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3:05 AM
Does this answer all make sense for a newbie?
A: How can I install HP WiFi drivers for the HP Stream 13?

TimI have exactly the same laptop and had exactly the same issue. The solution? Install BudgieOS on it first. This is a distribution based on Ubuntu 16.04. This distribution has (for some reason) different or additional drivers which enable the WiFi on this laptop. Make sure you install the 3rd pa...

@Seth have you listened to Unbelievable?
that was a ping to you ;)
anyone tried writing go in atom? I can't seem to get the autocomplete working.
I might (gasp) go back to VS Code, which has amazing go support.
You will have to install a plugin for Go in Atom
I did that.
3:12 AM
I have go and go-plus
@Seth guess that's a "yes" ;P
srsly though
his songs make no sense at all
6 hours ago, by Zacharee1
MetaMetaMetaMetaMeta METAAAA
y'all gave that 6 stars?
Who makes better DSLR's? Cannon or Nikon?
3:18 AM
Nikon according to my photographer roommate of last year
But Canon looks prettier
97.17% helpful flags.
not bad.
I bet it depends on the model number, your budget and if it's on sale or not.
@TheXed That's editor wars photographer edition :P
I prefer canon, tho I haven't had too much experience with either. I know people that prefer both.
@TheXed they're both good though afaik, so whichever is cheaper. I like my Rebel T5i a lot
i think it's really the lens that matters, no?
3:21 AM
@KazWolfe well sensor is important too
and flexibility of the UI
@Seth how about Thunderstruck?
@KazWolfe mine already does RAW
that's for point-n-shoot Canons, not DSLR
also DSLR sensors look cool.
That's a bad sign.
3:23 AM
um, seth?
is everything okay?
He must have booted Windows or something.
@NathanOsman actually i think it's a worse sign if he actually curses in this chat.
3:24 AM
Budget = $8.4k, that should get me a nice camera right?
I wondered why things were telling me gopath wasn't set. So I check my .zshrc. export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin -.-
@TheXed What is with you and 8.4k
@TheXed and 10 lenses o_O
@TheXed What are you buying, a camera or a video studio?
@Seth am confooz
@NathanOsman a Mac
3:24 AM
@Seth That should be GOPATH not GOROOT.
I overwrote PATH instead of setting GOPATH
@KazWolfe I just got an inheritance check for 8.4k in the mail Tuesday...I want to buy 2 things, a camera, and build a computer, the rest is going in savings...
@NathanOsman That was supposed to be setting GOPATH, no PATH
@KazWolfe AW YISSS
3:25 AM
@Seth no, you actually do want that line.
@Seth le eksdee
Here's what you really want:
@NathanOsman then I'm confused.
export GOPATH=...
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
oh duh. I'm an idiot. I should just go to bed and stop trying to be productive.
3:26 AM
You want $GOPATH/bin in $PATH so you can run stuff you compile.
@Seth good idea. Listen to some Owl City
^--- this
rare to see seth be such a nubcake
@NathanOsman yeah.. now I see. thanks
@edwinksl you just haven't been around long enough then :P
@edwinksl have you looked in a mirror lately?
3:27 AM
@Zacharee1 touche
@NathanOsman #.append('bacon')
What's a "Nub"... noob, newb or newbie?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix all of the above
@KazWolfe I don't do drugs :P
Bacon-flavored coffee... or coffee-flavored bacon?
That is the question.
@Seth good time to start.
you are technically correct @Seth
@NathanOsman ewwww
3:28 AM
@KazWolfe touché.
@Seth maybe it is a good time to start?
@Zacharee1 The only correct response.
@Seth tooshee
I hate coffee.
3:28 AM
@NathanOsman I like coffee, but mixed with bacon???
@Zacharee1 Yeah... no.
@KazWolfe that's not too much of a problem on Ask Ubuntu
I actually have a fruit/herbal coffee alternative thing I occasionally drink. My body can't handle any caffeine though.
you are only banned form AU if you hate hats or points
3:29 AM
@Seth decaf?
I drank a 12oz coffee in July around ~3. Was in bed jittering until 2.
@Seth you build up a tolerance to it after a while.
and then that tolerance becomes a dependence.
and then you're a real programmer!
I can only drink coffee in the morning, else I get #SethCoffeeDisorder
3:32 AM
@Zacharee1 downvote
@NathanOsman you're quite the dancer
I have no idea what that has to do with the conversation.
But there it is.
@Seth well you don't die from an overdose.
@NathanOsman it looks somewhat like you :p
@KazWolfe heart attack from too much caffeine
3:35 AM
@Zacharee1 ಠ_ಠ
Nathan your .gif is driving my CPU to 82 degrees!
@KazWolfe like Carrie Fisher except coffee instead of cocaine
@WinEunuuchs2Unix take it outside
@Zacharee1 that happens if you snort a pound of caffeine. or do a college student and down six five-hour-energies in 5 minutes.
her mom just died Al-Jazeera said
3:35 AM
@KazWolfe snort.. caffeine?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yup. Of stroke, planning daughter's funeral
@NathanOsman omg
that's a plane
pure caffeine can mess you up.
3:37 AM
Speaking of jokes:
@KazWolfe christ
what about this camera/lens?
I see nothing
or is that the point
does it need to develop
Nikon is better than Canon... or Canon is better than Nikon
Canon is better.
3:39 AM
@NathanOsman U WOT
@NathanOsman says the person who asked me for a recommendation :D
I have a T5i and it's good.
@edwinksl !!!!! ^^
whoops forgot the link...
@NathanOsman #samesies
3:39 AM
Since I seem to be on a roll tonight...
@TheXed jesus crust
Canon seems cheaper then Nikon overall...
@TheXed like I said I think
Whoever starred that - the domain name is an extra joke.
@edwinksl I found a picture of @Seth:
user image
3:40 AM
@NathanOsman lol
@Zacharee1 I would eat me.
@Zacharee1 one might even say uncanny resemblance
@Seth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
that is so r/nocontext
3:41 AM
@edwinksl trying desperately to find a cake pun
@Seth Doesn't that contradict some sort of space-time-law-doodle-thing?
i found a picture of @Zacharee1:
I'm a log?
Welcome to (*dims lights*) the lumberjack show.
@Seth You quoted Buffalo Bill wrong.
@KazWolfe can I at least be a bacon log?
you may not.
3:42 AM
Yes he can.
because then @NathanOsman will eat you and i'd be short a coder.
speaking of. GET BACK TO WORK!
3:43 AM
@Zacharee1 have we been trolled?
Because I think we've been trolled.
We have definitely been trolled.
3:46 AM
minty question it seems, rip askubuntu.com/questions/865651/…
@edwinksl "thrusty" xD
Too many distros of Ubuntu and derivatives off them.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix one could say the same of UNIX
@Zacharee1 on par with willy
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3:48 AM
good evening
@IanC welcome to the crazy General Room.
and what the evening it's been
UNIX, POSIX, SOLARIS, REHL, FEDORA, ARCH they are all supposed to be different... Ubuntu shouldn't be different... then there is IBM, Oracle (Sun), DEC (okay they are dead), etc.
Yeah. I feel like "what the evening" describes this quite well.
What the evening?
3:50 AM
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Ubuntu, is in fact, GNU/Ubuntu, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an inplementation of the functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Ubuntu”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically th
Twas my first day back at work.... they were 4 days behind...hehe
@KazWolfe K
@NathanOsman scrolling up I see the messages are a bit more random than usual today haha
seth started it, blame him
@IanC maybe a tad
3:51 AM
nubcake is so 2000s
@KazWolfe in a couple of years Ubuntu will be dead along with Arch, Fedora, Lint, etc. and there will just be systemD :0
@edwinksl like ur mam
@WinEunuuchs2Unix GNU/Ubuntu, GNU/Arch, GNU/Fedora, GNU/Mint, and GNU/Systemd. Get your names right.
So it's... french?
3:52 AM
@KazWolfe haven't read GPL licensing agreement yet.... give it time!
@NathanOsman BACON LAZERS!
@edwinksl lol
@Zanna ^^^^
one carrot for each line to scroll up :p
@KazWolfe GAH.
star time
3:53 AM
first rule to making a chatbot: don't let us know the trigger words.
@KazWolfe Kinda hard to do when something is open source.
@NathanOsman #ClosedSourceMasterRace
3:55 AM
Bonus fact: "gah" spelled backwards is "hag".
<<< #ClosedSourceOfOne
or just store trigger words in a config file on the gitignore
@KazWolfe It can be customized - that's just the default
3:55 AM
@Zacharee1 "image not found"
@Tim Welcome to the "gah" club. Here's your badge and membership papers.
First meeting is next Tuesday.
@NathanOsman #Zacharee1NotFound
@WinEunuuchs2Unix #baconNotFound
@NathanOsman that is some CSI-level "ENHANCE"
3:56 AM
no, don't cry, NO IM SORRY TOO MUCH
Don't be a pig :p
This is starting to become a game show where people post weirder and weirder things for virtual money.
@NathanOsman yehs
(AKA stars.)
wat no unikornz
3:57 AM
Haven't seen a star in this room since Kaz or someone else complained about it a few nights ago.
oh... i'm too late.
but wait. IT'S NOT FROM 9GAG
3:58 AM
@KazWolfe lol
this came up for nubcake:
um guys
this also came up for nubcake
@SmokeDetector is flagging this entire room now :D
we need a giphy bot in here
Sorry @NathanOsman, but you own a nubcake
We could have had one...

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