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@MatthewDaniels Basically just a formalization of "don't be a [rude word]"
@RedwolfPrograms s/[rude word]/stupid idiot like lyxal
@RedwolfPrograms Husk, 4: ṁOk_
@lyxal You're not a stupid idiot like lyxal, you're lyxal
@hyper-neutrino it can be
@hyper-neutrino Don't insult the General!
I thought no for i in some loop for whatever reason: make some use to this function.
so if y'all are lucky, I might be giving out a sequel to my elevator journey later today
@DLosc sorry >_< (was just a joke cuz hi < hello formality wise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wasn't actually funny either way lol)
so I can use loops in the vanilla factorial challenge?
Turns out Refiner and Illuminator count even if you edit the same question, as long as it's different answers! So if compose a song goes on long enough...
(I have to edit to update day anyway)
just gonna try it out.
@hyper-neutrino Ahhh, now I get it. :D
I thought you just misremembered
no one's answering me. lmao?
@MatthewDaniels Yes
Why wouldn't loops be fine?
@MatthewDaniels yes. standard loopholes forbidden basically just means to actually solve the challenge and not do silly workarounds that avoid the point of the challenge
alright, I'll set up an account now.
Loophole != loop
@DLosc ohh, lol :P it's too iconic for me to mix it up. but i see that makes sense
loophole != loop but you can't break out of the loop because then your loop has a hole in it /s
@DLosc Is general a lower or higher rank than colonel?
@hyper-neutrino Does this imply the existence of exotic loopholes?
Generally (hah) lieutenant < captain < colonel < general
i was going off of the US military ranks
(yes, I'm canadian. idk why i did that either)
@lyxal You can probably award wasif's boounty noow
Ugh my oo key is sticky
Yeah, different countries do it different but typically you can bet those 4 will be in order
@Ausername no, raze and I have decided to wait until the last moment to award for maximum exposure
Clearly KFC would be better if it were invented by General Sanders
CMP: how is "lieutenant" pronounced
Left tennant
@lyxal You're going to replace Wasif's with stackmeter's anyway
@hyper-neutrino I say "loo-tenant", but I should say "leff-tenant"
loo-TEN-ent to me
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't know much about military stuff but I'm pretty sure general is the highest rank (and then you start adding stars).
i use "leff-tenant" out of habit
Leff-tenant sounds cooler anyway
leff-tenant always seems "fancier"
@hyper I pronounce it "lutenant".
@cairdcoinheringaahing obviously. Y'all British always have the best sounds
lieutenant sounds like "loo tenant" as in the tenant of the loo. that's a backstory i've heard for why it isn't pronounced that way. seems dubious though, and my quick web search indicates it's probably due to roots from another language / archaic roots or something like that
@lyxal Have you ever been to the UK?
Half of us sound like posh twats, and the other half only pronounce every other letter in the weirdest way imaginable
I just sound like a generic american :p
TBF Americans are generally awful at noticing they have accents :p
pretty sure i sound pretty generic though i've been told (granted, a long time ago) that i have a chinese accent. not significant, if so, anyway
Despite the stereotypes in the media, we do not go around saying "g day" etc. I actually rarely hear slang used in Australia
do people in australia actually swear every other word
And end everything with mate?
@lyxal One of my dad's business partners has literally used "cunt" in a board meeting
@Ausername nope
I definitely go around saying super obscure texas slang and ride a horse to school and wear a cowboy hat
(Yes, he's an Aussie)
how many other lies have I been told by the jedi council??
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's understandable. But people actually rarely say that too
And I drink 15 pints of tea and eat 19 crumpets a day. Plus, I dislike whatever Europe is doing, because for some reason I dislike foreigners
I shoot guns every day and ride a bald eagle to school
And I'm a small brownish-gold hairy fruit that's green on the inside
see my exposure to other cultures/places comes significantly from media. but my exposure to canada comes from real life so i'd probably be worse at listing off canadian stereotypes than some
I have a pretty standard American accent, but I do say "y'all" unironically sometimes. The English language needs a 2nd person plural pronoun. :p
@Ausername oh hey that means you're across the ocean
@hyper-neutrino How often do you say "eh", and are you overly polite?
I say y'all all the time, it's just part of English here :p
@Ausername Hello country neighbour!
@DLosc TBF I say y'all :P
See? It's useful!
@lyxal Hello
even I say "y'all"
@Ausername I thought you were a small long-beaked bird?
@DLosc "unu" :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm both.
You're not both, you're A username
@lyxal Damn you
do spaces count as a byte in Python 3?
@Ausername <insert photoshop flowey troll face>
Try It Online is a good place to run your code, check your byte count, and format your code for a SE submission (just click the link button at the top and copy the "Code Golf submission" textbox
how about tabs?
(or <esc> S G if you want)
@MatthewDaniels tabs are one byte
@DLosc @RedwolfPrograms What's a "standard American accent" for y'all?
because they are stored as one byte in a file (0x09)
Cause California, Texas, NY, the Dakotas and Florida etc. are all very different :P
can any of y'all understand this
I mean I think a generic american accent imo is sort of a mix; near cities here there's not nearly as much of a TX accent
@hyper-neutrino I get around 40% of it
@cairdcoinheringaahing I typically have called it "Midwestern," but that's a big area and there are some significant regional variations within it, so...
impressive. i understand like two words
I also live in Middle Earth, which is "part of Australia", ride a sheep to school, and know everyone else in NZ.
(of the farmer himself; the narrator/news guy I can understand)
@hyper-neutrino My best friend's boyfriend gets very irish when drunk, so I've got practice :P
oh lmao. nice :P
All 5 million-or-so of them
@Ausername You're a hobbit, right? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh yes true.
Just got handed back an exam without a mark
No clue what I got
@lyxal Did you even finish it?
Nvm I got 100%
@DLosc I've always thought that the midwest stretches from the Rockies, up to the Great Lakes. Then I went to Utah and Chicago and was shocked by the difference :P
Good job!
@Ausername They handed us the answers and a comparison of my responses and answers shows a perfect mark
guys, initiate surprise celebration
how do I get my output in TIO?
Hit run at the top
@MatthewDaniels As in, copy-paste it?
@lyxal Nice!
@hyper-neutrino The second farmer was much easier to understand than the first. Of the first one, about all I got was "mountain" and "forty-five."
You have to provide some inputs though
Redwolf answered for me already.
(and make sure you have print in your code :P)
Unless it's a lambda
I just realized how almost all of my knowledge of the greek alphabet is from code golf :p
Ooh, another First Posts review, lemme just snipe that when it shows up :P
Can you leave some for the rest of us
@MatthewDaniels You can remove many spaces from the TIO code
@Ausername No :P
HN and WW get enough of them already :P
okay, I fixed it.
I haven't gotten a review in like a week since stalker broke for me
Not even sure mine works
@cairdcoinheringaahing Intrusive R in some words is a feature of some (mostly older) midwestern accents that isn't in General American.
what stalker?
Review Stalker script
@RedwolfPrograms TBF there haven't been many reviews recently
@MatthewDaniels This is 61 just by deleting more spaces
Only 3 queues have had reviews in the last 24 hours, and HN got to all of them first :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ww has 4k, and you have 1k, but HN only has 114
all done. :D
@Ausername Yeah, but HN recently got Stalker, so is very active in the queues :P
I'm kind of curious. how weird is lyxal?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Stalker?
@MatthewDaniels not very
@Ausername Review Stalker script
@cairdcoinheringaahing jokes on you
I sniped it
sniped the late answers queue <o/
Think I might start on my game soon
Ugh, fricking review queues not showing anything to me
Fricking Frick
this search for 'kekw' doesn't yet show lyxal's newest message so idk if it's just not updated yet or if the search just doesn't work, but kekw gang is just us two i guess?
Search seems to have a delay
Noticed that earlier for the drafts
Probably at least 2 minutes to avoid edit clashes
good point
@hyper-neutrino It's registered that message, so at least within 3 minutes
there's no better feeling than seeing people agree with the feedback you gave on a metasmoke review
star if you agree
There were only 3 deaths due to COVID in the whole state of Texas today
And they just approved the vaccine for people 12-15
Looks like I won't have to wait until september to get it
we had 19 in ontario since yesterday and our population is less than half of yours :/
To be fair the number of deaths today was way below normal
how many active cases do y'all have
hah imagine having covid deaths in your state. made by 0 since 29 dec 2020 gang
imagine having a competent government
@RedwolfPrograms how many total deaths in texas?
that's 1k times as many as where I am
we've only had 54 in NSW
There's more people in Texas than Australia?!
I mean no wonder there's so few cases, the country's nearly as big as the US with a population smaller than Texas. Plenty of room to social distance :p
plus we have water for our international borders
the only way you get in to australia is via plane or boat (realistically that is. I'm not exactly sure of our actual border policies anymore).
I'd like to see you get here by driving or walking ;p
do I look like Jesus to you?
can I walk on water? no.
According to my map there's only about a foot of ocean between Australia and the US, pretty sure I can just step over that
my point exactly
@MatthewDaniels ^
I guess we all have long legs.
@RedwolfPrograms stoopid idiot. You'll just get turned back.
Hey I've been you before, I think I can pretend to be Australian easy enough
have I revealed yet where I'm from?
no, Asia.
NY was the first thing that came up when I googled "59k cases" :p
and I'm some kilometers away from Australia.
but I'm not New Guinea or Indonesia.
:o country neighbour!
I suppose.
NZ isn't in asia
I know but it's close :p
to australia
Malaysia? I'm close to that.
Redwolf: is good at human geography but not actual geography
the country, not where I really am at.
like my coordinates now. lmao
@Redwolf you went too far.
yes. PH.
I was going to guess Singapore next :p
Then I don't know what I'd have guessed
hello, neighbors.
I've got a giant world map in my room lol
might as well continue this discussion in my room.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

texdr.aftA general-purpose macrogenerator code-golf interpreter Briefly: Implement Christopher Strachey's “General-purpose macrogenerator”. Background In section 1.2 (Historical References) of the manual for GNU M4, an early macro processor is mentioned: An important precursor of m4 was GPM; see C. Stra...

oh hey a sandbox post
CMQ: If you were a sandboxed post, what would your title be?
I have abandoned this challenge. If anyone else would like to pick it up, feel free to continue this
Posting all questions I can possibly think of
Okay so this might come as a surprise, but I am once again in an elevator
And I am now out of the elevator
That was quick
It was from one floor to another
And it was just to make that joke
should've just jumped, it's good exercise
you know, that'd hurt badly.
legs braking is the most unsettling ASMR. lmao
what sort of asmr are you seeing on the internet o.O
I don't listen much, but I surely know it feels wrong hearing some bones crack.
@hyper-neutrino it was going up idiot.
Tf am I gonna jump that high
ah, so the bones breaking isn't a problem then
well, jumping down isn't that good exercise. just git gud lul
just jump up a floor, ez
learn from the kangaroos
Tf am I gonna jump through the roof that exists?
my little boi is so bouncy he could probably do that.
@lyxal my bad, i forgot you collide with matter. can't relate
Not even kangaroos can jump through solid material
poor hyper doesn't even know how collision works because he doesn't feel it.
He's too hyperactive
anyways, gotta do some PE.
When HN uses jelly, all the links redirect to websites
like a rickroll?
When HN draws a cube, it turns into a 4d shape
@MatthewDaniels [hyper]link.
a tesseract?
@MatthewDaniels [hyper]cube
ok, I get the joke now.
When HN tells a story, it's always exaggerated
Wait, I'll draw a tesseract.
What happened to the DVs on Time Bomb KotH?
I know y'all were discussing not unilaterally deleting it
But not removing all of the DVs entirely
that's my fault
@RedwolfPrograms It was cleared as a side effect of deleting then undeleting it
since I VTD'd it which I later realized was not a good use of my powers, undeleting it cleared them too
Looks like the VTRs are decaying anyway, so it shouldn't matter too much
that said, I also think if I shouldn't delete it, it probably shouldn't be deleted at all; the only difference between me deleting it or deletion by vote is whether it can be VTuD'd, and if it ends up being a deletion vote war, i'd have to lock it anyway
either it gets reopened and we go to meta to discuss closing again
or it decays and is forgotten about
Let's just forget it
yeah, i think that's a good choice too
I can't send images yet.
What happened to Joe Z's pfp?
it's 12 pm here.
guess it's time for lunch.
guess they probably just changed it, lol. did they use to have an about me or has it always been blank?
12 pm is the day one then?
12 pm is noon
12hr is like a practical joke some clock guy came up with that stuck around for some reason
it makes more sense if you substitute 12 => 0
Ugh, restricted time is annoying
Which challenge?
Especially when it's not tagged as such or mentioned until the verfy end
Old challenge strikes again
I'm back. )-(
if only I can put on eyes.
@lyxal trying to solve this problem right now
any idea why ‡ḢṪ↔ƛ⁰L⋏ doesn't work in vyxal?
You didn't make another usescript did you :p
the button works for me
because somehow ƛ⁰L⋏ returns an empty list
try to get to or under 7 bytes :)
'str' object has no attribute 'centre'
i think you are being trolled by your re spelling
see my note in the vyxal room as well :P
dang americans
well i got it in 11
not exactly 7 or less :P
oh how I love accidentally forgetting to press 'push' on GH desktop
i assume you fixed it?
based on the session being invalid
I did locally but forgot to push it
and I refreshed the site not knowing I hadn't actually pushed it
@hyper I'm trying to solve the same thing right now.
@lyxal congrats

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