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Sheesh, I have no idea what's going wrong with this thing....
> ImportError: No module named '__main__'
what even
Hey @Downgoat I found something for you
@DestructibleWatermelon I think you accidentally rotated your chessboard; the corner colors are wrong.
why does it matter?
just rotate it in the fen or whatever
or reflect it
You can't do that in FEN
I would, but then the pawn movement would be messed up
And black/white squares actually matter for this, soo...
Also lol:
Q: How do I debug an emoticon-based URL?

LamonteCristoI came across this URL and need to convert this to puny code. As an experiment, I'll paste this URL here, but not sure if this will save. http://🐒🍵🍱🍋🎩🍣🍕🍊.🍕💩.ws/ How can I convert this URL to a standard DNS name so I can whois the IP space?

So stack-based languages are too mainstream, I'm making a queue-based language
I'm glad they didn't illustrate the first ending I found. Or any of them, for that matter.
@El'endiaStarman indeed. Especially the Romeo and Juliet ending.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Yeah, that was the first one I found.
@El'endiaStarman Oh, nice. Not the first ending I got, but I'll keep quiet then. :P
@VTCAKAVSMoACE have you tried macOS Sierra yet?
I'm uncertain whether to upgrade, I like my computer as-is.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I have it downloaded.
I haven't installed it yet.
@WheatWizard nice. I'm trying out using three queues and one-character instructions, and probably filling up all the ASCII printables with variations on which of the queues are used for which instruction
CMC: Given n, calculate 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n - ln(n)
@ConorO'Brien The Euler-Masceroni constant?
from math import*
lambda x:reduce(lambda y,z:y+1./z,range(x))-log(x)
69 bytes
(python 2)
numerators of the euler-masceroni constant approximations, ungolfed:
(0 { [: ];._1 'r'&,)&.":"0@(([: x: [: +/ %@>:@i.)"0)@i.

Pyth, 9 bytes
Python 3, 61 bytes:
import math
lambda n:sum(1/-~k for k in range(n))-math.log(n)
Python 2, 63 bytes
import math
lambda n:sum(1.0/-~k for k in range(n))-math.log(n)
Jelly, 6 bytes: RİS_Æl
CMC: Write a program that will produce the previous answer to this challenge. The first answer is a space.
BF: ++++++++[->++++<]>.
Pyth: ++*2J*4\++j"[]"+\-j"><"J">.
Because why not make a program longer than just a string literal?
Well, that escalated quickly.
I do hope you used a generative program instead of typing all that out yourself, that seems like torture
@StevenH. For that one I used a generative program
Seems like your generative program is the next answer then :P
Ah. So I'm guessing that's the final answer then?
Bash: curl http://pastebin.com/raw/uWWshDNK
A loophole, yes, but there's practically no other way to make any progress. :P
> # The second try used to be more useful but now it seems like vesigial code
# I should look into whether or not it actually improves anything significantly
Brain-Flak 92.48 kB:
oh I missed Doorknobs answer
I'm allowing standard loopholes for this CMC (except printing out "the previous answer to this challenge" or similar, that one's just dumb)
So Doorknob's is $100% legit
Q: Truthiness in Brain-Flak and similar stack-based languages

DennisStack-based languages don't necessarily fit in the pseudo-code model that constitutes our definition of truthy and falsy: if (x) { print "x is truthy"; } else { print "x is falsy"; } The closest equivalent to x in a stack-based language would be the top of the stack (assuming this is w...

then someone bit.ly that pastebin link (or a raw gist)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ nonedeterministically selected between the two at random
Bubblegum, 2572 bytes: pastebin.com/yjgSGx1W
Edited, 2563 bytes: pastebin.com/nmP1gAsC
Edited again, 2558 bytes: pastebin.com/fzj0khds
@Doorknob J: 'curl http://pastebin.com/raw/uWWshDNK'
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Is Edited a new language?
@ConorO'Brien Oh come on, we don't need conflicting realities
@ConorO'Brien I fell for that one for 30 seconds
CMC: program an esolang in under 100 bytes. pop-con
@ConorO'Brien 0 bytes, interprets the empty program
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ downvotes
does eval count
Brainflak self interpreter:
you had me scared for a second
(requires -d flag)
@ASCII-only it's a pop-con. try it to see if it looks cool
V 4 bytes: dG@", only works for a small subset of V programs
Charcoal, 1 byte: V
A: Tips for golfing in Pyth

isaacgUse Packed Pyth Packed Pyth is a new "programming language" which is exactly the same as Pyth, except that it uses 7 bits per character instead of 8 bits per character. To use it, clone the pyth repository. The file packed-pyth.py is the interpreter. Say your code is "Hello, world!. First, pu...

Uh, fullwidth V, untested so idk if it works
never mind, it's broken
Ethics Dilemma:
I've got some useful code that implements web-scrapping techniques on a music downloading website. I'd like to put my project on github so I can talk to someone about it. I understand that web-scrapping is somewhat illegal however. It is safe for me to put that code on github or can I get in trouble?
@AshwinGupta you prolly won't get in actual trouble
@Maltysen Well, I doubt anyone will see it. Just wondering if I COULD get in trouble in the highly unliekly scenario someone did.
I mean, obviously if someone asked, I'd take it down. But could I still get in legal trouble if I took it down immediately on request?
I just don't want to do something stupid =/ if it can be avoided. But, using github is convient becuz syntax highlighting and all.
If you just want to talk to someone (or few people) about it, you could serve up your own repository instead of hosting it externally. Assuming you trust this person enough to give some basic info like IP address and such.
Q: im having trouble making new function

user60404include include using namespace std; void elementA(int a); void elementB(int b); void elementC(int c); int main() { int a[3][3]; int b[3][3]; int sum[3][3]; int i,j; return 0; } void elementA(int a) { cout << "enter elements of 1st matrix) \n"; int r; int c; for(i=0; i<r; i++) fo...

next target: 22,444,888
Is anyone on?
turned on?
Do you play Atomas?
is it ?
@betseg Do you play Atomas?
I think i recognize the name
What was it about
Yup searched, i did play it
It's about matching atoms together
I'm thinking of making a code-challenge based on it
Whichever program can get the highest score playing Atomas
But then I have to make my own Atomas clone
Lemme make RandomAtomBot
Why the LOL? Random bots don't do bad at KotH challanges.
This isn't going to be Koth though...
I don't think
Pretty sure I'm going to make this a code-challenge
Ah k
CMC: brainfuck - Brain-Flak polyglot
A: When was this language released?

Wheat Wizard10 years, 12 languages, 2430 bytes This answer is a collaboration between myself and user 1000000000. A brief language list: Brainfuck 1993 Befunge 1993 Piet 2001 Whitespace 2003 Braincopter 2005 Grass 2007 Starry 2008 Paintfuck 2008 Brainbool 2010 (111110...

Does this count?
Woah i didn't notice bfs, thought some random langs
Have an upvote
Halp anyone good at fixing Python things with access to C9 here?
I borked something a bit
But the thing is I actually have absolutely no idea how it works even though I wrote it
Wat did you bork
CMC: python moorhen (version 1 or 2) polyglot
hmmm, not sure moorhen version 1 is Tc
print Var
but semi trivial
wait why do I get -1?
@WheatWizard doesn't work?
hm.. I get -2
what version are you using?
just grabbed off github
what branch are you on?
1 gives 0 anyway
I seem to be getting -2 on my local copy
pls post your copy in the moorhen room
then we can troubleshoot
Math class, opened xkcd, clicked random, this showed up:
PRNG is trying to tell me something
well obviously
making the first bot for my chess challenge
isn't going to be very good...
ehhhh, nevermind
2 hours later…
I have a new language, time to answer all the catalog questions
... again
github.com/Steven-Hewitt/ABCR Stack-based esolang, working on the docs right now
and the catalog questions at the same time
1 hour later…
The irony of making a Turing tarpit is that very few people have even seen the language by this point and there's probably already someone better at it than me, just that neither of us know it yet
I'm officially ancient now.
How old do you have to be to make it official
I'll have to let everyone know that anything made in or before 1998 (18 years ago) is ancient now.
The archaeologists will be most interested
They could study themselves!
Howdy, Qwerp
@StevenH. Cue the grant proposals for literal navel-gazing
Or the anthropological studies on the far-off year of 1992.
"Oh, so you're an anthropologist! What are you studying?"

"I'm studying ancient American culture."

"Which tribe?"

"Louisianans in 1995."
figured out the issue
One of the biggest German mobile phone providers just raised the minimum bandwidth (the speed after you've used your LTE data) from 64kbps to 1Mbps. Also, 50GB of LTE are now just 5€/m. We are on the right track, but not quite there.
what happened now
@AshwinGupta It depends on their ToS
@AshwinGupta The users could get in trouble. You can't just for writing the software. You can however get in trouble if you use it.
how come this won't work ;_;
very odd
ok, it partly works, but I definitely need to fix moves turning into captures,
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Cringe...
@mınxomaτ Hmm... What about the illegal primes?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ lel
I pay $20 for 4 MBps
hmmmm, should I change to zero indexing the board in my koth challenge?
My LOLOL language now has code blocks :)
This is an infinite loop

lOLolo loLOlo loloLO
@DestructibleWatermelon yes
Looks like OoO CODE
that asks for 2 inputs and multiplies them together and then prints it
I wanna make it so that if the program starts with some sort of TR or Tr or tR then it does something different
> By ending your program with a l, you print the stack at the end.
well, ja. If you end it with a l then the stack is printed
@Midnightas So, what happens if it doesn't have it?
Then the stack is not printed at the end
bill nye the science guy
nick cage the science mage
bill gates the science skates
Bill gates is gonna be the 3rd commit message.
Can someone make sure I didn't accidentally call a queue a stack in my documentation? .-.
What if two ls are found in the middle of the code?
then it errors
@StevenH. how
The code must be an o before an l
and optionally ends with l or L
@StevenH. Ctrl+F stack Nope
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ danke
@StevenH. You use R twice though
R is a no-op since the result is stored in the register that R reads from, so it really shouldn't matter. I'll make that clear, though.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ what are the rs and ts for...
@DestructibleWatermelon trololololol
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I thought it was for LOTR at first
@StevenH. Oh and remove the prompt and take a filename as argument
@StevenH. 8/10 look up how to write markdown, a table is like this IIRC:
> 0/10

Harsh :/
Header 1|Header 2
Row 1   |Row 1 (cont.)
Row 2   |Row 2 (cont.)
I just tried that, and in the preview it didn't work. :/
Huh, weird
@StevenH. Whoops, -, not =
The | don't have to line up BTW
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Should it still be interactive in terms of input?
Should be optional IMO
@ASCII-only Also, leave a space. This is the right format:
Thing | Other Thing
----- | -----------
foo   | bar
That way it's really easy to put on TIO if you want
@mınxomaτ Recommended? Yes. Right? Yeah, but there are other ways to do it
@DJMcMayhem Use Vivaldi
I'll work on making it optional later, but did a quick and dirty command line file-read that should work.
@Mego Does using a grammar for the Seriously, GolfScript, CJam or Pyth challenge count for the bounty, or is it too close to writing an interpreter?
What challenge?
@StevenH. this, look for "Mego"
@Mego would a neural net suffice?
Anyone good at regex golfing online?
You have to pay GitHub for the git LFS module to track files larger than 100MB (and pay for their bandwidth), but you can host huge files on the release tab for free. That makes no sense.
@Mego Or else would I be allowed to create something like a more powerful version of Retina?
@TimmyD Is there a way I can fake the user-agent to reflect a browser to download a file in PowerShell? Preferably in a single command.
@mınxomaτ Yeah. It's the -UserAgent flag on Invoke-WebRequest
Something like the following
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri website.com -UserAgent ([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::InternetExplorer) | Out-File C:\temp\foo.blah
Regarding the "ancientness" of the 90's: many of the languages created before 2000 (and some of the languages after) could be considered ancient. This could be especially true here, seeing as we seem to create a new language every few weeks.
@TimmyD That works, thanks.
@ASCII-only Using a grammar is fine.
@StevenH. Using a neural net is fine, and probably overkill :P
@ASCII-only Using regex is fine
Essentially, I want to see a solution that correctly identifies all of the test cases without doing what I did (using the interpreters)
@mınxomaτ Groovy
@Sherlock9 We create at least three new languages every few weeks :P
@Mego You don't think using a grammar is dangerously close to using an interpreter?
After someone claims the 500-rep bounty for the language identification challenge (and my rep has time to recover), I'll put up another bounty for the same thing, but in Seriously/Actually
@Mego Writing a language identifier in Seriously?
@ASCII-only I think the task of creating a grammar which can statically analyze code and determine which of two stack-based concatenative languages the code is written in is a herculean challenge in and of itself
@ASCII-only Yep
For posterity: the phrase is "in and of itself"
@Mego There are quite a few differences
@Sherlock9 I haven't eaten in 20 hours; sue me :P
@ConorO'Brien Verbify? Mmm, not sure if that's the correct terminology for what I did. But yes.
e.g. Between CJam and GolfScript, CJam has decimals and char literals
But Pyth also has decimals and char literals
@TimmyD Wait. That works directly in powershell, but launching it from a command prompt (powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://foo.com/foo.bar -UserAgent ([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::InternetExplorer) | Out-File C:\foo.bar") throws this error: Unable to find type [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]
@Mego I might. I tried M and while testing Actually from the command line and IDLE and I got a stalled interpreter.
I kid, I kid
Clearly it's your Python install's fault :P
Apparently IDLE is reacts badly with Unicode
But it's starting to baffle me how Dennis actually got Actually to run on TIO. I mean, seriously :P
@ASCII-only And the command line?
@mınxomaτ PSUserAgent was only added in v3 -- likely when running from the command prompt it's launching an older version
@Sherlock9 It's actually seriously really simple. It's baffling me how you can't seem to get it to work.
@Mego D: TIL Really was Seriously v0 (or v3, IDK)
@TimmyD Is there a way in v2? I think that is the version that's launched here.
pip3 install seriously && seriously -c '6R`.`M'
@mınxomaτ Tack on a -Version 3.0 (or higher, if your OS supports it/it's installed) and give that a go.
I may just have to ask for you to run my unlucky numbers program yourself for a day. The unlucky numbers are starting to haunt me :P
powershell -version 3.0 -command foo
@TimmyD That has no effect.
@Sherlock9 I'm going to laugh when inevitably the problem turns out to be a bug in the interpreter
So whenever I have a , and I take input sometimes it works. Otherwise, it stalls
I told you this
λ seriously -c "6R"
@Mego Ok, then I may have forgotten. Enlighten me
It is expecting input because of implicit input. Do seriously -c 'code' < /dev/null (or whatever the equivalent is on Windows)
@mınxomaτ Hmm ... checking.
And this is separate from, I can't do functions apparently
Or echo | seriously -c 'code'
  File "<unknown>", line 1
    ECHO is on.
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
Gah windows
seriously -c 'code' < nul
@TimmyD Hm, seems like I can just use the string Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-US) directly.
Sorry. I inadvertently nuked my Linux install when I had to resize my boot partition and the bootloader got messed up
Install Cygwin or use a VM. Windows makes life so very difficult for developers.
I can't function on Windows anymore without Cygwin. I am worthless without bash.
Well, technically my Linux stuff is still on my hard drive. Any idea how to fix the bootloader for Gnome?
λ seriously -c '6R`.`M' < nul
λ seriously -c '6R' < nul
What distro? What bootloader?
@Sherlock9 Reinstall GRUB?
As far as I remember Ubuntu and Gnome
@Mego Ah yes
@Sherlock9 Strange...
That might have been the thing that borked
Gah, Windows
λ seriously -c "6R" < nul
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Maybe it's trying to parse the quotes as code
Yeah that's it
Stupid windows
@Sherlock9 Gnome is a desktop environment, not bootloader
My Linux-fu is exceptionally weak. I think I meant GRUB
@mınxomaτ Oh sure, that should work.
Need an empty USB for to reinstall it, I think
I don't know about grub
@Sherlock9 Use alwsl?
@TimmyD Final question: How can I make this command not display anything. Piping to nul doesn't seem to work.
@ASCII-only Seems interesting. Let me try messing with Actually on Windows first. My Linux-fu is weak enough that I don't want to mess with my only computer (my laptop) without help/backup
You can't mess up Windows 10. The reset feature is really mature in this version.
@mınxomaτ Which command not display anything? The powershell -command one?
@TimmyD Yes. I need to run that from a batchfile to download a thing (since GitHub now blocks BITS).
But the powershell progress thing takes over the console in a weird way.
@mınxomaτ Ah. You could try -Noninteractive
@TimmyD Still shows the thing.
I wouldn't even care if it was a sensible byte count, but no, PS draws over the top portion of the console window and misplaces the cursor.
OK, then you need two "commands" in your -command field. Separated by semicolon.
The first is $progressPreference=SilentlyContinue technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847796.aspx
What I'm getting from this conversation is that PowerShell is needlessly convoluted
@TimmyD powershell -Command " $progressPreference=SilentlyContinue; Invoke-WebRequest... fails with: SilentlyContinue : The term 'SilentlyContinue' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet...
It may need to be in single-quotes.
(I've never done this non-interactively, so I'm guessing a bit)
@TimmyD Yay. It works.
And it doesn't have the weird priority issues that BITS has.
Priority issues? Like, bandwidth throttling?

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