@quartata @Downgoat - I'll write a blog post or two on Pytek's parser sooner or later. I'm hoping to finish the parser very soon. The gist, though, is that the actual AST is unknown at first, so all possible ASTs are explored. Each node has isPossible, which tells the parser when it itself is a possible node, and isComplete tells the parser when it's been, well, completed. At that point, the constructor is called and the node is added to the AST.
When there are multiple possibilities, the AST is duplicated and the parser moves ahead on all copies, independently.
Help! Everything is in Wingdings!
Your task is to write a program or function that converts wingdings to a readable font.
The input to the program will be the path to a png file with between 1 and 10 wingdings characters. Your output should be the message contained in...
Write a full program with a source code of 256 bytes or less that looks at an image of a flag and determines what country that flag is from. A zip file containing the 196 different flags in the challenge can be downloaded from here. Source: [Flagpedia]. These 196 flag images are the only inputs y...
I'm rather new to grunt/npm but after reading up the docs. I have made myself a package.json and a Gruntfile.js. Here's my folder structure:
|- src
|- myfile.es6
|- anotherfile.es6
|- etc.
|- Gruntfile.js
|- package.json
What I have
Here's my Gruntfile:
module.exports = funct...
@QPaysTaxes I always begin by vanishing my expectations when in inappropriate chat rooms haha. So on debate.org a (forum) website where you do formal debates, I was noticed by some dude because he liked my ideas and how I expressed it. Imo, my performance was horrific.. anyway, he wants me to help with with a start-up blog on topics including business, economics, politics, etc.. seems sketchy
Open to all opinions
Thanks. What do you mean by "wait for the check to clear"?
Length 10 Snippet
Here's a really nasty infinite loop. It uses jQuery to press the "Run" button, which will execute the code that presses the "Run" button, which will execute... You get the idea. Even worse, it's impossible to stop without force-quitting Firefox itself, ...
@JesterTran You can't be serious. Figuring out the identity of many people here on PPCG is not at all difficult, but you don't hear about @MartinBüttner getting kidnapped or anything.
@MarsUltor True. But I'm very familiar with CJam (~500 PPCG answers), and it's more difficult to mess stuff up when using a built-in. All tasks of the qualification round used either base conversion or run-length encoding, so writing those submissions in CJam would have been a lot easier.
He'll be helping with everything else though, and @quartata has been invaluable with regards to suggesting, criticizing, and otherwise evaluating ideas.
>>> x
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
>>> if True:
x = 3
elif False:
x = 5
>>> x
No. In fact, Pytek will be even more flexible when it comes to defining variables. It'll be possible to define a variable in terms of other variables that are defined later (though in the same scope) and have it work.