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@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 you can add some catalogue answers
hi @DestructibleWatermelon
\o/ i have been disconnected from github and lost my edit on your mom wiki
Another great one from Math With Bad Drawings: Why Not to Trust Statistics.
Q: plot decision tree

pepsimaxI have a 440*3 matrix that looks like: 1 144 Title1 1 152 Title2 1 135 Title3 2 3 Title4 2 12 Title5 2 107 Title6 2 31 Title7 3 4 Title8 3 147 Title9 3 0 Title10 4 end Title11 4 0 Title12 4 0 Title13 5 6 Title14 5 7 Title15 5 10 Title16 5 9 Title17 The left co...

A: "Hello, World!"

zyabin101Your Mom, 14 bytes 'Hello, World! Explanation '... '... - Push the string. The ending ' is not needed at the end of program - Implicit output

About that why not to trust stats
I saw a much better example of that
So, you have a drug in trialling
And the results say people who had the drug were more likely to recover than those not
but, the individual gendered results say the opposite of this
very interesting (french :( ) video about that: youtube.com/watch?v=vs_Zzf_vL2I
because men are more likely to recover than women, they gave the drug mostly to men.
@DestructibleWatermelon Simpson's Paradox?
exactly the subject of the video
Simpson's Paradox isn't as common a misuse of statistics as the examples in that blog post.
dun dun dun!
isn't there like, a triple mean thing for more accurate results?
i am back
I don't know how to port this Python code:
>>> for n in range(2, 10):
...     for x in range(2, n):
...         if n % x == 0:
...             print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
...             break
...     else:
...         # loop fell through without finding a factor
...         print n, 'is a prime number'
to your mom.
for now there is no range operator D:
what is a good char for the range operator ?
i dont use alphabetic chars because your mom use base 24
i think apl iota is good
What chars are legal, then?
every unicode char other than alphanumeric
APL use so i use
could you not make something that checks if a variable is a certain amount, and then executes the code otherwise?
to do the same thing
inclusive or exclusive range (II, EE, IE, EI) ?
@DestructibleWatermelon =(<code here>;)@
U+00AE then
and then loops, and increments the variable?
@TùxCräftîñg IE.
@flawr can you please stop posting plane crash ;_;
I still don't get how the shadown and the actul plane fi together.
@TùxCräftîñg Erm, I wanted the range [start, end).
If you want to add it, add a separate command and leave ® intact.
[ is exclusive and ( is inclusive, right ?
or i am wrong ?
how do you loop in this language?
@DestructibleWatermelon @ pop a function and execute it while peeking the TOS yield a value other than 0
As in,
>>> range(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
but the function gets popped...
oh wait, nvm
@DestructibleWatermelon ¥(#_)@ will print 0 indefinitevely for example (best orthograph ever)
I wonder if it's turing complete...
@DestructibleWatermelon it's turing complete
(i think)
@DestructibleWatermelon Your Mom can emulate brainfuck
@TùxCräftîñg I get the feeling this could attract some out of context flags...
I like how one of BFs main functions is just being a turing complete language
@ArtOfCode D:
yesterday, by mbomb007
I think someone should create a language called "Your Mom", just so that during an argument over which language is a better one, they can interject that "Your mom is a better language"
@ArtOfCode v
imagine this conversation though
"Your language isn't turing complete! It can't emulate Brainfuck"
> Jelly is the best language! Your mom is better.
"Your mom can't emulate brainfuck!"
yes it can ._.
my connection is slow
really slow
> L is Turing complete because it is possible to convert a brainfuck program to L
the lazyest turing-completeness proof
@TùxCräftîñg second laziest: creating a brainfuck interpreter
Well, now that we have our range function, let's try to implement a primality test with it.
>>> for n in range(2, 10):
...     for x in range(2, n):
...         if n % x == 0:
...             print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
...             break
...     else:
...         # loop fell through without finding a factor
...         print n, 'is a prime number'
for loops dont exists, there is only while loops
Then, we implement a for loop in terms of while loops.
Hey guys
On my mobile phone right now
An wild silence appeared just when I joiner
found this when wandering on the intenet
user image
halp does anyone know how to make a single server from multiple computers in different physical locations
Oh wait, I read that wrong
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ ^^^
Do you mind, tux if I use some of that regex codes on the ultimath repo?
Credit is given
@Midnightas my projects are licensed CC0, so feel free to use it
but if you give credits this is cool ;)
Hooray, thanks!
I will :D
My Internet money is running out, so bye D:
@TùxCräftîñg we still have to get a for loop in terms of while loops working in your mom.
19 mins ago, by zʏᴀʙiɴ101
>>> for n in range(2, 10):
...     for x in range(2, n):
...         if n % x == 0:
...             print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
...             break
...     else:
...         # loop fell through without finding a factor
...         print n, 'is a prime number'
You said that there are no for loops.
you can use a counter and a while loop
How exactly? :3
i = x
while i > 0:
    i += 1
you just have to translate it in your mom
but idk the your mom equivalent
but it's simple to transform
-._(._.)_.- Whatever.
but here is the idea
mmh, do we have no tag for questions related to "outputting a program's own source code"
@TùxCräftîñg thanks!
how do your pronounce that btw? :c
@ven kwajn in IPA
@TùxCräftîñg thanks
@TùxCräftîñg apart from that?
urbit isn't exactly what i'm looking for
especially since i can't use it
so idk
hi @Poke
@Poke mon
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 msg.replace(/$/, ' GO')
pkmn red is the best
like emacs
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 mon
emacs is the best if you ignore vim
help is anyone good at server architecture
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ s/GO//
s/^s\/GO/s\/ GO/
@TùxCräftîñg Weird, I pronounce it more like /kwaɪn/
@LegionMammal978 i have trusted this converter
because idk IPA and idk how to exactly pronounce english
35°C ;_;
kwajn is right I'm pretty sure
kwaɪn would be close but too much emphasis on an ɪ sound
hurray for unicode
@TùxCräftîñg I just used Wikipedia's description of the symbols, also see this, this, this‌​, and this (set to IPA)
Isn't it pronounced like "nine" but with qu instead?
@BusinessCat it's exactly that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JackyzFireworks code-golf ascii-art Make me some fireworks ! And since we are super-late for the 4th make them as quick (read short) as possible ! Input 2 number, the fuse and the radius. The fuse define the lenght of the tail, the last character of the tail is the center of the explosion. The t...

i am implementing chocolate compressor in your mom
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pepsimaxI have a 440*3 matrix that looks like: 1 144 Title1 1 152 Title2 1 135 Title3 2 3 Title4 2 12 Title5 2 107 Title6 2 31 Title7 3 4 Title8 3 147 Title9 3 0 Title10 4 end Title11 4 0 Title12 4 0 Title13 5 6 Title14 5 7 Title15 5 10 Title16 5 9 Title17 The left co...

Combine Mankey and Geodude for the best pokemon ever
Hi folks !
How's it going?
@TùxCräftîñg reminds me of a chameleon
@MatthewRoh 0/10 would flag as spamm :D
I just learned Julia!!!
A: Unzip some numbers

Mama Fun RollJulia, 74 bytes x->join([" "^min(x,a)*"-$("$(a+1)"^(x<a?0:a<9?(x-a)*2:1))-"for a=0:9],' ') First Julia answer! Tips are appreciated. Try it online! (x=5)

Hourra, I can leave my current (and boring) project for a much more interesting one! :D
How do you do full width text?
@Optimizer I start to understand why they said there were lots of spam in this chat
Enough with the Pokespam.
Chat flags are serious matter, please don't use them to flag pictures of pokemon
@Quill Have you seen the chat history?
@Quill I didn't flag anything, but I will flag pictures of Pokemon if they become obnoxious in my opinion regardless of whether you say I should or not.
and I will decline them every time
That's your prerogative
Enough is enough @Matthew @Tux, if you want to continue looking at these pokemon photos, take it to a new room
i have stopped
M3 T00
I only did one pic.
@Rainbolt I'm not telling you it's not an issue, because it is, but using the normal flags is likely to do nothing but annoy the users on the other end. Leaving a moderator flag with a short desc of the situation generally guarantees someone to to take the time to help you guys out
best practice concerning semicolons in sql sprocs?
The flag is for spam or offensive messages. Someone in the room thinks it is spam. You don't. Your opinion carries a little more weight than a normal chat user because of your moderatorship, and I respect that as long as you don't decide that suddenly everyone else should have the same opinion.
Just decline the flag and say you don't think it has reached the level of "spam".
@Poke I read somewhere that eventually they will be required. Merge statements require them anyway, so I always use them
Jeez what happened to this room
Looks like a Pokemon dirty bomb went off
> Although the semicolon is not required for most statements in this version of SQL Server, it will be required in a future version.
ok cool. thanks guys
@quartata It sums it up, the effects lasted for far more than one hour ^^
@quartata you lost your opportunity to say 'pokebomb'
it amazing how bad of an architect I am
        } catch (error){
            throw error;
Yeah, Downgoat is really good at error messages
that was my code :)
for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to enforce "1 location per item"
aka, you couldn't put the same "Wall" object in 20 different locations
@Rainbolt meh, normal flags should be context less, and expecting users to check the context of a flagged post in order to understand how offensive / bad it was is a really nice thought, but a sad limitation of the system
@Quill Clearly your time here has corrupted your CR ideals
Geez. My Facebook feed is entirely Pokemon, Trump memes, and <something> lives matter
a moderator flag generally expects the moderator to intervene, not just decide how to vote
@quartata something like that, not that clean code and golfing have to be exclusive events
@Rainbolt Necrophile's wife lives matter!
@LegionMammal978 We couldn’t find any code matching 'AN ERROR OCCURRED, U DONE MESSED UP.' Where was it?
function a()a,b,c=c,a,b end
function b()a,b,c=b,c,a end
function c() --[[do some useful stuff]] end
@Katenkyo Lua? :3
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Yes, I discovered that you can organise a rotation of your functions' names :D
That is sickening
One true usage of this is string.gsub,print=print,string.gsub but way less funny, as it's not written in the function themselves ^^
Q: An alternating double Quine?

tuskiomiThie classic Idea of a quine is simple, make a program that feeds out it's source as a result. This is a good challenge for many new programmers, and remains an interesting concept to this day. An alternating Quine is a different task all together. This is another sort of quine that uses a sou...

@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 That's odd, my local copy doesn't seem to be synced with remote...
On the earlier subject of flag context, I was working on a userscript to provide flag context to flags :)
@MartinEnder also, you're a nice mod. I like this stack. — tuskiomi 8 mins ago
hmm.. now have the 5th most popular unanswered question of all time :)
as well as the 4th
@Lembik You talking about this? v
Q: Longest common substring

LembikThis challenge is about writing code to solve the following problem. Given two strings A and B, your code should output the start and end indices of a substring of A with the following properties. The substring of A should also match some substring of B. There should be no longer substring of ...

@LegionMammal978 that's the 4th one
I can see why the Longest Common Substring one has no answer (I'll redo it as fastest-code at some point)... Disappointed by the other one though
def compress(s):
    letters = []
    for c in s:
        if c not in letters: letters.append(c)
    comp = list(map(ord, letters)) + [0xFF]
    buf = 0
    b = False
    for c in s:
        if b:
            comp.append((buf << 4) + letters.index(c))
            b = False
            buf = letters.index(c)
            b = True
    return comp
def decompress(b):
    letters = []
    i = 0
    while b[i] != 0xFF:
        i += 1
    i += 1
    s = ""
    for c in b[i:]:
perfect for kolmogorov-complexity
Could there be a program that prints "Hello, World!" and prints "Hello, World!" when reversed too?(Without Builtins Like Help, Wardoq and HQ9+)
Probably in Stack Cats
I don't know much about it, but every program has to be a palindrome
@BusinessCat Every program has to be symmetric.
Not just a palindrome.
@MatthewRoh class A{static void Main(){System.Console.Write("Hello, World!");}}//}};)"!dlroW ,olleH"(etirW.elosnoC.metsyS{)(niaM diov citats{A ssalc
@MatthewRoh i think you can find some things here
Q: Palindrome Hello, World

user45510Your task is to create a program that prints "Greetings, Planet!" exactly to the console. Seems simple enough, right? Well, here's the trick. The code must be a palindrome, meaning it reads from right to left the same as in left to right. Standard loopholes are NOT allowed.

Every answer is just <code to print hello world><comment><backwards code to print hello world>
A: Palindrome Hello, World

LegionMammal978Mathematica, 52 bytes Print@"Greetings, Planet!""!tenalP ,sgniteerG"@tnirP Also generates a Null "!tenalP ,sgniteerG"[tnirP] which doesn't get printed.

Or possibly end the program instead of comment
@BusinessCat ^^
A: Display "Happy Easter!"


I've got a challenge where the input is a boolean and a block of text, and the output is a block of text
how should I format the examples?
<block of text>


<block of text>
mmm, the arrow is a good idea
hmmm, nevermind
it looks like part of the block
so add newlines before and after the arrow
I think I'm just going to do a newline
bah, I hate how ambigous blocks can be
A: What programming languages have been created by PPCG users?

TùxCräftîñgYour Mom Your Mom is a language that I have created after a message of mbomb007 on The Nineteenth Byte: I think someone should create a language called "Your Mom", just so that during an argument over which language is a better one, they can interject that "Your mom is a better language" S...

Q: Ascii art reflection

Nathan MerrillIn this challenge, you will be given a text block, and you need to perform reflection on the text. Input: A string to be reflected. Putting each line in an array is not allowed. A boolean where True indicates Y reflection and False indicates X reflection The two inputs can be passed in any ...

i dont speak english very well but i think this english is invalid ._.
hi @El'endiaStarman
@TùxCräftîñg Oh hey, I remember this.
Oh nice, both Suits and Mr. Robot premiere today.
you are all AESTHETIC
Great job you guys who posted Pokémon pictures - you turned half the transcript into pure noise.
I'm very strongly considering chucking it all into Trash.
@El'endiaStarman Nothing of value will be lost
It's obviously noise but I don't really understand the point of moving things to trash once they're passed anyway
2 mins ago, by El'endia Starman
Great job you guys who posted Pokémon pictures - you turned half the transcript into pure noise.
@Fatalize ^
yeah but do people really read the transcript?
to find a message
or understand a very long conversation
Of course, angering you have already angered those who posted Pokemon fusion pictures.
114 messages moved to Trash
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I don't really care at this point.
@Fatalize ahem I do.
Including me, (as always) a completely non-guilty person.
No! I got invited to trash I'm so mad! My only message was "So yeah, about that chatiquette noise thing…"! /s
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Pssssh. "non-guilty"
> a completely non-guilty person.
in Trash, 3 hours ago, by zʏᴀʙiɴ101
user image
@Fatalize This is actually mostly why I let another instance slide the last time it happened (yesterday, I think). This time was just too much though. Literally half the transcript was taken up by (relatively) big one-boxes of Pokémon pictures.
I wish I had been here a few hours ago. I coulda nipped it in the bud and sent people to another room.
@El'endiaStarman Pokémon GO really got a strong effect on some people :p

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