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Now, my fighting the fear of heights is a mixed bag. I initially tried to fight it by climbing rather high rocks, and later mountains. The result is that I don't feel much of a fear when on a rock, even looking tens or hundreds of meters down. I still can't climb a one-meter ladder ... :D
Well, ok, I can, but I wish I had security gear on. ;)
I can do ladders, but I can't go near banisters on second or higher stories.
I would rather be 2 stories up on a ladder than 2 stories up behind a railing.
@MartinSojka I find ladders unnerving too, but I'm mostly okay with heights.
There's one thing I've always found strange/interesting about heights though, and it's that they sometimes generate an urge to jump. It's not quite how I'm explaining it.
Like, how you guys ever felt that sudden, morbid urge to jump from a high place, for no reason?
Apparently it's pretty common, I forget what it's called.
@GnomeSlice No.
Suicidal impulses?
32 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@GnomeSlice Just doing my part to dispel an urban legend.
@GnomeSlice Nope. Spread my wings and fly, sure. Jump, no.
Really? Interesting...
I am afraid of heights.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I know what you mean. Its not that I want to die, I just want to nkow what teh jump would feel like
There's some reading on it, but none of it is really conclusive. Nobody really knows why so many people feel it frmo time to time.
Q: What is the way to expose a ship's powder stores

ChrisOn some of the ship missions there is an optional objective of "sink ships by firing on their powder stores". I know how this works broadly - I've shot up some ships and got the specific target that I can hit with my small gun. The problem is I don't know how you expose the powder stores and muc...

Q: How can I slow enemies (especially mini-bosses) as a sniper assassin?

Ben JacksonI've completed the game as a sniper assassin and I'm playing through again on True Vault Hunter Mode. For the most part my damage is scaling up and as long as I'm in the zone getting quick critical hits I'm handling normal mobs just fine. Bosses and mini-bosses are giving me the most trouble. ...

@AshleyNunn and yet you haven't gone bungee jumping yet? :P
@badp Heck no.
I wanna know but I dont wanna do it
High Place Phenomenon. Some more reading on it.
It's an interesting thing.
Bungee jumping? I can't see the big deal behind it. You fly down for a few moments, then get jerked up, optionally leaving your breakfast behind. Meh.
That link is a really well-written personal account of some of his experiences.
@MartinSojka It's the "Holy shit I'm falling ADRENALINEOVERLOADAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH" bit.
> This strange--almost physical--pull to leap from anything taller than a front step started when I was in my late 20s. At the time I worked as a political reporter in Virginia across the river from Washington and would regularly escape "the cubicles" (a disorder that involves allergic reactions to work) by taking a leisurely stroll over a nearby bridge for lunch.
Q: Where to buy English versions of games (from Germany)

ptikobjI'm looking for an online game shop that offers original English versions of a lot of games. I used amazon.de, for an example, to buy some older (UK imported) games. However, for each game, I had to pay the shipping cost. So, I would like to have a European (or German) shop that offers a lot of a...

^^ Shopping advice, needs closure and balleeeetion.
> According to a new study on "high place phenomenon" published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. Researchers from Florida State University’s psychology department surveyed 431 college students, gauging their urges to jump from high places and whether those were tied to thoughts of suicide or depression.
> In most cases the urge to jump had nothing to do with the Freudian "death wish." Actually it's quite the opposite. The study's authors think "an urge to jump affirms the urge to live."
> So basically if you're someone with "high anxiety sensitivity," that means you're more affected by the slightest threat, and your body goes into flight mode when presented with the slimmest chance of danger--like falling off of a secured bridge or slipping from a roof when your 10 feet from the edge. The urge to jump then might not be an urge at all, it's delayed reasoning for why you were so scared of being close to the edge in the first place.
Huh, that's weird.
I don't remember anything about this.
But it's cool.
Hey, I forgot about this, it's made it to the mainstream media too.
I find the weirdest shit interesting.
Look at all those revisions on an off topic question.. tsk tsk tsk!
@James I blame @Mana.
@Wipqozn Well its either him or you man, and you were quicker to the guns this time :D
> I'm far more afraid of my brain misfiring and causing me to jump than I am of accidentally falling.
Huh, I hadn't heard of this before:
The Imp of the Perverse is a metaphor for the tendency to do exactly the wrong thing in a given situation for the sole reason that it is possible for wrong to be done. The impulse is compared to an imp (a small demon) which leads an otherwise decent person into mischief. Overview The phrase has a long history in literature, and was popularized (and perhaps coined) by Edgar Allan Poe in his short story, "The Imp of the Perverse". :We have a task before us which must be speedily performed. We know that it will be ruinous to make delay. The most important crisis of our life calls, trumpe...
@GnomeSlice Oh, this is a thing I am well familiar with
@AshleyNunn Someone suggested that's what the High Place Phenomenon is, but tihs other sciencey type research says something else too. I think.
@AshleyNunn For sake of being blunt I think we all are.
@James this is that same game you mentioned before?
@James Yeah, I never said I was alone in that, for sure :P
The fuck, @James is that you.
@James I wasn't. At least, not with the name.
@GnomeSlice Yeah and I have to say this is Awesome
@GnomeSlice I hate it when people do the wrong thing just 'cuz.
@fbueckert Have you been following the discussion? I was talking about something called the 'High Place Phenomenon' earlier that's really interesting.
Q: What happened to NGage 2.0 games? (Nokia N86)

EmirI have a Nokia N86, and about year ago I bought a few games, including Worms. I updated my phone software, and now I cannot find a place to download NGage games. What happened to the NGage games? Where can I find or download them?

This probably ought to be closed.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, there's that...
@GnomeSlice Me no likely heights.
@GnomeSlice I do believe.. I have not played that game in a long long while but I am pretty sure that is me :)
@fbueckert It actually has nothing to do with fear or comfort with heights.
@James What, really? You used to play Survivium?
I was just joking!
@GnomeSlice I have seen a few studies about jumping from heights.. I think they are all too narrow viewed really
I tried to play it the other day and Couldn't use my phone login on the facebook game, and couldn't play online on the phone game without updating. But the 'update' is actually a new app, and it's not free.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, jumping off a bridge doesn't sound like fun.
@fbueckert I do not like heights at all. I like to be on the ground.
It's more balls out scary than anything else.
@GnomeSlice I had a top 10 virus for a while :)
@fbueckert It's not a rational thing though.
@James That's wicked. Did you play on mobile?
@GnomeSlice My fear of heights isn't rational either!
Even found a bug in their system to constantly reinvent it..
@fbueckert This is pretty interesting to read: xojane.com/fun/turns-out-im-not-suicidal-after-all
Yeah I played on my iPhone
@fbueckert Well, heights can kill you.
@James Recently?
Tracked the dev down on facebook and gave him a bug report so it wasnt public as it was rather breaking :D
@GnomeSlice Heights themselves are fine.
Nah. long long while ago, like when it first came out
I was really annoyed that I had to make a new name when I played the facebook one, and I got stuck with 'GnomeSlic'
It's the stopping really fast by hitting a solid object I'm more worried about.
Which Sonic game is this:
@James Yeah, me too. You have to download it again now to update it and it's not free any more.
Q: How do I get this vine thing off me?

Ronan FormanI'm attached to this vine and the if I try to run away it just pulls me back. I've tried jumping but it just pulls me back faster. The yellow things seem to appear as I run.

@LessPop_MoreFizz Sonic and Knuckles
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think that's Sonic and Knuckles.
@GnomeSlice Fix tag plx
@GnomeSlice a virus popped up that I was not able to get past, I gave up :D
@InvaderSkoodge It is. None of the other ones had those mushrooms.
Q: Are there any good automation tools for playing Ikariam?

blueberryfieldsThe game at ikariam.com seems to be ripe for playing by automated robotic players. Are there any such players available in open source format?

I used to play a LOT of Sonic when I was younger.
@GnomeSlice Oh yeah.
I never played Sonic 3, so I can't tell whether it's Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
@GnomeSlice Yah, that was what got it for me too
That's the cartridge that opened on top and you could put another sonic game on it to add Knuckles to that game's character list.
@GnomeSlice was a good game but I have to say the newer ones dont do it form me.
I think it only worked with Sonic 3 and maybe 2 though.
I'm not sure if that's a good or bad rec, but considering the answer is just "this is against the TOS" we mine as well close - > delete
@GnomeSlice You could put other games in to get extra random bonus levels.
I find it moves too fast for me to like it because I just suck at it
@AshleyNunn It wasn't just that, I was trying to find something everyone could easily see. I knew immediately, I dunno if it's the background or the graphics or what.
Those ones on the sphere where you went around and changed blue balls to red balls.
@GnomeSlice I got to "early Sonic" pretty fast, but then it took me a bit.
@ArdaXi: Why did you change the tag to untagged?
I'm pretty sure My dad has every genesis-era sonic game ever made.
@Wipqozn Used to help code a bot for Ragnarok Online.. They kept detecting em by moving where the zone portals were on the map.. I added in the logic to find the new portal near by and update the map data :D
Including Sonic 3D Blast (quite good actually) and Sonic Spinball
@GnomeSlice I liked Sonic Spinball.
@InvaderSkoodge It's bloody hard though.
@GnomeSlice I liked 3D Blast and Spinball :)
I then sent a resume to the company explaining that I had indepth knowledge of the major bot playing their game and could help combat its use if they wanted to hire me :D
@Wipqozn It's a while ago, but I'm guessing I changed the tag to .
@Wipqozn He likely didn't. He retagged it with a game tag that died.
Yeah it's an exercise in frustration.
My problem with most of the early sonic games was that, aside from Sonic 3, you couldn't save your game.
@GnomeSlice I got damn good at the early levels in Sonic 2, though.
Then I would inevitably get lost in Metropolis.
@Wipqozn is just going to be deleted again.
Or die because I was being stupid in Hill top Zone.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, me too, heh.
(Unless that button push also went through to main.)
9 secs ago, by Arda Xi
(Unless that button push also went through to main.)
@InvaderSkoodge I think metropolis was the second level.
Was that the one with all the water?
Yeah. Of course it did. Never mind.
@GnomeSlice No that was Ancient Something Zone or Aquatic Something Zone.
Metropolis was the green one with barrel roll thingies.
Where there were 3 levels instead of 2.
@InvaderSkoodge Marble Zone?
@GnomeSlice That was Sonic 1.
@InvaderSkoodge Hm... I don't recall that one. I never really got super far in anything but Sonic 3, because I pretty much only played that one because you could SAVE it.
Grats on destroying Arqade today guys: has been full for a while, did it really need to be emptied in its entirety today
@MarkTrapp Yes, because button.
Holy shit, 77 untagged questions?
@GnomeSlice Oh the second level on Sonic 2 was the chemical plant zone.
@InvaderSkoodge Oil Ocean Zone
@GnomeSlice No that was much later.
I think Oil Ocean was immediately before Metropolis.
I'd hate to be anyone who asked a question just before the overzealous retagging started
@GnomeSlice I asked one of the first Towns questions on here and it was moved to untagged because it had not seen a lot of use.. and now its tagged again :)
Also A++ on improving the questions during retag
@MarkTrapp Why?
@GnomeSlice These are not in order.
Oh, mystic cave?
Oh. Front page.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, that's why I linked it to you.
I don't recognize most of them, I never got far in Sonic 2.
Yes, I believe we made a policy on mass-editing a while back.
@InvaderSkoodge Aquatic Ruin Zone?
I think the idea was to do it in batches of no more than X at a time.
@MarkTrapp Listen. I have Rum. A lot of rum. Well, not so much rum anymore. I'll retag what I want.
@InvaderSkoodge There's more names at the bottom that aren't shown as images.
@ArdaXi No more than a few at a time, must improve rest of question while you're at it
Emerald Hill -> Chemical Plant -> Aquatic Ruin -> Casino Night -> Hill Top/Mystic Cave (can't remember which order these came in) -> Oil Ocean -> Metropolis -> I don't know after this because I couldn't beat Metropolis.
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@InvaderSkoodge Wait, are you sure the green one with the rolling things was metropolis
@ArdaXi The puppet started it!
Of course.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And I reserve to make snide remarks. The more you retag like the site's your personal playground, the more snide remarks I make. It's the circle of life
@GnomeSlice Yes. The picture at the top isn't of Metropolis.
@InvaderSkoodge That's the one where the final boss was a flying battle? And there were those spinning-top shape things you could stand on and run on to fly around?
@MarkTrapp Fair enough!
@GnomeSlice Yeah you ran on giant bolts that were on threaded metal rods.
@InvaderSkoodge Fucking Sonic Chronicles
The second picture, in the infobox.
Yeah, that's not what I'm thinking of at all.
I never got that far.
@GnomeSlice Yep. I could never beat that stage.
I'm thinking of the one that had all of the spikey balls and the spinning tops you can run on to hover around the area.
Because it looped back around, so if you didn't know where you were going you just kept repeating the same parts over and over.
It might have been in Sonic 3, I don't remember.
When you decided to retag all the things, you let quality questions like this slip through the cracks
@InvaderSkoodge Sonic Advance had the worst bonus stages ever, you had to find 8 special coins or something in each level and you had to spend like 2 hours completely scouring the level and making sure not to go past one-way areas, and you still didn't usually find them.
@GnomeSlice Sonic 1's bonus levels were really fun, even though they were mostly impossible too.
They were like that pinball-esque mode where the whole stage spun around, and you had to try to find the Chaos Emerald before hitting one of the exits by accident.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, I remember that.
Q: What is an effective close combat weapon in Quake Wars?

akiraWhat is an effective close combat weapon in Quake Wars?

@InvaderSkoodge Which one had the 3D one where you had to run around this big sphere and grab the blue orbs without touching any red ones?
I really only ever played Sonic 2 for any decent amount of time, though.
@GnomeSlice Sonic and Knuckles.
If you were good though, you could time jumps to go through whole fields of reds without touching any.
okay I'm done for now. I'll let @Ullallulloo carry the torch for now.
@badp You're playing Smite?
Also... What ever came of that Hi-Rez meta post?
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah. And yeah, I think you're right actually, it was Sonic and Knuckles, I remember you entered through those big spinning rings.
@Fluttershy I have it installed and I wanted to research that question about non-Steam game screenshots except Hi-Rez changed shortcuts and whatnot
[Window Title]
Add a Game

Bunny Must Die!
Catastrophic failure

Steam, Steam...
Q: Steam non-steam game screenshots

bigsickdhitWhy screenshots I take in a non-steam game with steam don't appear on my profile page? When I view my profile page it says I have 0 screenshots.

@MarkTrapp Don't worry, @Lazers had their back.
Q: Steam non-steam game screenshots

bigsickdhitWhy screenshots I take in a non-steam game with steam don't appear on my profile page? When I view my profile page it says I have 0 screenshots.

I was just about to ask if this edit was okay, but it wasn't.
There, fixed.
@InvaderSkoodge Which game/zone am I thinking of with the flying tops and spiky balls??
@GnomeSlice I have no clue.
It was all green. Like, because of grass.
Oh Hill Top Zone, probably.
That one had a lot of lava, too.
@InvaderSkoodge Uh? I don't recall that. Oh maybe.
If I screwed up on my way to Metropolis, it was in Hill Top Zone.
Nevermind. I didn't notice the "Upload" button. — bigsickdhit 3 mins ago
@fbueckert It's okay I answered it.
@InvaderSkoodge Oh, so that was Sonic 2?
@GnomeSlice Your edit also got rolled back.
@GnomeSlice Yes.
Fuck you we're keeping my edit.
Not fuck you.
But I edited it first.
Do we have some convention on roman numerals?
@Ullallulloo Don't use them in tags.
Use arabic numerals instead.
Does it really deserve a downvote, it's a pretty useful question.
@InvaderSkoodge AM I DOING IT RIGHT?
@OrigamiRobot Better than
@OrigamiRobot Did they seriously stylize an h as a 4?
@InvaderSkoodge No, the e.
@OrigamiRobot > Thief 4 (currently stylized as THI4F)
So it should be
That's still retarded, though.
...but seriously. I just touched up some of the formatting.
@Wipqozn I really don't think a new edit was necessary.
@GnomeSlice I disagree.
@Wipqozn Now people are going to think you are more helpful than me.
@GnomeSlice :D
@Wipqozn Star bait: successful.
The comment about 0 screenshots being on the profile page had to be moved . Having it at the bottom of the post was silly.
I can't tell @OrigamiRobot and @fbueckert apart because they have the same gravatar now so I'm going to call them both @sexrobot
Yeah, I was thinking "I should give Smite another try, I wasn't so terribly awfully incredibly idiotically BAD ad it", then I noticed that there's now public profiles and stats tracking available for the game
@InvaderSkoodge ...the hell?
Your eyes need fixing.
@badp All these games I want to play and can't. =[
@fbueckert Your name is the "sex" part.
@GnomeSlice why not? This one's free
Your eyes need fixing @sexrobot.
@InvaderSkoodge Why not @Origamibucket?
Feb 14 at 20:07, by Lazers
Q: Where can I buy Mana III potions?

Mr. NovemberI'm at a point in the game where I need a lot of heavy mana spells to get through this one part, but the best I can find is Mana Potion II in stores. Is it possible to purchase these from a store or do I have to bind them?

@badp I did start to download it at one point. I also don't think I'd be actually able to play any multiplayer games on my connection.
Although I agree with @sexrobot @InvaderSkoodge, @sexrobot's gravatar and @sexrobot's gravatar look nothing alike. Not sure how you keep mixing up @sexrobot and @sexrobot.
@Wipqozn Is someone paying you to run this joke into the ground?
They're both roundish and metallic.
I want the Bounty Hunter skin in Dungeon Defenders, but it requires beating an extremely difficult level which I wouldn't be able to do by myself even with max level heroes. Both of the times I've had good people helping me, we've gotten almost to the end and my connection has died for just long enough that it kicks me out.
@OrigamiRobot nah, I just do it for fun. I love running jokes into the ground.
@InvaderSkoodge @sexrobot's gravatar is a star shape.
Do I want to reload? Is @sexrobot just a thing you're making up at the moment? HAS ANYBODY ACTUALLY CHANGED THEIR NICKNAME TO SEXROBOT?
@InvaderSkoodge See, this is why your eyes need fixing.
@Wipqozn Yeah but @sexrobot's gravatar also has pointy bits sticking out.
@InvaderSkoodge @sexrobot's point bits are very small though.
I could probably flag all of this shit. :)
@badp No, but I probably ought to.
@Wipqozn That's what SH~ no, that's what you want someone to say isn't it.
@InvaderSkoodge No, it's not hill top zone, that's the first one in Sonic 2.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was disappointed that your name didn't change to sexrobot when I reloaded the page...
@GnomeSlice The first zone in Sonic 2 is Emerald Hill zone.
@badp Apparently it's an unholy amalgamation of I and @OrigamiRobot.
@fbueckert Who said it was unholy?
@fbueckert Unholy? More like fantastic
@InvaderSkoodge Well, then it's still definitely not this one
@fbueckert I for one accept our new @sexrobot overlords.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 10kers can't see custom text flags, hence the flag declining reason I'm about to choose
That's what Googling shows as the Hill Top Zone
@LessPop_MoreFizz As an unwilling participant in this merge, it is most definitely unholy.
Which I guess it is, from the background.
I think it might have been in Sonic 3
@OrigamiRobot ...I don't. Not ever.
@badp Are you not yourself a 10k user?
@fbueckert Just calm down. You seem tense. Let me give you a massage.
Does it not require only 3 votes to delete?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't vote to delete
Are there not 2 already?
I can only destroy from orbit
@badp There are already 2 votes. Your mod delete is identical to a 10k delete.
@LessPop_MoreFizz IT IS NOT THE SAME!!!1111one (I don't think you can vote to undelete what a mod has deleted)
Aw, who deleted my second meta comment on the tag pruning thing?
Jeez what are we even talking about deleting?
@badp This is quibbling over a minor detail.
There was some kind of catch like this. It certainly isn't true for closing, so it must be about deleting
Q: Where to buy English versions of games (from Germany)

ptikobjI'm looking for an online game shop that offers original English versions of a lot of games. I used amazon.de, for an example, to buy some older (UK imported) games. However, for each game, I had to pay the shipping cost. So, I would like to have a European (or German) shop that offers a lot of a...

Also having known a German friend who's had genuine trouble buying games in English I feel too much sympathy with the asker to delete it :P
Oh, it just got closed. I can't
Ugh, I keep seeing 'bigdickshit' in this guy's name.
@GnomeSlice I think he crafted his name on purpose for that reason.
Oh. That's the point. He swapped the 's' and 'd'.
Some mod should re-name him to Fluffy Bunnies.
@InvaderSkoodge or sexrobot
@OrigamiRobot or Fluffy Sex Bunnies.
@OrigamiRobot 2 of those is plenty.
Can two users have the same username?
@InvaderSkoodge Maybe for you.
@GnomeSlice Yes.

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