@BernardMeurer Go for it then. It's good to be excited about these things. Chances are if you stay motivated you'll have a good experience wherever you go.
“I find myself compelled by the so-crazy-it’s-gotta-be-right proposal of the psychologist Barry Schwartz: run admissions by lottery. [...] Before you write Schwartz’s proposal off, remember this. Currently, we’ve got a random process, disguised as a deliberative one. Why not take off the mask?”
‘In the last 15 to 20 years, Yale’s applicant pool has gone from “hypercompetitive” to “a Darwinian dystopia so cutthroat you’d feel guilty even simulating it on a computer, just in case the simulations had emotions.”’
“It is deliberate that you will find little about our innovation online. Our stealth development program is focused upon producing unexpected energy and security advantages for customers.”
I wonder what the Indonesian language sounds like to foreigners. I only sort of count, because I've heard it all my life and but I've not understood it all my life
@BernardMeurer Papa bless the reconstruction of governments
I know that Indonesia has a similar, widespread but not as large-scale corruption problem
This song came up while I was listening to spotify radio. It features some pretty relatable lyrics such as "I don't love you, I love avacado" and "I don't need your sweet fruit, ... I love only avacado" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sePD18TTrW8
Anyway, it was someone else's phone in the past, then they stopped using it, then the one I had at the moment got run over by a truck (probably), so it became unusable within a month or so, so I got the phone I have now.
I had that one for about a year. I think it too was a used phone, which I got to replace my previous phone that lasted four years before it just gradually stopped working.
All of them were "dumb" phones, but they did just what I needed: text.
Idk if this is just a Mac thing, but if you've sudo'd once in your terminal session then you can continue to use sudo commands without entering your password the subsequent times.
arch comes with no bs, but you can always download more bs you want with pacman/yaourt, because their collection of bs is greater than any other distro.
@BernardMeurer Using any GPL version for your project is like saying "f*ck your project" to anyone who wants to use your code. Use MIT (or 2clause BSD) if you really care about open source...
MIT, BSD and MS-PL give you all the benefits of GPL (attribution, license integrity, trademark protection and liability mitigation) in a lesser, easier license.