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So, what unicode encoding do you think chr() uses in Python 3.5.1 on Mac OS X in English?
Not by default.
You have to specify to get utf-8.
Utf-8? Which Locale uses ASCII?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I thought that was a Python 3 thing
Oh, yeah you're right.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Then what would be default?
@R.Kap For python 3, UTF-8. For python 2, ASCII.
Man, I need to get with the times and stop using python 2.
But for practical purposes ASCII ⊂ UTF-8 so it doesn't matter for ASCII data
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ So Python 2 uses ASCII. Then I am guessing you can't use values more than 128 with chr() in Python 2.
Well, you can but you get ugly string literals like "\xab"
>>> chr(9082)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)
@Alex, is that 2 or 3?
>>> chr(9082)
In Python 3, chr(9082) returns '⍺'
Very interesting...
How should I give V utf-8 support? Right now, it expects latin8 which is kindof a pain.
I'd like it to handle both, e.g. UTF-8 for convenience, latin8 for golfing.
Python 3 doesn't use UTF-8 by default; it honors the system's locale. Virtually every sane OS is configured to use UTF-8 out of the box, but that's beside the point.
$ python3 -q
>>> chr(256)
>>> print(chr(256))
$ LANG=en_US
$ python3 -q
>>> chr(256)
>>> print(chr(256))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u0100' in position 0: ordinal not in range(256)
Apparently, utf-8 supports values up to 1114111. Or in hexadecimal terms, 0x10ffff.
@R.Kap Really? I thought UTF8 supports up to four byte width chars.
1114111 is 3 bytes
It does, but it has a lot of redundancy.
I elevened
Well, at least that's what it says in help for chr()
`chr(i, /)`
`Return a Unicode string of one character with ordinal i; 0 <= i <= 0x10ffff.`
Also, UTF-8 supports 2^32 characters, but Unicode got shortened to 17 * 2^16.
If you try chr() with anything more than 1114111, you get a ValueError.
Good night!
What time is it over there?
Wow, I'm bad with chat markup.
@QPaysTaxes It means you'll have nightmares
Good night!
I am bad okay with chat markup.
@R.Kap To answer your question, it doesn't use an encoding at all. It simply returns a Unicode string, which only needs to be encoded when converted to a byte string or when printed.
Hey, does anyone have thoughts on this before I post it?
@Dennis But UTF-8 is the default encoding when it's printed, right?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I like it.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Looks good to me
Cool. BRB, posting
@R.Kap No, Python's default is ASCII, but it gets overridden by your system's locale.
Anybody have any thoughts on mine?: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
Yeah, I just checked. Apparently, all I have to use is sys.getdefaultencoding(), and the output was utf-8.
You just linked to Dr Ham's...
@R.Kap I like it!
How do I link to mine? I scrolled down to mine...
Hit the [share] button.
Ok, here it is: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9009/52405 What do you think?
@Dennis So I am assuming, in IDLE, when chr() is used on any integer, str() is first executed on the output, and then the output is returned in that default encoding. And, if the output is not recognizable by the default encoding, an exception is thrown. Interesting...
> Some people think "I know, I'll use threads!" and then two they hav erpoblesms.
Haha, been there.
@R.Kap I've never used IDLE, but executing chr with any valid code point should never result in an exception. The encoding only matters if you execute .encode() or if you print.
@mınxomaτ Then they think, "I have too many problems, I'll do everything in serial." Legend has it they're still waiting for their code to finish executing.
A race condition or race hazard is the behavior of an electronic, software or other system where the output is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events. It becomes a bug when events do not happen in the order the programmer intended. The term originates with the idea of two signals racing each other to influence the output first. Race conditions can occur in electronics systems, especially logic circuits, and in computer software, especially multithreaded or distributed programs. == Electronics == A typical example of a race condition may occur in a system of logic gates...
May 27 '15 at 20:06, by PhiNotPi
Knock, knock.
Race condition.
Who’s there.
That just made me laugh for the second time.
Q: How many 14ers did I climb?

Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJIn mountaineering terminology, a "14er" is any mountain with an elevation of 14,000 feet or more. However, there is another distinction. For a peak to count as a 14er, it must also have a "geographic prominence" of 300 or more feet. This means that to move from one 14er to another, you must first...

What does everybody think about my proposed challenge?: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9009/52405
It might take some time to get everybody's opinion ;-)
I don't have time to give it a close look at the moment but I'd recommend leaving it in the sandbox a while longer so more people can see it.
@mınxomaτ I love this so much
I'm giggling uncontrollably
My gf will probably wake up and strangle me but worth it
Has anyone here ever played The Talos Principle?
No, but I really want to
It looks super good
It is. It's fantastic.
Maybe even better than portal.
But Portal is c
You can only be as good as Portal
But, what about portal 2?
And if a game is not as good as Portal, Portal is always c times better, regardless of how good the game is
Portal 2 is as good as Portal
Really? I think it's better.
Nope, equal
Portal 2 being better than Portal would be violating 2 laws of media
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ >:O
1. Nothing is better than Portal. At best, something is as good as Portal.
2. The sequel is never better than the original.
@Mego That's not true. Half life. Bioshock. (infinite, certainly not 2). Borderlands.
Maybe others.
@Mego I don't know if you have played recent games, but in my opinion, Life is Strange is better than Portal 2.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Valve and Gearbox get to break rule #2, but that's because they both sacrificed the number 3
Left 4 dead.
Arkham city is > arkham asylum IMO.
Ok I forgot the fine print on Rule #2
Rule #2 only applies if the first game was good
Arkham City >>>>>>>>>> Arkham Knight
@R.Kap That's because Arkham City actually runs.
Game #2 is never better than Game #1 if Game #1 is a good game
Unless you sacrifice the number 3
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Yup, lol
(see: Borderlands, Half Life, Left 4 Dead, etc.)
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Half-Life 1 and 2 are too different to say one is better than the other IMO. They're both perfect and amazing.
On PS4 it actually runs but come on...it's a console...
Although there's rumors of a Borderlands 3
@AlexA. That's true.
Which was strongly hinted at during Pre-Sequel
I've actually never beaten half life 1. I really should.
@Mego And there have been almost 10 years of rumors of a Half-Life 3. :P
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ >:O
Almost 10? You mean 12?
Anyone here play games like Uncharted, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, etc.?
HL2:E2 came out in 2007
Oh, nice
Yeah, but HL2 came out in 04.
@R.Kap I've played Bioshock Infinite and the new Tomb Raider (literally the new Tomb Raider, not Rise of the Tomb Raider)
And that ending was just as much of a cliff hanger as EP 2.
So B3 has been officially announced
I'm excited
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Episode 1 picks up precisely where HL2 leaves off
Aww man Anthony Burch isn't writing BL3 :(
I beat the new tomb raider, I must say...beautiful game.
I mean Half life 2 was begging for a half life 3 ever since the end of the first one.
Oh, yeah
Have you played Black Mesa?
What if Valve made HL3 a Vive exclusive? That would be a total dick move.
It's a third-party Source engine remake of Half-Life 1
You guys think a Bioshock 4 may release in the following years?
@R.Kap God, I hope so.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ That's been speculated as a way to draw customers to the Vive. I would be so pissed.
Bioshock Infinite was amazing, and I need another one.
@AlexA. I mean, the sad thing about that is that it would totally make sense.
I need to know what happened at the end.
I would not be surprised to see HL3 and P3 be VR games, if they are ever released
It would just really suck for those of us that can't afford $800 goggles.
I thought Bioshock Infinite was really interesting visually and had a neat story but the gameplay looked pretty dull. (Based on watching my girlfriend play it.)
Portal 3 would actually be a perfect fit for VR. Especially with the new controllers.
Think of how cool it would be to make portals with your hands rather than a mouse?
@AlexA. It was a good game, but subpar compared to Bioshock 1's gameplay and story
Traveling through portals in virtual reality would be barfy as hell.
Gameplay was cool. I don't know about you, but the fact that you could use powers through your hands was pretty cool to me.
Half Life and Portal have always been about pushing boundaries and doing new stuff in games
VR is the next big thing for gaming, so it makes sense
Yeah, but ugh.
I don't want to pay that much money
@R.Kap I played Bioshock Infinite after Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Dishonored. Magical hand powers had already grown old.
@AlexA. So pretty much this (WARNING: Loud and obnoxious youtube gamer) ? youtube.com/watch?v=HHThIjNYkAo
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I haven't clicked it but I'm betting it's PDP or RWJ
People out there using VR, and I am sitting here using a console. But yeah, still can't complain.
Oh, neither
@Mego No, Jackscepticeye
I have consoles and a gaming PC
Geez, that's hard to spell right.
Well, Bioshock was the first of its kind I had actually played, so my reaction would be expected.
In fact, I'm going to go back to gaming on said PC now (Path of Exile)
Actually, I don't think Jack is that annoying. Certainly less annoying than pewds.
Dishonored was a fantastic, underrated game
The only thing I didn't like about it was how binary the morality system was
It was either you didn't kill anybody and you were good, or you killed at least one person and you were evil
@Mego Does that include enemies?
It's all enemies
You can't kill your allies unless they stop being your allies
How about Dark Souls?
I was more thinking plot characters VS grunts.
Dark Souls is the single best RPG I have ever played.
Kind of like undertale, where killing monsters makes you bad, but killing main characters is even worse.
How can it not be?
The difference between a pacifist and a normal playthough is very minor in Dishonored, until the very end
I tried playing dishonored without killing anyone, but then I gave up because it was so hard.
And the difference between a normal and a genocidal playthrough in Dishonored is even more minor
I made it like 2 or 3 chapters in.
I made it through the first mission with ghost+pacifist
But I was never able to manage it in any other chapter
Well, I'm gonna hop off chat so I can focus on Talos.
All this talk of gaming makes we want to actually play a game.
That, and I just got the season pass for it.
I'm about to run an unidentified map in PoE for a challenge
Speaking of Dishonored, its sequel is supposedly coming out soon.
I'm just putting it off because I'm gonna die
Does anyone here have a PS4?
I really should go back and go for 100% achievements in Dark Souls
But Knight's Honor :(
@Mego I am guessing you've never played Uncharted then.
Uncharted has to be one of my all time favorite gaming series (well, next to new Tomb Raider series and the Bioshock series that is).
Dark Souls would be my favorite series if it weren't for 2
I also haven't played 3 yet
Nothing to see here...
3 is on the PS4, and I did not realize it's already been released. Gotta add that to my wish list.
Okay, just in case, I am again going to leave my proposed challenge here for anybody who wants to look at it and give me some feedback: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9009/52405
Other than that, I'm going to sleep now. Good night everybody.
@R.Kap o/
So I'm reading thisi article (friend sent it to me), and I'm admiring the CSS. Then I see the most unforgivable formatting error:
Wondering where the end of that sentence is? It's here
1 hour later…
Next on My Own GitHub Feed: What does it mean to be proud of your own repo?
> DennisMitchell starred DennisMitchell/jelly, 4 hours ago
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We're in 3017, again.
Pls someone say "1001 year ago"
So we can return back.
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Congratulations. Half a page of meta data and no content.
everything is content
if you are content
I am content with the content
then its all content
Q: How to score Box-256 answers

jwbensleySince asking what I believe is the first Box-256 based question on Code Golf (Box-256 Assembly - BIG SQUARE II) there has been some confusion with regards to scoring. I'd like this question to be a place where people can put forward scoring ideas so we can choose one that suites best Box256 chal...

@NewMetaPosts So, I may answer this with "one unit per line".
But I also need data to accompany it.
Just a "One line is one unit" header isn't enough.
@trichoplax you make too many bad puns
@zyabin101 2000000 years before
We're already in 2016. Thanks.
oh well. fixed now
user image
The bird on the top is a kingfisher/magpie I think.
@AlexA. @user46049 avocad juic and magpie
Looks like a sandpiper to me.
can it still count?
I don't know which animal is on the top.
and pls no push avocad juic down
12 mins ago, by Easterly Irk
user image
must greet new pepole
@EasterlyIrk Don't need to. I already starred it.
@EasterlyIrk re your comment, and I'm still waiting for one to beat my own solution.
@MartinBüttner Are you going to post your original regex for the sudoku challenge?
... oh, wait, that's what you were referring to just now, isn't it >_<
I don't feel like winning my own challenge. I might bounty it citing my own score, and then post my own solution once it's beaten.
(In fact I've now got something like 4 different solutions all at the same byte count...)
How long is yours?
And I thought 95 was crazy...
In the process I actually discovered a cool (possibly new) regex technique for matching duplicates within a limited range of positions, which also works in other flavours than just .NET.
pls no push sandbox book down ;_;
> How are you doing today hope fine, i have a good news for you please write me back immediately i have something very important to tell you now ok
Definitely not a spam email.
I just got around to releasing the updated Formula Compiler. A (by now pretty old) program that compiles pseudo-code to mathematical formulas (that are pretty useless, but correct). Try it here: git.io/math
> git.io/math
How did you obtain a custom Git.io url?
Ask GitHub?
how do you make these
@PhiNotPi D: they don't have a goat picture
@PhiNotPi Or if you manage a Slack group: dev.to/rlyslack provides an easy shortcut to call O RLY from Slack chat.
nailed it
Just enter /orly {title};{topText};{author} in Slack chat to call O RLY on specified title, top text and author.
We should make an O RLY chat bot.
No, we really shouldn't.
@PhiNotPi brb adding orly feature to chatgoat
T_REPL:ERROR - An unexpected error occured
wtf cheddar
Looks like cheddar is actually swiss cheese.
ba dum tss
90% of errors in Cheddar are going to be "Error: An error occurred erroring the error"
4/10 very useful
I am using lots of recursion so it is difficult to pass all of the errors correctly acrross the entire program
4/20 chesse it
How would I modify this: grep -rn src -e "this.error(" to find all instances of this.error( NOT followed by CheddarError?
You need to escape that paren.
I don't think I do, works fine without escaping te pare
I don't see how it could possibly if you're using -e. A parenthesis is the start of a capture group
Anyways use a negative lookahead
grep supports those?
It does if you use -P
instead of -e or with?
vihanb:~/workspace/Cheddar (master) $ grep -rn src -eP "this\.error\((?!CheddarError)"
bash: !CheddarError: event not found
Single quotes
seems to match all Ps when I do that
Do it like -P -e
vihanb:~/workspace/Cheddar (master) $ grep -rn src -e 'this\.error\((?!CheddarError)'
grep: Unmatched ( or \(
It's because with -eP it thinks P is the pattern
@quartata \o/ that worked, thanks!
Oh sweet, this is a thing: github.com/google/pepper.js
Pepper isn't sweet.
@quartata though still, -1ing for not using babel.
Q: How much more reputation do I need?

wizzwizz4Programming Puzzles and Code Golf has graduated from beta. Soon we will get a custom site design, and with that the reputation boundaries for privileges will go up. A lot of users will lose privileges on the site. So your task is to write a program that tells us how much extra reputation we'll ne...

@Downgoat What does Babel have to do with this?
Just so you can edit the NMP bot message.
It means that I can make a Pepper module as both a PEXE (which is faster but only Chrome supports) or fallback to JS (which is much slower but every browser supports)
Q: How much more reputation do I need?

wizzwizz4Programming Puzzles and Code Golf has graduated from beta. Soon we will get a custom site design, and with that the reputation boundaries for privileges will go up. A lot of users will lose privileges on the site. So your task is to write a program that tells us how much extra reputation we'll ne...

@quartata it says pepper.js is something that compiles to JS, so I'm thinking you're writing a JS application, which you could of done in ES6 and transpiled (that way you'd be using JavaScript :D)
@Downgoat I'm not writing a JS application.
I'm writing a C application.
> pepper.js is a JavaScript library that enables the compilation of native Pepper applications into JavaScript
Pepper is a C library.
Pepper doesn't compile to C
I wonder how good this Pepper.js is though. It'll have to transpile libperl which is fairly nasty.
goats in a nutshell
@Downgoat Quickly fix it. Nobody will notice.
> undefined undefined
so much undefinde
@NewMainPosts "ninja'd" - wizzwizz4

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