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7:00 PM
Yeah... I'm gonna stick with Poshmark. Used clothes are better than... whatever this is.
learn to sew :)
i feel left out without a blue name :(
Your username still confuses me all the time
7:03 PM
It's intentional
I like it :)
What should I teach my club students how to do today?
Should I show them what an installation of Arch Linux is like?
@HeatherBrown Encryption and privacy?
@StefanoPalazzo Get them all on keybase?
7:05 PM
that'd be pretty cool
does anyone have a keybase invite?
I mean, I know programmers with 10 years of experience who don't have the first idea how public key crypto actually works. And nobody knows how to use it properly.
@Whaaaaaat I do!
Stefano does.
Nathan does.
I think Mateo does.
@Seth can i steal it please? :3
@Whaaaaaat no but you can have it ;)
7:08 PM
But, you know, symmetric encryption is pretty easy. Or even historical encryption methods. They teach you everything you need to know to be convinced that it's not magic (even though it is, in a way)
I'll need an email.
Do I have to use the same email for signup?
I'm not sure.
Okay they're starting to hoover the offices and that's a cliché. I'm out. See you guys :)
pop me an email if you want.
7:09 PM
Hmm. How easy is it to permanently delete messages?
invite sent!
thank you :D
they have fun invite codes
@StefanoPalazzo catch 'ya later!
ooo. keybase is really cool
I've still got some invites left too if you need more.
7:18 PM
Eventually, I'll invite myself to create my "real" profile.
Oh. I use an alias for everything online.
For all intents and purposes, it's me. However, there will be some use cases where it might be good to have my real name out there.
(Keeps snoopers from finding my as easily)
@Whaaaaaat That could backfire slightly. The whole point of keybase is so that people can trust your keys. If no one knows who you are then they can't trust you..
7:24 PM
My online alias is the same everywhere. I took care doing that. Everyone who knows me in real life knows my alias as well.
@Seth Yeah, but the tooltip was different when I first posted it. Some kind of browser artifact.
@terdon I hate it when tooltips stick around.
anyone else want a keybase invite
A coworker brought me apple strudel.
I think she's trying to make me fat, because it is too delicious to stop.
7:28 PM
How do you earn an invite?
Wait, mostly.
Or beg Mateo for one.
@HeatherBrown The more services you add, the more invites you get.
It takes about ~24 hours for them to come through.
Ah. I have none right now, then.
I will let you all know if I earn one.
7:36 PM
I only have Git and HackerNews.
I don't have a twitter or anything, really.
Keybase needs 2FA.
By two weeks ago.
They should implement Yubikey support.
I would love to buy a YubiKey.
Expensive though.
7:39 PM
They were $5 a while back.
I grabbed one.
They're not too much. I have a few of them.
I just have the U2F one.
...which only work on certain browsers.
Glares at Mozilla.
i'll try to get the Neo soon.
best of all the worlds!
YubiKeys are literally indestructable, or so I've heard. Can anyone confirm?
Mine's pretty sturdy.
I would rather not try right now.
7:43 PM
I keep it on my keychain.
I didn't accidentally step on mine once, though, and it's fine.
The contacts are gold-plated, I believe.
Virtually impossible to damage by accident.
so it won't survive an RMS katana attack?
Probalby not.
oh, they're waterproof? That's cool.
7:45 PM
Why are used shoes $600?!
Because fashion.
Hey, I have some used shoes. Time to earn some money...
@NathanOsman Women's size 11?
If only that was one line @NathanOsman
@HeatherBrown for $600 they could be :P
@Whaaaaaat fixed.
7:47 PM
Stars: The most useless thing in the SE Chatroom system.
Is Oli still mad at George?
I think so.
I'm totally putting these shoes on an expense report for work...
Why do you need $600 shoes?
Who already owns nice teal shoes?
7:49 PM
Won't just $15 shoes from your local whatsitcalled work?
They want all of the employees in teal shoes for graduation this time around.
whatsitcalled == Wal-Mart? :P
Nice. That would work.
I think.
And ruin a perfectly good pair of shoes I already own?
7:50 PM
Shoes for $10 at walmart + $8 can of spray paint = $18.
Hmm... is there a black one you could spray on afterwards to return it to its original color?
$18 < $600
7:51 PM
Double lol.
Wont those work? ^
Yes and no.
I'm going to a work function in those.
@Terrance No, no, no. Those are aqua.
Aqua isn't teal.
7:51 PM
Sorry, colorblind here.
Nice try tho.
What is an Ubuntu Membership?
It's a process whereby you become an Ubuntu Member.
7:52 PM
Basically you get an @ubuntu.com email.
That's not even the best perk.
You get a signed certificate from Mark Shuttleworth.
sabdfl himself?
Are you sure it isn't a robosigner?
7:53 PM
Nope, it's a real signature.
I have one.
Pics or it didn't happen.
It's in the transcript somewhere... hang on...
how i imagine my Ubuntu membership going:

Me: S-Sabdfl noticed me!!
Sabfl: wat.
Jul 24 at 21:13, by Nathan Osman
user image
@HeatherBrown boom.
That's embossed. Printed on there.
7:55 PM
i call photoshop. the pixels are all wrong.
It is not!
You can see the shadows!
That's actual pen ink.
@NathanOsman so what gets you membership?
7:55 PM
Pretty sure any "shadow" can be attributed to "JPEG artifacts".
@Tim Sustained contributions to Ubuntu. That includes documentation, code, helping other users, LoCo involvement, etc.
We're just teasing you :)
there. it has enough jpeg now.
Okay so AU is a start for me? :P
7:57 PM
@Tim Sure is!
Lots of members (including me) used Ask Ubuntu contributions to help our application along :)
Congrats Terrance!!
I only wish!!
Darn UPS guy... @Terrance beat me to the joke.
7:59 PM
Alright, time to get stuff done. AFK.
quick someone start spamming the chat so nathan has something to do
Mine's not gimp'd at all! :P
woah woah woah. I thought Nathan Osman wasn't your real name???
lol Terrance got more congrats than nathan :P
@Whaaaaaat is it george?
I don't know what his real name is. But I don't think it's Nathan Osman.
terrance deserves it imo
8:01 PM
Hey, I think we became members on the same day...
@Terrance Mine is better :p
@HeatherBrown Cheater! Better handwriting is not fair! :P
Looks like we all took the pic at the same angle too! ;)
@Terrance It's called "Comic Sans" :P
8:08 PM
@HeatherBrown Ah, mine is Terrance-Scribble. ;)
You also need to get better at the "heal" tool :P
I used clone
can confirm... that IS writing.
But I am not a very good artist. I screw up stick figures! :P
8:14 PM
I tried to draw a circle once. The pencil is still stuck in the wall.
Does corrective tape come off monitors easily?
Use permanent pen.
I will! ;)
I once tried to take a screenshot of a bug ...on my screen. I also once was writing (with a pencil) and thought "Oh I can just copy and paste this". I think it is time to get off the computer
8:18 PM
"My coffee cup holder is broken!" :P
ubuntu members get 25 free credits on SixXS. Please. I get that every week.
@Terrance Most computers come with two. Use the other one from now on.
@Whaaaaaat I always forget that! :P I will have to feel for the button as the front is all black colored.
Does anyone here have any experience with using gdb to set breakpoints in order to debug programs?
8:22 PM
@HeatherBrown sixxs.net
IPv6 provider
@Whaaaaaat: tunnel broker more precisely
what do credits get used for?
I tried to get an account with them but apparently I was too far from a pop
ended up with free6
Of course now I'm on native ipv6
@JourneymanGeek You use them to "buy" tunnels
Cuteness Overload!
@Terrance husky with something else?
8:32 PM
Wow! What's that cuteness I see??? :D :D :D
@Whaaaaaat I wish it was my puppy so I am not sure, but my guess is wolf is the mix in it.
not your profile pic @ParanoidPanda
@Terrance yeah, that looks about right.
looks like fairly standard spitzy thing
wolf/husky hybrids are automatically 500% more cute than wolves or huskies.
just super young
8:35 PM
(especially third-generation)
@NathanOsman Heh. Well, PEP 0008 can go boil that portion of it's head. Tabs are so much better than spaces
It's very rare for me to come across Python code indented with tabs :P
I've switched from camelCase to python_case (or whatever it is). PEP 008 can keep its spaces.
Tabs are just so much easier to work with
One backspace & you're back 2-3-4 spaces
Same thing for hitting tab
8:37 PM
Although I would tend to agree for some languages, virtually all Python code out there uses spaces.
@Mateo Noice!
@RPiAwesomeness A good editor will hide that from you.
@NathanOsman I've switched to using spaces in Atom, but that code was written a while back
@NathanOsman good editors won't remove the extra space constraints.
or fix compatibility
or make it portable
Fair enough.
8:38 PM
@Mateo ik. Wish I had the $$$ for it :P
@RPiAwesomeness did you see my pull request?
@NathanOsman I saw the message, just got back from doing stuffs so I haven't looked at it.
I fixed the tab-order bug.
@RPiAwesomeness @NathanOsman I always set my editors to interpret tabs as spaces.
I don't like using tabs.
8:40 PM
@HeatherBrown Tabs are standard for Go.
Tabs are love.
Tabs are life.
But for Python and C++, spaces are more common.
@NathanOsman I haven't learned Go yet.
I can't not put semicolons into Python
Is that because they're older languages, that could be part of it possibly
8:40 PM
@quake120 They're valid.
It's habit from C#, Java, and PHP
PHP, ew!
I like PHP
Java, ew! haha
Go does something interesting. When you save a file, go fmt runs and corrects any style errors in your code.
That includes removing semicolons.
Really? That's pretty cool
8:41 PM
Awesome @NathanOsman :) Merging RN
@quake120 I'll go with you on that one.
I've heard of Go before, but never really looked at it more than just a really simple code sample
@quake120 It takes some getting used to but it really does parallel processing quite nicely.
PHP is in my top 3 favorite languages....
C#, Python, PHP, probably in order.
How can anyone like PHP?
8:42 PM
(And I say that as someone who has used it a lot.)
I wouldn't try to write an entire framework with it...That's why I use Laravel for web stuff
I did try to write a framework in it :P
That was a few years back.
Go looks like java.
How do I install go?
8:44 PM
sudo apt-get install go
Notepad for me all the way! :D
It's golang, not go.
@HeatherBrown If all you want to do is play around with simple programs, there's this online: play.golang.org
8:45 PM
I want to learn so that I could maybe create something with it.
I use it a lot to quickly test concepts.
None of my STEM students showed up today... They are all getting a talking to.
I'm installing GoLand now
Ruh roh. Peoples are in trouble
Benefits of using a constant as opposed to a variable?
8:47 PM
Constants cannot be modified (assigned to).
I'm going to have my second daughter (third kid) in January...I think I'm going to get her a Linux onesie
With Tux on it
^ They're safer to send as arguments
@quake120 Cool, congrats.
And that sounds like a nice thing to buy :)
My wife likes Linux, so I won't get any arguments from her :)
@Seth xD Have you seen fabrizio's Testimonial?
8:48 PM
Go looks suspiciously like Python
It may at first, but that opinion will quickly change.
Actually, I take that back
Especially when you get to types :)
It looks suspiciously like Python and Java had a baby :)
Note that this is from a VERY preliminary look at some code
@NathanOsman How do you edit Ubuntu wiki pages? I want to add a testimonial for Seth
8:49 PM
I have some source code if you want to see some production code.
@RPiAwesomeness Are you signed in?
@HeatherBrown Yup, that's where I started.
@NathanOsman Yeah
Go only has a for loop?
No while?
8:50 PM
The for loop is a while loop.
There are multiple types of for loops.
@NathanOsman Or rather, I'm trying to sign it. The page just sits their loading...
I guess you could do... for 1 < 3 to get an infinite...
There's this one: "for { ... }" which loops until a break statement. There's this one: "for a < 12 { ... }" which is similar to a while loop. There's this one: "for k, v := range container { ... }" for looping over slices and maps. And then there's this one: "for a := 0; a < 10; a++ { ... }" which most C/C++/Java programmers are familiar with.
@Terrance I saw that, looks like it could be interesting
8:53 PM
@RPiAwesomeness Indeed it does look interesting.
@Terrance I saw that on HN earlier.
Man. Unity really seems to have a lot of issues with multiple displays
Apparently I am not on enough sites then. :P
@RPiAwesomeness Switch to MATE
@HeatherBrown I've got that on my laptop
8:55 PM
Honestly... the Ubuntu Wiki is one of the most unreliable pieces of infrastructure in the Ubuntu network.
I feel like flipping a coin every time I try to access it.
I can't even log in.
@NathanOsman I concur. Their guide for setting up a VPN is awful.
@NathanOsman Same here. It just sits there loading
@HeatherBrown Oh you set up a VPN? That must have been fun.
I recently got OpenVPN up and running on my server.
It was impossible difficult.
And I still can't get IPv6 routing to work correctly.
@NathanOsman Yeah, I had the students set-up an OpenVPN server on Ubuntu, and they had a lot of difficulty with it. We aren't even attempting IPv6 because of it.
I'm convinced you can count on one hand the number of people on this planet capable of getting IPv6 working through a VPN.
8:59 PM
What is the := all about in Go?

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