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@amWhy Could you stop leaving and joining please?
Could be a bug, ASCII Logos's pfp was doing that earlier
@cairdcoinheringaahing Then you and @hyper-neutrino take care of your abusive and suspended users you want us to ignore on, in a completely unrelated chatroom. @hyper, please delete the comment by @caird, which I consider reveals publicly what should be dealt with privately.
Which comment by caird?
@amWhy Leaving and joining the room is not what I removed your comments in the Cafe for. It was for calling out suspended users and discussing their suspensions publicly, which is not allowed. I am acting based on the policies I agreed to uphold. You'll notice I took no issue with this message.
There one of them has come here. Let's wait for the other accounts, who will likely enter, leave, re-enter, leave, etc. Deal with what we've had to deal with, with users from this site.
@amWhy What do you expect me to do about it? Or, for that matter, HN? I'm just an RO here, I don't have any power over suspended users. HN has been trying to prevent them from continuing to do this, but chat is notoriously buggy, and doesn't have good support for handling suspended users. Honestly, I'd suggest just ignoring when users do this, but given that you can talk in here, I thought I'd ask you politely to stop - something that clearly isn't and won't work with the problem users
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's okay, I just wanted to demonstrate how disruptive such users can be. This is a matter of CMs and SE (I don't know what HN stands for). See, one of them of the offending accounts is back here yet again. I'm not saying you, did anything wrong, you were frustrated, just as I was as a RO of the Cafe and Tavern in c
@amWhy HN is what we call hyper-neutrino for short
Please don't be intentionally disruptive.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Okay! That makes sense. I'm just saying that sometimes HN (and/or any other mod) may need to escalate to CMs, when users are this disruptive.
@amWhy HN stands for my name. It is understandable that you are frustrated - I am too, to be completely honest with you. I can escalate this to CMs but it's been discussed on MM before and there isn't too much that can be done. Ignoring them, while not optimal, is pretty much the best action one can take.
Also, we agree that it's disruptive. Please don't be disruptive yourself either - it'll only worsen the issue.
@WheatWizard I know you mean well, but I was making a point, for 1/4 the the amount of time my chatroom on was getting bombarded by three accounts, simultaneously leaving, returning, leaving, returning....
Finally, please do not use your room owner privileges to try to "send a message" to moderators. Your primary duty is to de-escalate issues or have them handled via the appropriate channels (moderators, using SE'S Contact Us, Meta, etc), and timing out a room like that only disrupts other users, especially since I am not affected by the timeout anyway.
@hyper-neutrino Understood. I just got the impression that my concerns, and's concerns, were being minimized.
If you have an issue with the way I acted, it would be best to directly discuss that with me, and I will always do my best to understand criticism and improve in any way I can.
@hyper-neutrino I did not do that. Please don't speak to that way.
Any user can ping a mod in my chat. It doesn't take "room owner" privileges to do that.
I think we have discussed this enough. We are doing the best we can to remedy a situation that effects both of us, using the tools we have. In the meantime we ask that you not intentionally create a disruption, for any reason.
@hyper-neutrino But you, and @Wheat, and the room owner here, are wailing on me because you found it too difficult to ignore me, clearly. Please don't preach others to ignore what you failed to ignore. Case proven. Thank you.
@amWhy I ignored the other user because they are a problematic user so I ignored them (after I already used the extent of my powers to try to stop them). caird only messaged you because we believe that you are reasonable and therefore would listen to reason.
@amWhy Correct, but I am talking about room timeouts.
@hyper-neutrino And I have, quite awhile ago... I understand, but two of you continue to repeat yourselves.
I believe we've had enough discussion over the disruptive user topic. I am simply informing you of your responsibilities as a room owner and to not misuse the privileges given by that position of trust.
@hyper-neutrino I did that only to stop, even if only temporarily, the incessant entering and exiting of three separate accounts. Nothing more.
@hyper-neutrino I did not abuse those privileges. And let me remind you to not abuse your cross-site (yet know nothing about) privileges as site moderator given by that position of trust.
Other mods and ROs have already stated that this is enough discussion on the issue. Please stop, or move to another room.
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