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like lookahead syntax is <?before pattern> instead of (?=pattern) (is this one right?)
and character classes are <[...]> instead of [...]
@quartata @Downgoat - I'll write a blog post or two on Pytek's parser sooner or later. I'm hoping to finish the parser very soon. The gist, though, is that the actual AST is unknown at first, so all possible ASTs are explored. Each node has isPossible, which tells the parser when it itself is a possible node, and isComplete tells the parser when it's been, well, completed. At that point, the constructor is called and the node is added to the AST.
When there are multiple possibilities, the AST is duplicated and the parser moves ahead on all copies, independently.
Abstract Syntax Tree
The shunting yard algorithm (well, a modification) is used for operators to ensure they get the proper children.
@El'endiaStarman I've used shunting yard in the past, but these days I'm too lazy to use it.
@ChrisJester-Young How else do you parse infix operators? o.O
@ChrisJester-Young Oh, you get another language to do the dirty work for you? -_-
Hey, Bison is great
@El'endiaStarman Hey, it's an EDSL, so it's all inline in the code. ;-)
@HelkaHomba What do you mean?
There's nothing unfactual about that paragraph.
(except that Dapper isn't the only thing used for data access; some of the older code use LINQ to SQL.)
@ChrisJester-Young Oh, you know - people hate Microsoft or Visual Studio for such and such reason.
@HelkaHomba ewwww asp.net
@HelkaHomba I don't hate VS at all. :-)
@quartata It's ASP.NET MVC, not plain-jane ASP.NET.
That's a little better
I thought you guys used PHP
@quartata :trollface:
No, really.
The IDE is at least set to use Comic Sans, right?
@DanielM. No.
wingdings actually
I believe the default is Consolas and nobody bothers to change it.
@ChrisJester-Young I thought it's courier or courier new
@DanielM. No way.
consolas is the go-to windows mono font
@ChrisJester-Young Or maybe I've been using eclipse too much for my own good.
if you don't feel like getting something else
@LockOpeners After getting used to some of the crazy encodings on PPCG, wingdings actually looks pretty sane.
half of them are numbers and arrows - quite useful
@Sp3000 @Dennis @aditsu Congrats on the 100 score on GCJ!
@HelkaHomba Just had a challenge idea about wingdings
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Daniel M.Help! Everything is in Wingdings! code-golfimage-processing Your task is to write a program or function that converts wingdings to a readable font. The input to the program will be the path to a png file with between 1 and 10 wingdings characters. Your output should be the message contained in...

Code Jam has too few test cases, cumbersome I/O and C had a loophole. We should really point them to Meta.
What loophole?
@Dennis Do you remember a challenge in which the python solution is to hash the image?
Doesn't ring a bell.
@Dennis any challenge related to images
@Dennis loophole?
@KennyLau Flags
@Sp3000 yes
@Sp3000 care to link?
The exact input was known before the timer started, so you didn't have to worry about anything but numbers of 16 or 32 digits.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

print('Case #1:')
N, J = map(int, input().split())

for i in range(J):
	half = bin(2 ** (N // 2 - 1) + i * 2 + 1)[2:]
	full = half * 2
	print(full, *[int(half, base) for base in range(2, 11)], sep = ' ')
(Now I'm wondering what the sep = ' ' was for. I think that's the default value.)
@Sp3000 found it
Q: Fun with flags!

Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJWrite a full program with a source code of 256 bytes or less that looks at an image of a flag and determines what country that flag is from. A zip file containing the 196 different flags in the challenge can be downloaded from here. Source: [Flagpedia]. These 196 flag images are the only inputs y...

Yeah Codejam has way too few test cases IMO
Not that the pancake one was hard
it had 5 very short test cases
Very annoying, but probably intentional.
I wish then they have limits from 1 - 100, they'd give test cases involving more than the bottom 3 of those numbers
Looking at you D
@QPaysTaxes I'm going to ask something out of topic as always
Would anyone here happen to know an answer to this:
Q: Grunt + Babel successfully runs but doesn't do anything

DowngoatI'm rather new to grunt/npm but after reading up the docs. I have made myself a package.json and a Gruntfile.js. Here's my folder structure: / |- src |- myfile.es6 |- anotherfile.es6 |- etc. |- Gruntfile.js |- package.json What I have Here's my Gruntfile: module.exports = funct...

@KennyLau Yeah that's the one I had in mind, sorry was busy
@LockOpeners Test cases aren't about length, it's about covering all [bc]ases
@QPaysTaxes :D
@QPaysTaxes I always begin by vanishing my expectations when in inappropriate chat rooms haha. So on debate.org a (forum) website where you do formal debates, I was noticed by some dude because he liked my ideas and how I expressed it. Imo, my performance was horrific.. anyway, he wants me to help with with a start-up blog on topics including business, economics, politics, etc.. seems sketchy
Open to all opinions
Thanks. What do you mean by "wait for the check to clear"?
A: Showcase your language one vote at a time

Mama Fun Roll𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟 Length 10 Snippet ɟ⍞#rœэ¡²Ĩċ Here's a really nasty infinite loop. It uses jQuery to press the "Run" button, which will execute the code that presses the "Run" button, which will execute... You get the idea. Even worse, it's impossible to stop without force-quitting Firefox itself, ...

@JesterTran There is a period of time where a cheque can be dishonoured.
@QPaysTaxes ^...t'(?<=(?=[WHACK])[QWERTY]ha..)s\swr..(?<=on)g\?$
@JesterTran You want to make sure that that time has passed, that the cheque hasn't been dishonoured.
Just finished updating the ESMin showcase!
Also, the length 10 snippet is pretty cool IMO.
@ChrisJester-Young I see, thanks.
Suppose it's going fine and he wants to send money. What's the best medium? PayPal?
@MamaFunRoll downgoating because you used jquery
@QPaysTaxes and.. I contacted him through skype on dummy acc. No harm?
@QPaysTaxes fake
@Downgoat I cri
@QPaysTaxes Can you identify some devastating consequences that could occur during this thing I'm doing?
@MamaFunRoll -1 for no "evry tiem"
@QPaysTaxes Was lazy :P
I feel like a phishing scam would come up with a different idea that a "startup blog". Not exactly the common get rich quick scheme.
@QPaysTaxes Most likely case: He's just some teenager who wants to get famous online by writing a blog and having other people help.
Still suspicious so I'll try to mask my identity fully by changing the way I type
So if he wants to send me money, is PayPal the best?
@QPaysTaxes Nah
@JesterTran You can't be serious. Figuring out the identity of many people here on PPCG is not at all difficult, but you don't hear about @MartinBüttner getting kidnapped or anything.
@Downgoat you are an idiot
@QPaysTaxes If you want it to be as as possible, use Bitcoin.
@Dennis I'm pretty sure that 'loophole' was intentional. This isn't the first time a problem could be cheesed with precomputation.
@QPaysTaxes Hah, that's cool.
@xsot All the things I mentioned were intentional. I was just comparing them to PPCG.
I think the cumbersome I/O can be excused given that it's likely designed for ease of judging.
Oh, all those things are prefectly appropriate for Code Jam.
:D everyone passed the qualifier
I'd expect nothing less from the PPCG group.
Seriously, we basically do Code Jam all day e'rry day... :P
And invent programming languages to do it more!
@El'endiaStarman I'd imagine Pytek would be a very good Code Jam language when it's finished
Oh yeah, probably.
Good thing I'm probably gonna participate next year. :D
Since speed seems to be quite important, I should probably switch to a language I'm more comfortable with...
@Dennis Jelly?
you can have the shortest code in Code Jam
@MarsUltor I don't think I did
I forgot to do enough stuff
@Downgoat Oh
Writing Jelly isn't exactly easy. CJam would be a better choice, I think.
@Dennis still, you would probably have the shortest code
@Downgoat No, he wasn't trying to golf it
True, but that has no impact on the score. Speed does.
@Dennis Only if you are confident your answer works
People have gotten an answer in in <3 mins
symbols = {}
tobedef = {}
currChild = [0]
currNodes = [root]
currScope = [0]
currValue = [[]]
I am unreasonably pleased with the variable name lengths. :P
...what? o.O
I literally just answered A and B
Readable code is an absolute must for the Pytek interpreter. :P
and I got qualified
30 points is enough for qualification.
how many points for each?
They just want to make sure there's a point to letting you compete. :P
def a := 3;
if true {
    a = 2
    print a // what should print here?
print a // what should print here?
can someone tell me how blok-scoping should work in theabove exmpale
@MarsUltor True. But I'm very familiar with CJam (~500 PPCG answers), and it's more difficult to mess stuff up when using a built-in. All tasks of the qualification round used either base conversion or run-length encoding, so writing those submissions in CJam would have been a lot easier.
@QPaysTaxes Not yet. Closest thing to docs at the moment is this: syntax spec (draft).
@Downgoat 2, 2
@KennyLau It should say it at the top of the question, I think.
what else would it print?
@Dennis 500? Wow.
@Doorknob 2, 3
@QPaysTaxes Python.
@QPaysTaxes Python
@QPaysTaxes wait really???
@Downgoat If conditionals never create new scopes.
@MarsUltor 506 to be exact.
@El'endiaStarman really?
@Downgoat that wouldn't make sense
why would you not be allowed to modify existing variables
@Dennis That's around half your answers
is everything constant by default?
variables declared within conditionals should be block-scoped
@QPaysTaxes Haha. I'm only allowing quartata to help, and even then, I'm not letting him work on the parser.
if true {
    def a := 3
    print a // this will obviously print 3
print a // shouldn't this throw a reference error?
I am confused
@Downgoat yes
@Downgoat ?
He'll be helping with everything else though, and @quartata has been invaluable with regards to suggesting, criticizing, and otherwise evaluating ideas.
@MarsUltor Yup. Since aditsu introduced CJam to PPCG and before I created Jelly, I used it almost exclusively.
@El'endiaStarman I'm also good at criticizing ideas
is really bad at criticizing
@QPaysTaxes Haha, I've had basically no formal training either. :P
I'll keep you in mind when it comes time to test the language.
@MarsUltor nice, congrats on the 100 score for GCJ as well
@Doorknob Thanks
Anyway, re: scopes, the rule I'll be using for Pytek is: only functions create new scopes.
@El'endiaStarman WHAT
that's what JavaScript does...
@QPaysTaxes How so?
and everyone hates JS for doing that...
@Downgoat And, so far as I can tell, same goes for Python.
JS has let, for block scoping
>>> x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
>>> if True:
	x = 3
elif False:
	x = 5

>>> x
@QPaysTaxes Yes.
@Sherlock9 congrats to you too for the 100 on GCJ :)
That makes 5 PPCG users so far
No. In fact, Pytek will be even more flexible when it comes to defining variables. It'll be possible to define a variable in terms of other variables that are defined later (though in the same scope) and have it work.
@Doorknob Can you add a Score column?
@MarsUltor just add everybody to your friends list :)
@Doorknob I did
I tried GJM but they disqualified me because I wrote all my code upside-down
@QPaysTaxes It'll be on GitHub eventually, don't worry. :P (I'm working on it now, actually.)
@QPaysTaxes Meaning variables are resolved when they are accessed, I think
@QPaysTaxes Yes.
I am also planning on making it possible to use mutable types as keys in dictionaries, unlike Python, which only allows hashable immutable objects.
@QPaysTaxes Did I not say that in the spec? I was planning on that too.
@El'endiaStarman How on earth would that work efficiently? o_O
@Sp3000 I'll hash when possible and just do a normal search otherwise.
@QPaysTaxes I'm actually planning on allowing it even when the hash changes.
Computers are constantly getting faster. It'll be more important to have an easy-to-use language than a totally efficient or fast language.
Maybe I'll add a flag you can use so the interpreter tells you when there are possible inefficiencies.
@El'endiaStarman Like Python
gotta have easy to use totally efficient
@El'endiaStarman Maybe you can add more flags to disable certain inefficient features?
@MarsUltor I could do that, yeah.

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