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I found someone reading it on Youtube, yay!
huh, I never thought of finding someone doing a book reading there
I was googling “audiobook”…
yeah I just didn't think youtube did that
but go figure, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at anything youtube actually does do
4 hours later…
well of course that is on there
as if that was going to surprise me
5 hours later…
So I just had someone make a 10 foot tall character with "tree-like features" on me. It's all doable with the Exalted books, but I'm torn between saying no because it's stupid, and letting them do it because they're going to start in Nexus (which everyone involved knew before I asked them to make characters).
@Fibericon I thought Exalted was ridiculous anyway, how is a tree making that worse?
May 31 at 13:51, by BESW
> High Concept: I am Groot.
Trouble: I am Groot.
Motive: I am Groot.
Relationship: I am Groot.
Personal: I am Groot.
+3 Groot
+2 Groot, Groot
+1 Groot, Groot
+0 Groot
Because I am Groot, I get +2 when making physical attacks with my body.
Because I am Groot, I can interact with objects up to one zone away.
Because I am Groot, once per session between scenes I can reduce the severity of a physical consequence I suffer by two shifts.
@Anaphory It is quite silly. The only real problem I can see with it is that they'll be starting as mortals in a very populated area. Any other problems are just me not taking the character seriously, which I can pretty easily push aside.
@BESW That's beautiful.
@Fibericon Context is about how Fate's mechanics are based on shared understanding.
I got to experience a fate game where the dice hated us, and it was amazing. My character got arrested twice, bolted a metal plate to his own arm in a (failed) attempt to convince people he was a robot, hacked HTC HQ and fired everyone, started a fire in said HQ, and somehow still managed to accomplish the mission.
@Fibericon Okay, “It's far less serious than the campaign is intended to be” is a criterium, did you tell them that?
Yeeeah; rather than think about this just in terms of whether you can take the character seriously, consider whether the player's character choice is a signal that they don't want to be taken so seriously.
It might be a symptom of an underlying disconnect between what you're expecting the game to be like, and what game they're expecting to play.
I'm more concerned that the PC will face a lot more problems than the player is prepared to deal with. If I were to realistically portray NPCs, he would get targeted by guards a lot, and generally shunned. I'd hate for the player to think he's being punished because I don't like his character.
Tell him exactly that.
@BESW That's actually a pretty common answer around here, isn't it?
I mean, it's a good one, that I should have thought of.
It just seems to come up a lot more often than I'd expect.
Are you familiar with rubber duck debugging?
Yep. I do fake streaming, which is about the same thing. I pretend I'm explaining to an audience what I'm doing.
Well, that's one of the services RPG.SE and this chat provide, in a sideways sort of way.
By talking to us about it, you're forced to articulate ideas and feelings you weren't putting into words and sentences in your own brain.
That changes the way you're thinking about the issue, and often leads to self-diagnosis. Then somebody says "Hey, you figured it out!"
Pretty good explanation of it, actually.
@Fibericon There are two reasons why talking to your players is such a great advice: first, it makes the one doing the talking articulate him/herself clearly and openly, stimulating trust, cohesion and understanding. The second reason is that talking requires listening, and listening is such an under-appreciated thing.
Heh, okay. I may not have planned the game people want. That's what I understood from that brief conversation I just had with the player in question. Time to find out if other people feel the same way.
Glad you ran into this early on!
it is nice to take care of this stuff early on
I may be a little too enamored with having the party meet in a bar. It's my go-to first session.
Alternate go-to first session: The party meets running from a bar. It's burning down / there's orcs / both.
@doppelgreener Nah, they're running from the bar. It's a walking building.
@BESW A giant mimic?
I'm thinking more along the lines of "Old Man McGucket's Robot Bar."
@BESW hehehehee
@BESW yeah that is what you made me think of as well XD
I may be seeing Gravity Falls in everything for the time being though, so there is that XD
7 hours later…
Q: Why ask if we're sure about deleting a question with answers, if it's not possible anyway?

Adriano Varoli PiazzaTrying to delete question How can I turn the Kobold Hall delve into a full-fledged Adventure?, the confirmation text is: Delete this answered question? We do not recommend deleting questions with answers because doing so deprives future readers of this knowledge. Then, if I confirm, I get...

@BESW When was that? Can you point me to it?
(With some chargen preamble)
Oh... no, that's "just" chargen
@Anaphory Here it is
Man only two more hours to goooo :D
@Aether I'll have to read it once I've finished listening to the book.
2 hours later…
@Anaphory Scroll to the bottom of this tab and look for conversations that start "EF."
1 hour later…
Nice, thank you!
2 hours later…
Ahem. I am vastly impressed by the civility of this stack. The tight moderation and the behaviors that emerge from it just make the entire experience pleasurable and a breath of maturity on the Internet. Thank you to the moderators and regular posters who work to keep it that way.
@keithcurtis I can't presume to speak for anyone else, but thanks for appreciating it! Especially given the number of people who react the opposite way.

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