Hang on, why would autoflagging come into this? Are you saying that anyone with a metasmoke account can come here, mark something as a tp for smokey and that will cause an autoflag to be cast?
So I've come to the conclusion that there's no real point in stacking Bottle on top of Tornado when I already have Tornado experience and I need websockets which means a cludgy fallback handler + WSGI
@Undo I am looking at the worst autoflag stats. They're still pretty good mostly, but in order to draw robust conclusions, I would also need the total number of posts processed. Is there an easy way to get those?
The PPV is useful, but what's really needed is specificity and for that we need the number of true negatives (so posts that weren't spam and weren't autoflagged).
Or, at least, the number of posts to have an idea of the sample size and get some proper stats into it.