Codidact seems a little lonely. I registered, but there are no challenges except the new one to answer. Maybe we should all join if we haven't already.
Phụ kiện tủ bếp inox là những món vật dụng vừa trang trí cho không gian nhà bếp thêm tính thẩm mỹ cao, lại vừa mang đến sự tiện dụng và tiết kiệm thời gian cho các công việc nấu nướng trong bếp.
Những mẫu phụ kiện tủ bếp inox giá rẻ sẽ giúp chị em sắp xếp được đồ đạc ở trong bếp gọn gàng, ngăn nắ...
Write a shortest bijective program from String to Object.
You can specify two sets of chars \$C_1\$ and \$C_2\$, both of which consist of at least 4 different chars[1], and define:
String: string consisting of only chars in \$C_1\$ [C₁]*
Name: non-empty string consisting of only chars in \$C_2\$...
Minimal distinct character quine code-challenge quine
Your challenge is to construct a quine using as few distinct characters as possible.
The fewer distinct characters, the better.
More tags?
I know this thing is tiny, is there anything else I need to say?
Challenge: write a program which takes in a bar chart image and outputs the category with the value closest to the average. Answer: #myEsolang, 1 byte B ## Explanation This code uses my single byte command which I devised for this purpose.
CMC: given a string, append un to the beginning of each word. However if it starts with un and then a consonant, remove un. (so university should be ununiversity, not iversity. While unfavorable should be favorable not ununfavorable.)
lag :(
Test case: He went to the university yesterday, but his interview was undesirable. -> Unhe unwent unto unthe ununiversity unyesterday, unbut unhis uninterview unwas desirable
So, looks like the Codidactyl is the most popular choice for the Feed's pfp. However, it isn't the same 16x16 pixel image as the other feeds/bots - is it worth making a pixel version?
Newcomers to codegolf.SE are often compelled to ask what many of our abbreviations and terms mean. Let us list them here so this information always will be easily available.
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CMC: Create a simple language? 3 instructions; a single variable. "+" increments the variable by 1, "-" decrements the variable by 1 and "." prints the variable. Example program ++. prints 2
Square chunk my matrix code-golf array-manipulation
Your challenge is to write a function/program that takes a matrix m and a number n as input and:
Splits the matrix into n by n chunks
Replaces each chunk with the most common value in that chunk (In case of a tie, any of the tied values is fine)...
Your challenge is to write a function/program that takes a matrix of integers m and a number n as input and:
Splits m into n by n chunks
Replaces each chunk with the most common value in that chunk (In case of a tie, any of the tied values is fine).
Outputs the resulting matrix.
Note: You ca...
Do these points approximately make up a regular n-gon?
code-golf geometry
The input is a set of integer coordinates. Take them in whatever form you want. The question is: can you draw an n-sided regular polygon with vertices at the specified coordinates? n being the amount of coordinates provided...
So, looks like the Codidactyl is the most popular choice for the Feed's pfp. However, it isn't the same 16x16 pixel image as the other feeds/bots - is it worth making a pixel version?
@MaanasB Take a picture of your screen, take a picture of that with a polaroid, scan it, fax it elsewhere, print it, take a picture of that, hire an artist to draw it for you, package the painting and send it to Microsoft HQ, threaten the employees you'll destroy everything they love unless they download it fo ryou?