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Helka homba would mean Hello.
it is lonely
no one is here
Yes, it is.
the night is cold
Hey zyabin, what are those pants now?
silence persists indefinitely
Helka Homba Homba Helka Homba Homba Homba Helka! Helka Homba Homba Helka Homba Homba Homba Homba! Helka Helka Homba Helka Homba Homba Homba Helka!
Also, may I ask what the origin of your username is ?
@Sherlock9 Electric Unipants!
@Sherlock9 My actual name.
conor o brien is incomprehendible
Electric Unipants is the same Unipants, but reinforced with an electric suit!
if that was spelt correctly
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What would that mean?
Thanks for answering
unipants? this will not stand. fractals.
@Solver incomprehensible
English is weird
never mind
@zyabin101 "no."
RΜGiEd+RΜGpq~Y~@H8'0Ed.["Helka","Homba"]H' '!S
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ So it's binary?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Pyth?
@Solver Good job
@zyabin101 Jolf. ಠ_ಠ
I don't know much pyth
Helka Homba Helka Helka Homba Homba Helka Helka!
Helka Homba Homba Helka Homba Homba Homba Homba!
Helka Homba Homba Helka Homba Homba Homba Helka!
Helka Homba Homba Helka Helka Homba Homba Homba!
Helka Homba Homba Helka Helka Homba Helka Homba!
Helka Homba Homba Homba Helka Helka Homba Helka!
That looks really nice, yeah.
this is nonsense. pyth is nonsense. python is nonsense. javascript is the light
HelkaHomba enters the room
Homba 42 42 42 42 Homba!
oh shoot an error
42 is jolf's error code
OH! Because I haven't pushed Jolf yet
@Solver please do not use code formatting improperly.
@Doorknob Okay.
@zyabin101 Try again? i.e. refresh the page
Homba 42 42 42 42 Homba!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ it's the end.
How much does it take for GitHub Pages to update page?
I thought 10 minutes, but it seems like forever.
Idk, I've seen it be as fast as a minute and slow as ten
@Doorknob if I put a comma in front of an @someone, will it still ping them?
Use Helka and Homba to write binary lambda calculus.
,@Solver Yup.
I mean @zyabin101,
@zyabin101 Try again, it's working for me now
Helka Homba Helka Helka Helka Helka Helka Homba!
@PhiNotPi Good luck with that.
@zyabin101 Now I just need to write an inverse
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Replace every occurence of Helka with 0 and Homba with 1.
@zyabin101 Yeah, but in Jolf
brb in ten hours.
@TonHospel I will try it out now!
@lembik: it only matters for small m. in fact now m ~ n/2 is the hardest case for the program
RΜZhG~pAi["Helka","Homba"]"01' "E'!dpAΙHE
@lembik: so it won't increase the score
Can 4 other people with enough rep on SO close this as "caused by a simple typographical error"?:
Q: Grunt + Babel successfully runs but doesn't do anything

DowngoatI'm rather new to grunt/npm but after reading up the docs. I have made myself a package.json and a Gruntfile.js. Here's my folder structure: / |- src |- myfile.es6 |- anotherfile.es6 |- etc. |- Gruntfile.js |- package.json What I have Here's my Gruntfile: module.exports = funct...

@TonHospel ok that's interesting. Are there other improvements in the paper that it would help if I asked about on math.se?
@TonHospel I have no shame :)
@Downgoat you want to close your own question? :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yup
@lembik: Yes, the other 2 modular transforms. Which make no sense to me
@TonHospel ok.. if you help me draw up a question I am happy to post them. I would get the question wrong if I did it myself. It's all outside of my area of math
@lembik: in fact the first one has to be wrong unless det A=+-1, and the second one is not convenient for my code
@TonHospel ok.. let me see if we can draw up a question now for the first one
@TonHospel are we in section 7?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ v
@lembik: simply considering n=1 you can see it makes no sense onless |a|=1
@TonHospel sorry can you point me at the exact part of the paper we are discussing please
@lembik: yes, equation 38
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sry, wrong clipboard contents. Now you can do o_o.
@TonHospel \Gamma_2 ?
My github messages are almost as beautiful as @Adnan's
Heh wat?
@lembik: No, \Gamma_1 (i also think the a \omega a^-1 should be a \omega a^T
@lembik: but the paper has lots of minor typos of that type
@TonHospel isn't that (37)?
@lembik: Mm, we probably have slightly different versions of the paper then
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You mean the issue box?
@TonHospel which version are you looking at?
Or the commits
^ that one
IIRC you do the best ones
@lembik: I believe I'm using arxiv.org/abs/nlin/0206009. In your version it is indeed equation 37
@TonHospel yours is much later!
@lembik: Still essentially the same. Nothing substantial is different
@TonHospel ok
@TonHospel 2min 50 seconds for n = 24.. close :)
@lembik: Yeah, but compare the old and new versions for m=1 ....
@TonHospel argh.. I have to go sorry. More soon I hope
thanks again for all this
@El'endiaStarman pffft
Q: Find the last position in a matrix walking like a spiral

Washington GuedesIntroduction Given one matrix A x A and a number of movements N. You will need to walk like a spiral starting in (1; 1): right while possible, then down while possible, then left while possible, then up while possible, repeat until got N. Challenge You can only take as input the numbers A...

Anyone want to help edge-test-case or whatever Dyia?
a =: 0
VerbToken[=:] dyadic

VerbToken[=:] dyadic
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Is the test parse tool supposed to output both forms?
Yes, it is.
It's for visual comparison of the tokenization and shunting
@trichoplax mmm now i recall, i solved some of his challenges, the pristine was an ordeal
+ -4
TypeError: _op is undefined
anyways do u have an idea how to handle this tool called vi ?
@zyabin101 Subtraction isn't defined yet.
(-4 isn't a number; it's the monadic application of - to 4)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Then what is a negative number?
There aren't any right now :P
puts on todo list
Oh, I see.
+ _4
Oh, right.
I need to implement _ too :P
Apparently :language C translates Vim to the C locale.
Is it a version of an existing language or something?
In computing, C localization functions are a group of functions in the C programming language implementing basic localization routines. The functions are used in multilingual programs to adapt to the specific locale. In particular, the way of displaying of numbers and currency can be modified. These settings affect the behaviour of input/output functions in the C Standard Library. == Overview of functions == C localization functions and types are defined in locale.h (clocale header in C++). == Criticism == C standard localization functions are criticized because the localization state is stored...
You're probably looking for :set filetype or :set syntax
@quartata Nope.
I was actually looking for a way to translate Vim to a specific locale.
Why would you want to set your locale to the C locale? Generally you only do that if there is no other locale on your system...
:28905447 My LANG equals ru_RU.
Do you want to change it in vim or everywhere?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Should adverb chaining work yet? 1 % 2 gives 0.5 and 1 %~ 2 gives 2 as they should, but 1 %~~ 2, 1 %~~~ 2 etc seem to all give 2.
@quartata In Vim.
@Zgarb Ooo nice catch. I forgot about that, thanks!
Then use :language
Put it in your .vimrc
I wanted to show Vim to Agawa (who left). Then I thought she doesn't understand Russian, so I was finding a way to change the locale.
@quartata Then gvim would be weird. The interface is all in <insert current vim locale> but the menus are in Russian.
:set langmenu
@quartata Ah.
set langmenu=en_US.UTF-8 for instance
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Should parentheses work?
@Zgarb Not yet, no.
Also, fixed adverb chaining.
@zyabin101 Fixed _ in numbers.
a =: _3
a + 3
You made negative numbers! \o/
Yup, that's correct. I currently haven't broken anything out of tokens for output yet.
@zyabin101 :D yup!
BTW I love the large arrow \/
Hmm, now a lone underscore _ is 0, two or more are NaN.
Extra numbers, like * 2 3 or * 2 _, also give funky results.
a =: 2

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ^
This executes happily:
a =: 2
1 =: a
a + 0
And 2 + 1 =: 2 gives 4 :D
Did I allow for redefining of numeric constants? XD
Not globally, 1 + 1 after that returns 2 as it should. I think =: just takes whatever as its left argument and tries to redefine it, and returns the right argument.
For numbers the redefinition just silently fails or something.
Hm. Is that a good thing?
(I'm trying to make a sane language, not a golfing language.)
Depending on your exact implementation, I guess it could bite you back later on.
Okay. So it should probably through an error?
Yeah, that seems the sane thing to do.
Cool, thanks!
@Zgarb What does that mean?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ * 2 3 returns 2, and I have no idea why.
VerbToken[*] dyadic

VerbToken[*] monadic
The result from the stack is shifted and outputted; I have no detection in place for extra members on the stack.
So the stack would look like [2 *3] = [2 1], then 2 is shifted.
Haha, this gives 1:
2 =: a 1
0 + a
BTW I fixed the non-display of tokens, so just refresh the page
Ok, cool.
Should I do lists with spaces (like J) or with commas (like Jelly)?
Whatever floats your boat. They are probably much easier to parse if you have some brackets around them.
True. Would it be a bad idea to have the comma be an operator that joins two entries, and treat it like a list?
I don't really have an opinion on that. APL and J have , for concatenation and pair construction, and it works for them.
On the other hand, building a list of literal expression will then require lots of parentheses, as in (a+4),(a+7),(a*2),(b+1)
But in practice that may be rare.
@Solver Yes.
@zyabin101 Wow, that was quick!
Maybe electric pants make you run faster :P
^^^ that is the funniest thing I've seen all day.
@lembik: Ah, I finally start to understand. Since both a and a^-1 must consist of integers in n=1 they must be 1 or -1, so there is no blowup
@lembik: simularly det of integer matrix must be integer, same for inverse, so det = +1 or -1
@lembik: So that transform is unimodular so it's just a lattice redefinition
In Cheddar, should preset built-ins such as range and Pi be un-overrideable?
@TonHospel cool!
@TonHospel I am running timing tests for n= 22 and m = 0..21
@TonHospel it gets slow around m = 6
@lembik: I assume high and low m are fast ?
@TonHospel high is very fast.. low not so lightning fast.
well.. is m=6 low?
@lembik: not so much :-) 1 and 2 are low (they used to be even slower than m=6)
@TonHospel ah ok :)
do you have a feeling for what the largest possible value is given a fixed n and m?
@lembik: No, since I still don't completely understand. The speed is mostly determined by det(P/pi), but I don't really know yet to what extent eccentricity also plays a rolw
@lembik: det(P/pi) small => slow (the exponential decays too slowly)
@TonHospel ok thanks
maybe no one knows :)
or I could make a challenge to create the largest sum with this matrix structure :)
(just a joke)
@flawr I don't truly understand most of it, but I can tell the Leech lattice is an amazing and beautiful mathematical object.
Now we just need to make Miegakure but in 24D so we get a better feel for 24D space... :P
Just in: Our graduation is all a very big and dirty April's fool joke and we will be given back the beta and pro-tempore mod status starting May 1st!
@Optimizer but but but we started graduating before april
all in the preparation for a BIG FAT LIE!!!
It had a lot of forethought
does pypy have a pip thing?
here we are ungraduating and all you worry about is pypy pip???
@Optimizer i'll start panicking when I see "beta" in our logo again
that would be too late my friend, too late
@Optimizer well I guess we could DDos SE to stop them from ungraduating us
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