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why the quotes?
Maybe it's an acoustic with a high current flowing through the strings.
@MartinBüttner This is to make you feel better for a brief period of time. 1000 is bigger than 1.
I would personally prefer for it to list out the entire number.
@PhiNotPi That video shows a (ahem) shocking misunderstanding of how electric guitars work.
The problem was that he had 4 strings (with only 2 wire loops) and only connected it to 1 outlet.
Yea. That's the problem ;)
My parents would be so proud of me. I've only been an electrical engineering student for one year and I'm already solving real-world problems!
Next real-world problem to solve: Electrifying the triangular anti-goose fences.
Thinks deeply Are the anti-goose fences to keep the foxes out, or to keep the geese in?
I like to think they're to keep the geese in, and kill them if they try to escape.
Are they anti-goose fences or anti-geese fences? Are they built with a particular goose in mind?
@Rainbolt I think the singular works either way. I wouldn't say an anti-cows fence.
See, this is why I'm not an English student.
No, you wouldn't. Because the correct terminology is cattle unless they are all female.
They're all female :P
And even then, cattle is preferred over cows
Ok, let's assume I didn't grow up on a cattle ranch.
Well, "aircraft" is singular, and I've always heard it anti-aircraft.
*cows ranch
That's a much better example.
Can aircraft can be used in a plural sense?
We did sometimes, but not always (USAF).
wiktionary: "The nonstandard plural form aircrafts is in use among non-native speakers of English."
Hmm... Aircraft is also a kind of "category" for things that fly. You wouldn't say "anti-airplane."
But you also have anti-tank weaponry, etc.
That makes sense
I'll just use anti-goese in the future to make everyone happy :P
@PhiNotPi a 1, 2, 3, 4, followed by exactly what I was expecting based on his description :) too bad it was fake and he survived
@aditsu I was disappointed by the video's title, because it completely gave away the surprise.
I actually missed the "NOT" the first time :)
@Geobits I bet if you posted that answer on EL&U, you would actually net some rep.
Maybe, but I don't usually ask there. I feel just as pedantic trying to word the question right as the comments usually are.
Wow I was checking my email using office365 and my finger accidentally pressed the "r" key and it opened a reply message.
Wow that sounded like a really bad advertisement
So I was playing Minecraft over the weekend and I wrapped my entire base in spacial pylons, flipped the switch, and poof. It was gone. I moved my spacial pylons to another location, flipped the switch, and poof, it was back. So then I programmed a turtle to construct and deconstruct the spacial pylons, and now I have a completely portable base.
Next step: find a way to make it more portable, so you can materialise it in the real world
I can play text-based Minecraft written in LUA in regular Minecraft
sub 900... I think that's enough for now... I'll try to add an explanation later tonight and then maybe golf it some more over the next few days
I don't think it works the other way
I wonder if I can use some sort of mover to move the pylons around. Then I can just tell my base "Hey base, can you move 62 blocks North? That'd be great thanks."
I have an electric guitar, haven't played it in years..
Your whole base could be a giant turtle and take turtle commands.
If he's too slow, put that turtle on another turtle...
it's turtles all the way down
A wild mod appeared!
How does an infinite stack of turtles reproduce? Are new ones added at the top?
It's a stack. What do you think?
it's a rhetorical question, what were you thinking?
Is that rhetorical too?
I'm in a food coma from eating too many tacos. Give me a break
What's a stack underflow then?
What is going on in this chatroom?
Definition of: stack underflow (borrowed from PC Magazine)

An error condition that occurs when an item is called for from the stack, but the stack is empty. Contrast with stack overflow. [...]
Oh right - there was a simple answer...
@BrainSteel we're overflowing with stacks
And turtles?
(of turtles)
I'm pretty sure the turtles entered the chatroom here
Right. So you put the base on a turtle that moves it x blocks. But that's slow, so you put that on a bigger turtle that moves x chunks at a time. Etc and so on, no turtle individually has far to move (in his native units).
I think it's usually called a hexadeciturtle.
if the turtle is too slow, you can tie it to a goose
I like turtles.
I used to be a turtle
I used to want to be a turtle, but only the mutant ninja kind.
@trichoplax What happened?
@AlexA. I changed my avatar during an animation experiment
@Rainbolt Good think I'm not a goose anymore!
I may go back to the turtle though. I'm attached to it since it came from my first ever answer.
@AlexA. I remember that clip :)
@trichoplax I remember that answer! It was a good one. Hasn't your name changed since then?
@aditsu :D
@AlexA. yes I wanted a name without a brand name in it. Changed it about the same time as the avatar
@AlexA. thanks :)
What did it used to be? Can't recall.
Ah, okay.
What is a trichoplax anyway?
You were the creepy turtle!
all is explained now
Trichoplax adhaerens is the only extant representative of phylum Placozoa, which is a basal group of multicellular animals (metazoa). Trichoplax are very flat organisms around a millimetre in diameter, lacking any organs or internal structures. They have two cellular layers: the top epitheloid layer is made of ciliated "cover cells" flattened toward the outside of the organism, and the bottom layer is made up of cylinder cells that possess cilia used in locomotion, and gland cells that lack cilia. Between these layers is the fibre syncytium, a liquid-filled cavity strutted open by star-like fibres...
@VisualMelon What do you mean creepy??
turtles creep, do they not?
Oh... right :)
@trichoplax wtf that's a real word?
yeah, I'm totally big on tautologies
Unfortunately, PhiNotPis haven't been spotted in the wild for over 30 years.
from the latin for "hairy plate" as the creature is only 2 cells thick, like a plate, with projections above and below for moving around, like hair
VisualMelons, despite their name, hate records of their existence and avoid photographs at all cost
They are a bit like the liquid metal terminator. If you separate all the cells they find their way back together and reassemble
Alex A.s are attempting to dissociate themselves from the geese with which they have become synonymous.
@trichoplax D: shit dude
But your avatar is a protogoose...
It's a Eurasian magpie. What is a protogoose?
@AlexA. What I really like is that if you dye two of them in different colours, and then separate all the cells, they reassemble into another two, but not all of the same colour cells
@AlexA. The huge tail made me think it was a prehistoric ancestor of a goose. Maybe it's just the perspective
Yeah the tail is really big for whatever reason. I found a very liberally licensed watercolor of a Eurasian magpie from an artist also named Alex and made a few of my own changes. The tail actually bugs me quite a bit.
I don't think they typically spread their tail feathers that wide.
Q: Expand an encoded string

MichaelTThere's the classic run length encoding and decoding. input output a3b2c5 aaabbccccc And that's fairly straight forward and done before. The challenge is to also account for a non-standard behavior when multiple characters precede the run length (a single digit from 0-9). Each character be...

@AlexA. before checking the full-size picture, I thought it was a lobster or maybe scorpion
@aditsu :| Might be time to change the avatar again...
I thought yours was like a Volvo or something before I saw the full picture. :P
haha :)
@AlexA. Fair enough - I have seen magpies like that - it must just be the angle. I thought it was something like archaeopteryx
Is that a Pokemon or a dinosaur or something?
I thought that's what it was at first, too.
@Geobits What, a Pokemon?
You mean my avatar or an archaeopteryx?
I mean I thought at first your new avatar was an archaeopteryx-like thing.
Those are some mean-looking protogeese.
@AlexA. I thought you were going to gradually regress right back to a single celled ancestor over the next few weeks
That's why geese are jerks, they just can't live up to their ancestral expectations.
Well from the looks of it, their ancestors were huge jerks too.
"My ancestors were fierce flesh eating dinosaurs and... ...ooh breadcrumbs!"
I think this is pretty good as is, thoughts?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

durron597Fix the braces Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to add the minimum number of parentheses, braces, and brackets to make a given string (containing only parentheses, braces, and brackets) have correct brace matching. Ties of symbols added must be broken by having the maximum distan...

[Seems (good to] me)
@Geobits I'm sorry, your reply doesn't compile.
{ok, [feel (free} to) disregard]
I do not feel at liberty to disregard.
@durron597 4 views 3 upvotes last I checked. I'd say not bad. ;)
@AlexA. Hehe. For once, my last few questions have been... controversial at best
The one before this was +8/-7
Q: Fix the Braces, etc

durron597Fix the braces Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to add the minimum number of parentheses, braces, and brackets to make a given string (containing only parentheses, braces, and brackets) have correct brace matching. Ties of symbols added must be broken by having the maximum distan...

@durron597 Brutal.
Ah, poop.
Ah, that doesn't surprise me much I guess. I searched once, but used the wrong term.
@Geobits Well, it might still be okay
Given that I'm asking for the maximum distance answer only, and you have to identify it.
It's a bit different, but still pretty duplicatey IMO.
I noped the Community insta-duplication, but I won't be surprised if it gets 5 CVs.
@Geobits yeah.
@durron597 your example explains (){}{} twice "NOT (){}{}. Maximum distance is 4 + 2 + 0, (){}{} is 0 + 0 + 0" (figure one is meant to be ({{}}))
@VisualMelon Better?
I like how the first 3 posts on the starboard read like a conversation
We should write a conversation in reverse order and then star them so that the starboard shows them in the correct order.
Maybe we could organize a knock-knock joke.
Orange who?
There's “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” very long pause…. “Java.”
Only knock-knock joke I've found so far.
I usually hear that one as "IE" or "Windows".
You know Java frameworks are the fastest among web server frameworks ?
Knock, knock.
Race condition.
Who’s there.
Don't speak up for Java or they'll dismiss you as a fanboy.
@PhiNotPi I just snorted. I never snort :(
The guy in my head that said "race condition" had jazz hands and a very smiley face.
@Rainbolt not a fan-boy. I find C# more elegant, but Java is better in server tech.
Nobody complains about how slow Python is
They try, but nobody waits around to hear them out.
except the Ruby guys..
Python is incredibly slow, it's really painful sometimes.
A few Python submissions that took an O(n) approach to Good Versus Evil couldn't make it to n=1000 rounds
They got eliminated
python, like ruby or java, is often slow to start up
I noticed that Java programs start up exactly as fast as C programs provided the JVM is already running.
computationally, it doesn't have to be a slow language. it can produce calculation loops just as efficient as C, just like Java can
I wish more koth challenges would take the "your program keeps running and takes input and produces output repeatedly" approach, rather than the "your program gets re-launched each turn with input describing the game state, and you can keep memory in a file if you want" approach
It adds complexity. There's no "entry" and "exit" point in the program that way.
(with the "your entry is a java class that's instanciated once by the controller" method being a special case of the former)
@Sparr you sound like Python is at same level as Java or C in terms of speed :D
complexity? bah. while(readline(stdin)!=EOF) {}
I honestly don't even know how to send EOF to another program
@Sparr I've done it for a couple. For something that I will need to run many thousands of times, I do. For less, I don't feel the added complexity is worth the speed. Just a tradeoff like any other design decision to me.
Java has an EOF constant (I think?). Will that work?
@Optimizer there are a lot of libraries and algorithms for which the fastest implementation is written in python meant to run on top of pypy and numpy
but if the same algorithm is written for C, its gonna kick Python's butt still!
Nevermind, there isn't an EOF character in Java
@Rainbolt closing the pipe should register as an EOF to the process on the other end of the pipe
@Optimizer only if you manually do all of the optimizations and re-write all of the sub-algorithms in C, too.
@Sparr you are not getting the point.
So if you have fifty submissions, does that mean you have to have fifty pipes open?
And fifty programs running at the same time?
That's how mine worked, yes.
you are basically comparing a very efficient pre-written algorithm in Python with generalized C program
If you have timing restrictions, and you allow me to run while other people are taking their turn, I would be furiously wasting CPU while it wasn't my turn.
Then I guess you can add arbitrary rules like "Don't waste CPU when it isn't your turn."
Well, I ran them serially and restricted computation/operations to the time between receiving input and giving output. So what you just said.
@Rainbolt yes, that's how such programs work.
That's how what programs work?
It worked well when I did it, but I haven't had one like that with 20+ submissions.
there was an all-java contest a while back where I wrote a java "submission" that was itself a wrapper for an entry in any other language that needed to spawn its own process.
I guess it really depends on the challenge you are running
Team Foundation Server just went down. Half of the dev pit decided to take a walk (yes, an actual walk down the street). Supervisor walks out of his office at the same time as CEO walks into the pit. Supervisor has no idea where anyone is and the CEO is looking for someone.
Nice. We take walks on a semi-regular basis (2-3 per week), so nobody would be surprised here.
On most days, only two people take walks. They are also the only two people at the company that smoke
Ah, well that's a bit different. We normally have a group of 5-6, walk for 20 minutes or so.
We have a couple fo groups that take walking to extreme levels by trekking!
(on hills and stuff)
I got this awesome deal this morning:
As a summer kick-off to some great warm weather steppin’ and an incentive to have your biggest step weeks yet …have we got a deal for you!

Here’s how it works:

Monday, June 1st You turn in No steps
Monday, June 8th You turn in 2 weeks’ worth of steps (steps for May 25-June 7)
Tuesday, June 9th I will double your 2 week step count as I enter them into our team spreadsheet!!
Hopefully that doesn't violate my Oath of Silence
The subject tag did start with "non-work" and I agreed not to share work related stuff.
"non-work" still contains "work"
Just move the hyphen to the right a little. "nonw-ork"
still got it
meh walk. go zorbing!
(I'm taking my zorb out to the park after work this afternoon)
I see how you get upvotes, Optimizer. You promise an explanation and then you don't deliver. Quite the golfing politician you are.
Must be one of those "out of radar and forgotten" things..
What is a zorb?
Its a thing available on google.
You could have just said "The secret to happiness"
I did say google
this was me recently: youtube.com/watch?v=3-Wr4KcmwWA
second time in it, still figuring things out
That is a very accurately titled video.
that's me a few tries later
your voice is very high pitched ...
Hold on.... your name is actually Sparr?
You thought he just likes to play with swords ?
my given name ends with "IV", which means three assholes ahead of me got to use up all the best nicknames.
so, no, my name is not "actually" Sparr, but it's what everyone outside the IRS and DMV call me.
They're practically the same thing.
I don't believe in the NSA. There's no such agency.
i'm confused about characters in Python 2
print a
print `a`
print len(`a`)
for x in `a`:print x
for x in `a`:print 1
print L
err, how do I format that code?
Ctrl A. Ctrl K
thanks, didn't know that worked in chat
repr(a) acts as an iterable of length 4, but takes input only twice when I map to it
printing its components in sequence only prints 1 char
oh wait, this makes sense
I need map(input,`a`) to take 4 inputs
since repr(a) is "'Â¥'" not "Â¥"
Does anyone believe that Strategic Voting is ready? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/5301/2867
@PhiNotPi do-while is precisely meant for the situation in your createPlayerPayoffs function.
x; while(y){x;} <-- this is silly
do{x;}while(y); <-- yay
I've never actually seen that in Java.
Will try.
you have not seen do-while in Java ?
Well, a while back, CJam only had do-while loops (which eventually translates to Java do-while loop)
do while is specifically meant for a situation where you need to do the body of the loop once before checking the condition
Isn't that the basics ?
+ is specifically meant for a situation where you need to add one thing to another.
sure, it's a basic part of the language, but it's also superfluous
you CAN do it the way @PhiNotPi did it
I've taken courses on C and C++ that didn't mention do-while
I've even seen style guides for some FOSS projects that forbid do-while loops
@Sparr Isn't that just because you zorbed off the classes which did ?
probably :(
There, it has been do-whiled.
i wish Python had do-while
what's the Pythonic way to write that?
there isn't an elegant way to do it in python
you have to fake it
while True:
    if y:
while (a || <condition>) {a=falsy; <rest>}
where a is truthy initially
i see
won't work if you are expecting some computation in the condition (like a function call etc)
which is how you have to do it in most languages with while(){} but not do{}while()
gonna sleep now. Only 30 rep more for rep-cap. lets hope I get it..
have to complete snow flake spec tomorrow first thing.
Regardless, was that the main issue you guys saw with the challenge?
the lack of do-while loop.
runs away
optimizer is going to keep making that joke until told to stop
i'm skimming it, but i didn't see how votes determine the winning candidate
is it simple plurality?
oh, first sentence :-)
Which, if it isn't obviously clear, then I should make it more clear.
yeah, the early part makes it sound like the problem is going to be about any voting system OTHER than plurality
Maybe my current edit makes that more clear?
One of the most common voting systems for single-winner elections is the plurality voting method. Simply put, the candidate with the most votes wins. Plurality voting, however, is mathematically unsound and is liable to create situations in which voters are driven to vote for the "lesser of two evils" as opposed to the candidate they truly prefer.

In this game, you will write program that takes advantage of the plurality voting system. It will cast a vote for one of three candidates in an election. Each candidate is associated with a certain payoff for yourself, and your goal is to maximiz
Oh, I have part of your controller written in more languages than you could possibly need:
Q: Council Majority

RainboltIntroduction You belong to a council which oversees the destruction of corrupted worlds. When the council assembles, a single vote is taken. The ballot lists all nominated worlds. One is ultimately destroyed each time the council meets. Due to a bug in user12345's code, the council recently flo...

Plurality... wish I knew that word when I was writing the challenge
Peter Taylor found a plurality in 9 characters!
Plurality is different than majority.
I think that question is referring to finding the majority.
most of the clever answers, like the 'take the median' in peter taylor's answer, don't work for plurality
Oh, you're right
I'm pretty much ready to post the challenge.
I predict the winning answer won't be especially interesting :(
And that multiple answers using mostly the same algorithm will score really close to the top score.
I'm slightly worried about that stuff too.
I was part of the reason I decided to add score "normalization" to the controller, so that differences in score can be compared in a slightly more objective way.
I don't predict very many entries.
Should include ExampleBot as a competing entry?
if it were my challenge, I'd probably seed a handful of bots
What about randombot?
Ready to post....
hello all
anyone in here particularly proficient with numpy?
astropy would be a bonus as well :D
Should I add this to my challenge spec?
- I haven't specified an exact time limit, but I would greatly appreciate runtimes that are significantly less than a second per call. I want to be able to run as many elections as feasible.
Posting now.
Q: Strategic Voting, The Game

PhiNotPiOne of the most common voting systems for single-winner elections is the plurality voting method. Simply put, the candidate with the most votes wins. Plurality voting, however, is mathematically unsound and is liable to create situations in which voters are driven to vote for the "lesser of two...

Would a meta question "Do any of you golf for a living" be off topic?
Err... probably not. Meta's a lot less tight and what is and isn't allowed.
Maybe I should just try and find out...
It'll probably get 5 upvotes before the meta chat bot posts it.
On a different note, if I hypothetically had another challenge that hypothetically required input in an audio file, which file format would be preferred? Speaking entirely hypothetically, of course
Are there any other hypothetical details..?
The hypothetical audio file may be a recording of a musical instrument
of which the program may or may not need to determine if the recording has a "bend" or not
Is there an audio equivalent of the Netpbm image format?
I'm out of my depth already
Is midi still universal?
midi is just a note data format, not an audio format
So you're looking to ask for code to classify the way a particular note is played?
I'm more out of my depth than I had realised :)
I got access to a recording studio yesterday
so I'm looking for an excuse to use it
I was going to suggest WAV since it's uncompressed and pretty high-quality, but it looks like it's mainly for Windows.
Well that's a starting point for a search for a cross platform version
Anyone else getting an error message for this page? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_pulse-code_modulation
hmm... maybe a headerless PCM stream
and I'll just specify the bit rate and endianness in the question spec
I suppose I'll just write up the spec and sandbox it and see what people think
Now all of Wikipedia looks unformatted for me.
I'm still getting the internal error.
@PhiNotPi Yes that page works for me but minimally formatted (font size and blue links, but that's about it)
Main page is formatted fine for me though
I kinda want to see a graph of the world's internet traffic whenever Wikipedia acts up.
Works fine for me
Q: Do any of you golf for a living?

trichoplaxI'm just curious about whether any of you have a real-world use for your golfing skills. I'd also be interested to hear if you know of golf-related jobs even if you aren't involved in them, or if you have areas of your life where golfing has been required for practical purposes.

so, no one's good at numpy?
no one in the whole woooorld? :(
Pretty much.
@PhiNotPi did you forget to edit down/delete the sandbox post for the KotH?
I actually have the edit window for that open.
no worries, just wondering
@Optimizer no need for Ctrl A
@Sparr how is the air in that thing?
@sirpercival not particularly, but, uhhhh?
(I'm not massively experienced, but I've used it before, and I wouldn't mind grappling with it for a bit, because I need it for a project I just started working on)
well @MartinBüttner i can tell you my issue, lol
@PhiNotPi that's my standard procedure: open sandbox edit, copy, post, forget sandbox, 1 hour later edit down and delete
i have a 2D image, and i've fit each column of the image with a compound model
@trichoplax for the "golf for a living" thing the closest I know is that people actually use J/K/APL :)
and probably very small embedded systems (which might not even exists today)
@MartinBüttner By the way, I've really appreciated your efforts to make default conventions for things like input/output and programs/functions.
Yes embedded systems was the only example that I could think of - but I wondered if there were others
@xnor ...but...
@MartinBüttner It lets me write specs that have a lot less gunk and are nicer to read and write.
@MartinBüttner the image is a spectrum. each cross-section of the spectrum is a gaussian (if there's more than one on the detector, i need multiple gaussians = compound model)
so i'm describing the path of the spectrum by fitting each cross-section with my (compound) model, and using the center(s) of the gaussian model at each column
oh okay. thanks :)
I still tend to include everything in my challenges
once i've fit each column, i want to reconstruct the total fit, for each spectrum, so i need to decompose the fit into its components
@MartinBüttner that's great as everyone is reminded of the standard rules sometimes without searching for it
@MartinBüttner It's also helped prevent disagreements when a new user posts without specifying
then i construct the fit, multiply each spectrum by the image, and sum the result over the columns to get the actual 1D spectrum.
well I do it for two reasons: a) not everyone is aware of the defaults (and I don't expect them to be) b) the defaults might change in the future, and stating the rules in the challenge avoids future comments about "this isn't how we play around here". but yeah I agree that the defaults are really helpful for when less experienced users forget to cover all the details.
the problem is finding a vectorized way to turn a list of n_wavelength compound models, each with n_aperture components, into a n_wavelength x n_imagewidth x n_aperture array
i'm guessing that it will involve apply_across_axis, but i'm not sure how to do it... :/
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