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What about youngest?
Hmm...not too many want to be the youngest in the crowd.
and yeah, I think my dad was joking or something when he named me
They tend to get the crappiest chores.
Being the youngest in technical crowds is something I've ceased to notice
Did you type joking or choking?
I'm watching a few technical community chats as we speak, and I can see almost no correlation between (intelligence|ability) and age
No, but there is a difference in outlook (often) when one gains experience.
Often, but not always. You have people like @Zypher who behave like a two year old on crack
The younger ones usually think they have the perfect answers, don't see why their way can't be done, and why all the older, experienced ones facepalm at their exuberance.
I do agree with you there
@BartSilverstrim heh, I used to be like that
@BartSilverstrim Yeah... I've met younger versions of myself.
Thankfully I lost it after a few months
but at the same time, I think older people shouldn't be too afraid of adopting new things
To be fair, @Zypher tends to not be alone in that when it comes to bewbs.
True, but then you get old fogeys who overlook the plain and simple answers given by a younger person simply because they're young and "don't understand". And then promptly eff it royally up
Aaand here it comes :-)
Another bonus to experience...dude, most of the new things, aren't new.
@fahadsadah A good example is wanting to embrace some new technology or technique, but not estimating the management/overhead/bullshit and time it will consume to manage. Happens every, freakin, day.
(I'll take virtualization for a thousand, Alex...)
Younger sysadmins I know tend to have the "I just made the bash script to fix that" attitude
A wise Honda motorcycle mechanic once told me: If you're trying really hard and getting nowhere, you're either using the wrong tool or technique, and someone or something is about to break and cost a lot of money.
and older ones "This product will fix that"
It nicely resonates into other areas.
@DanBig You lie! You say you're leaving, then I catch you editing answers!!!
@Holocryptic How old's Jacob, btw?
@fahadsadah @SpacemanSpiff or when you get the bill for recharging the system...
@BartSilverstrim You know, I kind of like how "bewbs" just rolls off the tongue
hahaha, yeah
I'm 15 too.
@Holo: in more ways than one, my friend.
@fahadsadah yeah, I saw your profile. I don't know his birthday, but he'll quiz you just to make sure
@BartSilverstrim Oh, I know, my friend. I know.
You're in good company for a 15 year old, as long as you're not lazy, you'll probably glean a TON of information off the people here.
Change the profile to 12. And for school put something like "Yale" and say your nickname is Doogie Howser.
Either that, or become one corrupted SOB
Can't be both?
Must induct him into the Friday tradition...hee hee...
@SpacemanSpiff on the main site that probably holds true. Here in the chat room though, you'll learn a lot more about bewbs
Could be both. They're not mutually exclusive.
@BenPilbrow Bewbs are good.
You know come to think about it, has a female ever been in this chatroom?
Bewbs are grrrreat!
Yes they have @SpacemanSpiff. In the dead of night.
@SpacemanSpiff several in fact. They never stuck around for too long though :/
I'd imagine the leghumping would begin so quickly it would be measured in milliseconds
Look at the transcript from like a day ago or so
I wonder why, @BenPilbrow, what with all the talk of boobs?
awwww I popped my star limit virginity :'(
Na, the only one here was.... hmmmm.... @coredump. They chatted for a bit
@BenPilbrow :: High Five ::
Figures the brazilian would be here when a fefefefefemale appeared. Doesn't he have enough girls down there in brazilia?
It's quite well established that asking for help on IRC with a female name gets you answers much quick than a male name
I'm headed to a Brazilian steakhouse tomorrow :D
The hostess there is so f'ing hot... Anna :)
@SpacemanSpiff /jealous
@Space: pics or we don't believe you.
This, I will provide.
Also have to make my way back to the Tilted Kilt and get a few pictures
@SpacemanSpiff You'll be my new friend for up to a day.
@BartSilverstrim That'll get you autobanned from the site ;)
Pictures of a waitress?
setting your profile to 12
Every time we travel somewhere with a Hooters I make a point of getting a picture of our waitress with my son.
Setting your profile to 12 gets you banned but 15 works? I didn't know that.
@fahadsadah needs to set it to 14.75 years old.
yea, COPA
The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was a law in the United States of America, passed in 1998 with the declared purpose of restricting access by minors to any material defined as harmful to such minors on the Internet. The law, however, never took effect, as three separate rounds of litigation led to a permanent injunction against the law in 2009. The law was part of a series of efforts by US lawmakers legislating over Internet pornography. Parts of the earlier and much broader Communications Decency Act had been struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1997 (Reno v. AC...
Magic number 13
That's awesome
yet another stupid law.
We were just talking about those
COPPA is annoying as fuck
stupid laws, cute waitresses, or bewbs?
@Holocryptic by just you mean 8 hours ago right? Before the boobs
@BartSilverstrim Yes
@Fahadsadah: don't swear, young man.
Little bastards going around cussing in front of us...sheesh.
@Zypher was it 8 hours ago? Huh, time flies when you're talking about boobs.
For serious
haha yea ... you guys where on a political bent when i stumbled into the office
round 10 or so
Uh oh...@holo just gave me an idea.
@BartSilverstrim Sorry, this place seemed pretty informal
I'm usually good for those
then i joined chat
@fahadsadah no no it is VERY informal
So sexism is okay, but swearing isn't?
fucking right
@BartSilverstrim Fucking great. You just broke @fahadsadah
@Holo: you get a virtual award. You just made me laugh.
@Holo: just keying "flying boobs" into google images to see what appears.
@fahadsadah @BartSilverstrim was bein facetious
I know, I just didn't get it
@BartSilverstrim Fuck me that's a lot of boobs in one place!
@SpacemanSpiff Is spacemanspiff a common name or are you the one from mws/era?
And they all managed to get past my webfilter somehow
Very. Very. Weird.
This is why I love Google. Just when life was weird enough, the boundary stretches a little farther.
@Holocryptic Surely unlimited boobs at work is an advantage of being a sysadmin (and thus administering the webfilter?)
@BartSilverstrim Yeah..... I'm not posting any of the pictures I get after typing that into google. I don't fancy being banned (although if the reason were public, it would probably be hilarious).
@JoePhilllips Not sure what MWS is ?
This is probably the safest one I got...
Just named after my favorite Calvin and Hobbes persona, is all
My cast iron skillet is now perfectly seasoned :D
@fahadsadah True, but one must keep up appearances to maintain good working relations (and a job)
/tries to decide if that was intentional from @benpilbrow...
Ugh not showing. This one
@Holocryptic of course
Many sysadmins have offices pretty much like cupboards, though
Not much need for that human interaction stuff
whatever it is
@fahadsadah Nope. Mine's pretty much a fishbowl.
Can't. Stop. Staring.
Open plan office FTW :-)
NSFW would be nice :)
would be really nice if I could hide images on my screen too
haha .. yea we have trouble keeping it SFW
if her nose touches the wall first...
@JoePhilllips common



til it


off screen
@BenPilbrow: well, that was laugh number two...
To be clear, was the teen jailed specifically because it was Kim Kardashian?
Wow nice work
@JoePhilllips remember that trick for when the next eeeejit posts the Rebecca Black video/pictures
Apparently the bewb-missiles were in a Japanese version of Tranzor Z. It was cut out of American versions.
But @Zypher does put up some damn fine pictures though, I'll give him that!
RB has pics? What could they possibly be of? School bus?
Often her leftie and her rightie
@Holocryptic I'd say it's closer to still trying to live like i was in college
@JoePhilllips you've done it now
I really don't get it. How is it that Japan can have such awesome cartoons, yet most of their erotica is censored? I really should have taken Japanese in high school.
at least @WesleyDavid isn't here
...RB has pictures?
...of...fried eggs?
Ah.....damn...here we go
best euphemism ever
@BartSilverstrim it's the two dancing on the car I affectionately refer to as the crackheads :P
I love the Internets. "The robot was created by Dr. Yumi (Dr. Kabuto's apprentice) and since it was originally built for peaceful uses at first it didn't feature any weapons; eventually it acquires the ability to fire missiles from its chest, this was called the Oppai Missile System (Oppai is a Japanese slang term for breasts). Aphrodite was the first female mecha to have this kind of weapon."
@BenPilbrow: did you see the video from the "girl in pink"?
@BartSilverstrim I'm not sure I did. I may regret this... but go on, what's the link
Um...no, Zypher. Bad zypher.
Michele Myers?
It looks like Jason's abused ex-girlfriend or something.
"In one of the most memorable chapters, her infamous breast missiles win Mazinger a battle, when Mazinger (not yet able to fly, as its Jet Scrander upgrade had not yet been built) was unable to destroy the aerial monster Gelbros J3."
"Sayaka was infuriated when she discovered her robot had, without her consent, been equipped with supersized breast missiles that totally ruined the elegant lines of Aphrodite. Kouji used these modified missiles to give Mazinger Z enough thrust to fly, and forced the enemy to land. (See External Links for footage). In one of Nagai's later works, Kotetsu Jeeg, a similar technique was reused and was actually the titular robot's sole means of flight."
Hang on @BenP
You guys are such a bad influence
For @BenPilbrow
Sometimes I'm glad I have a webfilter and no working speakers. It allows me avoid random Youtube links from @BartSilverstrim
That one wasn't random! He asked.
Actually it wasn't a bad video. For someone that age, I thought she handled all of that rather well.
What's the video summary? I have YT blocked
As long as I'm not Rebrolled, we're good.
She's Benni Cinkle. She's answering questions about the video from people.
Who are the people in it, who is she, etc...she then (if you look at her other videos posted) does a charity flash mob in a mall dancing to Friday and does a contest for a music video.
haha. Oh, that "girl in pink"
Yes, young, does the stupid "um" and "like" thing with speech, but overall considering the vitriol aimed at RB and her video I thought she handled herself really well for her age.
@BartSilverstrim ha lol. She didn't reveal whether she was a) bulimic or b) on crack, but meh :P
No, she didn't mention that. But at that age, I think stupidity is a drug itself.
Even at 22 I still get a bit drunk on stupidity
But you have to admire that she talks about how people have altered clips of her from the video and she likes the squeezebox image. Most girls that age would have crawled under a rock. They made fun of her, and she laughed with them.
@BartSilverstrim You're...trying....to....get....me...to....empathize...with...Rebecca...Black...­..Must resist!!
Yeah definitely. It's always a good quality when someone can laugh at themself
I think it was actually quite smart of RB and Cinkle here. Before it was fun to laugh at them for the stupid video. Okay, the video lyrics do suck still, but they didn't hide it and instead weathered the insults and while the video is still funny to me, I don't think they personally deserve ridicule. The video was dumb, but they handled it well (and kind of humanized themselves instead of being anonymous, so it's harder to not see them as people.)
You even have 13 year old Benni doing a charity flash mob. Not a lot of kids would do that. Most kids seem to be like the nice delinquents we have who just finished ruining a MacBook keyboard by spelling "DICK" on the home row.
@BartSilverstrim I love when they pull crap like that.
The students loved it when I said the teacher needs to lock the notebooks down for accountability.
They no longer left her room and have to be tracked as to who has them when. I think she assigned them to certain students now too.
awww, yeah. Layin down the law!
I guess the kids spent the rest of the day bitching about it.
Hells yeah!
@BartSilverstrim I assume you're in the USA?
She got really strict with it...sent out emails to other teachers in her area/department saying the teachers can sign them out of the room, but they're responsible for them. Students, no.
I'm doing a NDS to AD migration for a school district in Wisconsin
@fahadsadah: yes.
It blows me away with their overuse and insistence on technology
...NDS is still in use?
and I also know why they can't afford to pay their teachers
They keep trying to jump the gun.
@BartSilverstrim Does your city/county/state/whatever impose any requirements on what hardware/software you can buy?
And they don't see what needs to actually be used in the proper way.
@fahadsadah: what do you mean?
Ok, the first hit for NDS is Nintendo DS. What is it?
We have like anything else that's bought guidelines on how certain items are purchased. But not really.
NDS I assume is netware directory services.
In the UK, for example, a government body (I'd guess at bribery going on here) insists that all schools use a certain MIS for registering students
Used to be THE name in enterprise system management. Much of AD had its design guided by NDS.
and a certain two vendors for computers and laptops
And a certain rebranded AD solution for the network overall
I just found an article from 01 Apr 1993 on it. Yikes.
Ah. No, we're not required to just use Dell or HP or anything like that.
Yes indeed, I'm talking about Novell.
The NDS client for Windows was an effing nightmare.
The overkill of hardware we're putting in for a "school district" blows me away
Seemed like every @#% network issue we had was solved by removing or updating the client.
The UK rebranded AD stuff (RM EasyLink) is terrible
NDS for windows still is an effing nightmare!
Bad things: a) it makes it possible for dummies to do systems administration
two EX8208 Juniper switches, 60TB of Dell storage, an M1000e with 11 blades
Ah, we have no problem with overkill of hardware. We have labs that use 6 year old hardware. Some older.
b) Group Policy is the main thing providing "security"
@fahadsadah: You're talking AD?
@BartSilverstrim We have some of our desktops catching on fire they're so old and overused. Good stuff.
I'd replace providing with implementing :)
Images, deployed to servers and clients
Based on Windows + AD + GP
Dude...if you think AD allows dummies to do admin work...you must really think AD simplifies things.
The MMC snapin it comes with allows dummies to do admin work
compared to the issues with NDS - AD is the "easy" way
well the definition of "admin work" is probably the clerical tasks then
Fixing stuff is pretty much "Call RM"
Um...okay, you can train a monkey to do specific things with AD snapins, but...no, it's not simple overall.
The vendor
I've inherited a bunch of seriously FUBAR AD environments :)
They rape the government for a lot of money developing software for schools
Then, on top of that, charge the schools for the software
The best is when someone has attempted to manually extend the schema with no basic knowledge... cuz that always ends well.
Yes, AD is very easy to fubar...and worse, it'll look like it's working, right up until everything explodes.
Raping the taxpayer twice
@SpacemanSpiff Effing sweet!
If the answer is call the vendor why would you consider it allowing dummies to manage it? I'm confused. Also why is the school paying for MS software (they should be paying very little)
I once got a bad LDIF file from Apple which totally borked a ton of classes and attributes
You look at the logs and wonder, "What the...?" That's never a good sign.
Had to back that bastard out manually .... grrr
They pay for RM's crap on top
When something unusual happens, they call RM

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