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I do!
Man, what a bummer
On the way to work, someone murdered a kitty with their car ; (
@MarkBuffalo Enough already?
Did not like seeing that. I feel bad
Subject change... so...
@Matthew sure, my 5 billion devices at home all need IP adresses
@MarkBuffalo Yeah, I would too. Graphic descriptions not required, though.
@Simon why? Are you uncomfortable when anything other than name calling or juvenile jokes are happening?
@SEJPM Oh, you only have a small network...
@Matthew I can't even make use of all the 2^128 IPv6 IPs :(
I use all of my IP addresses but don't need more
@Iszi yeah I don't use that power, people get annoyed. BTW the goal of the pinwall (which @AviD totally disregarded to explan, during his RO-Induction) is to create amusing and scurrilous stories by pinning items out of context. The art to it is that things stack in an odd order (partially date based, partially number of stars based) to it can be tricky to get it to read right
@Iszi bonus points if the story includes one or more mods
@RоryMcCune And this is why we love you as a room owner. You're not abusive with your power
@Matthew @SEJPM A couple of years ago there was a guy complaining on the NANOG mailing list about the decision for ISPs to giving out /64 IPv6 allocations to end-users. He predicted that, like wiht IPv4, such frivolity would cause us to run out of IP space once again. And it wasn't even on April Fool's day.
@MarkBuffalo well there's a fine line between amusing and taking things too far...
@Xander Did he get shredded?
@Xander wait, so I'd have 2^64 IPs JUST FOR ME!?
@Matthew No, IIRC, he simply got ignored. I expect the rest of the list figured that if that was his starting position, there was no hope of leading him all the way back to reality.
Before lunch, I was QAing a report which had a whole single mistake in it. It's like some people don't want me to make notes on their reports...
@SEJPM If you get an IPv6 allocation, yes.
@SEJPM Yay! Saw that on Twitter a bit ago. Will be interesting to see if it actually happens.
this doesn't even look like a joke :O google.com/patents/US7046802 google.tl/patents/US7200227
@RоryMcCune yes, and that line is different for the victim and the individual abusing power
A: How many project managers are needed to change a lightbulb?

Mark C. WallaceThere is no change request for the prior lightbulb; the change from "lit" to "dark" was not authorized. I have tasked the team from seven parallel lines to perform an root cause analysis and produce an Ishikawa diagram. They have had to replace the lead tech who apparently tried to assault th...

@kalina well it is all relative...
are today's RFCs out yet?
@Matthew nice.
@SEJPM not an hour ago.
I'm quite bored
I need something to do
I've not heard back from the label I sent lastnight's track to
@kalina Spec up a watercooled PC
I don't really want to chase that because... 12 hours... sigh
@Matthew I don't want to, I'll end up buying it and I don't need another PC
@SEJPM didn't check for an hour, will now
I've added amazon to my hosts file to stop me from buying more because one click purchase is too dangerous
@kalina spec up a full (server based) network for home
@kalina That's a good idea...
with Firewall, fiber connections, compute servers, rendering servers, NAS, ...
I think blowing several thousand on amazon in a month is a bit excessive and maybe I need to re-evaluate my compulsive need for packages
@kalina Have you ever considered a job at Fedex...
@SmokeDispenser :(
@SEJPM that indeed. Yet, it is not yet morning in the US, I think.
@kalina green is not a creative colour
@SEJPM I'm looking forward to IPv6 over Avian Carriers with multicast.
@RоryMcCune ooh yeah I should have given him some induction
@Matthew too much of a paycut, too much driving around aimlessly, too much customer interaction, etc etc
or at least hazing
@RоryMcCune pretty sure the pinwall order is "freshness" based.
plus it's not the same thing when they're not my packages
@AviD how ambiguous of you
@AviD kind of, when the dates get close together number of stars become relevant
@AviD so sometimes things will actually flip
@RоryMcCune also recentness of starring
@kalina its a pretty clear, not-specifically-defined terminology.
I need one
@AviD I don't think it's that important, because I just tried starring one message from the second day this room existed and it didn't appear to the right :/
@SEJPM sure, because its not fresh
I think I'm ill or something
I keep seeing the things you people say and want to respond with "your face isn't <thing you said>"
I'm resisting
its a weighted algorithm, each of those factors give it some weight
your face is a weighted algorithm
@SmokeDispenser It is in the Eastern part. And very early morning in the west.
your face is not fresh
your face is not-specifically-defined terminology
your face is your face -.-
glad I got that out of my system
@AviD that guy is nuts. all the way.
I think thermite launchers should be commercialized
then everybody can have one and I can sit and watch the world burn
@kalina too far man
perpetuating ste... nope, I can't be bothered
morning @Ohnana
happy 10am, or whatever
@AviD I suspect that's not strictly legal. Looks to be magnificently engineered and built, though.
you suspect?
@kalina Probably fine in some countries...
the closest I could find on the googles was rocket launchers
I bet if Counter-Strike let you buy a thermite launcher, it would get popular again
no I think CS had its decade and a half
@AviD it isn't popular right now?
now it's all about dota2
it is "popular"
it's just not the super juggernaut of esports it used to be
@SEJPM is it?
@AviD CS:GO is very popular, yes
and there are still people who play each individual release of the game going all the way back to when it was a mod for half life
@kalina this, is what I meant
just like there are still people who play quakeworld
@AviD you'd need to bundle it with crack in order for it beat dota2
Can anyone double check my logic here
A: Exploit a buffer overflow without SIGSEGV

RoraΖReturning to normal execution from shellcode is hard. You're exactly right. Your function likely doesn't have a valid return address. I'm not entirely sure this is your problem, but your attempt to put the return address on the stack is incorrect. You would want your Target function's retur...

@RoraΖ infinite loop
@RoraΖ in all seriousness, I can read each of those words but I don't understand what they mean together
...... that us mean, @DavidFreitag
@kalina haha, well thanks for trying
one day I shall be useful :(
@Adi Nice!
@kalina Well, it's kind of cross between a flame thrower and a potato gun. Both of which are legal in some places (assuming you don't use them for evil) and completely illegal in others, regardless of use.
@silverpenguin On the moon
@MarkBuffalo I would never torment you. Unless I knew your safety word ahead of time.
@DavidFreitag you don't know his safety word? :O
@DavidFreitag moon chav?
@DavidFreitag Ahead of time.
That's the safety word
Safety wood? Never had safety wood.
If anyone is looking to get into arduino, they're on sale: sparkfun.com/news/2068
I'm still thinking about getting one of those ollies
but I can't imagine I'd get more than an hour of use out of it
@kalina Eh?
they're reprogrammable as well
obviously not entirely the same thing you were talking about
@Xander But are they legal when combined??
but definitely packaged in a way that is more interesting to me
I suppose I should just go the entire way and build a quadcopter
@kalina meh
maybe if I break a few nails assembling it I'll care more when I crash it
@RoraΖ If neither are independently illegal, they would be legal when combined, unless they violated some specific law, such as one against inflammable projectiles, for instance.
@AviD fuckin' Colin Furze
Iiiii just wana tell you how im feeling... gotta make you understand
@silverpenguin NO.
@Xander flammable*?

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