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@NewMainPosts I'm trying to think of a suitable Magic programming challenge
What's the problem, anyway? I'm good at Googling :P
Since this idea turned out to be a bust
@Solver wait I do have a question about node
@Optimizer :P True.
what is the difference between devDependencies and dependencies
@Sherlock9 ooh I have a good yugioh one
@Downgoat Devs depend on devDependencies
@Downgoat google
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
@Optimizer neither of them were developed by google
@Maltysen Well, I don't know any CCG, tbh. What's your idea?
CCG = Cool Code Golf?
Collectible Card Game
@AlexA. all code golf is cool
@Downgoat More precisely, devDependencies is what you need for stuff like testing and dependencies is for actually running.
@Sherlock9 given a series of battles in a bp determine the lifepoints each person ends up with
@Sherlock9 duel masters
@Downgoat devDependencies are not included in production.
@Solver pohhhhhhhhhh
@Maltysen That reminds me the challenge to interpret the plays in an American football that was held last Super Bowl
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o /o\ i\o/o\ /o \/o \/o /o it worked!
I like it. Think you'll write it up?
@Downgoat did i help?
@Solver yes, thank you so much
@Downgoat pleez?
@Solver you actually just lmgtfy'ed
Yay! \o/ I'm so proud of myself.
@Solver write an answer to this and I'll give you a +50 point bounty when it let's me:
Q: Grunt + Babel successfully runs but doesn't do anything

DowngoatI'm rather new to grunt/npm but after reading up the docs. I have made myself a package.json and a Gruntfile.js. Here's my folder structure: / |- src |- myfile.es6 |- anotherfile.es6 |- etc. |- Gruntfile.js |- package.json What I have Here's my Gruntfile: module.exports = funct...

@Downgoat I'll try :P
@Downgoat That's an odd definition of "successfully" then :P
@Downgoat let me dupe close it
@Optimizer Do you have a high-rep hammer?
so. many. pings....
@zyabin101 no, but i can at least start...
@zyabin101 I don't think he even has the close-vote privledge yet
@Downgoat what?
an approximation of the sine function in Snowman
well, turns out i can't
> 3.141592653589793
not sure if you are trying to golf or not.
@Downgoat Okay, I took a look. I reckon I can solve it, but: why are you using grunt?
@Doorknob more accurate would have been sqrt(1 - cos 2 x)
@Optimizer wait why does sine approximation need pi?
@Optimizer ... okay, if there's no sine in snowman, do you expect there to be cosine too? :P
@Doorknob then derive both from tangent
@Solver goats can't grunt by themselves so I need a program to do it for me
@Optimizer -_-
isn't the taylor series enough?
@Optimizer Pi? Okay: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
@Downgoat No, I mean, gulp is better. Just better.
in fact, e ^ -i pi should be enough
@Optimizer -.-
oh no
I just rm -rf'd my entire Code/ directory
@Downgoat gasps I feel so sorry for you.
@Solver I have most of the things on github
ok, so restore it from the backups that you've surely been keeping, right? ;)
but still... ;__;
@Doorknob I turned off time machine a few weeks ago
@Downgoat oh phew. i can live with that.
@Downgoat you turned off what now?
@Downgoat How do you accidentally do that?
@Doorknob Yeah.. I.. keep .. backups... sure...
(backs up the world)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I was going to do rm -rf ~/Documents/Code/Cheddar but I the tab completetion didn't complete before I typed Cheddar...
@Downgoat Excluding the Code/ directory. Congrats.
@Downgoat so Tabs are the culprit!!! SEEEE .
better start using spaces from now on!
@Downgoat Just use the file system, man.
@Solver I am?
@Downgoat but console is cooler.
@Downgoat and that's why you always use rmdir
that's why you actually look at what you type before you press enter
@Doorknob i never do that. it's faster.
@Doorknob silly excuses from a Tabs lover
@Doorknob I don't do that here on chat so I shouldn't be expected to do that when I'm terminaling
@Downgoat :P
@Downgoat this is literally the worst excuse you could possibly come up with
@Optimizer I think you've confused me with Geobits
@Doorknob oh, you like spaces over tabs?
@Doorknob what's the excuse with using cmd to rm files?
@Optimizer yes
@Solver ... how else would you remove a file?
@Optimizer i like TABS
@Solver I'm so sorry
@Doorknob ...file explorer....?
@Downgoat It's okay. :)
@Solver a "file explorer"? that sounds torturous
@Solver why would you even…

Bad marky

47 secs ago, 21 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by Downgoat

@Doorknob :D
its easier bruh
@Maltysen my programming language is called cookie
Anyway @Downgoat back to your grunt.
@Solver extremely rarely do I ever have a window open that's not a.) a terminal emulator or b.) a web browser
with the exception of skype ( :( )
@Doorknob I can't live without Chrome.
@Doorknob same, and for terminals I usually just use an actual terminal
@Downgoat I promise that is not me
@Downgoat ping me tommorow when you feel like tackling your grunt issues.
@Solver night!
@Downgoat bye!
@Dennis what does Debug do on TIO?
@Doorknob it removes bugs from the code so you can find the spiders more easily
@Doorknob Enable STDERR and show timing for the code on the Try it online! server farm.
huh okay
@Dennis [feature-request] add the -d or --debug flag when debug is enabled for Snowman
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that's a joke right
@LockOpeners what
rm is infinitely easier than deleting a file only to find out that it actually just got moved to a "trashcan"
The first computer bug
halp, how do I make a website with node?
@Downgoat don't
Node.JS's internal web server is bad
@quartata I have a batch script that clears out the trashcan every day
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oh that's nice
@quartata but how else do I make a website
I am trying to make a REPL
for Cheddar
@Downgoat get a server on gcp and just run node there, no messing with heroku
@quartata yeah, thanks
@Maltysen Good clinical practice?
@Downgoat use Apache/Nginx and a CGI script of some sort
google cloud platform
@Downgoat google cloud platform
what is wrong with Heroku
I just spent an hour getting it working ._.
but seriously if you want to make an actual website don't use node.js's internal web server
there's probably some hack to get it working with nginx but honestly why bother
@Downgoat gcp literally just gives you a computer, and then you just run node on it like you do on your dev machine
you can probably make a node.js CGI script
@Maltysen isn't that what C9 does too?
oh that
Cloud9 vms go to sleep after a while
not good for web hosting
> Simply pick your configuration and develop your app. No need to spend valuable development time on system setup and maintenance. You can create, build and run any development stack in seconds. We maintain it, you control it.
I just need something to host a WS server
heroku seem slike a good choice
@Downgoat except its a pain to use, as you just saw
heroku apps also go to sleep after a while
that was my fault
@quartata D:
then what do I use?
Amazon S3?
I don't know do you want to spend money
@quartata but they wake up
@quartata and you can't run any databases on it without their weird way
@quartata I could if it's really worth it, but I don't think I need too
@quartata ec2 gives you a year free, google gives you like 2 months free but is cheaper than ec2
@Downgoat ^
I don't know, I'm not much of an expert on this.
All I know is pick something that's reliable even if it costs money
And don't use Node.JS's internal server
google is $6 / month for me
I am using the websocket package for node
@NewMainPosts I like how this is labeled "programming-puzzle"
@Downgoat don't use Node.JS's internal web server for anything ever
I'm not
ok good
I'm using jQuery for node instead
(that was a joke)
I thought you had your own domain + server anyways
I remember you had a website for teascript
@Downgoat wait isn't cheddar in js?
@Maltysen yse
Hello! I'm alive!
@Downgoat then just write the repl in js and run it on the client and host off of github.io
@quartata yes, but it blew up after it ran for 5 weeks continuously.
@Maltysen it uses node, not JS
I could try to compile
but that would be slower
@Downgoat but node is JS
@Solver Reading this endless feed of new messages never gets boring, eh Solver?
and I'm planning on making Cheddar greater than JS
It should be able to run in a browser with minimal changes
@Downgoat I'm pretty sure itd be faster than websockets
It would be
@Downgoat for the grunt issue:
@quartata I could add some grunt thing
@Downgoat I've had to do the Good Clinical Practices training so many times. .-.
@quartata he thinks that node and spidermonkey, both are separate JS engines
@Maltysen fast server > super slow browser JS that can't do sh*t
@Downgoat but both use V8 anyways
@AlexA. I thought it was GolfScript, CJam, and Pyth.
but browser is slow
49 secs ago, by Optimizer
@quartata he thinks that node and spidermonkey, both are separate JS engines
it has a bunch of wrapper thing
your server will be a hella lot slower if you have a hundred interpreter sessions running
First npm install -g gulp
@quartata V8 is mostly HFCS. It barely counts as juice.
@Optimizer spidermonkey is a JS engine, node is just a wrapper for a V8
@Downgoat my browser right now is probably faster than my webserver. you aren't getting a good server for free or cheap
pro tip: always outsource to the client if you can
@Maltysen ok
@Maltysen Yeah, no such thing as free lunch
I was told to not outsource SASS compilation to the client
@AlexA. blergh v8
Then create a gulpfile.js
@quartata That's not true.
@AlexA. It's a saying
@quartata It amuses me that airplane "bloody marys" are just V8 and vodka.
Next, a Javasakefile.
yesterday, by Downgoat
@Optimizer They are names of JS engines,
@Optimizer what
follow the conversation
@quartata I rewatched human ramen the other day
@zyabin101 wtf
@AlexA. oh dear
I try to stay away from that one
or vomit cake
I couldn't watch vomit cake
Human ramen isn't bad though
Just weird
@Downgoat The video snippet for ROASTE D.
what should the keyword be for a value that has not been defined in Cheddar? None, null, undefined, nil, or something else?
@AlexA. I don't want to know
Then place:
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task(function () {
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ??
@Downgoat That's what it should be.
@Downgoat empty?
@Downgoat null sounds good.
Fairly traditional.
You can do NULL if you want, like in C
I personally liked the dashed O symbol.
@quartata me too
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ except people can't type that
@quartata Don't they have advanced math keyboards?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ empty set
"value that has not been defined". Why would you choose anything but "undefined" for that.
@mınxomaτ Wait, what?
Oh, I didn't read very carefully
Yeah, undefined
but javascript uses undefined
You could go with undef
Or just _UNK
I am told that JavaScript has the worst design decisions
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yes, of course
@Downgoat did you see my gulp solution ?
@Downgoat Therefore, + meaning addition is bad? :/
@AlexA. link pls'
@Solver No?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yes
@Downgoat Yes but undefined is not one of them
Although its interaction with == is
@quartata Yah, you nailed my pet peeve. When the lack of a parameter is checked as value == undefined
I die inside.
@AlexA. please get rid of onebox that's disturbing

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