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inb4 quality decay
Oh shoot.
next should be quality I think
Let's cycle through them?
inb4 quality decay again
oh wow
Quality is pretty stable till traffic comes into play
it's not that stable, really
Fully-charged heart takes about 3 days to decay.
Well, it doesn't decay 2 in a row.
ah crap, that should've been a downvote
I unfortunately have to go
but we seem to be in a good state now
keep up the good work, don't let scummy restarters win!
we seem to have gotten it maxed out pretty quick with that strat tweak
I really like alternating QA regardless of phase
The not voting twice for the same exact thing was a huge contributor I am sure
until they're maxed
just keep up those general strats in phase 3
hopefully we don't get restarted while I'm away
Start cycling through them to max stuff out.
So after grad, we alternate Questions/Answers until maxed, then Quality, then Users last?
something like that
We keep Q and A floating but we don't immediately vote every time they go down
If we keep voting for the stat that's at three hearts, then we just shuffle around which one has three hearts.
and don't vote for something that just dropped, unless it's quality?
We need to vote for the 4-heart stat that is about to decay.
@Runer112 You said it better
We try to keep Q&A maxed but we don't vote for it if it just dropped
Can you get traffic stars earlier if you don't tunnel Q&A up though?
That has to come into optimization somewhere...
Traffic is born from Quality + Answers
But the tooltip says Questions impact Answers
I got the impression that traffic just comes slowly from all stats
I think traffic comes from all stats.
I've really gotta go now, good luck
be back later, though
Stop voting for the Q&A stat that just dropped.
Err.... there's only ever one stat that isn't maxed
Vote users next.
As a general rule I don't unnecessarily harm users by voting on full quality
If only one stat has 3 and the rest have 4, shouldn't we just vote for it?
My build a Stack Egg Bot has been put on hold :(
No, I'm saying we should vote for a four-heart stat right before it drops to become a 3-heart.
I follow
... if everything else is already maxed, right?
Vote answers
But Questions has 3?
I'm not following the logic of voting for a 4 that is about to drop instead of a 3 that has already dropped
Okay, we're maxed now. Cycle through stuff.
I think the suggestion is that we might get more maxed out rounds if we vote on something that's about to decay over something that just decayed
Counterintuitive, but could work.
Whatever you do, DON'T DO NOTHING!
Get rdy to alternate Q/A. Ignore warnings for a turn each.
Let there be warnings.
gaming is at 111 days still in public beta. Mu ha ha ha ha
We just graduated in 103 right?
OH crap
I think we have to treat one of them this turn
Uh oh
We need to answer one of the warnings.
There be warnings.
Cross your fingers
Ok, so we can ignore warnings for two turns then.
Good to know
Already at 8 hearts
New strat acquired.
That is far better than last time
Don't vote twice in a row on same
Off-topic interjection for personal gain Friendly reminder that I'd appreciate some feedback on my sandbox post.
nyah nyah
Go for quality if the one we were gonna vote for got maxed
Let there be warnings.
quality next
ignore warning twice in a row
Sweet lol
We might have gotten lucky last time.
That's possible
Or we might be able to ignore it for five turns straight
CR about to graduate with 104 days.
Let's vote - what is more important?
The dog, or a potential spouse?
Our poor users
Now the grind
Well, it's been fun.
It's practically satire.
I have actual work to do suddenly. Something about everything breaking.
This is a pretty good run.
@PhiNotPi Not talked with you since we were trying to do the chess game.
Did you get accepted into a U?
We have picked two votes this entire run that I don't agree with.
Other than that, it's been almost perfect
I got accepted to a few, the fanciest of which is probably Georgia Tech.
I just voted wrongly for questions
Way to get it right
I've heard of them, are you going for Chem, or did you pick something else?
Did anyone see my answer here?: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/48292/32700
Biomedical engineering. I might not attend GA Tech, however, because an in-state school has offered a pretty much full-ride, and I like not being in debt.
debt = slavery
knowledge = freedom
Sounds good.
Did you guys change the strategy?
It appears that going from mixed 3s & 4s to all 4s is a matter of luck.
don't vote for something that just dropped unless no other choice?
It looks like we're doing Qua -> As -> Us -> Que
We pretty much have to keep cycling until we get a lucky break.
Wow. Anime is doing quite good.
Are they? Are they doing good?
the endgame is quite tedious
Quality seems to drop like a rock sometimes.
We might be able to graduate in 30 more days at this rate.
"Progress towards winning the internet" should say "Progress towards winning the Internet".
An internet. The Internet.
I wish the overall winner actually got to graduate. We seem so close.
10 Questions a day seems unrealistic for a challenge site that demands such quality.
Right. Out site format is very different than others
What do we get at graduation?
A new theme. Different reputation requirements. That's about it.
Increase rep requirements and new cover art.
Yea that too.
throws a shuriken at PhiNotPi
And removal of the word "Beta," eh?
I don't really want increased rep requirements.
Me either...
My rep is low enough as it is :(
New cover art, I could like. Maybe. I hope they don't overdo the "golf" theme.
That has potential to be obnoxious.
This game would've been so much more fun if the initial reaction was "PPCG is attacking our egg. Rally the troops!" instead of "PPCG is a bunch of nasty cheaters".
I agree.
Raiding can be a valid game mechanic.
Wait, what happened?
holy crap guys this is amazing
this might be a record
we must've discovered some awesome trick
it looks like we tricked it into never decreasing questions or users lol
It's called "sacrificing our userbase."
I mean, we've just been alternating answer and downvote
@Runer112 Careful or we'll be accused of cheating again...
and it's been working beautifully
And yet, our users are always happy.
I'd hardly call this cheating
this is just theoptimal strategy
d'oh, questions fell
@BrainSteel If only real moderation worked that way.
I know. I wouldn't call raiding cheating either :P
get your screencappers ready
Hahaha, PPCG users seem pretty happy most the time, too!
I love how sometimes one user will immediately pick the wrong thing... two second pause... then BOOM we all realize at the same time what the right thing was
Someone at SE had to consider that raiding was a possibility. If they didn't want it to be possible they would have made it impossible.
who's taking a screenshot of the win day
I will
Someone else should too
I think we might have a raider.
We just did a 14 unanymous vote
alternate ask and answer

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