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( for the record, I see what you referenced there, @KazWolfe )
Couldn't figure out all that bacon talk yesterday... until I got the hat today! LOL
@Serg you do?
in which case, i like @Serg. @Serg is good wolf.
@KazWolfe Yes, i do, isn't that shocking, or should I say . . . Bio-shocking ?
you are officially labeled "awesome" in my book.
Yay, achievement unlocked "Awsome" label
@Serg -_-
@Zacharee1 don't you love my sense of humor ? or rather . . .lack thereof ?
lol true true
@Serg is the type of guy I'd go drinking with.
then he drunk texts you :p
Yeah, i do that . . .
is it bad i've memorized my AU user id?
No, that's actually pretty useful
> I am currently running duel boot between Ubuntu 16.04.1 and windows 10 using GRUB.
Duel boot?
swords or guns?
I wanna correct duel to dual, but I know it really is a duel between Ubuntu and WIndows
The battle of the OS's , who shall win ?
@Serg The one the sysadmin feeds.
26.5k rep in SO
@Zacharee1 that question is from 2011, what on earth it's being closed for ?
( well, I know it's closed as off-topic , but . . . why at this point ?)
What's the purpose ?
cleanup i guess
woo, got sportsmanship
Meh, clean up has to be reasonable
@KazWolfe These are duel boots:
Literally , duel boots
no, those are pretty normal.
spurs aren't meant for dueling.
@Serg no idea at all. I hope someone isn't actively searching.
@Zacharee1 @Zanna
@ByteCommander again, spurs are not necessary/
no, she says she's past 2011
@Zacharee1 I have suspicion someone is. Remember there was this guy who vehemently wanted to close all outdated posts ?
But they fit the image.
( he posted on meta )
@ByteCommander they do, but they're not specifically dueling boots.
because those don't exist.
@Serg wat
in fact, most cowboys tend to not wear spurs when they can avoid wearing them, because they can get in the way.
@Serg who
@Zacharee1 I told you about him before , yo
I did not claim the spurs shall be used to fight, but these boots are typical wild west boots (as known from movies etc... - who cares about reality) to be worn for a wild west shooting duel.
mostly correct, yeah.
how i know these things: i live on a ranch.
By the way, googled up "duel boots" , images of Windows Os selection screen came up O_o
how I (don't) know these things: I have a TV
calls down evil
Ok, need advice guys. Should I drop Control Systems Analysis class, and take it in Fall ? The reasoning is that I think that maybe I should learn Matlab and all the material first, maybe even prep all homeworks in advance, and then take the class
@ThomasWard yes?
Gosh, and I so really really don't wanna take Electro-magnetic Fields class. That's going to be shizton of calculus
@KazWolfe I meant another orbital foam strike
because if you wanted a ground sword strike, i can do that.
I need to find some sort of winning strategy for passing classes , because each and every time it's a beatdown
@Serg step 1: do the homework.
or at least that's the step i always screw up.
I screw that up quite a lot too
don't remind me...
i do great in the classes usually, but i never do the homework.
We're just procrastinators who managed to tame the panic monster... ;D
i want to reboot into windows for games, but i'm too lazy.
@Serg May I request an indicator?
@ByteCommander Sure, go ahead
I'd like one that shows me whether my HDD is spinning and allows me to power it down and change the idle time needed until it powers down automatically.
You think that is possible?
Potentially , yes
(additional info, I've got an SSD (/dev/sdb) as main drive and a HDD (/dev/sda) as secondary drive which is mainly used for some infrequently used data)
So you have same setup as I do. That's convenient
Oh, and it should also show me the per-disk read and write IO throughput and how long it has been on idle if the current IO is 0.
I can also post a detailed question about it, but probably tomorrow...
> 43
Close Votes
@ByteCommander I have a disk I/O indicator already, it was requested a week or two ago, and already posted. What I don't know how to figure out yet is whether the HDD is spinning. Most commands, such as hdparm require root access, which is not something I like or is supposed to happen with indicators
he spammed those same comments on what he linked
calls down the ion cannon beam
vaporizes the bad comments
i can smell roasted comments from here
user hasn't been here since 2k14 though so nothing else I can do here.
throws flashbangs into the room
@ThomasWard possible NAA too
@Zacharee1 where?
@ThomasWard same link
NOW i know who Linus is.
> “Rotating storage is going the way of the dodo,” Torvalds wrote. “How do I hate thee, let me count the ways. The latencies of rotational storage are horrendous, and I personally refuse to use a machine that has those nasty platters of spinning rust in them.”
@Serg so what'd he use before SSDs?
@Zacharee1 it's an ancient post, don't worry about it.
@Serg thank u
It's been closed by the concussion grenade I threw at it though.
combo lel and kek
@Zacharee1 lol , he probably was using tape drives ( Jk, Linus, don't give me a buggy kernel )
technically, those also have rusty spinning discs
chucks an answer at a post
post goes smoky
the monster is cheap here
like between 199-300 dollars
@Edity post spontaneously combusts, due to the impact-sensitive residue spread over it by the fallout from the ion cannon beam that ended up dusting the post accidentally
letme check
loads up pbtech's website
looks at all of these great deals and barfs at the sight of oneplus
@Zacharee1 that thing looks like Sith lord's crown
@Serg close.
but not exact.
ooo that's an idea
@Serg something SciFi for sure
snapshots SithLord image
seems to be the new style
@ThomasWard Snapchat?
hacking PB-TECH database..
result found
@Zacharee1 DeathlyEvilChat
Is GST like VAT? @Edity
Le first router ^
@Zacharee1 Goods And Services tax; similar
stop it with your ewws
@Zacharee1 ewwwwww bacon
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you broke your own post
@ThomasWard Uh oh... what did I break???
go check your comments
Oh thanks... the page does exist as per the picture... I'll check the link formatting.
@ThomasWard Not sure how I messed that link up... but it's fixed now THANKS!
Well I am kind of exhausted... still not an excuse though.
what routers do people have?
second Belkin-owned Linksys is failing
PfSense router now, using Ubiquiti WAPs
something home-suited
PfSense router, Ubiquiti WAPs.
the asus rt-ac68u is pretty good, but needs custom firmware
@KazWolfe this sounds like my setup
@Zacharee1 pfSense firewall appliance as the router, Ubiquity UniFi AP AC LR access point(s)
can i haz linkz
multiple managed switches, with VLANs and access controls
@Zacharee1 got $1k?
and nope
got a spare computer?
then you can't replicate.
and $60?
@KazWolfe $80
@KazWolfe oh, and a spare NIC adapter
I need a wireless router, or a cheap router/WAP combo
because they probably don't have dual NICs
this is for a completely wireless home
so a second network card, and a WAP ($80)
I'm not putting a computer in the front room
you can probably use a Pi as your router appliance if you're brave.
no, you put the computer/appliance in your server rack, and the WAPs wherever needed.
did someone say Pie ?
@Zacharee1 do you want me to send you a link to the one I got ? It's like 20$ , but it needs a modem
already have a modem
I'll take a look
although I'm looking for 802.11ac
and at least dual-band
Unifi AP AC, $99 last I checked
802.11 b/g/n/ac
So that's the little baby I got. 3 antenas , Wireless b/g/n
Nothing too spectacular , but works. AND wait for it . . . . .
@Serg except he wants AC
It supports DD-WRT
so that's out of the running
tosses @Serg's link into the rubbish pile
here's my available space imgur.com/a/FQvwa
@ThomasWard takes the link back out, and throws at Thomas
@ThomasWard that's not bad
calls down the ion cannon
2 mins ago, by Zacharee1
although I'm looking for 802.11ac
@Zacharee1 it's not ac though
2 mins ago, by Thomas Ward
802.11 b/g/n/ac
@Zacharee1 Unifi AP AC
not the link from Serg
and it's a WAP, not a 'router'
@ThomasWard look at the ping direct
I can always get a wired router
i'm confused now
or disable the wireless on the EA6400
@ThomasWard you said the Unifi was $99, I said not bad
Well, 802.11 b/g/n still works better indoors. That's the primary reason they use that standard in my university - because ac , while it can be used at 5 GHz , won't pass through walls well , and won't have better range
@Serg don't need range
@Zacharee1 ah, OK.
@Serg I'mma differ with you only because I have a Unifi AP AC LR, and the 5GHz signal permeates the walls and covers my entire apartment
we set up a Ubiquity system at my old school
Well, if you're looking for a fairly cheap and decent router, consider the one i linked
interface is pretty cool
the standard 2.4GHz signal, I can get two buildings away
@ThomasWard I am talking about 5 GHz signal though
@Serg so is he?
@Serg but that 5GHz signal does go through the wall, at the much higher strength that the AC LR puts out. I know you meant the 5GHz signal, and that's what I was talking about
It's not that 5 GHz signal won't pass walls at all, it's just that 5 GHz signal doesn't pass as well as 2.4 GHz and has lesser range.
And then again - how thick are your appartment walls ?
@ThomasWard Unifi seems pretty nice; and only $100 amazon.com/Ubiquiti-UAP-AC-LR-Networks-Enterprise-System/dp/…
actually that's a decent EdgeRouter
which can be used as a router, if you install the right management software behind the scenes
though I prefer pfSense because it's a central management interface for the routing/firewall on its own
I need more coffee.
I'd rather have plug-n-play
over a programmable switch
it's hard to find a wired router
just get a cheap wireless router, shut off wireless, done.
before I had that Ubiquity and some actual APs, I repurposed an ancient LinkSys router into AP mode, and then that was my AP. It now sits in a corner, in LAN-only mode
no wifi
but there's the issue of that failing
like the Linksys before this one; loved to just freeze randomly
E1200 I think?
yeah I ditched the Linksys E1000 I had, I replaced it with a NetGear dualband N access point which I got second hand
then within the past year I ditched that and replaced it with an Ubiquity Unifi AP AC LR
Now it's an EA6400 I think
which will eventually go to my parents' house, along with my current pfSense once I replace that
I just want to get rid of Linksys; the products have been terrible since Cisco sold it to Belkin
and Linksys Smart WiFi? UGH
Journeyman Geek mentioned Asus routers are fairly good
they seem to be pretty expensive though
As long as it is under 40 $, it's alright in my book
tosses a cryo-grenade into the question
@ThomasWard you're turning into @ArtOfCode :P
how so?
as long as he doesnt turn into evil demon from hell, it's totally fine
@Serg How are you so sure I've not always been an evil demonic dark entity from the realm of the condemned?
huehuehue Kaz forgot to edit my NVIDIA answer >:)
We like nice and fluffy Thomas
after all, I consume souls of the damned to survive :p
(they replace the sugar I normally put in coffee)
@Serg i'm not fluffy.
and I'm halfway between "good" and "evil".
90% of the time.
@ThomasWard well, as long as you don't consume our souls ( and rep ), that's perfectly fine.
you mean like @terdon did recently?
he accidentally consumed several people's rep
he did ? how ?
black magic
he accidentally summoned a demon into the server racks
I was more hinting at sho . . .g but ok . . .
@Zacharee1 no; stop asking.
@Serg ah, well, there's many demons on SE.
of different evil levels :)
I've always been attracted to female demons from the 3rd circle of hell
@ThomasWard although the answer should probably be deleted askubuntu.com/questions/811552/…
Anyways, I can be extremely kind, and then extremely evil to some bad people, and then neutral and serious other ti... YES FRESH BREWED COFFEE >:D grabs the Hell Hammer and raids the coffee supply
( googles what the 3rd circle of hell actually is )
@Serg something Christian-ey
maybe bacon?
there's a 666th circle of Hell, but we don't discuss it.
It's reserved.
reserved for who
the most evil
there's only two who meet this criterion
one is already in there
ur mum
ur mam?
ur mem
tasers both @Zacharee1 and @edwinksl
smells like bacon
lmao your a bacon
anyways, I do need coffee goes to grab some
@Zacharee1 it's apparently related to incontinence and lust. Totally where I'm going
@edwinksl the ion cannon awaits, where is it
as in zach needs to do his 20 CVs
I did
so gud
mod material
stoped nubcake ed
except teward might veto your nomination
mods can do that ?
you could be suspended right before you win :p
we'd poke CMs if we had any true problems with someone, probably
but meh
@Zacharee1 still less nubcake than seth
@Seth is King Nubbles, ruler of nubcakes
who am I?
starts tuning the orbital kinetic strike platform
@ThomasWard judging by your avatar, you're a guy with cool bike helmet
oh geez
InkScape wai
oh geez scub
that looka totes like nathan
zach nub lel
All I want for christmas is 鱼
That was my christmas post a few years ago, btw
at some point i should get back into the saddle so to speak and go back to writing more code . . . . gotta get my git committing again
year year got fish
nice inkscape
finally not a nubcake
sry seth
seth mad cuz bad
haven't seen him all day
if I ping him to close something, I bet it'll happen
if Thomas doesn't get there first
@Serg I have a bad feeling people will close this as opinion based? askubuntu.com/questions/865993/…

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