VyMC: Given a single integer n, return the number of times its digits need to be summed until the result is of length 1. E.g. 453 -> 2 (453 -> 12 -> 3), 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 -> 3 (999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 -> 459 -> 18 -> 9)
non-zero for numbers, non-empty for strings and lists
@emanresuA this can be taken a bit further - the for loop can be replaced with just range ɾ, vectorisation then takes effect and finish off with øĊ and join on newlines
num a, num b, num c: a <= c <= b
num a, num b, str c: a by b grid of c
num a, str b, num c: a by c grid of b
num a, str b, str c: b.ljust(a,filler=c)
str a, num b, num c: b by c grid of a
str a, num b, str c: a.ljust(c,filler=b)
str a, str b, num c: a.ljust(b,filler=c)
str a, str b, str c: a.infinite_replace(b, c)
fun a, fun b, any c: collect_until_false(predicate=a, modifying_function=b, inital=c)
For me, it pretty much comes down to doing a lot of random garbage, and then later having a problem where I go, "oh yeah, I've done some random garbage that will solve this" and then doing that
So while I had the dynamic whateveryacallit disabled in the NVIDIA card, the Intel one (which apparently still does stuff despite the NVIDIA one existing) was trying to dim stuff
@emanresuA I have a 4-byter that only works in the 2.4.2 interpreter, and a 3-byter that should work in the current interpreter but doesn't because of one of the open issues on github
VyMC: Given two strings, return whether one is a rotation of another (i.e. there exists a positive integer n where one string rotated n times equals the other).
[@Nitrodon: 60189476]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/main.py", line 147, in execute_vyxal
exec(code, locals() | globals())
File "<string>", line 27, in <module>
File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/elements.py", line 2790, in prime_factorisation
return {
File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/elements.py", line 2793, in <lambda>
}.get(ts, lambda: vectorise(prime_factorisation, lhs, ctx=ctx))()
File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/elements.py", line 3868, in vectorise
@Nitrodon oh yeah i forgot about that overload for İ. I tried to do the same thing except with ẋ where it would terminate or not, but it appears to be bugged, because it doesn't ever terminate.