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@Adi its worth being aware of
and its still a fast drive in spite of that
Indeed. I didn't know about it before you mentioned it
I dont see why hardware isnt air tight sealed with an aircompressor (much like a fridge)
@Adi I was planning a series of upgrades before I lost my job ;p
so I was pretty up to date on hardware
@silverpenguin erm. You'd still need some kind of coolant
@JourneymanGeek well yeah, these are like 5-6x faster than a sata ssd
@silverpenguin somebody tried the "PC in a fridge" build and it's inefficient
(non K skylake, prolly asus motherboard. Got the 980ti early, 2 4k monitors...)
motherboard/ram/storage upgrade and a 3rd monitor and I'd be set ;)
I always buy K model chips even though I don't overclock
@kalina well yea it would be because the PC would then be too cold, you would need to some really super custom shit
Do I want a kitchen or a gaming PC?
is that a waste?
damn im so oooo hunnggrryy
@silverpenguin actually a fridge is incapable of cooling a PC
@Matthew both 2 in 1
@kalina maybe. I don't judge.
I get non K processors cause they're cheaper and have the option of VT-D support
@kalina ahh i see, Il do some research .
adafruit.com/products/1652 ,_ dream third monitor ;)
@kalina slight news to me
I do assume you could precool water going into a cooling loop tho
@silverpenguin I have a feeling it would still be too hot
Air isn't very good at conducting heat
your fridge isn't designed to handle that much heat being generated
@JourneymanGeek true its meant to keep things low, not make them low
its a heat pump
and, honestly, I doubt any conventional design of air-compression-based cooling device would fail for the same reason
@JourneymanGeek a fridge is designed to slowly bring the temperature down to refrigeration temperature and then maintain it - this is entirely based on the fact that refrigeration in general doesn't involve an active heat source
You need to increase the surface of the hot components by direct contact with highly conductive material
pretty much ;p
once you add an active heat source into the mix, a fridge is incapable of bringing the temperature down quick enough
You could build a PC heat pump
oh you said slight news and I responded to that without reading everything else
but noise/power would make it inefficient.
I might build a water cooled pc for the first time
Even waterblocks are about as efficient as better air cooling rigs
@kalina heh, my current build was supposed to have a H80
I've been putting that off for 4 years now XD
there's nothing wrong with my current setup, which uses large diameter fans and a huge heatsink that's literally the largest heaviest thing in the build
but I've never had a water cooled pc and it looks like a fun project
nor mine, which uses a stock heatsink, like a prolitarian.
I've just donated my old PCs as well
I wish I could have these ideas before giving stuff away
amusingly the next PC stuff I would spend money on....
is a desk and a new chair
because now I'm going to end up buying a bunch of stuff to build a water cooled pc which will mean I have another excess machine and will end up giving another away
do a 1+1?
One main pc, one project box?
@kalina no your doing the smart thing, most of us just store it in the attic and then one day you are looking for something and BOOM you are trapped by a web of cables trying to escape and having to eat your own shoelaces hoping someone will find you before you have to eat your own leg
@JourneymanGeek I already have a music pc, a gaming pc, and two surface pro 4s
I guess I could dismantle and watercool my gaming pc
@kalina meh, project box.
This reminds me - need to do a run to the WEEE bin at the tip...
@Matthew you Weee in a bin? Most of us use these things called toilets...
@silverpenguin I hate storing stuff like that because I'm a proper recovering hoarder of stuff
I end up with a room full of stuff that "I will use eventually"
I threw out my project box ;p
5 notifications, none worth reading. Typical day.
@kalina ow.
@kalina you have problem with stealing things?
I have finally decided that I'm never going to use the PS2 KVMs, the parallel cables, or the crappy speakers that came with all computers in the noughties
and then one day I'll go in there and it will be like this is all stupid
My mom just stopped me from throwing out a roll of red and white do not pass tape and a stack of unwanted cds
oh, kleptomaniac is the wrong word
what's the one that means collect all the things
@Matthew heh, I have a old set of cheap altec lancings which survived 3 owners
@kalina hoarder?
@kalina packrat?
we'll go with hoarder of stuff
@kalina my nan?
@JourneymanGeek My current office sound system is a practice amp...
I upgraded to a pair of logitechs
besides giving stuff away is a good thing
30 quid ones. I really want to get something nicer but $$ :(
It has a volume dial that goes up to 10. It's set to about 0.5. Small office!
a few holidaymases ago I gave away all of my old games consoles and it resulted in so many smiley faces
and when I did have money, the speakers I wanted were out of stock ;p
@Matthew 10?
@kalina you sicken me
It needs to go to 11
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, It's not as good as some...
@silverpenguin meh, giving away spare hardware is a time honoured geek tradition
as is dumpster diving
@JourneymanGeek she said old games consoles, you dont do that man T__T you dont do that
@silverpenguin donno, I've never owned a console
@JourneymanGeek wh....whhh....what?
I'm not sure I can put it into smaller words
"I have never owned a console in my entire life"
@silverpenguin hey, I had two nintendo wiis and an xbox 360, I don't even play games on consoles
@JourneymanGeek but why ? e_e
@silverpenguin Grew up with a series of PCs ?
@kalina ohh I thought you meant like a SNES or a NES or something or even an N64
Many of which was used till they were slightly past obsolete?
as a result of giving them away I spent most of the holidays playing wii games with strangers
@kalina that could be good... I guess >_> if you like people i suppose :P
the wii was fantastic when it first got released just because of the novelty
but then once you realized that everybody was just going to create 2d platformers for it and not even fully utilize the motion control... meh
man I want my n64 back...my mother made me sell all my game consoles when she got me a ps2 ... she thought it could play call games from all consoles... I tried to tell her that wasnt true... but because she misunderstood that it could play ps1 and ps2 games I had to sell them.... good bye nes, n64, dreamcast. psone, x box crystal edition ... im not bitter at all
@kalina lets just admit the best thing ever was n64 with pokemon stadium and playing your pokemon gams on the big screen
@RоryMcCune that does sound not too convincing for a 250 quid device. I might have to walk to a store an check that out for myself;) thanks
@silverpenguin sorry, N64 was a bit before my time
and therefore is old and #fogey
worthwhile electronics have multiple cores and ram measured in GB
@kalina whaaaaattttt nooo surely not! I thought you were in the 20-30 range
@kalina .. how young are you?!
@silverpenguin that
@SmokeDispenser 41
@Adi that's not the answer to all my questions. but you're only off by one;)
ok are we opening a pool on @kalina 's age? im calling 19
@silverpenguin you're aware that if, for example, I was 20 - that would make me 0 when the N64 was released which is still "a bit before my time"
I mean it's basic math really
@kalina I was 4 when it was released!?!?! but i remember it so well e_e
69. for the pun.
That's no pun.
@Simon, you're no pun.
So is your mom.
any pun accompanied with "for the pun" or "excuse the pun" deserves to be accompanied with a slap to the face
for the pun....ch in the face
@kalina You're free to deliver that in person.
@Simon say whhaa
@Simon yours is, though.
@Simon as much as you go out of your way to annoy me, at least you don't constantly hit on me like this
Dudes who hit randomly on girls in the interwebz always fascinated me.
@kalina Yeah no shit.
@SmokeDispenser you be thirsty? :P
which I won't forgive you for
I did not ask any of this either.
@kalina So I ended that drama.
@kalina your options are driving towards @SmokeDispenser @Simon or at the cliffedge
or if the cliff isnt desperate enough im plan D ...
@Simon the problem is not really the place, but the appropriateness of their speech usually.
@M'vy True.
Well, to succeed they'd have to use their brain.
For those who haven't heard anything about the new Tesla: jalopnik.com/tesla-model-3-this-is-it-1768284734
aww did I miss the guess @kalina 's age competition?
I'll go for 24
do I win a prize if I'm right?
@Simon I'm seriously considering...
@kalina a friend of mine has pre-ordered
much easier to justify spending €50k on a car than €120k
electric cars are a good idea. in about 30 years time
especially for something that doesn't have enough range to be the daily use car
@Simon the front looks kinda weird, though.
@SmokeDispenser That's probably because you're used to the boring German designs.
woop woooop
@Simon my z3 looks nice >_> they no boring >_>
I hope that's not going to become a meme, @Simon
The only correct way to write JavaScript is whatever you were not doing last week. https://t.co/p48RgucO3x
This might very well be my next car in ~5 years, quite kewl.
@M'vy retweeted:)
@Simon ew, you wouldn't want a five year old electric car
the batteries will be shot
That's what reviews will tell. I also think that you don't want the very first model of an electric car.
Or at least very first release.
And I have no idea how good it will be during winter.
@ThomasPornin Stop driving a pleb car and get a Model 3.
@Simon the teslas warn you when they're getting too cold
but coldness isn't really an issue around here like it would be for you
@kalina Which means that you shouldn't use the car?
If so, ouch.
@Simon yeah it pops up saying "bla bla bla getting too cold this will massively impact your battery life" etc
That's inconvenient.
well yes
@kalina aren't the teslas popular in sweden because of subsidaries? shouldn't that be a huge problem there?
it would suck massively if you had enough miles to get home but then it started snowing and the battery just went MEH 30 miles from home
who knows I dont live in sweden
or do I
no I dont, it's far too cold
Buddy said you lose ~40 miles of autonomy when it's really cold.
only insane people would live in a cold place
@kalina we only use it for the Wii fit games.
I think the cabin arrangement in the new one is better than the model s
@RoryAlsop BTW looks like our cab is set for FTTC in September... wonder if we'll beat you to it...
... the rfc is not yet released, is it?
saying that you do lose the dash
which probably means you lose the super cool poweruse/charge rate display
@SmokeDispenser that's because it's missing the cut out for airflow for intercooler/radiator
April Fool's Joke? I hope so. ellipticnews.wordpress.com/2016/03/31/…
I hate April Fools.
@Simon I hate when April Fool's jokes have so much math in them, I can't tell if they're jokes or not.
@kalina nah, it's the vast blank spot with no destincive texture. they may as well could have continued the bonnet design to there.
@Simon is it your birthday, because ya know... you are one big joke.... (i joke i sorry simon LOVE ME)
@SmokeDispenser that's... what I just said?
@silverpenguin gawd, pls, you're really demanding the last few days;)
If an April Fool's joke relies on the reading being able to understand how cutting edge PhD maths research relates (or doesn't) to the discrete logarithm problem, then I'm out of luck.
@kalina it's not the lack of a cut-out, it's the lack of design at all
@SmokeDispenser because no one has cuddled the manatee in ages
@Xander posted on march 31.
@SmokeDispenser still basically what I just said
bad timing for a aprils fools joke, I guess.
@SmokeDispenser And dated Aprit 1. Which makes me suspicious.
@kalina not quite. but whatever.
@Xander probably right. seems unclear to me how the result is translated into practice. does not seem trivially appliable
also, her website on the HU does not show the paper - which it probably would if it had such implications.
@SmokeDispenser It's here: arxiv.org/abs/1603.06518v1
I know
I was searching for her original paper mentioned there
(like, not the basic data about it but the actual thing)
@SmokeDispenser Ah, ok, I see.
nothing there. As she teaches about elliptic curves, she might would've spotted what she found if she did. And would list that on her reseach page.
Here's the original paper: arxiv.org/abs/1603.04246
wow, that site design sucks
the pdf link is almost invisible on a big screen
> In this paper we prove that no packing of unit balls in Euclidean space R8 has density greater than that of the E8-lattice packing.
yeah sure
two years of no maths and I'm completely not able to cross read the paper at all.
@Xander You're an April... nah, not gonna go there. Because the "f" word is a bad word brotha
I'm just stamp it as aprils fools with the one day old wiki article
sticks a paper fish to @MarkBuffalo's back
sticks "kick me" sign to @JourneymanGeek's fur
@kalina most people wouldn't
man, I had a dream about the DMZ
Most people would go "poor doggy, which heartless person did that"
what, stick a kick me sign to you or kick you?
Not good.
@JourneymanGeek true
@MarkBuffalo this is really sad.
next level right there
@MarkBuffalo did a sexy manatee fly through your window at night?
"sexy manatee"
@kalina yes as in me... a sexy manatee, no need to be jelly
@silverpenguin no, @kalina was tormenting me, and @DavidFreitag laughing
@Xander that joke made me sad
@SmokeDispenser Yeah, definitely leaning that way.
@MarkBuffalo that isnt a dream ...
@JourneymanGeek pls I knew the context, I was joining in with the juvenile behavior
@silverpenguin hahahahaha
@silverpenguin rekt
@Xander same, still not sure. and frankly disappointed I no longer seem to be able to read math papers.
@silverpenguin manatees are never sexy
@kalina except for me, im sexy as f
f is not a sexy letter
@kalina wasn't there a conan o'brien part with the sexy manatee?
if that's a TV query I don't watch TV
@kalina B ? if you like your letters curvy?
... the reason hornymanatee.com belongs to NBC
brb japaneese food time
@silverpenguin have fun. I already had my Leberkassemmel
@SmokeDispenser Yeah, April Fool's. twitter.com/EllipticKiwi/status/715711942531264512
(That's the author of the blog post.)
You mean the date in NZ can affect ECC ?
@Xander good. still disappointing. I used to be good in cross reading papers and check for relevance.
@M'vy Apparently so. ;-)
Why don't you all go get a room with your smileys?
Anyone got home IPv6?
Q: Question about IPv6, NAT, firewall, port forwarding, upnp and security

H. IddenIn the next months/years my ISP might give me IPv6 for my home connection. But what are the security implications? Will local network servers/embedded devices be accessible from the whole internet? In IPv4 you were protected by the NAT. Many services and embedded devices like network printers ha...

(I don't...)

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