@iBug I've added the Reviewer role for you; core I think I would like to see if you get seconds for, I'm not at all opposed but you are still relatively new here
@iBug I mean you can create variations of a gmail address easily by padding it with insignificant dots but I have never seen that in a QQ address, do they have that too? if it works as a reasonably accurate unique identifier then it's useful signal
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, +3 more: weightloss-spot.com/titan-blast/ by Thionus1970 on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard @quartata @TetsuyaYamamoto)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: healthpurelives.com/primal-xl/ by starmax on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard @quartata @TetsuyaYamamoto)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username, blacklisted website in body, +2 more: Vexan Male Enhancement by Vexan Male Enhancement on graphicdesign.SE (@TetsuyaYamamoto)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: alphajackedhelp.com/alpha-xr/ by ywefdve on graphicdesign.SE (@TetsuyaYamamoto)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +2 more: What is muscle nit xt? by rucktril smith on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard @quartata @TetsuyaYamamoto)
@micsthepick The Chinese text said something like this: "20 ms can be used, but less is much better. In any cases there's more delay" - unrelated with Q context.
@Tech the first link explains who blacklisted it and why. If you can explain how we can be sure this site will no longer occur in spam, we will be more than happy to remove it, and thank you for your effort
@SurajRao good catch, yes, we probably want to change that to tp
@SmokeDetector ^ that's a good example, the bot sent an alert because healthpurelives.com is a domain we have seen in (lots of) spam before (though there are many other reasons too why that got flagged)
@tripleee I am not sure why Webline India is being pulled into and put up on a site like Github where Webline India have not requested metasmoke or smokedetector to crawl our website. It effects the reputation. Request you to kindly remove Webline India from your database.
and also delete all the Github links linking to Webline India
@Tech do you understand the context I have tried to provide in my previous comments? We do not need your permission to put the string weblineindia.com in our code, no more than Google needs your permission to index your site, or a visitor needs your permission to visit your site
but if you can show us that you have taken reasonable measures to prevent spammers from posting promotions to Stack Overflow and related sites, we can consider that evidence and perhaps decide to let you convince us
if you have an affiliate marketing program which encourages people to post links, changing the terms of that affiliate program to specifically discourage violating the policies of the sites they post those links to (with reasonably convincing repercussions for violations) that would be a very good way to try to convince us, but I am only speaking for myself at this point
so in short, the inconvenience to your reputation is not unproportional to the inconvenience of us as users of Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network if the spamming continues and the spam posts not removed (and in fact, I would argue quite the opposite)
it is entirely plausible that you have no idea why somebody is damaging us and you at the same time by spamming promotions which appear to ultimately be posted for your benefit, but then go after the spammers, not us other victims for taking defensive measures
@tripleee There are no such spam links on stackoverflow or any such sites. If I see all the links provided by you earlier then there are no spam links on those. Kindly relook into this.
I checked this - https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/87072 it is someone posting to defame us. If I see the stackoverflow the link available in your URL then there is no url linking back to Webline
it is entirely plausible that you have no idea why somebody is damaging us and you at the same time by spamming promotions which appear to ultimately be posted for your benefit, but then go after the spammers, not us other victims for taking defensive measures
the post was removed as spam from Stack Overflow, for obvous reasons
if we remove the blacklisting then we will have a harder time finding and removing similar spam in the future
and that is also the sole purpose of the code you found on Github
I encourage you to get in touch with Stack Overflow the company to get more information about the spammers' IP addresses and such if you are serious about making them stop, but I imagine it's ultimately not going to be worth the effort
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: Maxx Boost, Maxx Boost by user111702 on graphicdesign.SE (@TetsuyaYamamoto)
@Tech if you are still hoping to convince us, please go ahead and create an issue in our Github bug tracker
ideally I'd like to be able to get in touch with somebody who is actually responsible for enforcing your Acceptable Use Policy or similar but that is probably not suitable for including in a public bug report
but again, just to be explicit, at this point I see no way we could do what you are asking just because you are asking
it's like asking your neighbor to not lock their door because it reflects badly on the sale price for your house if prospective buyers get the impression that there is a crime problem
I reviewed this question just now, accepting a suggested edit. I noticed that the user had no reputation (just the 100 bonus), and yet, had a gold badge.
I thought, as I have seen many times, that this might be an example of some old yet inactive users who asked a single question which had so m...
@Tech No, what happened was someone was spamming for your company
And we're a volunteer project to fight spam on stackexchange - that means that we also keep records of deleted spam and manage blacklists and watchlists.
Blacklists are (planned to be) pruned if there are no (positive) hits after a year or so, so if there's no spam, you'll be eventually moved off the list.
[:42081300] <skipped> [:42081297] <skipped> [:42081296] <skipped> [:42081293] <skipped> [:42081290] <processed without return value> [:42081245] That message is not a report.
@Tech we seem to be going in circles here. The Metasmoke archive objectively contains posts which were reviewed and classified as spam in eight cases out of nine by human experts, and the ninth is looking like it will be re-reviewed and also confirmed as spam; and these nine records are archived posts with links to weblineindia.com -- this is literally evidence and not a matter of opinion
if you want to dispute the validity of this evidence, please do elaborate on which part of this is incorrect, unclear, or based on unsound principles
"we have no control over who posts links to our site" is also objectively true, and a reasonable defense, but also quite humorously defends our decision to put your domain name in our database
@Tech are you satisfied with this conclusion, or do you wish to pursue this further? I'm planning to create an issue in Github just for our records, and I can give you the URL as proof that you have done what you could to try to nudge us if you need something to show to your employer; but unless you can bring something new and substantial to the discussion, my proposal would be to end this dialogue here
@tripleee We have no control on the users who puts up our link in their comment. So what I can request is you take actions on those users who are doing this and not the link / website as the website / company holds more than 18 years of reputation. And looks like stackoverflow has already taken actions on those users and deleted the posts. So why are you guys dragging the company website everywhere.
You need to remove the URLs of our company and stop defaming our name instead take actions on the users who does this. If someday few users post spam messages with a link back to your website, will you defame your website everywhere ?
@Tech do you consider a spam post linking back to your site as defaming or smoke detector having a record to catch further spam links to your site as defaming?
@Magisch we are telling you because you have put up our identity. Those users who are defaming are one or the other way already been taken care by everyone including you guys which I really appreciate. But putting the domain under spam does not help.
@Tech It does. It's being used as spam, and so far only as spam, on stack exchange. That means we're interested in reviewing any new posts containing it that come up. Thats what our website blacklist does.
Do you mean to say whatever information mentioned in our website link is spam ? Or the people who are posting spam comments and using our link with that ?
That doesn't necessarily mean it's your company spamming those, but it does mean that we're interested in reviewing further posts containing your website. We have documented guidelines from when we apply this metric and why.
@Tech Right, and since statistically speaking past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior, we also keep known-spam websites in a blacklist.
As tripleee and I have explained to you, we're following our standard blacklisting process. If you want to get your company domain off our blacklist, take action against those who use it to spam. If nobody uses it for spam in a year or so, it'll be removed.
if you see then that same link would have been appreciated somewhere else. I would suggest to relook into this and take actions on the users who does this
We can see exactly as much as you can, the difference is we've built a few tools around remembering and detecting spam and we have some experience with doing it.
@Magisch That blacklisting process is your personal and for your personal website. keep whatever you want on your personal side and not pull up those things on other sites. So what I request is remove any references that you have linking to our identity from GITHUB.
if you mean legally, by all means go ahead and pursue this legally (but I have no idea which jurisdiction would be appropriate for this ... I guess you are in India?)
I can think of a workaround which I think would satisfy us both but if you keep being hostile, there might be more pressing things I could spend my time on
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, +5 more: musclestrainrelief.com/testo-ss-boost/ by Veat1948 on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard @quartata @TetsuyaYamamoto)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +2 more: Working of Testosup Xtreme by Testosup Xtreme on superuser.com (@TetsuyaYamamoto @iBug)
@tripleee Using custom search I can't find direct affiliation with the website, I also can't find patterns of this article being spammed elsewhere or other contributions of this user to the site. I'd be inclined to at least consider it NAA since it doesn't actually address the question itself, which is itself off topic (imo), but it does look an awful lot like keyword spam.
@Magisch yes I understand you are not employees of stackexchange and I am not asking you for that. What I have requested is to remove the posts that Smokedetector has created on GITHUB which is linking to our identity.
> Blacklisted website in answer, pattern-matching website in answer ---------- Body - Position 1-24: nutritionplanreview.com Body - Position 1-23: nutritionplanreview.co Body - Position 1-24: nutritionplanreview.com
Then I might have to put this up on GITHUB against your account. I have been trying to request you more than 5 times now and make you understand that our website has no connection to all this still you guys have put us on spot.
@Tech You haven't answered me. You say we "have" to remove the links. Why do you think we have to? We've tried to be helpful in explaining to you our processes until now, but you don't get to just make demands of us or github
You seem to be under the impression that you get to order us to do things, which isn't how this works
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Force Fit XL And fitness, then? by vcebgagyp on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard @quartata @TetsuyaYamamoto)
Looks like you are not understanding that. I have no problem if you guys maintain a personal database to detect users who does this. The problem that I have is that you have linked up our identity as SPAM on your GITHUB account and that effects our online reputation of 18+ years.
Are people really going to think that Google is now a spammer just because a volunteer group of people with a bunch of regexes decided to watch all links to sites.google.com?
Who's even looking through our database to see if a specific site is there, besides for those who use it for what it's intended for? Why do think that this is what will besmirch your reputation?
Not sure how you arrived at this conclusion but let me dispel the notion that we're obligated to care about your company's feelings about being blacklisted based on facts.
@paper1111 That pattern looks like it's already caught by Bad ns for domain in body, Pattern-matching website in body, Bad ns for domain in answer, and Pattern-matching website in answer; append -force if you really want to do that.
@Tech I can propose a compromise which I hope will be acceptable to you but I want to make sure we communicating properly, which still does not seem to be the case here. Can you please explain 1 how exactly having your domain name in a text file on Github is a problem, and 2 how exactly you dissuade your users or affiliates from spamming?
@Magisch your English is fluent enough that you make the sort of typo only Americans make (sep-a-rate is hard because the a is spoken as an unstressed neutral vowel)