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@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ask on code review >:D
@AlexA. Trying to find some data on this: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/8736/…
@Downgoat >:D nope
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ .children'schildren, AKA .grandchildren
@AlexA. <b> test</b> plain <i><b>thing</b></i>
@flawr I ninja'd it from you. ;D
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ uhhh, I think there's an outer text property
Not grandchildren, but targeting plain
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ why are you using a css classt o classify children?
@AlexA. What?
@Quill I know, but I need to recursively parse it.
@flawr I posted an answer that has the data you're looking for.
I'm still trying to get the DAMN data.stackoverflow.com print ANYTHING.
@Downgoat ? element.children
@flawr Weird. SEDE could be down ATM.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ use range.createContextualFragment
works for me though
function convertToDomDoc(htmlString){
    var range = document.createRange();
    return range.createContextualFragment(htmlString);
@Quill -1 for camel case. Pascal case is the best
@Downgoat Camel case is JavaScript style though...
@Quill :D thanks! TIL!
Clearly, golf-style one-byte variable names are the best
@Quill Why AirBNB?
There's a DOM parser class, but I couldn't get it to work
@AlexA. They just wrote a good style guide
@AlexA. because it's the one that supports his point
A lot of the big companies that use entire javascript stacks like to write their own js style guide
Kind of like how Panda Strike wrote a good Ruby style guide
@Downgoat oh damn son, rekt
@Quill How do I access it's properties? Numeric things don't work
@Quill wrong there,, use their
yeah... I'm really tired
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ click the numbers, copy the fragmented urls
They are 27 programmers in this room and none of them know how to write a bootloader :(
Go to shoe store, purchase boot, load it with foot
That's because there's no good reason to write an OS.
@Downgoat At least 1 of them doesn't know what that is.
@Quill which numbers??
@Dennis ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oh hai dat'd be me
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ who?
@AlexA. Got a link?
@Dennis That Schizophrenic dude that wrote TempleOS surely doesn't agree with you!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ a bootloader is a thing that goes into the master boot record (a thing the computer uses to figure out what to boot). and boots the kernel (the basic part of the SO).
It seems the YEAR function is causing problems.
@Downgoat and booting is just starting up right?
@flawr You want datepart(year, CreationDate)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yes
I have the code to display stuff but I don't know how to boot it :/
@Sherlock9 It's been a while since I've seen it but I'll try to find it again.
@AlexA. Thank you
@AlexA. Strange, I was so damn sure that year() was a correct command.
even stranger: It works fine for me
var messages = document.querySelectorAll(".content");
var msg = messages[messages.length - 1];
var range = document.createRange();
var frag = range.createContextualFragment(msg.innerHTML);
Sorry, didn't mean for that to onebox
How do I access the properties of frag?
@Sherlock9 I guess technically they didn't really write it; it's a fork of another Ruby style guide. See here
Alright, thank you
@Sherlock9 TIL that gists onebox :O
@Sherlock9 Anytime!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ very carefully so it doesn't blow up
@Downgoat ._. is there a javascript chatroom somewhere?
@flawr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SEDE uses Transact-SQL, which may or may not have that function. All I know is that datepart(year, ...) will get you what you're looking for.
there should be one...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yes, as part of chat.stackoverflow.com
Their chat is separate from chat.stackexchange.com
Do they accept questions?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I had one going on CR for a while, but it died
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Probably
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think so
goodness gracious the pings
it's not that they don't accept them
they get heaps of help vampires show up
@AlexA. Strangely as soon as I add that to a minimal example it stops working.
I've seen meta-room chatrooms get flooded with vamps
@AlexA. That gist was written by a CR guy, and I figured it was a good response to minxomat's picture
@flawr Add what?
is there an OS development / bootloader chatroom?
@Downgoat probably not
If there is it's in chat.stackoverflow
@AlexA. The date.
can I ask a "how do I make a bootloader" on stackoverflow or will it be downvoted in to oblivion?
(with the command you showed me)
@flawr Can you be more specific? What are you doing that isn't working?
@BernardMeurer Hello!
@Sherlock9 Told me to share my new development methodology with you guys
@BernardMeurer Hi!
I merely shared the silliness :D
I just realized I have spent like 4 hours today trying to make a bootloader and not written one byte of code O_o
(for the bootloader)
Silliness? That's true for a lot of devs :p
@Downgoat here
@Quill what do you think was the first thing I googled?
@AlexA. SELECT Id FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 1 and datepart(year, CreationDate)> 2015;
@Downgoat "relaxing whale music"
@BernardMeurer While you're here, do you know how to make a bootloader?
As soon as I add the and datepart... it doesn't work anymore.
great way to start off a long development session
But I think I have to give up for now
@Quill ಠ_ಠ how did you know...
@flawr What do you mean doesn't work?
@BernardMeurer Hence why I'm laughing at it. Otherwise, I'd cry :')
@Sherlock9 Mate, I make ARM boards cry blood with bad assembly code, I ain't got nothing to do with no bootloader
It is just loading forever and never printing a result.
@Quill that shit is my jam, son
@AlexA. is jam dam's brother
@flawr Hm
jam son and dam son
@BernardMeurer Welp, it was worth a shot :D
@BernardMeurer there is bad assembly code? subtly drags all my assembly code into trash.
@Sherlock9 On a serious note tho I have worked on implementing the a Linux kernel bootloader on ARM microprocessors
Whatcha need?
@Downgoat Yes, all assembly code pretty much
@BernardMeurer you know how to make a bootloader??? :D
Well, Downgoat is the one that's looking for help with bootloaders. I just figured I'd ask for them
Ehm, I can implement a bootloader
@AlexA. Don't worry, I just don't have the patience anymore at that time of the day. Spent too much time trying to get some c++ stuff to work over the last few days=)
Which is why I can now play doom on my calculator :)
@BernardMeurer Doomed?
@flawr Getting C++ to cooperate can be trying in and of itself :P
@BernardMeurer That's cool :D
@BernardMeurer XD
I think one of the guys in the JS room wrote a bootloader in JS
@Sherlock9 I have some pictures if you want:p
I would love some
That and me running linux on the same calculator
Gimme a moment
@AlexA. Well the first step wasn't even cooperating, but doing anything except throwing around with red evil errors XD
@Quill how do you write a bootloader in JS?
@Downgoat I'll take a look at your code in a second
Oh, now there was a success after about 15 min of loading!!!!
@Downgoat require('bootloader.js')
@BernardMeurer thanks so much :D
@Downgoat well he wrote it enough to let you use windows 98 and a bunch of other operating systems
33 lines? Papa bless this will take a while
Who is Papa Bless?
@Quill O_o
@AlexA. Papa is whichever god is out there, and he's blessing the code
Or it can be Papa john from papa john's pizza
your pick
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by JustinKaz
in javascript.... what are you loading ?
import project, a dab of Python'll do ya
Alrighty @Downgoat What is happening here, where is the loading?
@BernardMeurer i a, trying to make a bootloader to this kernel: github.com/jQueryOS/AvocadOS/tree/master/kernel
@BernardMeurer woah
Take that netBSD


Discussion for the design and creation of AvocadOS. How juic o...
^ Might be a better place for discussing how to build a bootloader
Since (I assume) it's for that project
Wait. Did you just try de-topic-ify this room @AlexA?
Just seems like it'd be a good place for it since it's relevant to that project
@Downgoat I'll be honest, I have no clue right now
I think I have a working bootloader somewhere here
@flawr ಠ_ಠ
@Downgoat ಠ‿ಠ
¯\_( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ) _/¯
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LiamInfinite Hexagony Loops In this challenge, we will be determining whether or not a restricted-source hexagony program terminates or loops forever. Input A hexagony program that contains only the "Flow Control" characters: / | _ | > < the no-op character: . the program terminate character: ...

@Quill o_o
@flawr D':
@Downgoat Agree D:
I feel really proud whenever I can use golfing languages for real purposes
@AlexA. How long does such a query take to load for you?
@flawr ~70ms
I needed a string of all ASCII characters from ! to ~. Writing a Python script to print those would take a couple of seconds, but in CJam it's super easy '~),
Q: Hello Cat Quine!

Aplet123Objective Your goal is to make a program that is a combination of a Hello, world! program, a cat program, and a quine. If you don't already know, a Hello, world! program is a program that prints out Hello, world!, a cat program is a program that copies it's input verbatim to it's output, and a q...

@AlexA. So 13 min is above average?
can we just pin them to the top of the site so we don't get any more duplicates?
@BernardMeurer Do students still use graphing calculators if they have smartphones?
@HelkaHomba My phone doesn't play doom
Nor run linux
And the SAT's require a calculator
little did they know
@BernardMeurer Oh I suppose
@HelkaHomba Isn't Helka a volcano?
I found out (on iFunny) that you can plug in a mouse into Android and it would work, but I don't have a reverse miniusb to usb so i can no do it
No, that's hekla
@Lynn #QuineLivesMatter
@HelkaHomba My phone has a TI-84 emulator on it ._.
@Lynn My TI has tetris.
@Lynn That's what I mean. Who really needs a graphing calc now
Seriously, the thing I lack most on a phone is something like TI-BASIC to goof around with.
@HelkaHomba phones aren't allowed in class
BASIC: Just a bit of a goof
at least for younger classes
Basic: Basic Ascii Syntax Instruction Copyright
You can't comfortably write code on a smartphone. I dunno what it was about the TI-83, but it felt very snug.
Do kids pass notes anymore or is it all texting under the table?
TI-ASM is fun. Especially when you make infinite loops :)
@HelkaHomba They do, because my school doesn't allow phones outside of lockers.
@HelkaHomba It’s the future. The kids I teach (age 16) take photos of the blackboard instead of taking notes. T_T
@Lynn Same here
What do you teach?
does mac mount USB as tty devices?
I’m a math tutor; I’m participating in my university’s tutoring program
@Downgoat Think so
@Lynn I teach maths too, the struggle is real
It’s a one-time thing I wanted to try out. The conclusion is I don’t think I could do it for a living at all @_@
@Lynn In college there was a guy who did that with an actual camera, flash and all. It was quite disruptive.
@Lynn Which app is this?
It’s sort of fun? But, a little frustrating
@Sherlock9 WabbitEmu
@AlexA. Shhhh, don't say College near me
It helps you download a ROM legally and everything!
@BernardMeurer Um, sorry?
@AlexA. That is amazing
Excellent. Now I can try TI calculators mwahahahaha
@Lynn I find that ridiculous. I remember my peers doing that in college. You're not going to absorb anything you're being taught if you don't write it down!
@Lynn I don't think things get fixated as well when you just take a picture, I rather they write it down
@BernardMeurer I am in sophomore year. Fourth semester starts on the 28th
I’m imagining a Polaroid camera so it’s funnier
@HelkaHomba Exactly why I always wrote everything. I still take notes all the time if I want to actually remember something.
I just applied to schools in the US, it's decisions season and I'm almost having a heart attack everyday
@Lynn This is true. I have tried it and writing code on a smartphone is a pain in the butt
+ Yeah, if I don’t take notes (a) I won’t gain any handwriting EXP points, and (b) my attention trails off elsewhere
My attention trails off when I'm taking notes @_@
Honestly, I think if you can, leave the US for university. The university system is scary in many ways
I'm Brazilian :p
Honestly, if you can, stay out of the US for university :P
in Brazil, going to the US (if papa blesses it)
@BernardMeurer A friend of mine is from Brazil and is in the US for university.
@Sherlock9 How old are you?
@AlexA. May I ask which school?
I'm 20, and living in Indonesia
Canada is cool, the UK is cool. Heck, Indonesia has decent international CS programs for a fraction of the cost
It's centered around making video games
But US schools have all that fancy research money that just makes me drool
Same school my girlfriend goes to
I applied to Waterloo tho (in Canada)
Which US schools did you apply to?
I'm partial to the University of Washington in Seattle. Who knows why... :P
cough UW is best school cough
cough the UW CS department is stupidly well funded cough
@AlexA. NCSU, GA Tech, VA Tech, UC (Berkeley, SD, Davis), Cornell, UPenn, Minnesota (Twin Cities), Waterloo (Canada)
I think that's all
The UC system is boss as fuck. I applied to Berkeley and Davis for grad school.
So far: Davis: Denied, UIUC: Denied, UCSD: Accepted, VA Tech: Accepter, GA Tech: Waitlist
UPenn is also a really good school.
@BernardMeurer Well if it is that, then come to Germany.
the rest is unknown and it's literally killing me
I promise we won't remind you of that world cup game :P
ETH Zurich!
@mınxomaτ My german is less than ideal
@mınxomaτ fite me

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