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Can someone make a reng answer? :3
Compiling. I hope this works.
I get the feeling that all of these missing include errors that I'm having to fix by adding more -Is means I probably shouldn't be doing this
Q: Create a Boolean parser (continued)

Kenny LauContinuation of this challenge because the author is gone and the question is closed. What you need to do is create a Boolean parser. Boolean expressions, in case you haven't heard of them yet, have two inputs and one output. There are four "gates" in boolean arithmetic, namely: OR (repr...

@QPaysTaxes I thought the max rep/day is 200?
@QPaysTaxes Then how have you earned 384 rep ytd?
I see.
I see.
I'm getting the feeling I'm going to have to compile my own version of Perl without some of these headers
Why are you trying to make perl online
Because I hate JS and want to use Perl in place of it?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how goes what
@quartata ಠ_ಠ JavaScript is best script
@Downgoat reng answer? :3
oh, yeah. brb
A rolling-shutter effect that I generated on a rotating Lena:
Not entirely correct due to rescaling
(Black parts are not in the original image)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I have no idea what challenge to do a reng answer for :|
2 hours ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
Q: Greatest Common Divisor

Mike ShlantaYour task is to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two given integers in as few bytes of code as possible. You may write a program or function, taking input and returning output via any of our accepted standard methods (including STDIN/STDOUT, function parameters/return values, command...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how do I egt inpt in rend?
how can I check if a terminal supports unicode 8?
@Downgoat You mean UTF-8? What language?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how do I stop program execution in reng?
@quartata nodejs. I want to know whether I can display a 🧀
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what do mirrors do?
@Downgoat Do you know the language ><>?
no (kind of)
Mirrors reflect the direction in which the thing travels
ok. How do I output a string?
"Foo" just seems to output the charcodes
o outputs a char
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what does ! do?
@Downgoat I don't know how you get environmental variables in node js but you want LC_CTYPE
@quartata thanks!
@Downgoat unconditional trampoline
Skips next instruction
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what's the best way to output a string?
It may print a trailing null byte
That prints the entire stack as a string though
It's in Reng :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is space a no-op?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is there a operator to clear the stack?
okay... I think I almost go fizzbuzz but it's not very well golfed
@QPaysTaxes can I be nospacegoat?
oh I think I buggered that up
@QPaysTaxes I don't speak Ruby, but repr(100) should return "100".
@QPaysTaxes yeah
Oh, in ordnung
@EMBLEM if you feel bad about being downvoted, why do it to people because they use a language you don't like? I would suggest just not upvoting an answer you don't like, and only downvoting it if there is something wrong with it. — Dennis van Gils 1 hour ago
@Downgoat Should I disallow it?
@Downgoat How is it going?
So it turns out part of the problem is that pnacl-clang++ uses newlib instead of glibc by default which explains a lot
Also how do I github pages
It's in the repo settings
@quartata make a gh-pages branch
oh hey @QPaysTaxes is back. hello
@QPaysTaxes what quote?
33 mins ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@Downgoat How is it going?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ lol
how are you going @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ?
XD Fine.
He said he was working on an answer and I wanted to check up with him :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I am doing great, thanks for asking :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oh, I'm not at my computer right now but I'll finish it when I get back
Just go to the nearest Starbucks/Peet's/whatever.
Hotel WiFi is overpriced and almost always shit
Today's the date of Shakespeare's death. For comparison, this is how his characters died. #Shakespeare400 https://t.co/FJvtLI1UVB
@quartata and a great way to perform MITM attacks
If you have the router's DMZ traffic sent to you, using unique passwords is pretty useless
In computer security, a DMZ or demilitarized zone (sometimes referred to as a perimeter network) is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization's external-facing services to a larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet. The purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security to an organization's local area network (LAN); an external network node only has direct access to equipment in the DMZ, rather than any other part of the network. The name is derived from the term "demilitarized zone", an area between nation states in which military operation is...
most routers have the DMZ feature, which lets you redirect all the router's incoming and outgoing traffic to your machine
meaning you can intercept the packets and read the form data
I'm not 100% on that, actually
If you have admin access to your router and wireshark, you can play around with DMZ traffic, it's pretty interesting to watch
Just lost my 70 day Fanatic streak ;-;
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how do you output an integer in reng?
@ZachGates D:
@QPaysTaxes ಠ_ಠ
does HTTPS encrypt the form data from the computer to the receiving server?
then you're good
@QPaysTaxes you can
if you manage to get the cert
@QPaysTaxes be default it uses http but https works
I don’t want to get excited too early, but we’re looking at very promising CDN/DDoS numbers. Low enough for https://-by-default. Stay tuned.
The entire reason Stack Overflow isn’t HTTPS by default today is performance. It’s a huge perf impact, currently. We’re working on it.
I copied the wrong link >_<
@Downgoat @QPaysTaxes That's like the fourth time too /:
@ZachGates D':
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how can I get input again?
Password generator? I have created an entire program in which you can create your own user with a password, save it to a file encoded in some random encoding with some random mathematical operations done on the Unicode point of it, and you can login to that same account, and only that account, with that same password.
Hello @ANerd-I
I'm not bragging though. Just saying.
@Downgoat Hello...?
@QPaysTaxes "tried-and-true"?...
@ANerd-I ?... ?
I would just think that a random sequence of numbers, letters, and symbols would be the best though...
@Downgoat Why is this starred?
@Downgoat Someone agrees with your hello?
oh ok... so I can take over the starboard by saying hello...
Hello @Downgoat
"Hello"s are nice. People like other nice people.
Hello @Upgoat
Hello @Chatgoat
<resists the urge to star all of those messages>
OMG...such nice, much wow, must star...
I dug up and performed an autopsy on a dead pig this morning. Pre-Med is really interesting at my school :P
@ANerd-I oh my...
hopefully your school doesn't get ahold of goats
particularly upside-down ones
Oh no...my school already did
especially upside down ones...
Better start running goat
In related news, I'd recommend you not cut open swelling intestines during an autopsy because it smells AWFUL.
@R.Kap O_zo
@R.Kap school is Marky confirmed
The degree of awful of smelling intestinal gas is even worse than a Java code golf's degree of awful.
@ANerd-I yeah... that's the reason
@QPaysTaxes As do pigs
So do people who don't take showers
Oh wait...that's a given
You haven't been around someone who's not taken a shower in 7 days, have you...
The pig had been stabbed three times in the chest, and bludgeoned on the left side of the hip. (Note that the pig was dead before this all started)
> New Deadly Treatment Could Save Millions
Trust me, they smell like shit...
@ANerd-I Why?...
@R.Kap here on the farm you should smell the sheep... they smell like animals...
@QPaysTaxes Q is Marky confirmed
@QPaysTaxes o k
Remember when we used to talk about code golf in here? ...Yeah, neither do I.
@R.Kap For the sake of doing an autopsy. Also it's 40% of our grade
You should smell dogs. They also smell like animals. In fact, all humans smell like animals.
@AlexA. Hi Alex :)
@AlexA. ^^
Hello @AlexA.
But, bludgeoning and stabbing a pig?...And on top of that, it's buried?...Again, why do all that?
Or, maybe, just here me out, poison it, and avoid all the mess.
Ah, I see then...
@R.Kap or you could just quickly cut its head off. Poison is expensive
@QPaysTaxes You're good
Well, poisoning it would also teach those so called "CSI" majors something. Find out what poison it was maybe?...
The pig had been killed in a slaughterhouse, then bought by a professor at my school. Then it was attacked by said professor, buried, and autopsied.
So we didn't kill a live pig ourselves. Just want to make that clear
@QPaysTaxes that's like the part near the butt, right?
Wait I'm dumb it's the ischial crest not ischeal. Damn ischemia, messing me up
Well, you still got to know, especially if you're going to be a medical major.
I first read that as iceheal chest
@QPaysTaxes Still, figuring out a COD is a nice skill to have.
@AlexA. who is this?
That's a strange-looking pig
@Downgoat his dinner
@ANerd-I Yeah, I guess it is. So you want to be a medical major? That's cool. Good luck to you.
@AlexA. Call of Duty?
@Quill magpies are too small to eat fish?
@Quill Nope
@Downgoat Fish
It drowned...
Cool Old Dude
@R.Kap Biochem, yeah. I start next year.
@AlexA. which one of these is you?
All of them
I am the green one.
@AlexA. Quoth Sarah Palin
no, he is AlexA.
@QPaysTaxes which ruby answer?
@QPaysTaxes I'd upvote but I can't
<resists the urge to downvote>
> I think I have literally performed magic
@Quill it's called golfing
or in rare cases out golfing dennis
@QPaysTaxes Don't worry, I gotcha. I'll down vote–err I mean up vote for sure...
@R.Kap ಠ_ಠ
Nah, just joking. I'll totally down vote. ;P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ in Jolf, why is the input eaten?
How about my question here?: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/78325/… Anybody want to try?
Wow, seems like my Python answer has literally no chance of winning...
Wow, seems like my Python answer has literally no chance of winning...
@R.Kap you posted that message twice :P
Wow, seems like my Python answer has literally no chance of winning...
Yeah, but the first one did not have the link. I must go now. See you later.
@AlexA. magpies do not live in Seattle, if you are a magpie, how do you live in seattle?
@Downgoat I don't live in Seattle. I used to live in Seattle. I now live near Seattle.
AFAIK the closest birds we have to magpies in the Americas are crows.
@AlexA. oh ok
@Quill rickroll? seriously,
@QPaysTaxes rickroll? seriously,
That's not a rickroll
Ohhhhhhh I see
They are all pictures of flawr except for the t and h
@El'endiaStarman that gravity seems... off....
(I kid - I don't code in C++.)
@QPaysTaxes vim
@Downgoat Vim is not an IDE
@AlexA. with enough plugins anything's an IDE
@QPaysTaxes did you write ES6!? :D
@QPaysTaxes The only actual IDE I've used for writing C++ is XCode, which is Mac only. It's not bad, but it feels pretty overkill for most things.
@QPaysTaxes Woooaaahhh...
@QPaysTaxes nothing loads for me?
dpes tjat look right?
must be because you're not using Downgoat's Gravity Simulator™
I know. I was just promoting my sim
@QPaysTaxes you should probably use Downgoat's Gravity Simulator™ to fix that
can anyone help me with this code? i cant get it to work
it is the Ackermann's function
Jelly doesn't have an ack built-in?!?!
@QPaysTaxes Paste/splt into lines/format as code?
@Downgoat That would be one of the more useless built-ins to have in a golfing language. :P
@QPaysTaxes yuor moon was probably not configured well
@Downgoat D: you didn't limit moon configuration?
@MarsUltor I tried but it wasn't working too well. I might work on the simulator more after I finish classes in Cheddar though
@Downgoat Oh
@Downgoat BTW, made a mistake - sqrt(gravitational constant * moon mass * planet mass / radius of orbit) should work
should classes be allowed to have custom accessors?
class A {
    ACCESSOR(accessing) => accessing + "foo"

foo := A:() // Create instance of A
print foo.bar // prints barfoo
@Downgoat JS can do that
via Proxy
@MarsUltor yeah
@Downgoat Probably a good idea?
What should the property name be? __accessor__, ACCESSOR, accessor, $accessor, should I have custom syntax?
@Downgoat get(String: name)
Compared to get Name() => "foo" for normal getters
@MarsUltor yup, sounds good
Then you probably need set() as well

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