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So I guess my squares of squares has already been thoroughly researched as @PeterTaylor found out.. I will still call it TanMath numbers for fun! does anybody have anything to say about my sandboxed post? I have heard that the decsription is unclear... How can we fix that?
@TanMath link to post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathSquares of squares Premise One night, I was just contemplating on numbers. I found out about something unique about numbers like 7, 10, 12, 13, and more. They are squares of squares! Meaning, that when squared,are comprised of squares themselves. Examples of such numbers include 7 (49 has 2 and...

Q: How to count programs in Folders?

Martin BüttnerFolders is an esoteric programming language without any files at all. Instead, the program is represented by the directory structure instead, so our normal rules for counting the file size of the program won't work here (or all Folders programs would be zero bytes, which is clearly impractical). ...

Hello Mr. Jedi.
Or can I call you supper?
Why are red Starbucks cups worthy of national news ._.
Okay people, I'm looking for a Windows version of Elite which doesn't need an emulator
@flawr Sort of. He deleted a message of inappropriate content due to repeated name calling. That comes with a 30 minute suspension.
@Calvin'sHobbies Ikr :P
I guess nobody has anything to say...
TIL Mathematica uses Rule 30 for generating random integers.
@PeterTaylor is there a limit on k?
@TanMath I think Geobits' comment on your sandbox post is very relevant, and the OEIS page that Peter Taylor links to has a similar wording that may help clarify your question wording: "Squares which are a decimal concatenation of two or more squares."
@trichoplax ok.. anything else?
@TanMath I do appreciate and accept the apology. Joking isn't always obvious. ;) As Dennis said, I deleted a message containing what I felt to be offensive content, which carries with it a 30-minute suspension. While some playful banter is generally tolerated in The Nineteenth Byte, please avoid name-calling as it can be misconstrued.
I think it's a good question just not clear yet - once you have the wording that works you'll be more likely to get feedback as more people will be able to understand the question and comment on it. If it takes several readings to make sense of it some people will not have the time to read it over enough times to give feedback.
@Doorknob I think you misunderstood my question... I meant, how do I run it so that it doesn't throw a floating-point exception and die.
@AlexA. Sure thing Mr. Wrong
awaits incoming mute
(See, in this case I know you're kidding)
Gah, so I have to do my own research?
Chat trolls are able to instinctively identify each other's trolling :P
@Mego This reminds me of the time on the PPCG Minecraft server I mentioned that I don't like LotR and Calvin kicked me from the server.
@Mego Amen to that!
@AlexA. hehehe...
@Mego wait, who is the troll?
Mego and I are both trolls. ;)
But @Geobits is the original chat troll.
Then it was Optimizer
@AlexA. I can't be the original. I studied the works of the classic trolls long before I joined.
The original Nineteenth Byte troll
The difference between Alex and I is that I am not always wrong
Hello, Not Always Wrong. I'm Rainbolt.
four is the cosmic number
I want to make that a challenge
@Rainbolt changes name
@Rainbolt Are you sure you aren't your dad?
@BetaDecay Exception: Geneology overflow
@Mego In case you're considering it, you know you can only name change once every 30 days, right?
"I'm My Own Grandpa" (sometimes rendered as "I'm My Own Grandpaw") is a novelty song written by Dwight Latham and Moe Jaffe, performed by Lonzo and Oscar in 1947, about a man who, through an unlikely (but legal) combination of marriages, becomes stepfather to his own stepmother — that is, tacitly dropping the "step-" modifiers, he becomes his own grandfather. In the 1930s, Latham had a group, the Jesters, on network radio; their specialties were bits of spoken humor and novelty songs. While reading a book of Mark Twain anecdotes, he once found a paragraph in which Twain proved it would be possible...
@trichoplax Not if you change it on different sites
@BetaDecay So you have different names on different sites?
@trichoplax Yes.
That workaround did not work for me, despite several attempts. Bigtoes was a thing for 30 days.
@ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
Were you stuck as Bigtoes on all sites for 30 days?
@Dennis ಠ_ಠ-ception
@ಠ_ಠ why so serious?
Beta Decay doesn't have any good anagrams
@Geobits You could have asked a mod to change it.
That makes Beta Decay sad
@BetaDecay I take that as a challenge=)
@Dennis It wasn't that big a deal, tbh. It's not like it was offensive or anything.
@BetaDecay I'm pretty sure several were posted in chat quite a while ago.
None that were as good as Bigtoes or Rood bonk though
@flawr Go for it :D
Bad Cat Eye?
Nothing's as good as Bigtoes.
@trichoplax Yeah I learned from Bigtoes :P
I like Bigotes. :)
translate: bigotes
(from Spanish) whiskers
That sounds like a cat name. Not a fan of cats.
Dogs have whiskers too...
Are you a fan of big toes?
Yea, but I've never heard of a dog named Whiskers.
Box plots have whiskers too...
@flawr Yeah, I came up with Bad Cat Eye
Eat Cab Dye
I edited the questin @trichoplax
@BetaDecay Do it! Do it! Do it!
@BetaDecay Be a cad yet? Not great, but descriptive enough :P
@Dennis Seriously???
@Dennis Alright then :D
@BetaDecay o no cat cannot see
words words words
@anOKsquirrel uh what
@Mego read the README?
The deed is done
@Doorknob People actually read those?
@AlexA. my hands, words
words sword dowrs
@BadCatEye Refreshed ur profilee
@Doorknob Where might I find this mystical README?
git pull
Oh, you added one after I cloned it last night
.gitignore -> README
@Dennis That is I
I found a new avatar
for you
hey, 100 100+ works in my lang now!
commit message: Nobody reads the readme anyway
very simple, I know
@BadCatEye Expected more? Epected more?!?! I could spend hours simply explaining to you how to win the game. :P
@flawr nice cat
I don't have a cat D:
anOKsquirrel -> Square or Link
@Doorknob It's not a victory if you're the only player
@TanMath Looking better. I'd be inclined to remove the long output in the examples and just display the output number as you want it to appear - it's easier to pick up the meaning that way which might result in more answers.
@trichoplax oh. remove the "The nth TanMath number is" stuff?
@Geobits what?
@flawr No. Just no.
@anOKsquirrel I think that's an anagram of your username
@TanMath It's up to you. I think it would be clearer that way, yes.
@BadCatEye last I checked there were over 3 million games on nethack.alt.org alone
@AlexA. eyyyy cool
wait a second who am I replying to
@trichoplax ok...
@Doorknob That's another one of Alex's socks
@Doorknob Formerly Beta Decay :P
@Doorknob he changed his name!
oh you changed your name as I was typing my first message O_o
@Mego Apparently I have a whole drawer full. :P
@AlexA. we need to add this to the list of memes!
@AlexA. :P
Non, je m'appelle Bad Cat Eye
Loaner Quirks, etc etc etc
709 anagrams, ahhhh
@TanMath Actually anagram usernames is already in the meme list :)
Ou pas faux. :P
@trichoplax Do you happen to have a better res version of your turvatar?
A: The Many Memes of PPCG

DoorknobMeme: A Manager Man's Ruse (anagram usernames) Origin: Bigtoes (Geobits) / Rainbolt Cultural Height: March - August 2015 Background: Geobits changes his username to Bigtoes after Rainbolt points out they are anagrams. Later, Digital Trauma becomes Maria Tidal Tug, only to discover that usernam...

+1 for turvatar
@AlexA. i know.. I am going to edit it!
@Calvin'sHobbies I have the sudden eerie feeling of being about to be featured in a challenge. I'm sure it'll pass though.
@BadCatEye You've been added to the anagram list
It's called the Calvin syndrome
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Added a Vitsy answer that's actually doing surprisingly well.
@Calvin'sHobbies I don't, but the code to produce it is in my first ever PPCG answer, so I could probably generate one. Do you mean less pixelated, or sharper squares to depict the current level of pixelation?
"Nor I Once Orb" is the best I can do with my name :P
@Mego I was going to do it!
@trichoplax Less pixelated
@TanMath 2slow
@Calvin'sHobbies It's never existed less pixelated, but I believe the python turtle module can display at variable sizes
Q: Programmming a Pristine World

Calvin's HobbiesLet's define a pristine program as a program that does not have any errors itself but will error if you modify it by removing any contiguous substring of N characters, where 1 <= N < program length. For example, the three character Python 2 program `8` is a pristine program (thanks, Sp) becau...

I can't answer that one in Seriously :(
Aw, seriously?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Coin or Boner
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Racoon Robin
There is no such thing as a syntax error in Seriously :(
@Mego seriously? (haha see what I did there lol)
@Calvin'sHobbies Are you looking to display turtle style turtles in general, or that specific colour and angle?
> turtle style turtles
@flawr Wait, boner?
There are other styles of turtles?
@AlexA. I'm quite sure you know what I mean :P
@BadCatEye What is wrong with Boner?
@Mego I like to think that Dennis and Sp are sobbing over their keyboards since they can't find a way to use Cjam
@flawr In Britain it means something... phallic
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ come on! change! I will have the meme edit tab open!
^^ And in the US
@BadCatEye Doesn't it mean something phallic everywhere*? (*english speaking places)
@flawr It does? Oh never mind haha
@trichoplax I just like the turtle
Everyone loves the tricho turtle
@flawr It has been used innocently in English literature: tolkiengateway.net/wiki/The_Stone_Troll
@Calvin'sHobbies New tattoo?
But Troll don't care, and he's still there
With the bone he boned from its owner.
Doner! Boner!
@Calvin'sHobbies hey look! more trolls!
@Calvin'sHobbies Probably. I am too
@Calvin'sHobbies I kind of like the pixelation, so I've never tried, but I'll dig Python out and see if it can be scaled
Especially because I can't find enough recent challenges that I can post reasonably Seriously answers on
@Calvin'sHobbies In older English it meant a mistake. I think that use has since fallen out of favor due to the... other... meaning.
> reasonably Seriously answers
Too many pings :o
@Calvin'sHobbies o sorry
@Calvin'sHobbies more pings! :p
@Calvin'sHobbies ping ping!
@BadCatEye Aw thanks :)
@Calvin'sHobbies sorry! ;)
@Doorknob The README is wrong, the output bin file is bin/fractal, not bin/cfractal
@trichoplax It embodies everything we know and love about our good friend trichoplax. <33333
@Mego oh thanks, I'll fix that
@trichoplax No biggie. I'm not actually making a turtle challenge.
@AlexA. I read that as "The only thing we know about trichoplax is that turtle" :P
I hate moderator election notifications
There's more to know?
@Calvin'sHobbies OK I won't try too hard - but I'll see if it's straightforward
@Sparr Why?
@Calvin'sHobbies Viable Boss Inch
@AlexA. they trick me into thinking I've got a real notification
remind me to ping @Sparr while he's asleep and say nothing
If I was to make a new user tribute challenge I'd ironically probably get the most upvotes if it was about Geobits.
But why would you ever do that, @Doorknob?
@Calvin'sHobbies Very true
@Doorknob there are already rules about that. do it too many times and you'd get in trouble with the admins
I get election notifications every couple of days
the admins?
site moderators

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