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1:01 PM
@Dennis maybe someone responsible with that can take the highlighting files from some text editor, Kate has good one even for sed. Kate is a Linux editor.
the first line of the README the entire README haha
@seshoumara But it's not very well supported
TextMate files (IIRC) + Ace's highlighter is better IMO
ಠ_ಠ vim syntax files are the best
or vim's
@TùxCräftîñg No srsly look at my Logicode syntax
@TùxCräftîñg But TextMate files are already supported by the web
1:06 PM
@seshoumara SE uses Google Code Prettify, so you'd have to file a bug report with them.
> Kate is a Linux editor.
.oO(I know. I wrote my thesis in Kile.)
^ what was your thesis about?
kde scrub
@quartata Scrub?
Real Ph.D students write their thesis using a printing press
1:14 PM
To be honest I'm not sure the origin of when that entered the Internet's vocabulary nor exactly what it means. I'm just implying that KDE < Xfce
KDE > Xfce
@Fatalize I thought they just got monks to copy it
Yay my jeans are famous now
Btw my real surname is famous in Turkish
@JonathanAllan nice!
@quartata That is so untrue. Xfce doesn't event support scale/present windows.
1:17 PM
@Fatalize My surname is "famous" in Turkish
i have a accepted pull request
@TùxCräftîñg To where
I keep finding myself spelling xfce as xkfce
1:19 PM
xxkcdwm The X xkcd Window Manager
@Dennis Is that the thing where all your windows pop up and do an extremely expensive animation? Bleh
@betseg I don't even want to imagine what this would entail
but anyway i3 > KDE > Xfce
@quartata It's not expensive. And I don't have a taskbar, so I have to select my windows somehow. What I love about KDE is that all bits and pieces of it are configurable.
my internet connection went down when i tried to say this
@quartata it would be the best ever
1:22 PM
@Dennis But you can just have xfce + skippy-xd
@ASCII-only I tried skippy. It's crap.
Tfw my worst question has 15 updoots
@TùxCräftîñg All window managers are equal.
i3 is objectively the best
1:26 PM
@Dennis Well, you could just use XFCE with compiz/other compositor supporting window spread, but IDK if that offers any performance benefits over KDE
@betseg :D time for coffee!
@zyabin101 Mutter certainly isn't. It's even worse than compiz.
@TùxCräftîñg i3 is you think that it's the best.
@TùxCräftîñg I'm fairly sure that's not even close to true :P
1:27 PM
Well, some wms are more equal than others.
@Dennis ^
@ASCII-only You can certainly use Xfce with KWin, but I like KDE/Plasma. Compiz is the worst part of Unity, and that's saying something.
I knew there was gonna be a dig at Unity in there somewhere ;)
60% of my beef with Unity is compiz. The remainder is the utter lack of customization.
I miss the Dash and HUD though.
@Dennis Would installing kubuntu-desktop add an option to choose between KDE/Unity at login?
1:30 PM
I use it because it's good enough and the default. To be honest, all major WMs are good enough now to be usable, and that's all that really matters.
Oh, and I'm not a fan of default/enforced tiling.
@ASCII-only Sure.
@Geobits It's been a while since I used GNOME, but when I did, it was not usable. Mutter crashed more times than I could count.
Hmm, yeah I haven't tried GNOME in years, so that may be true. No idea what the situation is now.
Instability aside, GNOME rocks with touchscreens though.
Never tried it with a touchscreen
now GNOME is pretty stable
1:34 PM
i used gnome more than i used i3, gnome is pretty stable.
I don't have one, but when I sold one to a coworker, I asked for his permission and booted up a Live CD. KDE is unusable with touch, but GNOME is really nice. All of the sudden, those weird design choices started to make sense.
most of gnome gui look like android
If I had a touch laptop I might try that out. I just have a poor-man's Dell :P
LCARS anyone? :D
It has to be better than Win8 on a touchscreen if nothing else, right? ;)
@seshoumara Only if I can talk to it the same way.
1:38 PM
I'm pretty happy with my laptop. Too bad Linux has such poor support for touchpads. I should publish my gesture suite some day.
my touchpad doesn't even work on 12.04 Ubuntu
but never bothered me
@seshoumara LCARS?
I'm generally happy with my laptop too. It's just frustrating how slow it is compared to my desktop. Unfair of me? Yes. Still frustrating when I'm trying to run anything intensive.
Mine does, but there's no support for three+ finger gesture and even some two finger ones.
@seshoumara 12.04? No wonder the touchpad doesn't work.
1:40 PM
@seshoumara Why are you still on 12.04? o_O
it is a fictional OS and visual interface from Star Trek
A heavily copyrighted fictional interface at that.
(which seems ridiculous to me, but whatever)
because I change OSes once every decade
my last OS was Windows XP
Any particular reason? It's not hard to upgrade, and I doubt there's any real learning curve from 12.04 to the latest.
1:43 PM
Just better support for modern things like touchscreens :P
@Geobits it is a bit ridiculous, but they have the money to enforce it, I've seen apps brought down or fan projects of shells with similar look brought down
Oh I know, that's what I meant. I've seen it too.
@TùxCräftîñg Aww yiss, Jenkins builds Swift on Ubuntu!
> CMake. CMake is the core infrastructure used to configure builds of Swift and its companion projects; at least version 3.4.3 is required.
as for OSes, it's not the learning curve, I have lots of virtual boxes from Arch distro, LFS builds and windows, just convenience. I play with the new ones in VBox for a week or so.
1:47 PM
@seshoumara Ah, ok. So it's not just a "I don't wanna change" thing.
$ adb push /mnt/depo/android/cm-13.0-20160909-NIGHTLY-klte.zip /data/media/0/
adb: error: failed to copy '/mnt/depo/android/cm-13.0-20160909-NIGHTLY-klte.zip' to '/data/media/0/': Permission denied
how to take this?
@betseg /data/media/0 is RO?
@TùxCräftîñg Fairly well? Java is faster than a lot of languages unless you're being stupid with it.
1:47 PM
no java is slow
@TùxCräftîñg is it? i cant find my files. no /sdcard, no /storage, nothing
Languages do not have speeds. Implementations do.
Although for Java, the line is blurry.
@TùxCräftîñg Versus what? C? Yeah, sure.
Oh, right. Gotta be PC about it.
All programming languages are either C or stamp collecting.
1:51 PM
PC - pretty careful ?
$ adb shell
shell@klte:/ $ su
root@klte:/ # ls
acct          firmware          init.usb.configfs.rc seapp_contexts
cache         firmware-modem    init.usb.rc          selinux_version
charger       fstab.qcom        init.zygote32.rc     sepolicy
config        init              mnt                  service_contexts
d             init.cm.rc        oem                  storage
data          init.environ.rc   proc                 sys
default.prop  init.qcom.rc      property_contexts    system
dev           init.qcom.usb.rc  res                  tombstones
halp where are my files
@betseg What device model/etc?
@Geobits Samsung Galaxy S5 G900F klte
/storage/extSdCard/ maybe?
oh wait...
You do have an sdcard in right now and mounted, right?
1:55 PM
Jeez. Y'all are chatty this morning. :D
@betseg Try /storage/self/primary. Works on my phone.
> root@klte:/ # ls /storage/self/ -l
total 0
What files are you looking for exactly?
@Geobits internal storage ._.
1:58 PM
Huh. That's supposed to be /storage/emulated/0, I'm almost positive.
@betseg I know /storage/sdcard0 and /storage/emulated/0. Try these.
> root@klte:/ # ls /storage
emulated self
root@klte:/ # ls /storage/emulated/ -l
total 0
Do you have an on-device file manager you can try with?
o_O Just su and use adb pull.
@Geobits its borked since i upgraded cm
2:00 PM
Oh, it's CM. No wonder it's not working right >_>
in fact almost everything is borked
is that a word?
@Geobits its been working since may. i was worried that cm lost their soul
@seshoumara it means its broken or something
broken -> broked -> borked :D
2:01 PM
@seshoumara borked is the civilised way to say broken
language evolution
at its finest
I'm going to create a Notepad++ user defined lang for Logicode. Which colours do you want?
the sublime and the vim one have the same
so take the same as the sublime/vim one
2:05 PM
Just run a file search for something you know is there. Then you'll find the path. Screw manually searching :P
@Geobits i did, only /data/media/0 showed up
"Writing less code simplifies maintenance and tends to create fewer opportunities for introducing bugs": Come over to code golf and you'll get some great tips on how to simplify maintenance. ;-P — Stewie Griffin 7 hours ago
@TùxCräftîñg That's still on the starboard ;)
@betseg According to a random post on CM forum, you might need to switch USB modes (to something else like charging, then back to MTP) before it will work right. Sounds stupid to me, but worth a try I guess.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ This is modern art.
2:13 PM
@Geobits didnt work
wateva ill just sideload the new version when my mom comes home
when my mom comes bcoz
^^^ How's my Logicode colouring in Notepad++ ?
Seems like gates/operators would be their own color
a and b are not operators, btw know nothing of Logicode, but to me they should be of a diff color
2:16 PM
I think the operator colours don't show up good.
@zyabin101 and for number coloration?
@zyabin101 How do you create syntax highlighting for Np++?
I create an "User Defined Language".
@betseg I don't understand the bottom-right image. Can you explain?
I see. That could be useful
2:19 PM
You can also export user defined languages and share them. :3
@TimmyD its twrp. it flashes roms etc
@betseg Thanks. I use a Windows Phone, so I'm only vaguely familiar with ROM flashing.
@TimmyD you use WHAT?????
2:22 PM
Nokia Lumia Icon
winphone is worse than iphone
at least ios is an unix-like system
Ah! UDL 2.0 recognizes decimal digits automatically!
@TùxCräftîñg Coming right up.
2:23 PM
It's currently 2-1/2 years old, but I'm trying to hold out for a Surface Phone
me too
its just not called icon here, its 930
did u install windows 10 ?
Yeah. Icon is the Verizon-branded US-only variant. Lumia 930 everywhere else.
plz dont use a windows phone
use a good phone
a android
@Optimizer No, I haven't. Still running 8.1 Update
install it.
much much better
2:26 PM
@TùxCräftîñg What makes an Android phone better?
print "hello, world!"
it's open source
@TùxCräftîñg raight. barely any android phone has the open source version
2:27 PM
but it's better than a entirely closed source thing
^^ New Logicode syntax highlighting.
@zyabin101 good
@TùxCräftîñg at least they take constant feedback from millions of insider users now
@TimmyD Linux and java-based, very flexible, developed by a non-evil company
2:28 PM
with lots of device choices and good value for money
Ecosystem is the main thing. Ridiculously large user and app base.
Android phones are open source in the same way that Mac OSX is open source simply because it's based on BSD.
Works flawlessly with other Google products I use.
@aditsu If you honestly think Google isn't evil, you haven't been paying attention.
2:29 PM
@Geobits i agree about app. but with UWP and huge windows PC base, i think things have improved a lot.
devs create uwp app for PC, it works on phone
@TùxCräftîñg Okay exporting, doing final touches in the resulting file, submitting.
@TimmyD google is only half-evil. microsoft is entirely evil
@Optimizer uwp is bad
and you know all about it, right ?
i cant install 5GB to create a uwp application
@TùxCräftîñg MS has open sourced so many things in past year. powershell, chakra etc.
@TùxCräftîñg lol
2:31 PM
@microsoft now plz opensource windows
@Geobits That's the big thing for me. I haven't gone down the Google rabbit-hole. I use Outlook for email, OneDrive for storage, Xbox for gaming, etc.
@TimmyD watwatwat
@Optimizer kinda like a tiger trying to be vegan?
you use a gaming console??????????????????????????????????????
Why wouldn't he use a console? Now I don't know why he chose Xbox as his console, but that's another story...
2:32 PM
pc gaming masterrace
the only game consoles I've ever had were Nintendo ones for the exclusives
@aditsu better than being stuck onto past.
@TimmyD oh jeez, I'm so sorry to hear that
@Geobits well, we dont need PS now with PS NOW :P
2:33 PM
I like consoles. Devs write programs for a set architecture and system and things just work.
I actually have several consoles. NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, GameCube, Wii, 360, One, PS3, PS4
I also just dropped ~$3500 for a new gaming laptop
console >PS1 are bad
too many 3D
oh, talking bout console, UWP apps made for xbox automatically work with pc and phone :D
Too many 3D? I don't even know what that means.
2:35 PM
I have GameGear, N64, PS1*2, PS2*2, GB, GBC, GBA, NDS, GC, Xbox, Wii, 3DS
the only place where I've seen too many 3D is in mime-encoded emails
I mean sure, if all you play are retro-style 2D games, there's probably no point buying a PS4. A Vita maybe, but Sony tries really hard not to care about the Vita.
@muddyfish :O
Hmm, right now we have a GBC, DS, 3DS, PS3, PS4, Wii, Wii U, and Vita in the house.
2:36 PM
when younger had a lot of those yellow game cartridges, what a life back then: TVs with electrode tubes, play cassettes, radios larger than my microwave
Plus emulators for basically everything else.
@Geobits :O
Oh, and an Atari 2600 and Commodore VIC-20 that aren't currently hooked up.
I have null :)
2:37 PM
I forgot I have an Atari
I think I have a clamshell GBA hanging around somewhere, too
I only have an Xbox 360, right behind me to the left.
thanks for that info
To the left of me is the AC adapter.
@TimmyD Oh I have one of those in the closet too :)
2:38 PM
@Geobits time for it to come out of the closet
i have a 10-years old laptop
does this qualify as a retro thing?
no way
Oh, and I have a PSTV too, but that thing is a complete waste of money.
Seriously. Don't get one.
I had a philips cd-i
2:39 PM
anyone has a Steam box?
@seshoumara yes
doesn't really count though
@muddyfish #linksfaceofevil?
@TùxCräftîñg pretty much
yes, I was curious
@muddyfish Man I really wanted one of those when I was a kid. I used to play the demo setups in department stores :P
2:41 PM
@Geobits there really weren't that many (any?) decent games on it though were there?
@muddyfish Well no, but I was a kid :D
They finally removed the space shuttle jack. Courage
@Optimizer quite a big phone there
2:43 PM
Nah, it's a perspective illusion. Like the tiny room setups.
If I'm ever awarded a bronze php badge I'm pretty sure I'd like to have it removed ;-) — Lucas Trzesniewski yesterday
Wise move Lucas. Wise move...
> You think you have it bad? I have a gold [php] badge.
@Optimizer Relevant: Apple Plug
2:48 PM
@Geobits That's the SO equivalent of if when you get a badge.
php is the philosopher's kryptonite: turns gold into lead
@DJMcMayhem I don't think it'll ever happen here. Not enough java-tagged questions for it. I have gold [android] and bronze [java] on SO though ;)
Q: Rename the Necromancer badge

hypersI would like the 'Necromancer' badge to be renamed to something more neutral, please. Generally this term refers to a person practising black magic or witchcraft. I earned this badge but I don't want myself to be associated with this term. Let the community decide what would be the new name. I i...

the meaning of life is not 42, nor -15, its -60
> It would be easier to convert gold into lead via neutron capture and beta decay by leaving gold in a nuclear reactor for a long period of time.
... does that work? (haven't chemistry'd for a long time)
@DJMcMayhem I'm proud of my java badge (on SO)
2:51 PM
@BetaDecay can tranform gold into lead?
"Revivalist, Resurrector, Restorer, Regenerator"
These are less neutral than necromancer
A: Rename the Necromancer badge

Cerbrus Disclaimer: Yes, this answer pokes fun at this feature request. It is meant to illustrate that, if we were to change this badge, there'd be no end to people wanting badges changed for the most ridiculous of reasons. Where would we draw the line? Contrary to what's implied in the comments, this ...

> Illuminator: Illuminati confirmed.
How about instead of Necromancer we call it Messiah-Maker? That's what bringing someone back from the dead does, right? Nothing offensive there :)
Keep name Necromancer.
that's the syntax highlighter for brainfuck that I wrote
@seshoumara does this handle any type of 'tail loop' as comment or only [-][ comment ]?
@TùxCräftîñg I have three of those here too :D
2:59 PM
A: Golf you a quine for great good!


only this exact expression [-][...]
it look like a cheating quine, but it's overly long so idk

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