Oh wait, no no, I wanted to write "Finnish stuff" but the lady at the post office told me to write memorabilia instead. I don't know how to spell memorabilia.
@DavidFreitag Also, you have to sign the declaration papers, and my signature is my name in Arabic
Oh shit!
and in the email I sent you I said "I sent you the stuff"
Ok, what time zone is SE working in again? I just got a hat that requires posting a starred message on Dec. 20, when it's only Dec. 19 here (and in most of the world still, I think).
SO I've just been trawling the transcript - I went to re-write my paper after many revision notes came back and I found a wall of teenage angst/flirting/memories
It doesn't
It just has to be pseudo random.
CSRF is not compatible with brute force attacks. Consider the attack vector:
Malicious user crafts a special email or web page with HTML that posts to the site of interest
User is logged on to the site of interest, and the session ID is passed pass...
@Iszi Alphabets are rather latecomers anyway... one of the earliest being ancient Ugaritic, but that's well within the first millenia BC. Sumerian, that @Rory probably used professionally (everybody was doing it at that time), is a mixed syllabic/ideographic notation.
@ThomasPornin For any practical situation which does not involve battling with hostile extraterrestrial entities, 128 bits are more than enough.
@TerryChia maybe you guys should go a massive trawl through our unaccepted or lower score questions and get some flags/votes into the queueueueueueues - that will help everyone
@LucasKauffman Technically, the term "clone" designates the whole group of genetically identical individuals, so this would make him a "clone member". But people always abuse terminology.