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Pretty sure no one wins that one.
@WheatWizard Primality checker in brain-flak:
A: Is this number a prime?

DJMcMayhemBrain-Flak, 170 bytes (({}<>)<>[()]){(({})[()])}{}{}{(<>({}<({}())>)<>)({}(<()>)){({}[()]<(({}()[({})])){{}(<({}({}))>)}{}>)}({}{}<{}>){(<{}>)<>({}<({}[()])>)<>}{}}<>{}({}<(())>){((<{}{}>))}{} Try it online! To my knowledge, this is the first primality checker ever done in brain-flak. Like mo...

@Downgoat Are those startups?
this is simply meme compoetition
32 mins ago, by Downgoat
are you guys seriously bringing this meme up again
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@Qwerp-Derp hai .o/
CMC: Print the language name of the next answer to this CMC.
Cheddar: print"Cheddar"
Cheddar: print"cheddar"
shit inifinte recursion ;_;
@Downgoat Y
No repeated languages
Cheddar: print"C++"
PRINT "Python"
python: print"Gaot++"
I win!
;_; y u no post gaot++ answr
OK whoever makes the next solution has to ping the next person
javascrip: print("Cheddar")
You did geo
you said print so I'll assume phyiscally printing counts :P
@Downgoat Python: print("javascript")
pls stahp spam pining
Though the next answer wasn't valid...hmm
wait wat, there is no next answer?
It is in python 2, no?
Wait wot
Did we start a new game
CMC is confusing, brb downvoting and close voting and delete voting into oblivion :P
It's like backwards answer chaining :p
CMC: Print the correct boolean specifying whether Helka's previous CMC makes sense
how did you guys ever pass 10K
out 0 - Logicode 2016
out house - Bathroom 1940
I didn't know 0 was true in Logicode o_O
0 is falsch
0 represent true in terms of no error or success
out ?
? is random bit
I need a boolean value superposition in cheddar which outputs random boolean
@Downgoat I thought there it still meant false. As in "there was an error?" "false" :P
You wanted a gaot++ answer for Helka's CMC?
@StevenH. What's the new language
I didn't want to type out anything with a longer name
@StevenH. :D +1
(I know Cjam would have been shorter but w/e)
I wonder if I could write a TNBDE query that determines whether CMCs increase noise...
CMCs are on-topic...
Cringing at the Wikipedia article for code golf
Some CMC are good at sticking to topic. Others....
There's a link to the SO tag code-golf, but there's no link to codegolf.stackexchange.com
if we are staying on topic can someone pls answer my question:
Code golf is a type of recreational computer programming competition in which participants strive to achieve the shortest possible source code (not to be confused with binary Sizecoding) that implements a certain algorithm. Such tournaments may also be named with the programming language used (for example Perl golf). == History == The length of the shortest possible program that produces a given output (in any fixed programming language) is known as the Kolmogorov complexity of the output, and its mathematical study dates to the work of Andrey Kolmogorov in 1963. Code golf, however, can be more...
@Qwerp-Derp Because you haven't fixed it yet. That's how wiki works ;)
Sep 30 at 17:15, by Downgoat
Also I have a question about our policy for what counts as programming languages
Sep 30 at 17:15, by Downgoat
The most upvoted answer says:
"Golfing languages are generally considered[by whom?] to be esoteric"
Sep 30 at 17:15, by Downgoat
> Support a representation of natural numbers and of tuples. (We're talking about languages rather than implementations, so we will leave to one side the issue of type widths).
but most languages just add primality checking and adding and that cuts it?
AFAIK sed counts as a programming language but it has no notion of tuples
@Downgoat Seems like it's hard to have those without natural numbers.
Though I agree, I'm not sure why "tuples" is in there.
Hang on no wait there is a link to PPCG
Just not really clear though
CMC: given 1,1000,1000000,1000000000 print 1,1k,1m,1b respectively (no other inputs)
Minkolang has the stack, but otherwise, there's no tuple representation.
Take BF for example, it has a representation of natural numbers, but sed or regex doesn't
I mean it can still do primality checking
but still..
tuple representation I assume means some way to represent a set of values
In Minkolang I'm sure there's someway to do that
I'm not saying I completely think our definition of programming languages should include tuples but I think we're being a little lax on enforcing the notion of a "representation of natural numbers"
Is there a specific instance you're thinking of?
many languages which have regex are considered "okay that's a programming language" because regex = primality checking
this includes sed, Mozilla CSS, and more that i haven't bothered to think of yet
Unary can be/is considered a representation of natural numbers.
also AFAIK bubblegum (i think) when the input is a sepecific hash it will run a primality/adding program but it lacks a natural number representation
if we are going to go so far as to consider anything which is considered a "byte" to be a "representation of a natural number" then I guess these languages could be considered OK but that's a bit on the edge
Why do we even need tuple representation?
@HelkaHomba Pyth, 14 bytes: +1@"b km"/l`z3
7 mins ago, by Downgoat
I'm not saying I completely think our definition of programming languages should include tuples but I think we're being a little lax on enforcing the notion of a "representation of natural numbers"
@HelkaHomba Screw math, I'll use a loop :P
String f(int a){int i=0;for(;a>1;i++)a/=1000;return""+1+new char[]{0,'k','m','b'}[i];}
I just kinda glossed over that rule, and just went straight ahead to "adding" and "primality checking".
Just asking, how far can anyone get using the two functions add(a, b) and isprime(a)?
not very far
youll at least need conditional and GOTO (i.e. some way for recursion/looping)
CMC: Create a language that uses add(a, b) and isprime(a), and make it TC with as few new functions as possible
@Qwerp-Derp add(a, b), isprime(a), and computeasbinarylambdacalculus(a)
eval(someOtherLanguage) works too
add(a, b), isprime(a), and evalAsCheddarCode(a)
goddammit ninja
Just make eval() eval any language you give it. Good luck!
but clearly cheddar is most turning complete lagnauge out of all turing complete languages :P
Is that why cheddar wheels are so round? From being so turning complete?
something is wrong of your cheddar is round
it should be chopped up into peices, meaning you are eating it because it is so delicous
Why dirty the knife? I'm going to eat the whole thing :P
RQOD: how do downvote buttons eat?
TIL it's Turing Complete, not Turning Complete ._.
@Downgoat Two rep at a time.
@Downgoat ._. indeed
Examining the output of the SEDE query provided in meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/5079/… I have found many examples such as "python-18" and "java(123" where the language is wrong because the answerer wrote their answer in such a way that it confused the query. Would it be considered excessive editing to modify the answers so that they are in a more standard form that the SEDE query recognizes?
Damn, python is up to 18 now? I should really look into that.
I don't think it's excessive to edit them. I think it might be if you edited them all at once. For mass edits, I think the usual recommendation is to break them up into chunks so they don't take up the entire front page.
@Geobits What would you recommend as a reasonable rate of edits?
TIL there are 5 answers in PPCG that use Javscript
I don't really mind it, tbh, especially at a time like this when activity isn't very high. I think usually they say around ten at a time or so?
Of course, you can always go until someone asks you to stop if you're feeling frisky :)
@Geobits Okay thanks
And 8 that use csharp instead of C#
@Qwerp-Derp lol
I just call it Db
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Oliver NiTic-tac-toe Here is a tic-tac-toe board: a b c | | 1 - | - | - _____|_ _ _|_____ | | 2 - | - | - _____|_____|_____ | | 3 - | - | - | | Given a set of moves, print the board with the tokens on. Input...

And there are two answers that use Mathetmatica
@DJMcMayhem Are you still working on that primality test? I think I have one.
@NewSandboxedPosts Good to see Oliver sandboxing, but can anyone think of potential dupe targets?
I looked briefly, but didn't see anything exact. It's probably a subset of another one, but I didn't look that closely at them.
Just asking because of how common the theme is, but I can't seem to find one from a quick search
... actually nvm that's not close at all
@Dennis no, not right now. How long is it?
@DJMcMayhem 112 bytes.
@WheatWizard Woot!
Can you post a program of it?
Woo-hoo, rep! Thanks, @WheatWizard!
@Qwerp-Derp I will try its actually quite hard to write in
> A word's operation is its md5 hash modulo 7
Ha, nice
In the process, I also found a (non-stack-clean) modulus algorithm in 42 bytes.
@Dennis Where is your profile pic from?
Dennis the Menace.
Wait what
Wait Dennis the Menace looked like that?
I remember Dennis as a black-haired little kid (not blond) - probably because of the crappy cartoon series.
The one from the US did. There's another one in the UK.
Ah, that's why
The one from the US had black hair? Or blond?
US blonde, UK black.
OK now I know all about Dennis the Menace yay
Why did you have to get me hooked on Brain-Flak? I should be sleeping, not writing primality tests... :P
I'm really happy to see all the users starting to use bflack
I think every user over 1k has their own language now...
With the notable exception of @HelkaHomba
i went ahead and posted the 112 byte solution. Seems to work.
@Qwerp-Derp Isn't PRINDAEL Helka's work?
Oh yeah
And Shtriped
And Shtriped, yeah
It's because he doesn't really put them on his profile page
So I forgot
OK, now there's no exception
There are a few.
Which are...?
Does @Sp3000 have his lang?
Yes, Gol><>.
You shouldn't ping every user you mention btw.
I have two and they are both currently terrible
Does @Emigna?
@Dennis Nice. What's the general algorithm? (I'm really bad at reading my own Lang)
Trial division.
Emigna mostly uses osabie from what I've seen
Does he have his own lang?
Trial division, not trial modulus?
Also every 1k user can't be true, e.g. I can't think of any xnor would have written
@DJMcMayhem Fine, trial modulus. :P
ADDENDUM: Almost every 1k user
I think the "almost" would work for >10k, but not >1k
>1k is a lot of people :P
Alex and Peter also don't have created languages afaik.
ADDENDUM #2: Almost every active 1k user
I don't think Lynn does
Unless you count jelly
@Dennis Isn't ??? made by Alex (and others)?
Right, forgot about that one.
@DJMcMayhem GS2 is Lynn's.
Actually now that I think about it there are plenty of active users who don't have a lang.
I'm pretty sure betseg doesn't have one
Jimmy doesn't
Does Geobits have a lang?
JonathanAllan probs doesn't
4 mins ago, by Dennis
You shouldn't ping every user you mention btw.
@Dennis Wasn't gs2 mitch's? Or am I confusing the identity of nooodl
Ah yeah
4 mins ago, by Dennis
You shouldn't ping every user you mention btw.
Ah yeah sorry
Dammit, ninja
Oh it is Lynn, nvm
Well that's awkward, I always thought it was mitch for some reason
I thought betseg has one. I can't remember for sure though
He's good at it, but he didn't create it.
Kenny doesn't have one
Malty doesn't
There's a lot
Does orlp have a lang?
Highly doubt it. He mostly uses C that I've seen
Well, explanations will have to wait 'til tomorrow. I'm calling it a day. Good night!
GOLF CPU technically counts for orlp
@Qwerp-Derp He created a Pyth fork.
@Dennis I can't wait to see them
I'm always curious to know how these crazy short solutions work, I just can't read them
@Qwerp-Derp Do I what? Have my own lang?
Do you?
Also, it's hilarious that 112 bytes qualifies as "crazy short". :p
I don't atm. I have an idea or two but I haven't take the time to write it
btw DJ for Brain-flak, are the example programs meant to be golfed/are they meant to be stack-safe/what's the criteria for them to be on the README?
I don't really have one. They're somewhat golfed but not necessarily proven optimal or anything. I believe all of them are stack safe
There's quite a few more examples in the Wiki
Well I was talking to Martin about how positive number multiplication could be golfed, even for stack-safe :P
I'm going to try to create a programming language overnight, any suggestions as to what kind of language?
@StevenH. An ASCII-art language/Numeric regex language
Numeric regex?
Explain :P
See Conor's Sandbox post
Is it ok if a lang transpiles to another lang
@betseg Yes, e.g. Japt/MATL/V (I think)
@ASCII-only V sorta transpiles, but not really
Yeah, what I thought, I'd imagine it somehow hooks into Vim instead?
@ASCII-only Pretty much. But It's not transpiled because the custom commands are still processed/executed directly by Vim, but they are mapped to custom functions.
@betseg wtf why would you make a website about something and then not put info
It sends a "yo" to your friend
Best app
offical websites are supposed to have information...
from what I can tell from the twitter and other stuff, it seems to be communication from the lock screen?
In app or widgets
I honestly don't know.
because the offical site has no info
@WheatWizard made a language... I will attempt to answer a question with it...
how to md5 in python?
ok, I have found single character commands
hey guys which question should answer?
0: a c f
1: h w
2: e j r s v
3: d l n p q u
4: b g k y
5: i m o x z
6: t
values of md5 hash of letters mod 7
of course, I'm only using single chars because golf
unless it actually has a check of english words
Pretty sure I saw a wordlist in the github
well, it'll be more interesting then
how should I load a list of newline separated words into a program?
I think I'm going to have to add some new words lol
I like how woe has all these variants
but wistfully doesn't exist
At least the most commonly used words are in there, like "azimuths" and "baaed"
well, I should really sort these words...
by length
ok, I have a list of two letter commands
sorry, that was way too long
ok, I shuffled them up a bit, and now I have this:






aa is a type of lava
Me deciding to implement a full language overnight was a bad idea
I know that because I played scrabble, and later because I looked at some website
I'm not completing this tonight for sure, I have a nice oplist though
what question should I answer with this lang?
Hello World?
Truth machine
10*10 *s
wait I don't see i/o that's going to complicate things
@StevenH. What do you mean by full language?
@WheatWizard pls how would I/O / do anything useful with your moorhen language?
I guess I could take input as unary
by having people insert a certain amount of into the start of program
Interpreter for the numerical regex lang
what word should I use for that...
also lol bug
@StevenH. Not that hard, I would have done it in a day if it was my main proprity
Yeah, but it's 1:30 and I need to get some rest
@StevenH. Oh, overnight
wait halp how make this interpreter work !!!!11!
I have an interesting idea for a lang but it will be hard to write the interpreter
Golfing lang btw
it work?
oh, input output exists
really confused right now...
First byte(s?) to say, for example π(n), next bytes to define the n
@betseg Just gist/hackmd the spec
Example: 4E3584: 4E: π( 3584: number in hex, EOF: )
4E3584: π(3584)
also it seems like this could do with some refactoring
Or 4E: π(input) etc
	def step(self):
		if 0 > self.pointer > len(self.source):return False
		command = self.source[self.pointer]
		if command == 0:
			self.pointer += self.direction
		elif command == 1:
			self.pointer += self.direction
		elif command == 2:
			self.pointer += self.direction
		elif command == 3:
			self.pointer += self.direction
		elif command == 4:
			self.pointer += self.direction
		elif command == 5:
also they seem to have forgotten some parens
I think I'll sign up to hacktoberfest and do some work on this...
also I think it doesn't use the right hashing algo?
also there seems to be debug code still here
this is pretty buggèd
Halp how to echo DEADBEEF1234 | xxd
hmmm, wat
oh, I have the newlines
I think
oh my, shadowing a builtin
@DestructibleWatermelon éēè
@WheatWizard You have bugs on moorhens, I will try to fix, it will help me get hacktoberfest stuff
hmmm, trying to figure out how to solve this problem...
that was simple
+1 for python *args thing
does echo "DEADBEEF" | xxd -r work the way I want
-r -p does
wait how does this even work
Translates hex to lireral chars
if 0 > self.pointer > len(self.source):return False
ok, it works by not working
echo 70 | xxd -r -p | xargs prog == prog p
fixin dem bugs
halp what does 1L mean in python
@DestructibleWatermelon That means long int
Lemme see your codes
oh, that makes sense
But lemme see your codes...
It's mostly @WheatWizards code
I'll show you later maybe
I feel like these classes could be merged...
one does consist entirely of function definitions, the only code it properly runs is the init...
there we go
so, a truth machine doesn't practically work, output is only at the end, but filling the stack with 1s is close enough
could be fun, yeah
hmmm, something is fishy
hmmm reverse didn't work
that makes sense
if only unconditional reverse
hmm, not sure if this is possible...
Making a truth machine in this lang
no pop, to remove undesired values

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