \{ \varnothing\}, \{ \{ \{ \varnothing \} \}\} \} $
YES Ted is online
thanks for saving my new years eve
sarcasm duly noted, bananas :)
happy new years to you
3:37 PM
@Silent And these sets are also allowed: $\{ \varnothing, \{ \{ \varnothing \}\} \}$, $\{ \varnothing, \{ \{ \{ \varnothing \} \}\} \} $ right?
i will study math while others are out celebrating
no sarcasm btw
well, math needn't be so antisocial, bananas :)
what if i have acne tho ? :(
no matter ...
perhaps i should invite some people over to study math all night
3:40 PM
LOL, perhaps, bananas :P
or go see a movie with friends
@TedShifrin: I'll probably stay home too. New Years is a terrible date to go out. Too many people and everything is more expensive.
@Silent There is no restriction that we cannot take at the one set an element that we took at an other. So, if I have understood it right and we can take for example the above sets, it hasn't to be that the sets are disjoint...
Yeah, I know, @Huy. I am going to a party at friends' in ATL (so not driving home afterwards ... 70 miles with drunks and police everywhere isn't smart) for the first time in years.
@TedShifrin party animal
yeah, right
3:49 PM
morning, @Mike
Happy 12/31
you too

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