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@Christopher No; the 'why' command outputs data; '-' disables output; those two ideas conflict.
@LynnCrumbling XD
!!/addblu 9458783
@Christopher Invalid format. Valid format: !!/addblu profileurl or !!/addblu userid sitename.
@Christopher please don't play around with that
@Christopher User blacklisted (9458783 on stackoverflow.com).
@Mithrandir not playing
@CalvT븃 User removed from blacklist (9458783 on stackoverflow.com).
That user doesn't even exist.
@CalvT븃 only 2 posts both spam
@Mithrandir wait what
i think mods nuked the account
only 2 answers were both spam
So it was blacklisted anyway - no need to add them
The "u" in "tpu(-)" means "blacklist user".
well ill be derned
Essentially, manually blacklisting users is for eg 10kers who come across users who posted spam but Smokey didn't pick it up.
So we're well over 100 new users from this meta post... around 130, by my count
That should be clear in the training posts. If it's not, then that needs a rewrite (the whole u in tpu thing)
@ArtOfCode that's kinda crazy
@ArtOfCode don't count me in that
network-wide features do that for you
I have known about you people for a while but never had time to get hoocked in
it's around 130 with you in it or not :P
the beauty of inaccuracy
@ArtOfCode we have the same rep also give or take
I guess I've got some more training docs to write
Feynmann numbers: a + b = max(a, b)
@CalvT븃 It's.. buried underneath a few links I guess...
> . At a system level, we’d want to catch and block people doing this, but it’s not worth blacklisting the user because it’s usually a one-time incident.
And that's on the tp command, there's nothing there specific on the u
@Tinkeringbell Yeah just looking myself - @ArtOfCode can help if you want
No idea why I put all that in one message
@Christopher If you want to test commands you can also clone it and run it locally, without GitHub or metasmoke integration.
Actually what it needs is a better explanation of k
> If the reported post is spam or abusive, it’s a true positive. Reply to the report message with k.
@CalvT븃 Agreed..
Also, I nitpicked this when doing it:
@Mithrandir i had my fun
- 'What's Charcoal' page:
Explanation on false positives vs. false negatives: They are already mentioned on page 1, but it only really gets explained on the autoflagging page.
As in, on the 'What's Charcoal' page, it isn't really clear that 'zero false negatives' is related to 'Ideally, we'd never like to miss a spam post'. They might as well be
seen as 2 different statements, while in fact the second is in fact a follow-up on the first. I had to read it thrice ;)

- Feedback page:
Spam is mentioned explicitly as true positive. Does this mean the rest is false positive by default?
Need to add "K (and it's alias tpu) mark the post as a true positive and also blacklist the user"
@Mithrandir or if you're me, spin up fifty Smokey instances to test things with xD
but I digress :)
...although "k" is actually the alias, whatever
Technicalities :P
@ThomasWard I successfully managed to run an instance (without GH or MS) the other day. I was proud of myself for doing that without being a developer at all :p
but I just spin up instances to test the optimization attempts I've been doing in private branches, in a secret room :p
Apparently it's not secret :P
@JohnDvorak well, Mith probably trained NSA dudes
@M.A.R. only the ones that came from Gondor.
@ArtOfCode we should probably include a filtered version of the list of comands in the training list
As in just the important ones
@CalvT븃 double slash again
@Mithrandir That was directly copied from browser...
Yeah, the same thing happened with //ms
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, phone number detected in title: 18007413145 sage 300 phone number and support number by cxfdgj on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector k
twirls the mod hammer around before he puts it back on the wall
Dead post is dead. >:D
@CalvT븃 prolly definitely
@ThomasWard you can reincarnate, then delete it to feel better
or I can just firebomb the spammer from orbit. Much more destructive fun that way.
@terdon I hear there's to be a pedantry contest?
@Randal'Thor Naw, apparently it involves pouring ice cold water over your head. You win.
Oh good.
@terdon what if the test was the real pedant would immediately refrain from and question the challenge?
Wait, what's pedantic about being freezing cold?
@Randal'Thor what's pedantic about it is the fact that you're not freezing cold. You're just cold.
The ice is freezing cold, but you're not
He said ice cold.
Ice is frozen.
Oh, ninja'd.
Player3 (CardOfOat) has joined the game
y'know I could be an ass and make a note that it depends on what substance we're discussing, because I bet some have freezing points that're much warmer than 32 degrees fahrenheit (the freezing point of water)
but I am not usually that specific :p
New metasmoke user 'grawity' created
@M.A.R. Sure. As long as I'm not expected to pour not-quite-freeezing-but-too-damn-close-for-comfort-thank-you-very-much water over myself at the tail end of the British winter, I'm up for it.
@ThomasWard and some ice is not freezing cause it doesn't exist
@terdon Oh, you're in Britain now?
Enjoyed the snow last week? :-D
@Randal'Thor Yeah, moved to London a month ago.
@Randal'Thor Yes! That was great fun, actually :)
@M.A.R. But then that opens up the discussion about "What actually is 'existence'?" and we need philosophers for that one :p
@Randal'Thor Reminds me that it's Wednesday here again.
@ThomasWard being able to be drawn in a time-space diagram
It's been t-shirt weather here :D
It's been boring weather here
Dangit London, where's the justice?
@M.A.R. Opens up the discussion about "But we can't draw time-space on a time-space diagram directly, so does time-space actually exist?" (this is going to be a never-ending tree of questions until we get to "What/Who Am I?")
@ThomasWard Who are you?
@Loong Oh come on, the Sweden-Finland comparison is unfair. They go more or less equally far north.
@Randal'Thor This is accurate. And I live there.
@M.A.R. "Who am I? I don't know, because I don't even know if I exist, or what actually constitutes existence, for all I know you are a figment of my nonexisting imagination and therefore don't exist, but since I don't exist you also don't exist, which means nothing you're actually asking me matters, so why does your question matter, and ..."
Thomas is about to throw an exception
@terdon heh
@Randal'Thor More, uhm, refined than the first one I thought of. And easier to draw.
Although I can imagine how @ArtOfCode refers to his bugs. . .
@Randal'Thor Well, the locals here would now answer with a Meanwhile in Sweden! (The World in Flames 1939 - 1945) video.
But actually I was just driving from Stockholm to Malmö in the new snow.
@Loong Huh, that's strange. Haven't they heard of places like Kiruna?
Someone got a link to our current blacklisting guidance?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, offensive title detected: FUCK STACK OVERFLOW by j.doe on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by Jake Symons
@SmokeDetector k
So about Channels...
Is that still supposed to launch tomorrow?
@Mithrandir AFAIK yes
haven't heard anything since I posted that
so we'll have some fun with email addresses
prepares Blaze questions
New metasmoke user 'AlG' created
New metasmoke user 'Drise' created
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
This doesn't work as well as I imagined it to
form incoming
Sooo. If you want in to the Charcoal channel, I need an email address for you. Form here along with full explanation of why.
@ArtOfCode So it'll make a nobodynada@charcoal address, that redirects to my real one?
Thanks, submitted!
may or may not work for sending emails, may or may not be permanent beyond channels usage... depends how many Fun Games™ I have to play with emails tomorrow
@ArtOfCode you should already have mine
@ArtOfCode maybe you do need to explain it - I assume it's our current non-charcoal email, right? Not our preferred alias or whatever on @charcoal-se
just a 0 at gmail
@quartata It probably makes it easiest for Art if he can have all the emails in one place at one time
throw it in the form even if I've already got it, 'cuz I'm just going to use the responses to that as a source of people to add
@Undo yeah, that. That said, if you've already got an @charcoal-se address you're exempt from that form
already did
... too late :P
yeah, so I see
eh, no matter
@raddish0 as promised - you're probably interested in the posts table
I could probably use that as my commit address
the alias
eh always nice to have yet another email to append to the list
Only need to verify it with GH once, I suppose
7 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
may or may not work for sending emails, may or may not be permanent beyond channels usage... depends how many Fun Games™ I have to play with emails tomorrow
tl;dr: no guarantees of stability at all
@ArtOfCode oh I know. half of mine don't work anymore either. it's for symbolic purposes though.
@ArtOfCode I've got a fun game - it's called Silly Buggers™ ;-)
hmm I wonder where you got that idea from
Those responses aren't public, right?
sounds creative and original
@Mithrandir no
From a man called Billy Suggers.
@ArtOfCode good. Just making sure, 'cause I'm paranoid
does he also perform cunning stunts
@Mithrandir yeah, me too :)
Are we getting into shoving leopard territory here?
I think Spike might have to provide updates on how the whole email thing goes tomorrow
Sometime I should go a full day posting only three char messages here
A spoonerism is an error in speech in which corresponding consonants, vowels, or morphemes are switched (see metathesis) between two words in a phrase. These are named after the Oxford don and ordained minister William Archibald Spooner, who was famous for doing this. An example is saying "The Lord is a shoving leopard" instead of "The Lord is a loving shepherd." While spoonerisms are commonly heard as slips of the tongue, and getting one's words in a tangle, they can also be used intentionally as a play on words. == Etymology == It is named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930...
@ArtOfCode we should add that as a feed here
@Mithrandir ohh
@Undo "aye", "huh", "heh", "wat", "yup", "nah", "wow"
sounds like a complete vocabulary to me
@quartata would not object if someone quietly did that
Can you add instagram feeds to chat?
the power of narwhal compels you
When I'm home I'll do it
Oh... wait... Twitter. :P
@Catija dunno, but I'd be surprised if you couldn't add Twitter feeds :P
Yeah, I think the Lit room has them set up.
Twitter doesn't have a native RSS feed
But you can hack one together
Used to have one..
there's a service for it probably
Mithrandir has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Inaugural Spike post?
It'll take a bit, and then it'll post like 5 messages in a row
need someone to set the avatar and name
Oh, it posts the existing ones, not just the new ones?
@Catija waaay ahead of you
@ArtOfCode Does Spike only say "blub"?
Wait, why does Ask Ubuntu meta get its own special feed in here?
challenge to see how expressive I can be with one word and a reversible squishy
Isn't that covered by the network-wide meta feed?
keep trying...
@Randal'Thor you're looking for Ubuntu.se
@ArtOfCode I gave up :-P
[meta.ubuntu.se] --> Ask Ubuntu Meta
@Mithrandir Bah.
Immm baccckkk
I thought AU was one of those like SO, SU, SF that works with a two-letter magic link.
OK so i lost link to userxcripts
@Randal'Thor I just can never figure out the one for MO
@Mithrandir Me neither.
I just call it Maths Overflow.
Which probably bugs the Americans.
[mathoverflow.se] --> MathOverflow
At least with Mathematics you can call it Maths Tack Exchange.
Oh there we go
I just installed so many userscripts
@Mithrandir gah
markdown is .md
Whatever :P
I should also create a gist of my mod scripts at some point
Amusingly, not inclusive of the most recent one.
:43273208 hi Undo
Aw, the Undo one got deleted
why so many mods here???
@Undo you failed, this is two letters
just add a comma, we'll count punctuation
@Christopher Because it's Charcoal?
[Ignores the user]
@Christopher Where diamonds are made
@Catija so this is how i get my diamond
@Christopher yep
[results not typical]
Tbh i really want to be mod
want to help people out on SE
get the mod flags cleared
@Christopher just missed an election... :|
Actually, how many Charcoal members have become mods after joining Charcoal?
There's an SO one coming up... those are easy to win. ;)
@WELZ on PPCG i was ineligible :P
when you would like nothing better than to run very far away rather than be a moderator... you're most ready to be a moderator
@Catija with a question ban and <300 rep? seems legit
@Christopher why?
@Christopher ... you'll still be ineligible for a while...
@Catija yep
@Christopher You haven't tried to ask a question for a while on SO, then
@Christopher If that's for the reason I'm guessing it is, then it's not site-specific. Ineligible on one site, ineligible on them all.
@SquidgetheOctopus awh hell yeah
@Randal'Thor voting manipulation?
ok so it turns out that Tornado has a very nice Websocket API
Okay, I'm done. 3 letters is too hard.
@Christopher definitely
since I'm using Bottle + Tornado that'll work out nicely
Undo, Art, Andy, me, David, hichris, Mego, DJMcMayhem, Glorfindel, Henders, doppelgreener, Yvette, Cai, Doorknob
@Christopher Any suspension on any site makes you ineligible for a year anywhere on the network.
@Mithrandir before
@Undo last time I did I tried to do what Jon Skeet said SO meta should be for and sandbox on meta, got no help and a removed question and asked on main. -5 or something even with a Self Answer to my problem. I am done with SO for a very long time. Pisses me off
@Mithrandir Cai got his after being part of charcoal.
@Undo you failed :P
@Catija ik
@Mithrandir you forgot Doorknob
What about Seth?
@K.Dᴀᴠɪs no asking if that was the reason
@Mithrandir before
o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/ . o\ . o/
Yeah until june 9th ish I cannot run for mod
the SE I want to get a mod on is Weapons and we are stuck in Commit stage rn
That won't hit beta for a long time...
if it even does
I committed since I was in the military and know some about weapons
75% commit
... or maybe it was military that wont hit beta for a long time
now I cant remember
@Christoper calling someone a "dork" isn't very nice.
@Mithrandir random comment of the day
@K.Dᴀᴠɪs It wasn't random at all. I just removed a chat message here.
@Mithrandir it is a loving nickname for him from Codegolf
@Mithrandir ahh :)
Still better not to use nicknames that can be misinterpreted... especially in rooms where those nicknames aren't well known.
@Mithrandir ha, they keep calling him dork noob
He doesn't mind
Maybe just cries a little
M.A.R., Tabriz, Iran
404 3 7
area 51 with 404 rep ಠ_ಠ
Error: rep not found
@ArtOfCode Alternative: Register gmail.com as our domain.
@Mithrandir yes. I'm that cool
@Undo bahahaha
suspect that's probably fed off the team details' website field, which we do actually want to be our website not gmail
@ArtOfCode idk why but I keep wanting to call you FartOfCode. My brain is cringing rn
@Mithrandir I remember @Catija saying that to me on Arts & Crafts.
@Undo you can become Sergey Brin's dog
Trying to remember what the rep milestones were
Ik about 10k and 20k, was there a 5k rep milestone?
@Christopher ooookkaaayyy
and also trying to remember what network rep had to do with those
@Christopher 5k is review tag wiki edits.
@Christopher 10k = view deleted, 20k = trusted user, 404 = be a god
@Mithrandir it hurts my brain
@Christopher Check your privilege ;-)
Wait, what? PPCG still hasn't got the raised rep thresholds?!
@Randal'Thor it's so unfair
I have so much power with 2k rep
we don't have design for 2 years now so it is fair
in The Sphinx's Lair, Sep 17 '16 at 17:23, by Rand al'Thor
in Mos Eisley, Oct 4 '15 at 21:21, by Praxis
@randal'thor : 10k is when you get instant healing, x-ray vision, and the ability to see 15 seconds into the future. 20k, you get improved stamina, and 25k you get a Starbucks gift card.
@Randal'Thor must hit 25k for starbucks
<doesn't actually like starbucks>
@Christopher no it's unfair
Yay! 4,000 close vote reviews on Chem! \o/
I think I have reviews twice the rep on Chem
@SquidgetheOctopus I want teh stickerz
@SquidgetheOctopus that keyboard looks dirty
All keyboards look dirty
By my calculations, this one's seen a few million keystrokes
@ArtOfCode ಠ__ಠ
New metasmoke user 'SagarU' created
@ArtOfCode Squidge has his on SE account now too? This guy is going to be taking over before we know it...
@Henders that's just a feed account
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body: How is an asset verified? by lumenano on stellar.SE
fp- by ArtOfCode
@ArtOfCode Ah
[ charcoal-se.github.io ] continuous-integration/travis-ci/push success on 95ca981: The Travis CI build passed
^ training series finished
@Christopher it needs to be a direct reply, or with a sd f ormat
@SmokeDetector fp-
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR, what now? by Grace Hudson on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector tbu-
New metasmoke user 'Yoshi24517' created
really hope i did it right
@SmokeDetector k
@Christopher nuh-uh
sd - tpu-
I just nuked it
Hmmm.. It's almost time to leave work. Do I stay and get overtime? Do I leave? ... Decisions are real people
@SmokeDetector autoflagged
@Mithrandir That post was automatically flagged, using flags from: iBug, WELZ.
That feels like it should be way too low for autoflagging.

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