@EMBLEM Mod on another site here. I appreciate that you dislike certain types of answers, but downvoting all of a type does come across as a little unfair to users who have taken the time to make something. In addition, be careful - downvoting all of one type of post is considered problematic behaviour, which can get you in some hot water. — ArtOfCode7 secs ago
Given two polynomials f,g of arbitrary degree over the integers, your program/function should evaluate the first polynomial in the second polynomial. f(g(x)) (a.k.a. the composition (fog)(x) of the two polynomials)
Builtins are allowed. You can assume any reasonable formatting as input/...
If a languages used, for example a windows newline \r\n that would be two. If it works with \n or takes a 1-byte character for newline it counts as one byte
Perl, 28 bytes
Includes +2 for -lp
Give input on STDIN
fen.pl <<< "r1bk3r/p2pBpNp/n4n2/1p1NP2P/6P1/3P4/P1P1K3/q5b1"
/usr/bin/perl -lp
Actually beating some golfing languages...
@Optimizer If I did, nobody would agree with me. Someone would post a brilliant essay on why golfing languages are good and fun and useful and I would end up downvoted, humiliated, and eternally linked to as a reference for others like me who might disagree. — EMBLEM37 mins ago
Write a program that counts up forever, starting from one.
Your program must log to STDOUT or an acceptable alternative, if STDOUT is not available.
Your program must be a full, runnable program, and not a function or snippet.
Your program must output each number with a separating chara...
Your task is to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two given integers in as few bytes of code as possible.
You may write a program or function, taking input and returning output via any of our accepted standard methods (including STDIN/STDOUT, function parameters/return values, command...
While binomial coefficient is the coefficient of (1+x)**n, m-nomial coefficient is the coefficient of (1+x+x**2+...+x**(m-1))**n.
For example, m(3,5,6) is the coefficient of x**5 in the expansion of (1+x+x**2)**6.
Write a program/function that takes 3 numbers as input and outputs the correspond...