We pointed out the question was way to broad, he threw a hissy fit, long story, then he wanted to change to how to do the new question (via the comments) I suggested he ask a new question
Best comment on his part: "Bro I'm a teenager. I already am I game developer and working towards my business license. So will I get help making the grid or will I be told I can't do this again?"
@Yuuki You don't. I straight up targeted @OrigamiRobot and shot him with lazers (in an accidental "next ship must be in the same wing as this other dude" shot)
He was reporting crimes and everything
@OrigamiRobot It'll still be illegal salvage, so there is that. You do need to be good at smuggling.
Can people join your world without being on the local network but without setting your world to be a server? Please answer I need help!!!!
I have tried with a friend but it just won't work!
P.S. : It will have mods
I'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for 4 years. I felt like I was his mentor, since I recruited straight from university, taught him the ropes, and promoted h...
My boss slapped me because My Excel file had a calculational error. I fixed the error and saved the file to the network. If I complain, I guess I will just get fired. But I don't want to work for someone like this. How should I talk to her about it?
@MattGiltaji I'm trying to imagine the real-life scenario where someone slaps a coworker, and the coworker calmly explains right then that the slap is unprofessional.
> An early piece of Imperial Courier concept art, following up last week’s cockpit shot. We’ll be showing you more on how the concept becomes a working craft in coming weeks.
I was going to start a world where people could join and we could do a team deathmatch but i didn't know how to get people to join without having LAN on or putting my world so it would be a server. Please help!
F.W.I: The world shall have mods
So when I stagger an enemy a small icon appears on their status bar which seems to be related to the stagger condition as it's got a small wave underneath it.
What do these icons mean?
A 9-year-old explains net neutrality https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/comments/2yi6xu/heres_how_my_9year_explained_net_neutrality_to/ http://t.co/hRMokgACU2
My milkshakes bring congress to the yard and theyre like all pinching my straws damn right, just pinching my staws I could stop them, but they want to charge.