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So you have definitely figured out the specifics for ig-88, @Gilles?
@RoryAlsop yes
I think they're actually spelled out on MSO now
Oh.I should go look at some point, but... Pinot Grigio
My crap train question - has just got me 2 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze badges. Jeez.
Well can't find them using search on my phone
> The glideslope system is an analog system, and as such, it's subject to aliasing, resonances, heterodyning, and eight other technical terms I pulled out of my ass.
hahahaha nice one
@TildalWave link?
@Gilles not sure this will work here, it's in private beta, let me try
Q: What is the behavior of false glideslope signals?

jrdiokoI know that an ILS transmits not only the correct glideslope but also signals that can be interpreted as a false glide path. But I'm not familiar with the details of these erroneous indications. What causes "side lobe" or "mirror" false glideslopes? How many are there, where are they located, and...

@TildalWave the API works on private betas, so the oneboxing works (but only registered users can see the content beyond the excerpt in the onebox)
Ah cool, I thought it's blocked or something ... but yeah, I see it
anyway, he actually answers the question later on pretty OK-ish so I'm giving him +1... perhaps more for the style :)
@TildalWave i sthat in privat ebeta? Weird
I thought I joined it when it entered public beta
my mistake
@RoryAlsop did you find any hat related to cross-site activity?
@Gilles none yet, and I have a range of hats across 23 sites, I can't think what one would be
@RoryAlsop you seem to be using spacebar faster than you type :)
@RoryAlsop is that including or excluding old hat?
@TildalWave maybe wine was consumed
@RoryAlsop you're on linux? :P
@Gilles Passed Judgement - 7 sites, Winter is Coming - 2, Link to the past - 2, Old Hat - 24, Frosty - 3, Chuck - 3, Great Power - 3
wait there's some to me new hats in that hats order post
@TildalWave right now, no - I'm actually on windows 7... and not even on cygwin (I don't really use wine for anything)
@RoryAlsop it's OK it was just a lame joke, there's no need to make me feel better about it, if it's bad it's bad ;)
so apparently we have doge hat
@TildalWave (I know :-) ... )
anyone has it already?
@TildalWave what is a doge?
A Doge (; plural dogi or doges) is an elected chief of state lordship, the ruler of the Republic in many of the Italian city states during the medieval and renaissance periods, in the Italian "crowned republics". Etymology The word is from is a Venetian word that descends from the Latin dux (as does the English duke and the standard Italian duce and duca), meaning "leader", especially in a military context. The wife of a Doge is styled a Dogaressa. The title The title of Doge was used for the elected chief of state in a number of Italian "crowned republics". The two best known suc...
but the hat looks nothing like @TildalWave's picture
@Gilles gee thanks! :P
it's not my picture!!
2 mins ago, by TildalWave
user image
and that wiki one ain't my mugshot either
I miss all the memes. Pretty certain it's because I was in before it was cool and meme-y
@Gilles not mine
Q: Hats order guide (Spoilers)

insert clever xmas nameLast year, it seemed to me that hats were ordered (in the leaderboard) by the effort it took to get them (the rarity of the hat). I managed to guess the order last year. How are hats displayed in the leaderboard this year? If it is still by difficulty, can someone list the order below? E.g.: ...

yup, pretty sure you were the one who posted that picture
@Gilles I posted it, but you said it like it's my picture (which can be ambiguous) ;)
my picture, picture of mine, picture of me,...
@TildalWave are you a doge?
I'm more of a cate persone
hehehe nice one
dunno I have both but I'd say I'm more doge
isn't "doge" a great dane in German?
close... it's dogge
Time for bed - was a long couple of days, and I have a meeting with 3 of the board tomorrow morning... @AviD - I'll clean up those comments tomorrow, when I've had cider :-)
night all
night @RoryA sleep tight! ;)
@RoryAlsop meh, dont worry about it. Enjoy your board.
@RoryAlsop whats chuck??
@AviD hmmmmmm - I'll enjoy it being finished and me getting along to team christmas party later
ah, yeager. nm.
@AviD yeah, I was scribbling. It isn't this chuck
Chuck is an American action-comedy/spy-drama television series created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" named Chuck, played by Zachary Levi, who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the message embeds the only remaining copy of a software program containing the United States' greatest spy secrets into Chuck's brain. Produced by College Hill Pictures, Fake Empire Productions, Wonderland Sound and Vision, and Warner Bros. Television, the series premiered on Sept...
with this awesome theme song:
by Cake!
you'll enjoy it - everyone have a listen to it
Love that bassline
@RoryAlsop huh. Never heard that before. Strange, I've watched every episode.
There was never a real theme song, just the opening notes I guess.
@RoryAlsop Good song. Also, I like Cake.
4 hours later…
@RoryAlsop They look... old. Much more so than you'd expect given the age group they're popular with.
Looks like a band that would be playing "your favorite hits from the 80's"
1 hour later…
SO is still along the lines of "I don't want you to teach me to fish, just give me the fish, please sir!" isn't it? I just tried to see if anything changed in the last half a year that I last gave a damn... nope. Still the same. "Please sir, write it down so I can copy/paste in my project as it is, sir"
I'm gonna write in my CV that I have 20 years of experience with every dev tool and programming language there is, even those that are younger. Who's gonna know any better anyway?
@TildalWave Do you have 15 years experience with RoR and 20 years experience with node.js? If not GTFO!
Also, I just upgraded my system to Fedora 20. It's surprisingly stable for a new Fedora release.
@TerryChia hehe of course I do, I wrote it all then forgot all about it until those so-called authors found some improperly discarded backup of mine ... and the rest is a bit more recent history :D
@TerryChia It's been a while since I tried Fedora ... might take it for a test drive if I get some time after the holidays
Heh. The Fedora 20 release is codenamed Heisenbug.
the Breaking Bad dude's chef nickname?
or was it Heisenberg?
@TildalWave I think it's a reference to this?
Heisenbug is a computer programming jargon term for a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one attempts to study it. The term is a pun on the name of Werner Heisenberg, the physicist who first asserted the observer effect of quantum mechanics, which states that the act of observing a system inevitably alters its state. Similar terms, such as bohrbug, mandelbug, and schrödinbug have been occasionally proposed for other kinds of unusual software bugs, sometimes in jest; however, unlike "heisenbug", they are not as widely known or used. Examples Heisenbugs occur b...
The Fedora 19 release was codenamed Schrodinger's Cat
Yeah, I read it a bit wrong at first, just realized. I thought it was "Heisenburg"
and WW in BB was Heisenberg anyway
I think they are going for physics-themed release names. Kinda fun.
Plus I haven got around to watching BB...
I still need to finish up Angel and Buffy.
you're joking, right?
@TildalWave I only started watching a few months ago. :P
It really isn't my generation.
yeah, I often forget that you're still young and all ... especially since you give impression you're a lot more mature all the time :)
Huh. GNOME 3.1 removed the minimize button.
it's rather tricky since the hats to find anything in the review queue here :)
@TildalWave I think I just snagged robocop. We'll see in a while.
I'm not even close
the queue is empty all the time, or there's just the normal close votes
if you still need helpful flags, here's a candidate:
A: How can someone go off-web, and anonymise themselves after a life online?

Jani KovacsChange your name, and tell your best friend to buy a gravestone online...

Oh wait... Robocop is 5 reviews in each queue. Nvm.
aye, I only have one with 5 or more, and a few with 2... others 1 or 0
since 16th
@RoryAlsop It is I leclaire :p?
@terry pretty hard to get on secse
I want robocop
@LucasKauffman have you seen the trailer for the new one?
@RоryMcCune new one? they're making a new Alo Alo?
I figured out ig88
@LucasKauffman LOL new robocop
although new Alo Alo would be awesome
It's the opposite of bounty hunter
@lucas try stackoverflow.
@ManishEarth Opposite? So answer a question with a bounty but wasn't awarded for it?
@TerryChia Sometimes I wonder if the GNOME project is a social experiment: "How many critical usability features do you have to remove before people stop upgrading?" It's difficult to explain their direction under any other assumption.
@TildalWave not the HR gronks that ask for it....
@AviD I know, I wasn't serious ... I wouldn't even wanna work for someone that wouldn't realize that anyway ... life's too short :)
@TerryChia how are those physics-related? Heisenbug is CS, at best (or SW engineering...) and Schrodingers cat is more philosophy, or maybe meta-physics...
@TildalWave yeah, exactly. I've started being a hella more picky, and redflag job offers based on the HR/recruiter's cluelessness.
@TildalWave The problem facing SO (and SF.. and to some extent even Sec.SE and all the other mature SE sites) is that while questions keep getting answered, the nature of the thing being asked about isn't changing. And the more people a given question affects, the more likely it is that one of those people has already asked it. So then all the new questions are ones that are only interesting to the person who asked it.
@TerryChia 5 reviews in 5 queues
there are 6 queues, so you can ignore one of them
on these sites its normally reopens that has the super low traffic
@tylerl ... who is too lazy to search / read existing q's and a's.
@tylerl It's a lot less pronounced here, new things happen, there's advancements from "both sides" and so on. I can't deny that there isn't any, far from it, but it isn't SO either
@AviD Hm ok. Their naming scheme is funny though. :P fedoraproject.org/wiki/History_of_Fedora_release_names
@TildalWave we are definitely showing signs of that here.
also, there's a hell of a lot to learn, even if you're in the industry
> Name n and n+1 must share an is-a (not a has-a) relationship, but n and n+2 must not share the same is-a relationship as n and n+1. The release names we put up for vote tend to have multiple meanings so as to allow us to select a new name with a different relationship for the next release. It is part of the fun!
@TildalWave SO has been around for a lot longer. But look at the questions asked today versus those asked this time two years ago.
@AviD Yes, but not even close to SO. I mean, let's face it, there's nothing really new in programing since when? When did C/C++ come out? It just moved to higher level stack, that's all. But the problems persist from lack of understanding of the low level stack. Or pure laziness
in a typical month, how many (or what percentage) of new q's is: (a) here is a great new scheme to protect passwords; (b) here is a great new scheme to create memorable passwords; (c) my server has been hacked; (d) I know nothing about security, teach me everything I need to know; and (e) I know nothing about security, tell me what product to buy.
Try to come up with an intersting question to ask on the site, search for it, and it's proabably already been asked.
@AviD I still get a good read here every week. OK, I'm not someone high in the hierarchy in InfoSec so I have plenty to learn, but I don't find it boring.
is it really rude to socilict upvotes for a meta post on a per-site meta?
@TildalWave oh, there are definitely good new q's coming, but it really is a small minority (IMMO).
I need 24 of such votes
@kalina yup!
@kalina No
@kalina what for?
A: Are questions about Star Citizen on topic?

kalinaOur policy is "when a game is publicly available you can ask questions about it". This includes alpha releases and beta releases provided these releases are not restricted to the development team and/or close friends and family (like Blizzard do with their game releases). If you can get into an a...

need to get it to 40 for guru
@TildalWave Hatttt.
I'll gain no rep out of it
I have a better idea. Let's all go upvote @ManishEarth's meta posts instead.
Also, dont star this message.
he already has the hat!
I've slipped to joint fourth place
"NEED" is a strong word.
@kalina hehe. upvoted.
you don't want some random scrub from SO to beat me, do you?
@kalina how random?
I duno, allt he people above me who aren't manish
and how is the entropy generated?
I'm not even competing with manish, there's no point
I will accept second place
@kalina if it was nearly anywhere else I could help you... I didn't even register on Arqade yet
so now I need 23 votes
@tylerl I think your plan failed.
@TildalWave you'll get enough association bonus to upvote
@kalina I know, but that'd mean I'd have that site in my list
you can delete it after I get the hat
then it's no longer in your list
neah it's OK I'll survive
one less you need
I won't :(
yay <3
now I just need to find 21 people who haven't already upvoted me
@kalina I'm willing vote up a good question and nothing else!
@kalina on what SE?
I'm willing to flag you for voting ring.
@LucasKauffman oy no cheating!
I'm willing to "trade votes"
@AviD she actually has good questions
that's meta post on already decided matter
@LucasKauffman then upvote her.
but dont "trade votes"
let's see if she has a game I play
no no I need meta post upvoting
I want no rep from it
well, you can help me on my mission to rep cap 5 days in a row
but rep trading is completely different to meta vote trading
@kalina Do you play asphalt 8? :P
sec.se review queue: 0 0 0 0 0 0
@TerryChia nope
have an upvote instead
wait a minute
don't you dare get before it was cool on my site
@kalina What's that hat about?
no fair giving away seekrits
@TerryChia cough meta upvote cough
hehe, do you REALLY want to devalue the best hats?
I wasn't going to tell him how to get it
I was going to give it to him
@kalina you'll just give it away to anybody, won't you
I have a plan to get it for myself
I just want the guru hat
it's a sad state of affairs
@kalina Ah, I think I get it.
no you don't
there is no hat for joining a new SE site?
you say too much.
there is a hat for asking a question for the first time on a new se site though
@TildalWave Hello world is the closest I guess.
so if you post a question on arqade I will upvote it and you'll get a hat
@AviD you should delete a few of the things I've said recently I think
@TerryChia ah yes, I forgot about that one
it's better so actually
@kalina glad to.
160 rep until my 5th rep cap in a row
50 of that should be taken up with a bounty win
@kalina Bounty doesn't count I think.
rep cap is >=200
for the badges anyway
Have some rep.
nooo meta upvotes
@kalina Already did.
you know 5 in a row like that will get serial reversed
I don't think 5 triggers it?
Meh, tell me if it gets reversed.
if it gets reversed it will be harder to rep cap tomorrow -.-
just undo one of them
oh wait, tomorrow it saturday
general rule for serial reverse I find is that 4 in row works fine unless you're frequently upvoting the same person
help, there is a huge discussion going on in the office about dungeons and dragons and I don't understand
@kalina You need @ScottPack for that.
I don't want to understand either, I just want it to stop
why don't they ever start talking about my little pony
yay half way to the gold "refresh the site everyday" badge
@kalina I'mnot random? I feel special :p
There's a 5 rep cap hat like last year?
who knows
we'll see later maybe
I need 120 rep to cap
Can't post until 26th anyway
Post more answers
And craptastic craptrain questions
I don't post crap
@manish can you upvote this for me -> meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/8010/…
@kalina ask a question an outsider to infosec (eg you) would ask
per site meta, I get no rep out of it
@ManishEarth I really avoid posting crap
@kalina on mobile, plz linkify
I hate having negative posts
@ManishEarth I did already
Not negative. Your post may go hot
I have nothing to contribute to this site beyond edits
@kalina hate to break it to ya: I have a better chance of arqade meta guru than you do. All your fault
Have a +1 though
tbh, if my old meta content had been reassigned to this account, I had a bunch of questions at ~35
there's a couple of weeks left
20 upvotes in 2 weeks isn't a big deal
just need to find people who're willing
Right. I only need 14 but im not pushing it
Already have the hat, getting it on arqade just serves the noble purpose of annoying you. Im not that mean :p
it wouldn't annoy me
My imaginary plan is foiled
at this point, I've basically won per-site
nobody on Arqade will catch me
site-wide I'm suffering from traffic issues
@kalina true, but a non arqade member beating you at one of the hardest hats .... :p
it's not really hard
it's just vote related
I don't think im topping any site. My hats are all over the place
@kalina TWSS
for marauder
@kalima bugged the tavern yet? You may get votes there
does it have to be a new answer?
@ManishEarth I posted it once earlier, didn't really get a response
I'm not intending to spam it
Also try out the comms room snickers
I have enough public hats left that I could still finish 2nd without much effort
leave teh comms rooms?
Gtg, 9% battery
poor you
@kalina I meant try bugging them for votes
oh right
They may eat you alive
Or help.
if I push too hard, I'll get downvotes instead
@ScottPack could be of use for your calendar concise-courses.com/security/conferences-of-2014
@RoryAlsop Submitted a blog post for review.
@TerryChia do you get a hat for that?
@RоryMcCune Dunno. But it's the price I had to pay for my hat whoring question. :P
@TerryChia Excellent - will review tomorrow...
@RoryAlsop nah just tell the board types you have something more important to do, then review it today :) I'm sure they'll understand...
@RоryMcCune there will be a short period between this board meeting and our team lunch...it may be doable
QOTW Published event is starting in a few minutes? :D
@TildalWave stoppit you
funny there's still 10 people subscribed to it :)
@RoryAlsop It would be your "how to go offline" question anyway
My guess is that everyone just got really busy the last 2 months or so
@TildalWave I will do a wee write up on that as well. Once today is over it gets a lot easier
@RoryAlsop Yes... that's why I'm still "from yesterday" stretching my days as much as I can. Frankly, I have hard time finding motivation so I come here and annoy people now and then. :)
I'm bored
Hohoho! Just netted Conspiracy Theorist.

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