@StackMeter To stop users who repcap regularly from rocketing ahead with rep. We had a discussion about this previously, and basically users who have more rep would have even more without the repcap
Also, the point of reputation is that if you get it, it means you deserve it. Getting bounties is great, but it's kind of a shortcut (hence the 500 rep limit)
See, I'm not sure if I should be a buzzkill or not. This answer has always annoyed me as it makes no effort to golf, but it has +1300. Is it worth flagging for deletion as not a serious contender?
we could open it to meta. because i think this kind of creativity embodies the whole point of the art side of code-golf but it is technically not competitive and doesn't attempt to take trivial steps to be more competitive
but my opinion will differ from other people's so it's not very straightforward
@cairdcoinheringaahing no because 1300+ people disagree with you (people in TNB may have more experience with the site, but those opinions still count)
@user Respectfully, that's an awful attitude: something's popular, so it's fine no matter what. If people like it, that's fair. People clearly disagree with my view that it isn't a valid answer, also fair. But that doesn't mean that the response should be "it's popular, so it's good"
hence why i'd open it to meta if there's sufficient belief that it should be deleted. because i am a moderator with unilateral power but i signed up to use that to uphold the beliefs of the community, not my own
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm not saying it's good, but it's pretty subjective, and I don't see why a few people's opinions matter more than those of a thousand people
@user Because, as the site has shown time and time again, voters generally don't give a crap if an answer is "valid" or "a serious contender", they just see something that fits with the creativity of the site and upvote it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fair enough, but as rak mentioned above, it's historic at this point, and it does show creativity even if it's not optimal. I say we keep it
Which is why a meta discussion would probably be the most appropriate way to decide, with users who actually know and participate in the site providing arguments, rather than people who have 101 rep and an upvote button
@cairdcoinheringaahing To be fair, I don't like that the author took no effort to improve the answer by removing whitespace, and I've downvoted it because of that.
def convolve(left, right):
left, right = iterable(left, make_range = True), iterable(right, make_range = True)
result = [0]*(len(left)+len(right)-1)
for i,x in enumerate(left):
for j,y in enumerate(right):
result[i+j] += x*y
return result
Take a look at this answer: Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code.
This is the most upvoted answer on our site right now. However, as many have pointed out, by modern standards, this is not a competitive solution because it doesn't take trivial steps to be more competiti...
@Delfad0r decided to change it cuz even though lyxal and other people who say "my opinion isn't valid" are certainly joking, i'd rather not give a negative or unprofessional appearance, and to avoid confusing people about my gender identity, and because i'm getting bored of people refering to a character from a video game made by a chinese company as "anime" lmao
basically no real significant reason. also the lambda symbol looks cool
@Ausername That's very difficult, but doable. Generalist is literally impossible to get on CGCC as it's "Only awarded to anyone after each of the 40 top tags has over 200 questions" (source) and we only have 27 tags with 200+ questions: codegolf.stackexchange.com/tags?tab=popular
We'd need 86 more python questions for anyone to even get close to it (plus just a whole lot more questions under a whole lot more tags)
my initial guess would be the left hand, since when i compare one-handed typing speed, i'm faster with my left hand, but that isn't really that good of an indication :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean, a good part of the help center is relevant, there's just a lot of Q&A-specific stuff mixed in with it
> The problem may be subtle, and those reviewing the flagged content simply missed seeing it (e.g., you flagged a comment as abusive for attempting to rickroll, but the moderator handling the flag neglected to click the link).
The rickroll part even has a link to the video. hyper-neutrino, is this your work?
If an answer is invalid, drop a comment saying "This answer is invalid, so I've flagged it for deletion", click "Flag" -> "In need of mod intervention" and say something along the lines of "This answer is invalid and should be deleted". Alternatively, flag spam or posts that are VLQ
...I would say I feel like there's a shorter Jelly solution with Æp, but given 2 or 1 it straight up errors, so it may be longer to have to cover the base cases directly
@Lyxal Like if you had two one bit operators, x and y, and a flag z, whereas other languages use two bits for x, y, and z, Vyxal would still represent programs with only x and y in fewer bits