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@Runer112 Sometimes it adds more then one field
Let it go into warning.
That was our awesome strat last time.
Wait yallls doing the raiding thing....
We were this morning, but they changed the rules to disallow it.
Not only did they change the rules, they suspended everyone who broke the rules before the rules existed.
@Calvin'sHobbies Fixed that for you. :P
I was worried for a second since there are between 0 and 3 users guarding ours
and they could be easliy overpowered
He's tempting us. Ignore the giant cow.
are we going to use the same strat we used for grad in public beta
Restart votes 7 days in?
alternate QA up to max, never voting for the same thing twice?
and then.. I don't know
@Rainbolt No
I'm not even sure if that's what we did for grad, I wasn't here
Let users and quality go into double-warning.
.... I'd hate for that to happen, there are more pitchforks & tar then users in our chat
makes sense
...and I'd be blamed
Hey guys
Wanna see if we can let it triple warning?
And beat our previous score?
that sounds a bit too risky
oh dear
When a warning shows, ignore it once, ignore it twice, ignore it a third time, then ack.
sure, go for it!
I think we can only reasonably ignore it at most twice
I mean, we'll only get the same score if we don't risk anything.
I'd much rather break the system
this round was supposed to be answer, but okay
I think it would be a three strikes = you're out type thing.
I think so too
I will test this on a beta site
we don't know without trying
Too late
try it somewhere else :p
what the hell
thank you 50/50
here we go, riskmode
We're not ignoring the warnings?
don't ask, that just dropped
Guys, I'm on ignore number four on Sharepoint SE
riskmode part 2
what do we do when Q&A are maxed
Ignoring five times restarts you.
Confirmed on Sharepoint SE
Five times, okay.
Arquade just restarted
We can do way better next go round.
We got dis
Under no circumstances can restarting cause you to finish earlier.
It can bring your average time down, though.
But the scoreboard is ordered by number of victories.
I say we let users and quality go into warning again.
we won't have a choice
we'll have to upvote one this day
Ordered next by: averageTime - 10 * flags
so now do we extend Q&A into Q&A&U?
guess not
#1 rule: don't upvote something that just dropped
waste, you'll never save a decay that way
#2 rule: Never vote same way twice
that too
I'm telling you that U is for Useless, just leave 'em to last
quality just dropped, though
I think that might take precent over U is for useless :p
@Runer112 ...take a percent ... ?
precedent, whoops
why are we upvoting
stop upvoting ffs
I'm not really sure which rule to break first
don't vote something twice in a row, or don't upvote :p
Vote for ask :D
hold the line
we can let it stay red for 2 turns
#1 rule needs amending. Don't upvote something that just dropped unless it's the only thing that isn't maxed.
next is answer, then upvote
Next UV
this is quite fun
playing with fire and not getting burned
I like it
Gotta ask
that's a tricky call, both answers and quality just dropped
The way I see it, there are three stages.
We know how to improve stage 1 (the Beginning) with the new knowledge that we can ignore warnings for four turns. Otherwise we are perfect.
We are pretty clueless in stage 2 (the Transition).
We are perfect at stage 3 (the End), except that sometimes we break 3 heart ties the wrong way.
@Runer112 Answer > Quality
when did we learn we can ignore for 4 turns
not upvote?
@Runer112 I tested it on Sharepoint SE
So that buys us a whole two extra turns that we weren't abusing before
maybe we should onlt try that in the next public beta
It also requires that all 10 of us keep a correct count.
because if we try it when graduated and lose, that's 100 days lost
Which will be difficult
Yes, I'm game for that
whatever just happened was definitely wrong
You kept upvoting
I said ask
no Dvs are Asks
@Runer112 me too
users just dropped, downvote!
ask just dropped
question just dropped, upvote I think
now we ask
You guys are one move behind
answer just dropped, upvote..?
You shouldn't vote on something that just dropped
Down vote!
look, now we lost users
answers had no chance of dropping that day
Doesn't matter
it definitely does matter
I disagree, we got through beta in 102 days withouth touching users until the end
we're basically at the end now
we should pick whatever keeps the sum highest
which means trying to intercept decays
userdecays the slowest
actually, this might be different
In beta, I feel like everything decays exactly the same
And we honestly have no idea what caused users and then questions to get stuck after grad
But we do know they got stuck, and in that order
Perhaps high traffic makes users stick
it does
And perhaps high users makes questions stick
traffic automatically replenishes users somewhat, I think
anyways, is the new meta to answer when all maxed?
The reason traffic makes users stick is that when you have high traffic, asking will give you a free users every so often
I think we should've downvoted here, but we'll see
don't know that it matters.
got lucky
I always break ties in favor of quality, it seems to decay more than others
you guys are still on this minigame?
@Runer112 Do you know how it breaks the tie, I think it is on a first come first serve basis
no idea which wins in a vote tie
let's see if we can stun-lock the game again :p
aww nope
I guess we need the high traffic
which would've prevented users from dropping there too
You can't just quit when you're winning.
You build up questions and answer and Quality quickly
Questions are needed to prevent hyper answer decay
perhaps we should try voting users when all maxed?
since that happens
Thats what I did
alright, I'll try users next time we're maxed
and I got the whole thing done in 252 days
When all is maxed, vote for the thing that we haven't voted for the longest IMO
Rather than trying to stick to a specific one
no, that isn't right
I think voting for quality when all maxed almost guarantees user drop
Ah, I see.
let's see what upvote does
Then out of the other three, take the oldest.
I do ask when max is reached
that was a pretty good result
although users somtime if its been a long time
I think we're behind schedule compared to last time..
that may be, our private beta had a slightly slow start
A couple hiccups here and there...
some of us couldn't do what had to be done and abandon our users :p
we seem to be stuck in a loop of always one off max, but I'm pretty okay with that
nevermind :p
that was no good
In order to get a head start in graduation, we have to be willing to let our users go deep into the red.
I think we should only test 4 ignores at the next private beta, though
I don't want to lose 100 days of progress
Do double-ignores at least, and do it multiple time.
yeah, I'm definitely fine with double-ignores
I wonder If Users would go back up if we ignore it.
seems unlikely lol
I'm leaving now.
B back in an hour and 1/2.
so, for graduation: alternate Q&A up to max, double-ignoring reds?
works for me
then Q&A&U?
Next public beta, we quadruple ignore reds.
why did we downvote
never downvote when full quality
Unless it's grad. Then downvote on max is a pretty decent choice.
Cuz users get stuck, and quality drops like a rock.
I don't think users are stuck if you downvote on max
bleh, 10 days late
that was unfortunate
maybe we should've tried quality instead
users and quality can rot in hell atm
answer, upvote, downvote?
bleh answers got ruined
downvote this time, though
then back to Q&A I think
@Runer112 I'm talking about in grad end game. Users get stuck and downvoting appears to have no effect on users.
what are we doing
we're screwed
griefed so hard there
if you're in this chat and you closed, please don't do that again
what the hell is going on, nobody's following the strat
we're basically exclusively breaking the optimal rules
Where on earth is @MartinBüttner in all this?
He's the guy that's been raiding us all day long, for 8 hours straight.
help help help
we're definitely getting raided or something
he's probably smart enough to have realized things might get ugly, and did some work unlike the rest of us
users can burn in hell
Next round we hit mid game where we flop around for a while
I think we've lost our touch
i love this community and can't believe it that it took this easter game for me to find it
I tried
Ohhhh, easter egg.
This is probably really good publicity for PPCG
And here I was thinking it was some silly April fool's thing :P
you must be forgetting about the whole raid thing @BrainSteel
Ah, that selective memory...
Nah, they say no publicity is bad publicity, right?
why are we upvoting, gaaah
Yeah, can't we put the past behind us?
I mean, I joined at the height of code trolling, and while that ultimately ended up bad, it was arguably good for the site as a whole by bringing in new blood.
then downvote, I think
is answer going to decay?
they all decay
I mean on the next round
Too late anyway
probably not
inby quality decay
well that was lucky
No, it was math =D
I completely missed code-trolling.
everyone try and follow these directions and let me know if it works --


-- I only tested in google chrome but it seems to get the job done
I don't miss code trolling one bit.
Now lets get these users up so we can ignore em
Should I flag that link from DaveAlger?
Or is it legit?
I mean I wasn't around while it was still around, not that I mourn its death :P
Ok, I'm flagging it.
it's legit
I take it that everyone who clicked on that link is now unable to use their machine?
I'm not really sure what it does, but I think automating votes is probably against the rules
the code isn't malicious
you can still manually vote
Link itself is fine, I don't know what the code does...
it just looks at the thing with the lowest hearts and clicks the corresponding button if you don't click one yourself
"The code is fine. I don't know what it does, but it's fine."
called it
" if you don't click one yourself" that part is extraneous
No, haha, that's not what I meant :P I mean, the page he linked to itself isn't virus-laden. The steps on it may or may not be awful.
You can't double vote, so there's no point in having that extra conditional.
That bot's not even optimal and would hurt us if it tied a better strategy.
oh right
we're in graduation phase
i had to add a thing that looks for continue button and clicks that first no matter what because someone was trying to restart it
Can't ignore quality at this stage :/
we have to actually select quality if it dropped last turn
it'll guaranteed drop next if it just dropped from 4
We don't get restarted here, so that is also extraneous
and if all stats are maxed, we'll try voting answer again, since that worked so well last time
yup, should've downvoted
It happens every time
yes, it does seem to be universal; if quality just dropped from 4 to 3, it will drop from 3 to 2 next
so we should intercept those
Given traffic is already at 4 yes
whoops, misclick
ha free users
max traffix ftw
Has that ever happened?
Do we seriously have to do this for another 20 minutes
We should be downvoting...
there's definitely some lag time here
I said answer for last round, so now people said it this round
then the fail votes go in
and we got both rounds wrong
DV when answers and quality are tied at 3 hearts
just DV whenever DV just dropped from 4 to 3
Otherwise we get launched into quality recovery mode
Man that sucked
Three heart loss?
yeah I dunno, that was odd

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