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@AviD I just wanted to type a couple of lines to see what my headphones looked like :-)
@DavidFreitag nice
I figured it had to be an arduino thing
@RoryAlsop Yeah they're super cool
@RoryAlsop heh, woohoo!
They don't look as good as my Sennheiser HD 280 pro though.
They look better than your face though.
That is true.
@DavidFreitag Oh that looks nice, thanks.
@Simon yw
@DavidFreitag that's cool. I used to be a Sonar fan - but then played with the latest Cubase and converted
They're all super expensive except Logic pro
But you need a damn Mac.
l'home time
I used to be a Sonar fan but then it went mainstream.
@ScottPack pffft - hipster
There used to be a badge for that. You probably haven't heard of it.
@RoryAlsop you got the frosty
@AviD yeah, but still not able to articulate why I got the Yeager
@RoryAlsop answered quickly / got upvotes quickly.
I think it's answer and get an upvote within one hour of the question being posted
not sure about the exact figures
the 3 I have were all first answer and first upvotes
maybe 3 votes
I got it for two upvotes, and I think I got it before the second upvote
is there any easy way to see everyone with a certain hat?
oh, and on SO I got it even though I was the second to answer the question
@Gilles had the question been upvoted
@Gilles oooh - tat confuses things
@RoryAlsop by me in both cases
@Gilles so that removes that datapoint
@AviD - clever - let's see if that works
(just spotted your tag edit)
heh. but I guess not, it should have happened by now.
w000t! you just got it.
I cracked it! I WIIIINNN!!!!!
Okay - now how do we get it for you
@RoryAlsop it was confusin, because apparently in one datapoint, he did that and then removed it. Or somebody did.
I will do the same - I think it was just than one action on that one type of post, yes
okay - let's see if that works
did you have a number in mind? The one I chose may not have enough upvotes
hmm? no, that doesnt make sense.
I am not seeing anything
wait for it
in here?
hang on
waaaaaiiit foooor iiiiiiiitttt
in the meantime, this is cool:
@AviD So do you know how you got your Yeager?
approximately. I answered within 25 minutes, got 2 upvotes in less than 10. that was enough.
@AviD but @Gilles stated he got one with only 1 upvote
@RoryAlsop so, I got an extra one....
On security I managed to post a brief answer within about 20 seconds of a post, but then I edited it in the grace period, so I wasn't 100% sure. On English I also edited, but outside the grace period. On Amateur Radio I didn't edit my post at all, which clinched it for me. Edits are irrelevant
all 3 got 3 upvotes and were first post
(but @Gilles had one that was his 2nd post)
I think it is: post within X minutes, upvoted within X minutes.
hahah, that scarf looks fantastic on you.
very whoish.
on my screen your headphones don't scale when your icon scales
I'm still waiting...
hmm. I guess it needed to be with a new question...
@AviD was this for the scarf too?
or were you playing with another one
yeah :-(
what's the groucho hat?
Hipster. You wouldnt have heard of it.
@AviD but I think I saw the single action you did for mine
oh, not groucho. I only saw the moustache on Rory's avatar
@RoryAlsop right, but it was a follow on to your question.
ah, “hipster” = “before it was cool”?
@AviD okay, now I'm lost
I tought it was that single edit
to my question
so it's about creating a tag?
@RoryAlsop what I mailed you? nothing to do with votes, just with at least 2 q's [censored]
I thought I understood how I got it but now I really don't
I helped.
someone else creates a tag where you then have >N score?
or more than one?
you dont really want me to talk about that here, do you?
@AviD nah
Then everyone will get it, and it will become all popular. Then I wont want it anymore.
er... that's what she said?
I'm just knee deep in SOx and working to finish a paper tonight so I can sleep before I deliver it, so my brain is not clever
but can you deliver it before you sleep?
@RoryAlsop oy, SOx. Loads of fun.
half bottle?
@Gilles I wish
@AviD Easy trigger. What did you crack?
@ScottPack have you seen my nice scarf
scarves are cool
I just did.
So what's that one for
@ScottPack being cool, before it was cool
So I suppose it's answering woah quickly?
Hm. This looks fun. I think we'll need to go find it.
Also, this is loads of fun to drive past with people.
"What on earth is that?"
"Corn field."
'Murrica is weird'
Apparently a guy who was big into hybrid corn lived here and worked out of a nearby university.
Hm. This also says that Arnold was titled "Mr. World" here so they build a statue to commemorate it.
I need to go see these things.
You would probably understand if you were a 'Merkin.
@ScottPack hell - I want to see all the weird things
well, maybe not all
Pretty please :)
Thankies :D
yay - @ScottPack is in 2nd :-)
I really gotta start hunting hats for real.
ooh - I'm on page 2 of the SE-wide leaderboard (a vast way behind @Kalina and @Peanut though)
That's cool.
@Simon nah - the ones you have to hunt are frustrating and annoying (but rewarding once you figure them out)
Yeah I get that.
do you like my nursey hat - got it for closing that question you flagged :-)
Haha sweet.
but need bed now. too tired
seeya manana
There are a bunch that I can't get because of my low rep though.
@avid wait, you figured out hipster? Tell! :D
Ah, you did
Now Im confused :s
Less hunting, more sleeping might help you out.
I slept.
You're so addicted to hat hunting that you lie.
Check my activity
1 hour later…
@RoryA Was that an intentional rep-train bait? Because I found it hard to believe that you'd actually ask such a question
@Adnan Hats. Duh...
I need to engineer a rep train question for a hat
But I don't know what to ask, and on which site. Have some ideas but so far not too good
@ManishEarth I'm sure you can think of something for here.
@TerryChia Most of the questions are too stupid. I tried with the clickjacking one, but that isn't really reptrainable even though it's something everyone should know
@ManishEarth Here's a hint. Most people don't know what clickjacking is.
yeah, got that bit :P
My opinion? Make up some crazy story ala greenfly. :P
I don't like lying :P
@ManishEarth "My dad is blocking 4chan! How can I bypass it?"
That's not yet been asked?
"How can I bypass Internet filtering?"
@ManishEarth Dunno.... I sincerely hope not.
I don't think it's on topic...is it?
@ManishEarth I think it falls under "asking us to break the security of a specific system for you are off-topic unless they demonstrate an understanding of the concepts involved and clearly identify a specific problem."
@TerryChia How about "How do I educate friends/employees about social engineering?"
I actually have a true "story" behind that
(a) Is it on topic/a good question?
(b) Rep train-able?
@ManishEarth Well, even if you don't get a train out of that it would at least be a pretty interesting question.
I'd say there's a 50/50 chance of it being a train.
Ready your answers
@TerryChia 50/50? Those are great odds
Let me put the @Adnan on high alert.....
pokes @Adnan
Here comes @LucasKauffman. All ready for the train.
lllllllama train
Fricking Llama.. :P
Choo chooooo plus I have some nice examples for social engineering
@LucasKauffman get them ready!
@TerryChia llamas are good
Let me get my laptop
Q: How do I educate others about social engineering?

ManishearthOne of my friends used to boast about how long his passwords are. One day, I decided to play a prank and social-engineered it out of him. I was pretty surprised as to how effortless the entire procedure was, and how oblivious others can be. Many of my acquaintances don't seem to understand the d...

@TerryChia Feel free to edit it for improving
Also, what I didn't mention is that I boast about password length too :P
@TerryChia For it to rep train does it need to be shared somewhere too? I haven't had much success with that in the past
@ManishEarth Dunno... I never had much luck engineering rep trains.
I think the issue is that we understand the rep trainable questions well enough that we find them idiotic :P
Also asked codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/16056/christmas-quine, PCG has a propensity for rep trains
Thanks, @TerryChia
upboat all the things so this can reptrain
1 hour later…
Gonna be low activity for next few days
Kudos to @Samuel for answering this, but I don't think it's really the sort of question we want to encourage.
Q: Hacked site - encrypted code

user3115285Couple days ago I gave noticed that almost all php files on my server are infected with some encrypted code and in almost every file is different. Here is the example from one of the files: http://pastebin.com/JtkNya5m Can anybody tell me what this code do or how to decode it?

If anyone here is interested, we'll have an event for the launch of Soyuz with ESA's Gaia space observatory atop it from French Guiana, following it in The Pod Bay on Space.SE in about 1 hour. Actual launch window is narrow, and starts at 09:12 GMT (4:12 a.m. EST), and the live stream starts at 08:50 GMT (3:50 a.m. EST).
And good morning to all ;)
Damn... I'm one hour too early ain't I? Moar coffeee!!!!
OK, it's in an hour then
Chooo choooo
oooh I want to follow
@Adnan ...I know...hats...rep train...still, I earned 5 new hats site-wide whille asleep so that's cool :)
@RoryAlsop that nurse hat on your mask is disturbing
@LucasKauffman is okay - it should change any moment
but yes, it is disturbing
"here - I'll take care of you...mwahahahahaha"
@LucasKauffman Not much rep from the train so far. Damn them for hiding the hot questions list!
Mornin' All
@ManishEarth you're welcome, hipster. ;-)
WOT the hell. a tag?? A goddam frikkin hacking tag. Goddammit.
@ScottPack did his girlfriend give him that nickname?
I haxxor your tagz
@kalina what @kalina, no scarf? ;-)
I don't have before it was cool
because @manish hasn't shared the secret sauce with me yet
I've tried like 5 things so far
I'm starting to think it's a views badge of some kind
@RoryAlsop you're welcome.
it is only day 4 and I'm still missing some simple hats
@kalina hey, that's MY sauce he's not sharing with you!
like 10 questions with +1, gold badge, etc
@AviD ooOOOooo
do share
@kalina it's all about the data.
no cryptic stuff, I'm still half asleep
Just call me... DATA DETECTIVE.
@kalina aww, cmoooon
All the information you need is here in the transcript.
@kalina okay
quid pro quo.
@RoryAlsop why did they give you the eureka?? It was I that figured it out!
too much effort to look through the transcript
@ManishEarth numerous times. Most of them were closed for NaRQ.
@kalina okay, then you can bribe me.
Or blackmail. But I prefer a good bribe.
and dont try with hats. Obviously, I dont care enough about them.
my presence should be incentive enough, I brighten up every place I go with my smile
@kalina You.... smile?
@ManishEarth thats also been done... duuuuupe
@kalina Unfortunately, I have yet to see your smile.
Hmm. Now that might just be bribe enough.
never going to happen
Or blackmail. Depends on your perspective.
@kalina no
and lol, mods without infinite power
@Iszi I agree, but its not really OT, its more TL...
do they have to be new or just asked during winterbash?
:12734022 'course, mods can still see...
@kalina yes
am I able to like, just edit questions
@AviD yes to WHAT
I just passed 30k rep on Arqade
30005 reps
@kalina congrats!!!
if I rep cap today, it will be my fourth day in a row
which will be the first time I've ever done that as well
oy, the nerve of some people. Someone downvoted me. And my answer was 100% correct, but his wrong answer is based on a misunderstanding of the vulnerability. Unsurprising.
@AviD I've had a bunch of those recently
normally my last received vote of the day
just to stop me from getting updo
they must have forgotten yesterday
ah no, this time it wasnt spite, it was stupidity.
Remember Hanlon's Razor....
don't make me google
do they have to be new questions in order to qualify?
asked after the creation
I think just the first.
Think about the idea of the hat...
@AviD Well, I'll downvote his answer because I dislike odd numbers in my reputation.
but that means somebody else needs to ask it
@kalina no no, you ask the question, then anybody can edit another question.
trying to keep it non-obvious here....
@AviD because that answer was not correct. I actually tried a stack of possibles.
@RoryAlsop no no, I flipped the trigger on your hat.
for the eureka?
I thought we had been discussing the yeager
@RoryAlsop wait, wasnt it manually given to you, for figuring out the hipster?
@kalina I'm iiiinnn
@AviD I tried to get it for the Yeager but gave up and prob got it for the Listenin'
@RoryAlsop again, my detective skillz ;-)
how'd you get it?
@TerryChia Y U NO VtC??
@AviD Why VTC?
umm, Dupe? Just like you said in your answer?
It's not a dupe.
just cuz the asker didnt know what it was called, doesnt mean its not a dupe.
One is asking what is a EV certificate. One is asking why firefox is displaying a grey padlock.
Launch - 6 minutes @RoryAlsop interested?
@TerryChia "Because it is not an EV certificate".
@AviD message on it's way to you
> •What is a technical difference?
> •How does it impact my browsingsecurity?
@TildalWave cool - will have to have it without sound. Conference calls suck!
At least I'm working from home today - was working till 3am and it has snowed so I'm not up to going anywhere
@RoryAlsop haha yeah bummer :)
how is that NOT a dupe?
@AviD By that logic you can close half the questions tagged as a dupe of security.stackexchange.com/questions/20803/how-does-ssl-work
@TerryChia git crackin'
@AviD git: 'crackin' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
should have seen that coming
@AviD Yes, yes you should. ;)
passed Jeff
where is Jeff, haven't seen him in week
Man, looks like I won't be able to afford Black Hat Asia tickets after all...:(
actually, when I think about it, the Eureka is really the only hat I want. I dont care about getting the hats, I just like figuring the seekrit ones.
@avid see the other room
if you respond I will share Eureka with you
the challenge is to get it without @Kalina telling you how :-)
actually, @AviD knows - his comments set me on the right track
@kalina oh, I know how to get it.
thats not enough of a bribe there....
not enough of a bribe? a private room with @Kalina? :-)
you'd think, wouldn't you?
@RoryAlsop hehe. Well ,it all depends on what happens next...
@AviD IF something happens, is that good or bad?
Before I went in, I prepared scented lotion, fuzzy handcuffs, and a fire extinguisher. Best to be prepared for anything.
ah, got rid of the stoopid hacking tag.
@TerryChia that movie looks brilliant!
@AviD Movie?
now you see me
@AviD Ahhh. It's pretty funny.
Don't try to make sense of the logic behind it though.
there is a huge cast of stars there.
i'll look for it tonight.
@AviD Legally? ;)
I notice that the facebook guy is typecast as the snooty guy who always thinks he's the smartest guy in the room....
@TerryChia Look, yes. ;-)
Doesnt Netflix have it.... ? 0:-)
@AviD Dunno. Never used netflix. I just torrent.
@AviD No, duh. :P
@TerryChia haha, his question was about the british Ministry of Defence (MoD), so of course he selected the tag....
Problem is we just don't get reasonably priced legal services here.
@TerryChia really? I heard that over there it is just the price of a massage, and perfectly legal.
@AviD Not those services...
Or did you mean the lawyers are expensive....?
I know we shouldn't encourage them, but can it be preserved somehow since it has a good answer?
I'll take your word for it, it is way too TL;DR for me.
however I am not pleased with the close reasons - he's not trying to break a system, its been broken, he's just rying to understand it.
@AviD I miss TL. :(
finally wrote my first iOS app
@TerryChia TL?
@LucasKauffman Too Localized
rep capped
@TerryChia That's the only reason? — Ally 54 secs ago
@RoryAlsop choooooo chooooo

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