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but when we get raided, that causes confusion
and then vote split
We don't seem confused ATM
yes, which is why we need to settle
I think it must be inverted. Upvoting seemed decreasing everything else
Ok, so star this next message:
i'll follow anything
rainbolt, flag at start of each graduate?
@Runer112 no
or are we not doing that
Did we do that last time?
Looked like we shot out of the gates with four stars already
I thought maybe I missed a round
We've still got our flags.
oh okay then
So when you graduate you auto get four hearts. No flags needed
275 maybe?
how about this
We're being raided
By three users....
get questions up to 4, then if other stats are all at 0, flag?
We win!
276, not bad
Flag will bring questions back to 1 though
not bad at all
It resets everything
it does? oh
I thought it said minimum of 1
what's witht he minimum voters requirement ?
shit I was on autopilot
We're number one
answers was red guys lol
we need more answers
As in, on the leaderboard
@Optimizer Based on previous voting I think.
why will someone restart at this point ?
Oh whoops I missed the warning
true hater ?
restarts are coming in hard
a little late at this point lol
Is some other site trying for us to reset the game?
What happened to top to bottom?
also, why are we voting answers
max questions first
@Rainbolt in only 2 choices, we should alternate
@Runer112 because they decrease each other and cause them to go red
oh, really
by 1/3
If you guys keep this up, maybe you'll set a new record for most people in the Nineteenth Byte at once - 90% of whom are raiders
I've got to go eat lunch
they just need 51% raiders
I assume the fort can be held down with one less
I wonder when it will end?
When it is no longer Wednesday anywhere
april's fool?
Is there a point to doing nothing?
why are we getting nothing raided ?
No point in nothing
@Hasturkun maybe its actually good when everything is full , but nobody tested
Nothing in nothing
@Rainbolt we dont actually know
For nothing you only need a simple majority, not 51%
Should be alternating ask answer IMO
Maybe nothing decreases decay? No idea
maybe if everything is full, doing nothing makes hearts get reduced slower
@Sp3000 exactly
Alternating would also make them decrease slower?
Since you are actively refilling?
@Rainbolt maybe nothing is even slower
like 1/12
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by Unionhawk
@John Congratulations Code Golf. You win April Fools. Probably the most dubious possible honor won with the most dubious possible methods.
You could pick a site in private beta and test
When they are all full., go with majority.
My guess is that the option exists because it is what happens when nobody votes
When nobody votes, the turn counter doesn't increase
At least, that's what the help says
Same as if it fails on the second restart vote, no day increase.
well, it says "Nothing. The day does not advance, and another voting round starts"
Seems bad
Hah. We got 9 unanimous users lol
@Geobits Thanks.
Somebody flagged Optimizer as offensive for suggesting a raid? WTF?
Oh come on, why is someone flagging messages in our room?
Because they are jealous, obviously
I think people are getting irritated about the raiding, as you are taking something fun and making it very much less so for many involved.
In the third phase I believe is best to keep answers and quality at top, then questions, since answers and quality is what determines the traffic. I don't know if it's worth using a close to get quality up fast
Thus, people are offended.
Why is the restart button even an option if not for raiding?
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon André ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

This game seemed perfectly designed for this tactic IMO.
Hah. We ignored the warning and nothing happened...
@Rainbolt That is actually not by design.
Ok. So, we're in beta still, and yet we have the most organized community on the entire network?
@ChrisJester-Young Then what is the button for?
Wait, did you even mean to ping me? Your answer doesn't at all relate to my question...
@Rainbolt or people with the most free time :)
@Rainbolt Most organizing troll-brigade, maybe.
@Rainbolt The "reset" button isn't for you to sabotage others' Sites.
Either way, coming into PPCG chat and flagging messages as offensive is probably not the right solution. — Geobits 50 secs ago
That's what the offensive button is for, right?
I asked what it was for. And you've missed answering that twice now. Why do I keep getting pinged?
otherwise it would not be there ;-)
You keep saying what it isn't for.
I want to know what it is for.
@rolfl If it didn't cause a chat ban I wouldn't care tbh.
@Rainbolt For when a site agree they are frustrated or otherwise stuck or not making progress and agree that they all want to restart.
@Geobits If it didn't cause a chat ban the button may as well not exist, eh?
@Geobits Similarly, if it didn't cause a stacegg reset, noone would care, right?
^^^ agrees with John
@John Pretty much this.
I'm being linked to messages that are directed towards me lol
Yes yes, offensiveness causes chat bans. People are flagging it because others are "cheating", but that's not actually offensive. They're just looking for revenge, and banning someone for revenge is above and beyond messing with an april fool's joke IMO.
All I did what ask what the button was for and someone finally answered. I can stop being pinged now thanks.
Raiding could have been prevented with something like requiring a minimum account lifetime, no?
@Hasturkun That was exactly my thought
@Hasturkun No, many of the raiders have been around for a long time.
If user just signed up, show ad. If user had account yesterday, show egg.
Or not having a Reset button
But I guess they probably didn't expect that
@rcrmn: Reset button makes sense for some deadlocks, hence the double confirmation
@Hosch250 Long time depends on the site though, I doubt most of them would have been on anime & manga before today (although having said that, neither was I)
I don't see how, if you lose the game it will reset, won't it?
Maybe to reboot a partly abandoned game?
@Hasturkun Maybe, but I think they just used it for testing purposes mor probably, and then left it thinking it would not be a problem later.
@Hosch250 Minimum account rep on the site to vote on it, maybe
That could be a solution.
I need to do school, so I'm leaving.
Andrew is suggesting I am flaming people. Am I flaming people?
@Rainbolt Maybe not flame, per se, but you're not exactly the nicest guy in the room right now.
Who am I antagonizing? I've literally spent the last three hours organizing people and analyzing this game.
I haven't been mean to a single person (today anyway). Accusing me of flaming or even being mean is just low.
Heck, I even suggested a way to stop the raids. That's awfully nice of me. But nobody likes it lol
6 downvotes because I had the logic backwards. So unforgiving
@Rainbolt That was chronologically after everything.
@Rainbolt six downvotes because your solution would not work. There are far too many users with accounts on a large number of sites
I'm just trying to figure out who I was mean to.
Whether my solution works or not, it was in the spirit of helping.
I'd probably set it up on rep, anyhow. Min 100?
As an experienced user, you know what voting on Meta means.
Probs more than 100, cos cross-site
@Hasturkun 100 is affiliation bonus...
Ok look I'm not worried about the votes on my proposal. It was a gesture anyway.
I'm worried that someone thinks I'm being mean
I'm not being mean to anyone. Ask anyone who has been in here all morning, 100% of my effort was towards winning this game.
next year we need a joke designed for sabotaging.
@Undo Please no. Stack Exchange is a professional place.
In any case, I'm guessing talk about raids probably invites raids
I deleted my answer after getting to -8 finally.
Ok, I'm over the fact that John thinks I'm not nice. And Andrew retracted the flaming comment kind of. Back to voting.
Movies and TV just reset
Wow three lines of people in chat
I haven't seen three lines since KotH became popular
Dunno if I will get another chance , but three important things:

1. People are still confused between quality first vs top-bottom. I think we should go with Top-Bottom to avoid any confusion and vote-split.
2. Rainbolt has not been mean today. Neither was I, and I am really happy that even after most of us got chat banned- we still followed the strategy
3. Nothing is not a good option. It does not slow down decay
Oh it doesn't? Damn
Would be nice if it did
its exactly same as ask
We got chat banned?
(or any other option)
I guess, me grc and some other
Chat banned?
can't chat for 30 minutes
Meanwhile, I'm the one with the all caps message starred 9 times. No ban for me. How odd.
why are we answering
it was related to raids
we are getting raided by 3 users
Solution: ban users... from chat? Not from the game?
yeah :D
6 users raiding
That is a rather odd solution
well this is awkward
two reds
I missed the warning
@Rainbolt A lot of flags were raised by people, and apparently some were validated
why r we closing ?
It was probably on the order of a dozen flags
welp back to square one
5 days wasted
we need more people to follow the mandated strat
it's getting messy
Hmmm. I suppose if people get chat banned, that makes us more susceptible to raids
So we should just focus on our own game and leave everyone else alone
Since we are already winning
@Rainbolt duh, it's obviously there not to be pushed :-) to tempt your self control...
Who got chat banned?
seems like we've got 4+ raiders
We do have more Internets than anyone else
@Rainbolt "Wow three lines of people in chat" - Hmm, maybe that was the intention all along? Whatever that means for the reputation of PPCG's users in the eyes of other sites' users on the long run, though.
And TV and Anime both reset within the last five minutes
This is fun
I think I am happy that we are at least united :)
I don't really get the point anyhow, raiding takes as much time as actually playing
I think we've bashed each other enough by now.
You don't even get persistent internet points for it
We get the point, raiding is not cool.
there are around 10 mods on chat here
@NapoleonWilson I can assure you many people view them poorly now.
i have no idea why
They'll fix the game eventually. Until then, there's no point in discussing it.
@Optimizer I was here all along
But this
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon André ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

@MadaraUchiha you were just the first one here :)
@Rainbolt Within the day? Maybe, unlikely though.
Whats this Stack Egg thing
in The 2nd Monitor, 6 mins ago, by Unihedro
I never used to take games seriously until I saw Arqade.
@Rodolvertice April's Fools Joke for this year.
A: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

GeobitsThis won't be popular, so get your downvotes ready. But in response to the numerous "PPCG is evil" comments I've seen both here and in various chat rooms: This should surprise nobody PPCG is a tight knit community where we collaborate on ways to design an optimal strategy for competitive puzzle...

Oh whoops. Quality first?
Oh ok haha
Or users?
@Rainbolt that is the confusion
in The 2nd Monitor, 6 mins ago, by Unihedro
This day completely changes it in the other way.
we NEED to go top bottom only
bah. A highly effective time sink?
apparently not Optimizer
the mob has spoken
I am okay with both , just that we need to unite!
Go with the one that is in all caps and starred 9 times
apparently sudden switch
we are getting trolled!
@Geobits never seen a vote counter roll that quickly :) partially agree though
wow -10, that was fast
I expected no less, but I felt it had to be said. I can handle downvotes :D
@Geobits you missed the point of the game
The point of the game isn't the win, it's to have fun.
so we are getting blamed for finding a loophole that no one is agreeing to close ?
Having a bunch of foreigners destroy your progress in the name of victory isn't fun.
I've seen some evil code on PPCG, still don't think that makes PPCG evil
I think PPCG is having a lot of fun . Nobody wants to see PPCG happy :(
@Optimizer I assume you are getting blamed because you are knowingly spoiling other people's fun
Too bad I can't DV on meta. I don't think "Also, it was a community operation. This wasn't a couple rogues going off to ruin the game. We did it as a community, and were apparently successful enough for other to take notice." is going to make anyone like us any more.
@Optimizer People want PPCG to have fun by not ruining everything for everyone else.
@Sp3000 It hasn't.
@Optimizer I can take pleasure in freezing the room until April Fools is over to stop you from coordinating
My point
If you won without ruining others' game in fair play I would step in the 19th byte and congratulate you.
But that wouldn't be very fun for you
And an abuse (that I still technically can use) of my powers.
So mods are now misusing their powers and threatening others ?
very well
@Optimizer It's not a threat, and I won't do it
No mod action has been taken
But that's how I read your answer
"I can abuse the system to win, so I will"
@Optimizer I fail to see any misuse yet.
@Sp3000 Do we need to be "liked"? If people seriously dislike PPCG for this, then that's their issue IMO.
@John threatening is also a misuse.
Fun fact: I committed to this site when it was an Area 51 proposal. It saddens me to see it at this point.
@Optimizer Why are you getting all defensive?
That's simply how I read your answer
Call it "ruining fun" if you want, but we haven't harmed anyone by this. Anyone who thinks otherwise is taking the game too seriously, the same thing they're accusing us of doing.
I was offensive too ?
Fake empty threats are not misuse.
@Geobits ... Really?
@Optimizer There was no threat. @MadaraUchiha was simply stating what was possible.
@John why does it sadden you
Hang on
Let me understand what you just said
@Undo wow
You are claiming that others are taking this too seriously
@Geobits If a hacker completely wiped out all of your social networking accounts, that wouldn't "harm" you either.
@Rodolvertice Because the site I backed appears to have turning into a gang of trolls that value winning to an extreme
Yes. If others think this is going to just ruin their day, then they are taking this silly little game too seriously, independently of how seriously we're taking it.
If that is the attitude of mods here, then I am keeping quite here. No point arguing to a united power.
People are having fun, and you ruin it for your own. Sure, there's no real harm here
But the point still stands.
If you won without ruining others' game in fair play I would step in the 19th byte and congratulate you. Instead I come to see organized sabotage and no sign of apology or friendly competition whatsoever.
I will now simply play the game and have fun by myself and I think the strategy is pretty much out there
I think it is funny that a site could find the a loophole to winning
And that the site happens to be my favorite

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