Right now, my assessment is that this community is very healthy, and doing very well in most stats. For example, my anecdotal experience is that we have a lot of very knowledgeable vim users who are always eager to help answer questions. I'll very frequently try to answer a question only to see ...
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Cheddar
" Maintainer: github.com/cheddar-lang
" Latest Revision: 7 October 2016
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Statements
syn keyword primaryStatement let var const if else while for class func
" Basic integer
syn match literalNumber '\d\+'
syn match literalNumber '[-+]\d\+'
" Floating point
syn match literalNumber '\d\.\d+'
@PhiNotPi At first, I was suspicious due to the name, and then due to how highly acclaimed it was...then I gradually figured out that it was definitely a joke, and then it became hilarious.
> The Alapin Defense has a double-edged re putation. Fast action by White often demonstrates that Black’s self-imprisonmen t of his Bishop and Queen is a liability.
> Alekhine reportedly played it at the 1930 San Remo, but this may have been due to a small earthquake aftershock that rattled the board on his second move.
> [referring to attacking a king on h3 with a protected pawn] A pointless check that wastes time. Bl ack has myopically focused on White’s King, ignoring the timeless adage of the Bongcloud Ma sters: “A King is prim on the rim!” The game is already won for White with his crushing positional advantage.
> Again, Black harasses without development. He has violated nearly every opening rule – frequent pawn moves, lack of development, pointless checks, and moving the same piece repeatedly.
I'm creating a language that's roughly imperative, I have a bunch of stuff defined in builtins.py, and I'm getting tired of typing builtin.functionname :P
@El'endiaStarman on the topic of chess... have you ever realized how much theory material is out there? There's literal tons of books dedicated to specific chess openings (in the style of that PDF, but obviously more thorough and actually serious)
@El'endiaStarman maybe a better word is "overpriced." Lots of them hype themselves up as "the best book" to teach you this one "killer opening" to "completely dominate (insert opponent color here)" and then charge $30. Not to mention lots of extremely-low-production-value videos/DVDs.
For example... looking 10 moves ahead the computer sees X, but when it actually performs the move and looks 10 moves ahead, it's seeing one move further and can now see things it didn't before.
Strip this number down!
Given a string containing a number, strip that number down. If there are extra 0s at the start of it, remove them. If there are extra zeros at the end after the decimal point, remove them. Also, if there are more than 5 decimal digits, round it to the 5th.
@PhiNotPi -1 attempting to make humourus joke means they must laugh and laughing requires breathing which is something betseg cannot do, so clearly you are mocking betseg :P
Display a Connect Four game
Connect Four is a game where players take turns to drop disks into columns of a vertically mounted grid in a gravitational field, and attempt to connect four counters orthogonally or diagonally. As such, any game may be completely specified by the size of the board an...