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I've just had to approve a bloody advert, ffs, what has my life come to :(
@Chopper3 you deal with lots of VMware stuff.. and also lots of HP stuff.
Are most (or all) HP DL range proliants certified for VMware usage?
approving an advert? oh my!
we very rarely use DL's to be honest, >98% of our kit is BL460c's and BL680c's - the only reason we use DLs is for things like HSMs - that said I'm almost 100% sure all DL 3/5/9xx's are ESX/ESXi certified, I have HP people within 10 foot of me for checking this sort of thing if you have a specific question
good spam find early Robert
I hate how the SE sites round-up your rep to the nearest 100, makes me feel like a fraud half of the time
@Chopper3 basically was wondering about ESXi performance on DL1xx series
notice I left out the 1xx's :) I don't know them AT ALL - that said I'm sure they'll be fine, no fan of the Bxxx-range of disk controllers, stick to a Pxx series :)
just checked, apparently the only DL that doesn't expressly state ESX/ESXi full support is the DL120 G6, not that it doesn't work, they've just not put it through the certification, the G7 is good though
i'll just use that as enough leverage to get a 380
I'm spec'ing an off-site backup server for hyper-v vms. If I install Server '08 enterprise for 4 guest Hyper-V VM's, is one processor enough?
@PaulMcCowat I don't think anyone here atm is a hyper-v specialist, you're better off asking a question on the main SF site
thanks @Iain, will do.
Every time i see vms mentioned like that, i think OpenVMS
Should have been VM's
@TomOConnor ditto - I remember it well
bit.ly/ih35SA Looks like this is the HP / Vmware hardware guide
@TomOConnor I find the basic search easier if you have a model number
I don't. I'm more trying to figure out what to buy, before I buy it.
w00t! scored a stand-up desk for the office.
now i can work on eliminating my slouch :)
I have one of thsoe
but sadly my hdmi leads are too short for me to use it
Hmmm, yeah, I might have to do some re-arranging.
@TomOConnor sorry, was away, yes, get a 380, best selling server in the world - does everything very well - I'll check your kit-list if you like
@PaulMcCowat It depends on the processor of course, C2D - no, E7-8k - yes :)
@Chopper3, we have currently have 2 x E5520's with 4 VM's seeing one processor, I'd like to have this setup but with one processor on the backup server
@PaulMcCowat well in that case something like a single E5645 should do fine, or an L5640 or a W3670 - all would be fine
this is going to make me look stupid but is the a SE site that would be good for asking an odd excel question?
Doesn't SU cover Office related questions?
Dunno, I'll ask, thanks
@Chopper3 what's your Excel question? Also, Dell are offering i3-550. L3406/26 X3430, 3440, 3450, 3470, 3480 for the rack server I was looking at and for the tower - E5503/6/7 E5620/30/40 X5650/60 X5660. I wanted to get the cheapest I could get away with.
SU had my solution - good lads!
@PaulMcCowat Perhaps buy the cheapest machine that you can upgrade to a 6-core :)
I'm running a special tomorrow - 10 answers for the price of one. (Sadly, all the answers will be "Install OS/2 and Lotus notes" regardless of the question, but still...)
I'm running a special today. Rant about posters and tell them not to do what they're asking for :-)
say thats a pretty good offer
You remember that SIS dude from yesterday? I've just posted a sizey wall of text basically telling him to not be so stupid. I tossed up several times whether to post it or not, but I really felt it needed to be said.
fair enough
agree with all you said there
and as we suspected yesterday, it is disk space issues. sigh just say that for crying out loud!
its the usual passive aggressive response of trying to build a case for someone's crazy solution by only describing half the problem
Anway, I'm a bit calmer now I've got that off my chest :P Time for some lunch methings
just left a comment on your reply
have a nice lunch
@BenPilbrow, which question was it?
A: Please recommend a good mail server that compacts storage by use of hashing or other means?

Ben PilbrowI originally held off answering this question, but I feel I have to share my opinion, even though it may not be the most popular. For a start though, it irks me a little that you have come to Server Fault after an "answer" and subsequently reveal you are not an admin and presumably can't even mak...

wow - it's been a while since I got downvoted twice :) I genuinely don't see the point of why people would downvote anyone over 10k rep, it doesn't matter in any way
the one thing thats always been a problem with support things like this is that people often vote for what they want to hear, not the truth
great, so one of them's gone off and downvoted an entirely unrelated answer - ah well
people just take things too personally... or was it a snarky reply?
We need a variation on the penny arcade t-shirt: "I wish I could downvote you to death!"
actually the opposite Robert; serverfault.com/questions/262130/…
Hi @Chopper3. How's it going on your side of the planet?
I gave you an upboat
cheers dude
nothing wrong with that. I've had far more sarcastic stuff voted as an accepted answer
fine thanks Bart, had to spend half the day explaining to our offshore test team why snapshots slow VMs down and why when you have fricking dozens of them they'll take quite a long time to unwind - so a bit dull to be honest - long weekend coming up though so I don't care that much
They actually listened to the technical explanation?
That question...sounds like others already said that Amazon is having some issue, it's an I/O problem, so that's why the load is high but the CPU usage didn't look bad to me. shrug
Unless it's killing his performance with the actual site I'd just wait and see what's happening.
See if it goes away.
One of the bonuses to Yay! Cloud!
hooray for long weekends
Plus they added that actual detail after my laconic answer
its pretty quiet here, we had a lot to do but got it all done so now its alllllllllll good
I want to add a bounty to my question but I can't find any button or anything... am I blind?
@DanBig Liked your but-a-new-psu answer btw :)
I've got two primary tasks to complete then enjoy the silence...unless something blows up.
Hmm...someone's in a kindergarten room.
what question?
Must be the teacher turning the eggs in the incubator.
the w7 one?
@Joseph it does have to be a few days old, that's about the only restriction
@Chopper3, i would think the new PSU would be the first option. Unless that box is just a dinosaur file server, and the OS wasn't anything like Exchange
@Chopper3: It might be me, but isn't that VM guy describing a load avg of 6, rather than 6% utilisation?
That's what it looked like to me.
It's not CPU it's system load.
@BenPilbrow Ah, that would be it. Thanks!
Which is normally I/O. I don't know why one comment would say zombie processes could do it.
@Joseph actually that's going to get closed before you get to add a bounty - it's very SU focussed
@BartSilverstrim: True. It's only R/D processes that count toward load.
@Chopper3 Imaging and Group Policy is more SU focussed?
ah, thought you meant the w7 driver q
that was an answer, not a q - doh, I'm slow today
oh it was that question, I just didn't read it properly - wow, am I on easter vacation already or what
@Joseph: Is it a PCI card?
@SmallClanger it's a Logitech bt dongle
Ah. I was thinking you might be able to add the hardware ID to the relevant INF file. It's a bit of a hacky solution, though.
I've been investigating that route but it's been confusing what needs to be changed in the inf file so far
I've done something similar with laptop video card drivers, but used the PCI vendor/device IDs. Not sure how you'd do it with USB.
it has vendor/device IDs
it's just weird trying to get a built-in driver to install in Windows
oh, well... I'll wait and see what kind of answers I get while I continue to tinker. Thanks for the advice.
anyone else immerse in Vmware vCloud hell? :D
what bit
ah.. mostly just keeping the networking straight
confusing, so many vlans :O
I'd suggest using host profiles rather than distributed switches, at least until they're rock-solid anyway
plus try to keep the number of vswitches down and use fewer faster trunk uplinks
SO tempted to answer this question; serverfault.com/questions/261753/setting-up-zookeeper with a link to this; pc.kiteretsu.jp/games/zka/zka.htm
oooo, Amazon went down? Good thing we have DR in the cloud... Oh, wait...
@Chopper3 that's funny
What happened to AWS, anyway? I'm not seeing anything on their status page
@SmallClanger someone did an rm -r /
I'm still not sure what I think of "Cloud" services.
troubleshooting iSCSI replication over VPN tunnels this morning... blah!
I was just about to make a smart comment involving the 'arr emm minus arr' command and when I pressed enter I went to a command shell - is that a little SE easter egg?
@SpacemanSpiff joy
@Chopper3 You don't know about the easter eggs?
I'm wondering if the the tunnel needs to be tweaked for MTU here
seeing timeouts, but only at the iSCSI protocol, no dropped packets or anything
Ha, thats pretty cool
Are there other easter eggs?
yeah, bit scary when you're not expecting it
rm -r and del /s C: (or something like that)
For SF styled rooms. Each style of room has a different easter egg.
yeah, if you randomly mash your openID password you can log in with a password of 'Mr Snuggles'
lt pipes everything you type
to here
@Chopper3 How did you get my password?!?
Pretty cool
nope, doesn't do anything with my password
rm -r
rm -rf
I've never had the easter eggs do anything
rm * -rf
del /s c:
so if we go to the gaming chat room and type up up down down left right left right a b b a we'll get mod status or something?
No, you can just get killed 98 times and still be OK.
@Holocryptic: Try: 'xyzzy'
@SmallClanger for the gaming room?
try asking for delicious cake. I'm sure they haven't heard that before.
Only a guess. Not likely to work. :)
then rebecca black roll them
A Rebroll?
@Holocryptic That makes me hungry. Mm...a home made buttermilk Rebroll.
@BenPilbrow In some parts that there's called Mountain Oysters
How do you even let that happen?!
@BenPilbrow I read "She was granted bail." as "She was granted ball." I think I need to go home.
"I'm just gonna have a little nibble...." "AAAAAHHHHHHHHH too much, too much!!!"
I don't really want to think about it too much. Makes me cringe
@MarkM I don't know if she was granted ball, but it certainly seems like she took it anyway :P
Anybody else look at the latest XKCD and immediately notice that there are several shapes that aren't from the game?
@ChrisS If you're talking about some of the cruft at the bottom, that could be from earlier line outs where the stack dropped
:: shakes fist :: damn you equallogic firmware bugs!!!
i knew there was a reason i let other people upgrade their equallogic boxes first
@voretaq7 I despair for your state stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/…
oh, i stay a revision behind usually, but damn...
@SpacemanSpiff @RobertMoir You know, that's kind of funny. I hear that a lot which gets me thinking, who are the poor saps that run it day 1?
@Holocryptic I'll see your pointless law and up you a privacy violation: thenewspaper.com/news/34/3458.asp
not me! I learnt a long time ago not to be too quick to upgrade firmware on anything
Ah, I'm just getting frustrated, I can ping end to end at 10ms, but get iSCSI timeouts, I don't get it.
@RobertMoir Yeah but I love when support refuses to do anything if you're not on the latest, even though the only fix in the log between your version and that one is "we changed the font on the interface".
rm -rf
@Holocryptic We've done worse.
yeah that's not so helpful
The Rockefeller Drug Laws is the term used to denote the statutes dealing with the sale and possession of "narcotic" drugs in the New York State Penal Law. The laws are named after Nelson Rockefeller, who was the state's governor at the time the laws were adopted. Rockefeller, a staunch supporter of the bill containing the laws, signed it on May 8, 1973. Under the Rockefeller drug laws, the penalty for selling two ounces (approximately 56 grams) or more of heroin, morphine, "raw or prepared opium," cocaine, or cannabis or possessing four ounces (approximately 113 grams) or more of the same...
rm -rf
su -
@SpacemanSpiff Smaller fonts take up less bandwidth dontchya know
ok, i'll join in what are ya'll doing
rm -rf
rm -rf
sudo make me a sammich
@ChrisS I feel like I need to keep a high powered magnet with me wherever I go
@voretaq7 I have that t-shirt :)
@SpacemanSpiff I have it taped to our development rack
Any my startup looked at me suspiciously when I told them it isn't always good to put your stuff "in the cloud"
I'm scared shitless of infrastructure that I rely on that isn't in my immediate control. Which is why I don't have any infrastructure like that.
Yeah.... we're getting ready to cloudify ourselves
and I keep insisting that some services be outside.
@SpacemanSpiff Buy diapers.
Mark: Do you think it is because we're super-smart, or just control freaks?
@DaveDrager I'd like to think that it's the first one, but realistically, it's probably 99% the second one.
Also, we are deploying our own cloud, so... best of both worlds.
The want us to be the our first customer, eat or own dog food. My attitude is fuck that, setup a lab!
I don't have a problem with clouds in general (except for the term cloud), I have a problem with business critical systems not being under my immediate control from start to finish. Though, I'm in a different boat than the people at Reddit, etc.
I'm pumped because they are running fiber to next door so I should soon have a 10G connection, shared by just a few employees until we get our datacenter turned up.
...lucky bastard. I thought I had it good when I found out I'd be on a 500Mb pipe with 2-3 other people for a week before the big cutover to our new provider.
But sad because they don't really make 10G network cards for desktops.
@DaveDrager Both ... really althugh we are really good BECAUSE we are control freaks IMNSHO
Mark, I'm hoping to break the speedtest.net top wave... we'll see how it goes.
Well I kind of had a discussion with the people here, they want to control their own email & calendar servers, when I mentioned why not just use Google apps because it is simpler it was like I asked if the Pope was Catholic!
@Holocryptic Yep. That's better than mine, though it's still just a request.
@Holocryptic I followed that story from the beginning, its awesome that it happened to a redditor!
Honestly I'm not sure what the hullabaloo is about a tracking file on the iPhone, the government can already request that same information from your cell phone provider.
I had my first exposure to 10Gb ethernet this past week, was quite happy with it
@DaveDrager True, but there's a difference between getting it from you off the street with no probable cause, and getting a warrant where you have to prove probable cause
And to make it feel even faster, we've been muddling along with Clear for the past month or so, getting < 1mbit
Who's getting it off the street from me? The only thing I would be worried about is that if I install some rogue program that downloads and shares that file.
@Holocryptic If the SCOTUS was to approve that, there's no reason the government couldn't require that all vehicles have a GPS tracker on them if you use public roads... Would that be a data mine for the "police".
@DaveDrager ah, see Chris' earlier linked article
@ChrisS They're already inching towards that, from what I've heard (the government, not SCOTUS)
Or am I thinking of the backup cameras? Shit, I can't keep track of all the stuff the .gov is mandating these days
It's too much... We aren't any safer than we were, yet we've given up a thousand civil liberties already. It really makes me mad that people are so stupid as to go along with these things; especially the "nothing bad has happened since we did xyz, so it must be the solution" (like the TSA for one glaring example).
@ChrisS You are so speaking my language right now
I read a tweet the other day, something about how we are spending trillions on defense and homeland sec, yet they are cutting the budget to NOAA when more people died in the crazy storms last week than terrorists since 9/11
I think we can all agree that the priorities of the US Government are a bit backwards.
Backwards doesn't even come close to describing it. More like self mutilation.
Yeah, I generally don't like to talk about any other potential money-sucking issues until we end the wars and international involvements, they're the largest drain there is
@DanBig More people are murdered in Detroit (that just one city) than all the people killed by Terrorist (as defined by the US gov, including our soldiers and civilian of any country) each year. (This is according to a report I read, and am looking for the link).
Also, what about when they chopped the police force in Camden by 2/3, if that doesn't make you scratch your head, I dont know what will.
@DanBig clearly the highest income earners in that area are not paying their fair share, and higher taxes should be levied.
Oh JunOS... let us see if I can jump 4 releases without destroying a bootloader...
@Holocryptic I don't think it is that bad... the U.S. Government, who is made up of U.S. Citizens, generally are trying to do the right thing. They are just being mislead from various areas and IMHO are incorrect in their priorities.
@DanBig Don't worry, the Hells Angels have arrived in Camden to keep order ;)
@DaveDrager I'll give you it's not as bad as it could be, but I think a lot (read: most) of the law makers up there are not in touch with reality. They're focused on their pet projects in order to retain power, not help actually get the country through the fiscal crisis.
If they would just stop touching everything, then maybe things could settle down
It's not a bull in a china shop. It's a gaggle of retarded monkeys in a china shop.
@DaveDrager While the bulk of the government is made up of average citizens; the leaders are not, they are primarily charismatic individuals who are used to getting what they want, and will inevitably demand more; see pretty girl syndrome.
Although that Kristi Noem is pretty damn good looking
The problem is that they are elected vy popular vote and you just can't please everyone. Therefore the spend time fighting fires instead of longer strategic goals.
I like pretty girls
@Holocryptic But then you have people complaining about gas prices and they need to DO SOMETHING, DO ANYTHING TO HELP GAS PRICES
Either way they lose, and we lose in turn.
Everyone wants the government to be hands off until it is something that effects them personally.
@DaveDrager True to some degree. Except they're the reason gas prices are going up. Inflation and stupid energy policies at home
When we can send billion of dollars to Brazil to develop their oil drilling so we can buy from them, while not developing our own resources, that just screams stupid to me.
I think a large part of the problem is that the government has gotten into the business of insuring the wellbeing of some people's lives; and if you're going to do it for some, the rest are going to want their share too. If the government stopped giving handouts then nobody would expect one.
And I'm still on the fence as to whether it really is stupid, or nefarious. Or just nefariously stupid.

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